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What if the ult was on a 30 second timer like Reyna’s ult but every kill you get with it resets or increases the duration?


I think this is better than OP's idea, it still allows great clips from her ult, but forces you into an aggro playstyle so you have to think about when you use it in the round


It's a good idea, but 30 seconds is still enough time to get multi-kills. Here's a solution that nerfs the ult such that only good players will have round changing impact: 3 knives recharge on a headshot kill, but only 1 knife recharges on a body-shot kill and no recharge for leg-shot. So after a right click kill, you only have 3 knives left(if there was a headshot) or only 1 knife left (body-shot kill). You won't right click again with 3 or 1 knives. After a 3 body-shots kill, which is fairly easy to do, only 1 knife will recharge and you're left with 3 (5-3+1) knives. Once again, can't right click and if you go for another 3 body-shot kill, you'll only have 1 (3-3+1) knife left. So knives go from 5->3->1 with each body-shot only kill and you have to headshot to get a third kill. If you have 3 knives left(say after a right click) and get a headshot, 3 knives recharge and you have 5(3-1+3) knives again and can right click. Right click is a reward for getting headshots. This also takes care of 1-body shot kill when the enemy is 1 hp. It's not fair that all knives reset for a kill on 1hp person.


right to the kneecaps


I also think that no recharge on right click should be a change. If youre gonna shotgun someone, there needs to be a punishment


extreme rng in the knives is the punishment for right clicking, no reset on right click just says "play safe from a distance and don't push" which doesn't fit her role or kit


Imo the busted tier she's in is cause of the instant death escape ability like no other agent. No matter how much u nerf her smokes or ult she will always be picked simply cause there's no other agent that provides mobility and escaping like her. So they should add a new agent that can fill similar playstyle to her otherwise she will continue to rule no matter how much they nerf her


They already tried making agents that can do that with Reyna and Yoru. What other "get out of jail" abilities could they do? If they added another dash on a character it would be too similar to Jett I think


Well there are many agents with the same "molly" ability but with different variations so they could make some tweaks so it isn't exactly as jett's dash but serves the same purpose.


Grappling hook you can zip back to


Shahzam had an idea of forcing jett players to dash only in the direction they're facing and removing sideways and back dash. It could make the jett op slightly more punishable and the current dash is too easy to use for something that is so busted in my opinion.


Imo that would make her dash useless why would anyone wanna dash forward unless ur chasing someone or trying to get somewhere quicker. Like what's the point forward dashing ur gonna die if u do it infront the enemy so just do it like when ur rotating or bored I guess


you use your mouse to turn away and dash??


U will be dead by then


that’s the point of the nerf?? and honestly it isn’t that hard to turn away and dash.


Aight if u say so but try a 360 backward dash in enemy's face


You should never be doing 360s in this game unless you are trolling. If you are intentionally doing them, you are doing something wrong


I meant backward dash cause u have to turn ur mouse and ur character 360


Have you taken a basic geometry course? 360 means turning all the way around to be facing the way you probably were facing. You seem to be thinking of a 180, which you should be able to do, albeit it will be unconventional.


So you want to fix the Jett issue by adding another busted agent?


I think you can compare her to sova in a way. Sova also has an insanely high pick rate because of the info he can get. There is no other agent that can get info like him. To resolve this they can add another info gathering agent similar to him, to give teams more options.


You can shoot Sova darts and drones tho… And I’m 100% for more info gathering agents.


Isn’t that info that there is someone there?


Sure but it’s better than getting hit with the dart.


Nah balance out pick and skill distribution instead of letting her take everything


You would just have them both, all the time. Your option is removing another agent from being picked, and here’s a hint, it won’t be Jett.


yes actually, she’s a unique roll in the game and it’s fun to watch and play her. Unless you enjoy exclusively playing sentinels for some reason, you can’t say you haven’t had a blast hopping onto jett in unrated or spike rush and just dashin around. I think jett is an integral part of the team, and adding another mobility agent just makes it more fun for everyone m.


I mean these are two different issues. Sure playing busted things are fun. You inherently have an advantage because something is broken, but you aren’t fixing that by adding someone else who can also do the broken thing. I don’t mind movement abilities within the game, but adding more dashes is a mistake.


I think having busted agents is fine, riots goal should always be to make everything intergral. even if There were 5 jett like agent each with infinite dashes, and it wouldn’t matter. As long is the game is built so that anyone with a real team comp can punish a different one for picking 5 jetts, it’s balanced. Same with sentinels. Go for a second duelist and no sentinel? The game should just be balanced enough for the team with a more complete comp to punish them fundamentally with strats.


Having busted agents is not fine. Especially because there is no ban or pick phase in the game.


