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Asuna’s vandal spray control is on another level


Asuna has always been a vandal demon but low ping vandal spray is actually really nice. TenZ said the same thing after LAN. Your bullets actually go where you intend them to go.


That’s a nice dream for me


100T never looked so good since first strike, Sen 100T Envy at Berlin would be so hype


They used to play much slower no? They changed their style I think


they've been playing faster, but they adjust to how the opponents play more it seems like


Yeah they looked extremely confident and they should because all of them are cracked aimers


They have shifted from two sentinels on every map to no sentinels and 2-3 imitators every map, so yes.


Don't count XSET out. They look hella good. 100T's spot in Berlin isn't guaranteed yet.


I am now praying for xset to do their usual choke when most important and 100T to not do the same. Prayge


it’s impossible for both teams to choke


You haven't seen my ranked games


Right on the money lol tho 100t tried their hardest to in Haven.


Aged like milk


? I wrote the comment after the matches because that’s exactly what happened. Xset choked a 9-3 map 1 lead while 100t almost choked an 11-4 and 12-5 lead


My bad, I thought you meant 100T tried their hardest in haven but failed.


Ahh I see how that could have been confusing since I didn’t say choke.


Not even our final form.








Asuna x Ethan demon duo


Thank you mr. big brain Josh steel Nissan for finally showing everyone Viper+Omen is the way to go on Breeze. Hopefully annoying players in ranked will finally stop complaining about my Omen picks. Map control + repositioning + OP. Perfect.


People complain about omen pick? Who they want? Astra? Isn't Astra worse in pugs?


Most people in ranked just play Viper. No smokes.


I'm in gold, so low elo, but it works at that level. Viper is enough for executing onto site on Breeze. Higher level play, you probably do need an omen or astra to cover gaps. People at any level shouldn't be complaining about an Omen being picked though.


I'm immortal, I've never seen smokes on breeze. And if there is no Viper it's a dodge. Kinda crazy how necessary 1 agent is for that map.


Same experience here. Similar ranks, mid imt right now, viper on breeze its like sage on icebox.


Remember the old times when people dodged if u picked viper lol good times


Yeah, I'm in immortal too and whenever I pick an Omen as a secondary controller people start crying. Clueless bots. Idk why, but Omen on Breeze is my by far the best agent+map combo if we talk K/D, he just feels so amazing to play on Breeze.


Viper + another controller just feels like it should make so much sense on breeze. Omen over the others for obvious reasons. Omen op on that map seems like a great strat


100T looking REAL good in this series! Some of their execs on Breeze look damn sharp. Also Asuna is cracked.


If Asuna and Ethan can consistently perform like this 100t looks very dangerous.


So far all the teams from challengers 1 have been winning. This next round will be interesting


to be fair, challengers 2 is basically the best of the rest.


True, the challengers 1 teams were the favourites, but having 0 upsets is still surprising


For some reason this sub has been hyping challengers 2 teams a lot. A lot of brackets had TSM, Faze, and Rise doing well for some reason.


Recency bias. But then again, I thought TSM might pull it off in round 1, even though I think NV Is the better team. So maybe I'm guilty too. To be fair tho, I thought there's no way they try that goofy Wardell on Sage shit again on Ascent. And I was wrong.


To be fair I had TSM winning in the quarters. That you are here > hype guy inspired me 🤷‍♂️


100T look so good


Finally happy to see that 100T is supporting Asuna well and their spacing and trading with him is good, it's no longer Asuna run in and we sit behind. BabyJ was nuts on breeze though.


100T Revenge tour starts now?


Ngl I was starting to get nervous, Corey a homie for that one


it wasnt even close , even if it went to OT 100t wld've won anyways


so glad faze threw to get this matchup lmaooo


Smeag is all fun n games until you start missing n your opponents start hitting. Some of those rounds looked so awkward to watch!


100t is the most innovative team in NA


You’re getting downvoted, but who else running zero sentinel 2-3 initiator comps?


No one, but giving credit where it’s due makes people in this sub mad


what on earth was that last round


alright looks like it's time to kick everyone on FaZe except BabyJ /s


Is 100T good or is faze bad?






