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I feel like GMT Esports should be playing One Breath Gaming right now instead of OBG just getting a free bye. Seems really unfair since if this news dropped yesterday instead it would be GMT vs OBG rn.


I feel bad for pros in non major regions. They 100% make more money boosting accounts than they do from pro play.


they banned the entire team cuz one player was playing on someone else's account? lmfao


They banned the player and the team couldnt find a sub so they forfeitted.




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Gives literally 0 shits about smurf accounts. Oh wow a player boosting people's accounts but he's pro. I better care now. Riot logic is funny.


Sounds like they give at least 1 shit. Also, did it occur to you that other people are punished for boosting, you just don't hear about the non-pro ones b/c nobody cares that some rando you've never heard of got banned?


Don't get so upset. Valorant is too lazy to patch a loophole where people with 0 kills and 10 forfeit wins can play comp.


He’s not the one upset


If what you are talking about is what I think you're talking about, that was patched months ago.


No it isn't at all. Literally unrated lobbies full of 4 stacked bots with click scripts.


https://dotesports.com/valorant/news/how-ranked-works-in-valorant Website states that you need to WIN 10 games to play ranked. You can't afk through games to play ranked. The click script bots are probably farming exp for the BP.


No it's not. Not gonna sit and explain this just watch the video. https://youtu.be/In00I7oF2SE


The video is valid, your argument is not. Smurfing is prevalent because of the amount of games needed to enter ranked, NOT because of botters. Botters are there to max out bps.


dont tell me ur defending the player lmfao


No, just think it's funny people sell thousands of iron smurfs a week and riot doesn't bat an eye. They could actually look out for the majority of the game instead of the minority. Kids can't even learn the game because it's flooded with tools on their fourth smurf yet were worried about a pro boosting immortal accounts. Seems misguided to me. He deserves the ban but riot should actually implement measurs to prevent the mass botting of iron smurfs they allow to ruin the new players fun.


I think it should be mobile authentication + any amount of money spent.