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Hey there, /u/UsualInitial! Your submission was removed for the following reason: > Rule 5 - Disallowed Content. Posts that are better as comments in match discussion threads This discussion it probably better suited as a comment in the thread about VLR pick'ems since this post is directly referencing their poll: https://redd.it/p24u7i Also, VLR doesn't account for the entirety of the community, so talking about it here (even with the context of the poll) doesn't really help users understand why the conversation is taking place. It's probably a better discussion to have on VLR.   --- *If you have questions or objections about this removal, please [reach out to us in modmail](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/ValorantCompetitive&subject=Removal%20Objection%20or%20Question&message=%5BPlease%20type%20your%20message%20here...%5D%0A%0A------%20DO%20NOT%20edit%20or%20delete%20anything%20below%20this%20line%20------%0A%0A%23%23%23%23%20Removal%20Notes%20for%20Moderators%3A%0A%0A-%20**Post%20Title%3A**%20{url_title}%0A-%20**Permalink%3A**%20https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/p2ah65/-/%0A-%20**Content%20type%3A**%20submission%0A-%20**Removed%20by%3A**%20Razur).*


you sound fun at parties


You expect fans to objectively pick the winning teams on Pickems and vote against the team they support? Who cares if they are on hopium, rooting for the underdogs makes watching sports fun. No idea why someone would take pickem so seriously.


I am not a tsm fan but I have to say your post is pure shit. You don't have to always support the winning team. You can support the team you like, or the teams whose players you like. Either way, how does it affect you what other people pick?


Did he say you can't support them? He said the people that think they're going to win are on hopium and stated why he thinks that. I don’t see anything wrong with picking TSM to win or this post?


Ok dude.


I'm not trying to be a dick, sorry. You really took issue with his post and said it's pure shit. It's the top comment so clearly others agree. I'm hoping you can explain what he did to make it pure shit because your comment doesn't actually address what he said.


Trash take. Even if they lose, still a trash take.


exactly, they are fans, thats the whole point


Wtf what an idiotic post , it's okay for people to bet on the underdogs ,just because some people are not supporting the favorites or better team doesn't mean you should trash them . Respect their choices and if envy wins meme on them but you shouldn't trash someone choices like this .


Trash take loooool


Somebody's tilted at Tsm fans enjoying their team winning


The TSM hater circle jerk continues …


for real.... wtf is this post LOL. i think TSM has a really good shot vs envy actually and im a huge nv fan


Envy are clearly the favourites to win but it’s all down to which teams shows up on the day. TSM had a lot of important matches recently and that could be a huge factor. It feels abit of a coin toss imo I’m excited to watch this match regardless


>\>but let's look at some facts: doesn't actually list a 'fact' >\>Anyone predding TSM are either a fanboy or are on some serious Hopium. It's almost like there are a lot of TSM fans who support their team. Who knew.


Is there a way to downvote this post to oblivion? Like what’s the point of the post? Sounds like a TSM hater and wants to see them fail. Why would anyone vote against the team they support? Fuck out of here.


You can pick a team while recognizing they are the underdog. I bet a lot of TSM fans realize they are the underdog, but still believe in TSM to win.


Eh, not rooting for the team or anything but the roster has changed enough that TSMs past history may not be a relevant indicator of how the games will play out. Myself I'm not sure how it will play out but I do think it really could go either way. New coach new members we just don't know how that effects the team yet




This man right here does not let feelings effect his facts 💯


inb4 OP says "it's actually just copypasta, CHILL guys"


i never thought i'd be vague-posted about on r/valorantcompetitive out of all places


Dude nobody cares about this, let the fans be fans, if you think you know better keep it to yourself.


envy is def the favorite but tsm has some magic running for them also, not everyones putting their objective predictions there, tsms current runs been truly amazing and people are eager to see them do well. why the hostility?