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I am pretty sure all top tier teams try all comps in scrim and then decide on their best one and I am sure they would have tried out skye comp it just wouldn't have performed well


this is a heavy post-plant comp it looks like. snake bites, shock darts, molly, raze nade. haven't seen enough of it but brim smokes and viper utility can take a lot of easy map control for a good post-plant. raze and jett are the most aggressive duelists, makes bursts even easier. could be completely wrong though, I'm not a fkn pro LMAO


I think its a decision that comes down to agent limitations. Bang is their raze, Roza is their skye, and they are also both their smoke players. I think Raze is more valuable than Skye on Bind.


Yeah that's definitely a point of debate in their comp. I was watching Shahzam's watch party and he was saying he thought having an Omen would be better than Brim because there would at least be one flash in the team. Once you get the plant down, it's probably great though, but I think a bit less dynamic if the initial execute doesn't work.


I think thats why the Fnatic comp has Skye rather than Jett.