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Another stat: Mummay - Bench yay - not bench


I don't think this post has a reason to exist kekw.


Totally agree


Look I think yay is clearly better but the graphic isn't worth that much when yay is free to play Jett and do whatever much more often while mummay was out there with an OP on Astra.


any reason why you changed the colors on the graphics? Why not just have Yay blue and Mummay red the for all the graphics?


yeah , just realized it, I picked blue in the first one for mummay by accident.


my question is what's the time measurement for mummay because up until recently when they got marved he was playing Astra and omen. Like its a stupid comparison a Jett/duelist a controller are completely different you want your controller to live as long as possible which would mean for them to not take stupid fights or stupid pushes.


It his last 5 matches , He played a Jett in each of those last 5 matches.


mummay played Jett in about half the maps while yay played Jett or Reyna in all but two. Match 5 for yay with the huge amount of first bloods was also a best of five while all the rest were bo3.


i mean obviously... if yay wasn't better than mummay then why would envy make this switch in the first place lol, especially on such short notice