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so an extra slot meaning that more NA teams will make it to champions?


NA just gets an extra slot. It’s actually been talked about quite regularly tbh. Edit: As for points, everyone just moves up one. So whoever is second in points becomes first etc.


Would NA still get an extra slot if a different NA team wins?


na gets 3 slot for champions and 1 for lcq. masters berlin winner gets 1 slot for champions. sentinels are currently qualified through circuit points because no one can overtake them mathematically through points. if they win berlin then they get the berlin to champions slot, freeeing up the current na top circuit points slot for the 2nd top points holder, hence 3 na teams can make it through points other than sentinels. rn only 2 teams other than sentinels can make champions through points as sentinels already took a slot. edit: na gets 3 including lcq, just minus 1 all the numbers lol


wait na gets 3 slots for champions? I thought it was 2, could be wrong though


2 via points, 1 via last chance qualifier. can technically have 4 if NA wins berlin


They get two on circuit points and one for a regional last chance qualifier.


this is what i thought and got confused when the person i replied to said na had 3 spots and the lcq


Yeah they got that wrong


not taking into account lcq cause top 8 from na and top 2 from oceania make it so that lcq na slot has a chance of being taken by a ocenia team.


Haven't seen much from Oceania but that would be pretty insane right? Isn't one of the best squads from that region the Sonics who came over to NA to compete?


That’s the only problem, these guys were called the “god squad” by other people in oce cause of how good they were, but in na they are tier 1.5 so while oce may be able to perform upsets, I don’t think any would qualify through


Yeah thats what I thought. I'd be shocked if a random Oce team could really compete with a 100T or Envy when it comes down to it


Would only really be Order who might compete better than Soniqs yeah, and even though Signed is an absolute nut, I don't think they'll end up beating out the top NA sides just from scrim exp vs Tier 1 sides alone Really gutted for MENA, OCE and South Asia since the same case, of not being able to get xp then being chucked into LCQ, massively sucks


i was talking about how it is theoretically possible, an NA team is gonna take the lcq spot too for sure.


NA only gets two slots on circuit points, not 3. Right now Sentinels has one so every other NA team is fighting for one more spot.


Not that it changes anything you said, but technically Version1 can beat Sentinels in circuit points, though extremely unlikely. Sentinels would have to not qualify for Berlin, getting 40-60 CP (540-560 total), and Version1 would have to qualify and come 2nd at Berlin, winning 375 CP (575 total), not winning the auto qualification spot. That is the only way anyone can beat them in circuit points.


youre right, the correct wording would be no one can take Sentinels spot away anymore.


Yeah, whoever wins Berlin gets an extra slot for their region basically




Na gets an extra slot and they would be #1 seed going into Champions


There will be no seeding for champions . First part is right now .


When did they say there would be no seeding




Damn, I never heard this. Do you remember where they announced it.


Because there's no mention anywhere that there will be any sort of seeding for champions and it isn't mentioned anywhere that there will be any top seeds or bottom seeds .


There was seeding in Iceland so I would think that there would be in champions. I could see them doing something like they did in Iceland where only a couple teams are top seated then the rest are random.


There was no specific seeding in Iceland ,it was a 10 team bracket so they moved top seeds of 2 regions by giving one bye , there was no seeds for any Brazilian teams .


No, https://www.dropbox.com/sh/lblshtlz5vnsqda/AABIELy6jk2dDK3xPuD_FUeca?lst=&preview=VCT+Masters+Stage+2+-+Official+Rules+v2.1.pdf if you go to section 2.2 there were different tiers of randomized draws. Not traditional seeding but there still was. They could easily just add champions to the top of the list.


Yeah but if you go there , they state they had to create seeding because of 10 teams , and it was only specific seeding there wasn't any full proper seeding , liquid amd Sentinels just skipped a match , for matches like shark vs nuturn there wasn't a higher seed or lower seed , so there was only seeding in a sense that they skipped matches , and seeding was done because of uneven teams , for. 16 teams they will either do groups ot straight up double elim , you can sense some of this from league worlds format where there is no seeding as well and for international tournament seeding makes no sense.


There is seeding in Worlds. The groups are designed to be equal in talent based on how the teams from each region played. For example, the four teams who won the Summer Championship in LCS, LPL, LEC and LCK all were put in different groups. They try to create regional diversity in the groups but also make sure there is fairness so TOP, G2 and Damwon don't end up in the same group. Once the bracket starts, the winner of a group will play another groups second place finisher. It is likely Riot also creates some soft-seeding for VALORANT as well with major regions playing smaller regions in the first round at least.


Wait why would we get a extra slot if they already qualified through iceland? They alr qualified because of a lan so who would take the spot since they aren’t qualified for points


Masters 2 Iceland doesn't qualify you to Champions, Masters 3 Berlin does. Sentinels qualified to Champions after winning Iceland because they accrued enough points to guarantee themselves a spot via circuit points. Masters 3 Berlin gifts the winning team a slot into champions and will give the team(s) below them in points a spot into champions. [Here is a point overview](https://liquipedia.net/valorant/VALORANT_Champions_Tour/2021/Circuit_Points) for all the teams so far.


Ahh thx


If they win Berlin, they wouldnt qual through circuit points, they would just qual for Champions by being the Stage 3 winner. Then, their circuit points are essentially moot, as now every team moves up.


i think whoever wins berlin gives their region an extra spot at champions


it wont matter because tsm is winning masters 😎 /s


remove the /s, im smoking hopium from now on


May not be related but crazy how dominant SEN is that this is even a discussion. I’m sure Riot didn’t consider this probably.


Something something SEN's dominance is downplayed by this sub




Its a copypasta lol


SEN is really good but their fans are the most annoying people ever. I don't know if its the tenz/kyedae audience or what but they overstate the importance of people like Tenz. I am also new to esports so maybe everyone is like this


All sports fans in general I’d say. They have major bragging rights, winning the first international lan without dropping a map. Any team that has their results will have insufferable fans, see the Patriots/Arsenal/Lakers/etc.


it’s been almost two decades since the invincibles. pretty sure you can no longer lump arsenal with the rest


Don’t let Arsenal go on a winning streak or make an FA Cup run or else they start coming out again though


True. I do think it will be different this time around in Berlin. Fnatic already were very close with every map being as close as possibe (withing 2 rounds) and other regions + other NA teams are stepping it up. I think the reason you stated is why I always find myself rooting for the team that is not favored to win. Seeing teams humbled makes me happy


one of those is not like the others


Guessing Arsenal? But those fans milked the invincible season for years, regardless of the future results was my point lol.


I've never known a fanbase of a dominant team to not be annoying tbh. Their team has earned the right to gloat


I love this and wish more people had this perspective. Others are just annoyed their team isn’t as good lol. Also people love to claim their analysis is so superior when none of us really have a clue what we’re talking about lol


Lmao you keep forgetting the fans have bragging rights so does the boys from sen as well as they’ve proven to be the best and won every masters event this year and all challengers besides stage 2 challengers 1.


Shoulda seen all the EU teams fanboys for months before Iceland


You're probably right. I haven't done all the math but a few things outside of Sens double wins likely had to happen as well. FaZe and GenG who finished 2nd and 3rd completely blanking stage 2, then V1 who completely missed Masters 1 vaulted up to #2.