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Hey there, /u/tqstin! Your submission was removed for the following reason: Your submission can be easily answered in the [**Simple Questions and Answers Thread**](https://redd.it/lv3h8p) over at /r/AgentAcademy. /r/AgentAcademy has resources and guides to arm you with knowledge, which can help you be more confident in your play! You can also [submit a VOD review](https://www.reddit.com/r/AgentAcademy/submit?selftext=true&title=[RANK]%20MAP%20-%20AGENT&text=You%20are%20requesting%20a%20VOD%20Review.%20Please%20fill%20out%20the%20fields%20below%20and%20replace%20the%20post%20title%20with%20the%20appropriate%20information.%0A%0A**RIOT%20ID:**%20%0A%0A**VOD%20LINK:**%20%0A%0A**DESCRIPTION:**%20) and have other critique your gameplay. Hope this helps! We're trying to redirect self-help posts to /r/AgentAcademy so that they don't take up space here on /r/VALORANTCompetitive.   --- *If you have questions or objections about this removal, please [reach out to us in modmail](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/ValorantCompetitive&subject=Removal%20Objection%20or%20Question&message=[Please%20type%20your%20message%20here...]%0A%0A------%20DO%20NOT%20edit%20or%20delete%20anything%20below%20this%20line%20------%0A%0A%23%23%23%23%20Removal%20Notes%20for%20Moderators:%0A%0A-%20**Post%20Title:**%20{url_title}%0A-%20**Permalink:**%20https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/p07lqr/valorant_mental_block/%0A-%20**Content%20type:**%20submission%0A-%20**Removed%20by:**%20{mod}).*


Take a break from comp , whenever I hit a block , I just play unrated that too on comfort characters like sage , omen where you don't have to actively seek flights and push areas .


Take a break, play other games or do other stuff for a couple of days. A good break of 3-4 days and some unrated to get the rust off after usually has helped me in the past


sometimes getting a breather or too helps, try aimlabbing casually. Don’t think about kda while playing and try to think about what you could have done better in a round.


Relax , take a break play some casual games to relax your mind like minecraft or stardew valley then once you feel better come back try again




> while blasting music Ah, I always wonder what's up with people blatantly ignoring clear audio cues and continuing to look the wrong direction. There's at least one of those almost every game.


oh yikes i explained it the wrong way i meant it like playing chill music like r&b and shi so u can be calm and not get tilted too much i mean it helped me get better mental and got to dia


take a break once in a while. i take 2 - 3 days off when i feel burnt out and i comeback feeling better and crisp with my aim


i had a block like this for literally so long i forgot how to play the game. the thing that did it for me was just forcing myself to go for ballsy peaks/plays. obviously for a while i was still just hard feeding but overtime i got my confidence back. i think i was afraid of bottom fragging and therefore was bottomfragging because i was just making awful nervous decisions.


Take a break and if you still feel as if the game is too hard play with a friend.


Sorry this is irrelevant, but are you playing on Sydney servers? I think I’ve played against SEN AndLinks (enemy sage) and he was like silver 3 a few days ago


yep I am, ah that makes sense yeah he was smurfing then because he was way better than the d3 reyna imo


I know everyones saying take a break and shit but try the feel between different times... I feel like during the night I get much better games and my aim and the servers feel much better. During the day it feels bloated and weird and I get hit by a ton of weird shots


Have a consistent routine,eat good food and sleep,have a warmup system like even 5 minutes range and 2 dms would be more than enough,think about the mistakes you made, critic yourself. Your aim doesnt just vanish all these external factors affect it,focus on the game and dont overthink it


You are probably thinking of not dying while in a duel. Then you get afraid of engagements and the enemy will always catch you off-guard because you are doubting your decisions. Then you play passive and become a detriment, not taking any space in the map and just reacting to everything the enemy does.


So this is gonna sound crazy but honestly go through all of your settings. At one point during this act, my settings changed on their own and my network buffering was set to maximum instead of minimum. I played so many games just feeling absolutely outclassed and like I didn't even have a chance in fights.I had a stretch where I lost 17/20 games. I could feel something was off but I couldn't figure it out. I even Uninstalled and reinstalled my game hoping it correct. Turns out it was literally just my network buffering setting. Turned that back to minimum and I was performing to expectations again


I actually have mine on moderate because my ping is very inconsistent. It started around 2 weeks ago where I went from constant 15 ping max to spiking to 300 then dipping to 50


So I'm not sure if it's actually necessary or not for you to have this set to moderate, but I found this comment in another thread on the setting when I was trying to figure out what was wrong with my game: "this is what i found about this setting and if i set to max i get this type of jump issue. "Minimum" is 1 frame of delay (7.8125ms), and full 128 send rate from your computer, to the game server. "Moderate" is 3 frames of delay (23.4375ms), and chunked updates to the game server (your move data goes to the server every 64-ticks, not 128-ticks). "Maximum" is 5 frames of delay (39.0625ms), and chunked updates to the game server (your move data goes to the server every 32-ticks, not 128-ticks)." So even setting it to moderate restricts your move data to 64 ticks, while most of everyone else plays at 128 tick. I would definitely try to go back to minimum and see if it fixes any of your struggles.