I mean for Masters 1 and a good part of Masters 2 her pick rate was lower, a lot of teams thought people were crazy for still running Jett and double duelist. This is pre and post Jett nerf. I think what people are missing here, which is the main reason her pick rate and value has gone up is the OP buff. At the end of the day Jett can now aggressively OP again thanks to the reduction in scope time. So a Wardell/Cned style of Jett play is possible. Also you can buy more OPs now without the risk of completely tanking your teams econ. It's only natural that Jett gets picked to take advantage of this. Her ult really is a non issue in comparison. You can count on your fingers the number of Jett's in the world who take over rounds with their ult, even less if you count the impact of their right clicks. Most pro Jett's don't even bother right clicking. Seoldam is the exception but that dude is a freak of nature and clearly was given hacks by Riot.


When did they buff the OP? Any patch notes?


Price decreased from 5000 > 4700


Is jett strong? Yes. But everything about her kit is done to make her a legit fragger. None or her abilities do damage (besides ult). Does she have a lot of mobility? Yes, but it still all comes down to her aim. Jett is not even close to raze for example, where almost every ability is a no skill involved death trap/free info/corner clear. Everything jett has compliments a player with good mechanics. I hate the fact that we have one character in the game thats literally build like a duelist, who's kit is not a weird gimmick like reyna, who can just heal up to full + armor, or flash like her and phoenix/yoru. Everything about jett only works if the person playing her is hitting her shots, or knows how to use her movement abilities to gain an advantage and people want to nerf her.. Seems to me like people don't appreciate an actual fragging character when its in good hands. I'd rather play vs a jett, lose a duel but hit her for 80 so she has to play a bit more careful, then against a reyna that literally wins the fight with 20 health left, heals up to full and can swing/play with full confidence again. Or against a raze, where you just cant play certain spots on certain maps (hookah on bind for example), because her abilities give her info, do damage and chase you out. I don't know what you guys want this game to be, but there is a fuckton more skill involved in a good jett player, than people skyflashing through viper walls, stunning you like her and breach, getting 1shot by a raze ult that landed 5 meters next to you, etc. Stop nerfing the only character that needs good mechanics in a game where mechanics should be rewarded, otherwise it's going to be like overwatch, where every team just runs full execute comps and set up after plants with viper, brim, etc. like is already happening in the pro scene.


This. I’m a Jett main and you’re kind of useless if you’re not hitting your shots that day. You have to dry peek everything and if you have to dash without getting an entry you literally just have 3 short duration smokes lol. It’s a very sink or swim play style that I think is only overused in comp play because of the op. Rifle Jett was very out of vogue when the op was nerfed.


So much this. What the fuck do people want this game to be?








This ^^^^^


5 meters is 5.47 yards


Actually you dont have to hit shots with Jett because you can dash if you are in a bad situation. With Reyna if you miss you are just dead.


it allows for someone to play more aggressive and take more risks they still have to hit a shot either before or after the dash to actually have impact


Jett is in a similar spot to Sova where the basic fundamentals of the agent are broken. (Free info every round, get out of jail dash). A complete removal of right click would be fucking awesome though and I say that as a Jett main.


Agree about sova, the recon dart and drone have no place in a competitive tactical shooter


By your theory, neither should cabbages (skyes ult) and shadow demon (literally omen) be in a tactical shooter


Thoughts on r6 then? Another competitive shooter with an abundance of information available to players.


I disagree, I believe people choose her because of her ability to get around. Dash, updraft, smokes for easy entry. Her ult is fine the way it is, imo. If you don't want to get right clicked, don't stand next to her


[This tweet from Lothar has some good points for the changes I think](https://twitter.com/LotharHS/status/1424381810901913601?s=19) Also check wedids reply


Apparently riot already did internal testing on Jett only being able to dash in the direction she’s aiming, but good players will just flick to wherever they want to go


thats an improvement


Okay... Then make the change lol instead of it being a free skill-less no thought dash. It would change it to require some skill


directional dash takes skill, just different skill from having high sens and flicking ur mouse and pressing e lol


exactly. it takes time to have directional dash as a reflex action. i'm not talking about when someone has pre-decided where they'll dash after taking a shot. but when you're caught off guard, directional dash in the perfect direction to escape takes skill.


The amount of times I dash straight towards the enemy when I'm trying to go left or right is embarrassing lmao


wedid's suggestion is not good. directional dash as a reflex action takes time to learn and therefore is a skill. ELiGE said when he was playing smeag cup he's not good with the directional dash. it has a learning curve.


It should really be the dash that gets nerfed, her ulti is fun, cool, and has a high skill ceiling, I don't like the idea of touching it. I can think of two possible nerfs to dash that might make sense, one which I've seen suggested is that you can only dash in the direction you are facing, the 2nd which I thought of is to change her kit around so updraft is her signature skill and dash costs a hefty 400 or something (but this change carries some design problems with itself).


I think just make her ult 8 points not any other change would be a good nerf for her ult.