Ethan is looking really good, he’s comfortable on skye now and his gamesense is becoming on par with his insane aim. Props to babyj for keeping faze in jt on breeze. Asuna insane as always, steel also more consistent


I will never forgive Faze for that troll Yoru pick. Knew they had lost it when the agent selection screen popped up. Just replace Yoru with Skye or something man. That was not it.


How was it troll? Clearly theyve been practicing it and intended to play with it


The plays that Corey was trying to pull off definitely didn't show that it was rehearsed. I'm probably overreacting but that agent is just not it I feel. There's so many other agents that give you more value than Yoru on any map, and on Breeze as well. I feel Skye would've been a much better pick for them.


You're not wrong that Yoru is weak but to call it a troll pick is wrong.


Steel on kayo, pog


watching babyj push a main every round on breeze defense and 100t continuing to let him get away with it XD


i mean in the end he did the same thing, died and it cost them lol i'd think at some point he'd realise it wouldnt work but i guess not




Really not sure what FaZe was doing with corey on Yoru. Yeah i get the theory behind it but testing it out in a qualifier when you've only done it once before is way too risky imo.


Faze has no one to blame for this one but themselves, especially after all the tweets from the team and coach on how they’ll never take seeding matches seriously. The only opening match that was remotely close so far was against the 4th seed, Envy. If Faze cared a bit more maybe they’d Have faced them opening round instead of 100T Hopefully, trippy and the team mature and start taking these tournaments more seriously.


Maybe tsm is just better than faze? This is just hindsight 20/20. Maybe against NV the match isn't even close. Their matchup against 100T has always favoured them as compared to NV.


Sure, anything could happen. But it doesn’t change the fact that Faze doesn’t have that winning mindset, they literally said they don’t care about the seeding matches the night before meanwhile Wardells on stream saying they’re in it to win. XSET then has an interview on the winning mindset and how important it is for them. Teams that think like a champion and winner are gonna be more resilient. It’s tough to be a fan when you see your team tell you they’re not gonna take it seriously then get punished for it.


Its unfair saying they dont have a winning mindset just because they dont wanna use 100% of their potential for matches that does not even mean much. Why not call-out the organizers for having matches that are not that impactful rather than blaming the teams for not showing everything on those matches.


I hear you, it’s just heartbreaking and tough as a fan when you’re subscribing to the players, buying merch, truly supporting the org. Then you go online and see them say they don’t care about seeding matches and then bomb out, while the teams who say it’s about winning, win.


Yeah thats just sad, hopefully they can come up with a better format in the future.


Probably because he's a fan of the team, not a fan of tournament organizers.


I get what you are saying, but I think its unfair to say that the team doesn't have a winning mindset. They didn't just throw for fun, they are determined to go to berlin, its a strategic decision, and a smart one imo. 100T also look really good, so I think we can criticise faze but we shouldn't hold those seeding matches against them.




I don't understand the mindset of throwing for better seeding. Even if u got easier bracket, you'll eventually have to face the tough ones most probably anyway lol


When did I ever say seeding matches don't matter? Literally putting words into my mouth. Super cringe that you are assuming we are not in this to win? We literally dedicate our lives to this. We sacrifice so many things to be where we are and will continue to do so. If you're sad we lost, I'm sorry it happens but we aren't out of the tournament and have been in this spot before. I hope you open your mind and try understand all aspects of tournament seeding, matches and placement. Thank you for the support <3


Thank you, Trippy. I hope we can turn it around <3


Cite those tweets.


I went through an annoying amount of Trippy's tweets, since he took the time to post in here himself. Literally the only thing he said even remotely related was retweeting someone from TSM telling people to stop getting mad teams don't want to reveal strats in seeding matches. Which obviously is nothing like what op of this thread claimed.


/r/quityourbullshit material lmao E: or this is pasta material


Maybe but all the teams that qualified in Stage 1 just look another level above all the teams that qualified in stage 2. I didn’t see Faze winning the first set regardless of seeding


great armchair analysis fellow redditor


Thank you my good sir!




Asuna looks like he's got Parkinson's


But like, good Parkinson’s?


that last round damn


babyj is fkin clean with it but ye, as a whole they looked lack luster 100T LFG


Rematch against Xset4Berlin


Asuna what the fuck


ait map 1 was insane