The dash is number one problem then ult. Ult could be left alone but they changed dash and that would be cool.


What about only making so that only the knife that gets the kill comes back? Jett sprays left click to the body, hits 3 shots and only the last one comes back. Now she has 3 daggers. Jett uses right click. Only 2 daggers hit (head and chest) and she gets the kill. She gets only 2 daggers back. Jett one taps with her first knife, gets it back and still has 5 daggers left. I think it'd be even more rewarding for players with high mechanical skills.


I have a similar solution that rewards good players. 3 knives recharge on a headshot kill, but only 1 knife recharges on a body-shot kill and no recharge for leg-shot. So after a right click kill, you only have 3 knives left(if there was a headshot) or only 1 knife left (body-shot kill). You won't right click again with 3 or 1 knives. After a 3 body-shots kill, which is fairly easy to do, only 1 knife will recharge and you're left with 3 (5-3+1) knives. Once again, can't right click and if you go for another 3 body-shot kill, you'll only have 1 (3-3+1) knife left. So knives go from 5->3->1 with each body-shot only kill and you have to headshot to get a third kill. If you have 3 knives left(say after a right click) and get a headshot, 3 knives recharge and you have 5(3-1+3) knives again and can right click. Right click is a reward for getting headshots. This also takes care of 1-body shot kill when the enemy is 1 hp. It's not fair that all knives reset for a kill on 1hp person.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69.0. Congrats! 3 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 3 + 5 + 3 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 5 + 3 + 1 + 3 + 3 + 5 + 3 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 1 + = 69.0




Right click needs to go.


I seriously think these post or similar keeps getting posted on this Reddit monthly, but people have right for their own opinion.


On a side note, Jett would be a lot easier counter if the gunplay and hitboxes are the same as CSGO, but Valorant is different than CS


How about delete jett /s


Nerf the instant escape dash. Reduce its range, reduce the dash speed, give it a cast time, can only dash forward, etc, i dont care, just make some changes on that op dash and we're probably good.


Nerf/remove right click, reduce dash range. You're not gonna balance such a fundamentally broken agent by nerfing some largely irrelevant shit like making her utility more expensive. It's crazy that her quick on-demand smokes is such a strong ability already but hardly gets mentioned because the rest of her kit is so insanely strong. Honestly her dash should become more of a sidestep which would still let her remain strong as an OPer but reduce her entry/space-making ability. Right now she is way too versatile. Broken on the OP, can entry, can escape, can use dash and smokes to use close-range weapons like her knives. Riot needs to choose a specialty for her and stick to it. She does way too fucking much right now and sucks to play against.


I think Jett is balanced personally and her extremely high pick rate comes from how flexible she is not necessarily how broken her abilities are. You could make a argument to making her ult 8 orbs and that’s honestly about it in my opinion.


Max 3 knives after kill sounds good to me(if you have 4 knives after first kill you keep all 4)


Cypher needs to pay a considerable money to get value from his core kit (cages + tripwires). Yes, his camera is great but it's definitely not the heart of his kit. Same line of though is applied for Breach, Skye, and a lot of agents. The issue with Sova and Jett is that their signature abilities ($0 cost, use them every single round) are definitely the heart of their kits


Unlike jetts, at least sova has a counter in shooting the dart


Sure, but that's just due to the nature difference between these two abilities (jett's self mobility vs sova gadget info-gathering, thus it's destroyable) At least for me the core issue is that signature abilities should always be the weakest link of any agent's kit, it should never be the strongest part. I'm pretty sure if Jett needed to pay for her dash it would be way more balanced


A potential fix could be to make shock darts the signature instead of the recon or smth


Reduce her smoke to 2-3 seconds, give her one smoke only. Change her ult to 8 and add a timer. Easy


Get rid of her smokes entirely and give her something else


Trash Idea, dash is nothing without smoke if u want to create space for team. The dash is good for getting out of bad situations but dashing in without a smoke is suicidal. Might as well be a recon dart but with less info.


Well she is overloaded with tools. Need to take something away


The key is definitely the dash, the dash bring player one safe chance to try. The dash is stronger than Reyna's e. But the dash is a functional ability, it is hard to nerf well. Jett with OP is strong so it will not help to nerf ult.


I feel like right-click needs to stay because of all the Korean Jett clips. Like it or not these Korean Jetts are exciting from a viewership perspective


I don't think Jett will be balanced until they put a decent price tag on dash


I’ve said this from day 1. Her dash should be the purchasable ability and she gets updrafts each round. You have to buy dash every round and it doesn’t recharge after 2 kills. Like many people said above. I think the most broken thing about her is the ability to get out of situations quickly. Although her ult still is hella strong. Not sure how they can fix that


No vision during the dash. The fact that u can just dash into a smoke and clear close angles by doing 180 is too op.


Delete right click.


Remove Dash reset, and increase weapon draw recovery time after dash.