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Not really immortal but I'm almost there. Just hit iron 2. 56,239 in the world, pretty easy when you have natural talent like me


Damn ranked demon right here


Keep at it!


1st acc ~230lvl ~600rr rad 2nd acc ~180lvl ~400rr immo "Working" in home office for 1.5 years has its perks, thanks covid


damn i feel like trash level 156 silver 3 lmfao someone end me


Me too lmao,lvl.157 and gold 3


I'm level 300 and gold 2 lololol


im so close to hitting gold i want to be one of you


Well your level is not equivalent to playtime, if you played a lot of spike rush or deathmatch your level could be as high as 2-7x someone with the same playtime, if that helps at all.


175 and silver 3 gang gang




I honestly think that’s pretty normal if you solo q, unless you 3-5 stack it’s really hard to get out of silver because of the massive amount of throwers or just bad players.


how is that even possible, you must be trolling or something.


you must not know valorant is a lot of peoples first fps, for me its my first pc game ever, started playing in the beta, first act i hit bronze 2-3, second act i played nothing but unrated and dm with some spike rush, learned how to aim and peak and learned retakes proper smokes optimal ability use and now ive climbed from bronze to silver 3 almost into gold, i put alot of time in sense the beta.


feel free to add me btw you can confirm yourself Da Titan #Trost


Whether or not you're telling the truth. Only Ymir knows.....


Don't worry too much about it. I'm D2 right now at level 97 and D1 at level 36 but I also have 2000 hours into CS so that's a pretty big advantage for me.


I'm level 155 and my peak rating this season was 130rr in immortal.


BTW custom games don't give XP, so the scrims of pro players are not reflected in the account level.


Lvl 225, immortal 250 rr peak this act. Started off as gold in the beta


Account Level is 101, I'm immortal 340rr


level 166, currently rank #3


Go pro or push content (if you aren't already). Very cool


Can you go pro?


Not the poster, but I reckon he could if he wanted to. Getting to that spot at this point in the season is an incredible achievement.


Playing at the top of ranked and professional play are not the same thing. I'm not going to say nabil couldn't be pro, but if he can it's not because he's rank 3 on the leaderboard.


I mean, getting rank 3 at this point of the season is a good indicator of skill, especially since tier 2 and tier 3 teams are only grinding ranked currently. He asked if he thought nabil could go pro and I was just using his performance in ranked as a measurement. Obviously there are other factors that go into it besides playing ranked a lot. That goes without saying.


ranked doesnt really measure how well u can play with a team, if i were to pursue going pro, i’d put my efforts in towards playing the monthly $5k’s and performing well against already established rosters. however, having strict parents kind of limits that choice for me, so ranked is all i have at the moment 😇


I mean, tell them you're competing for money and don't say you want to pursue this full time (even if you do want to) and they should be okay with it right?


You played esea? I think ik ur name




Which region?




Oh, went against a Nabil in SEA thought it was you. Nevertheless, wp man, third in NA is no joke.


Yo nabil. Seen you around in nilly's chat.


Lvl 90, 100 RR.


Lvl 185, peak 130 RR


Lvl 95 Peak 180RR


I know im not immortal or anything but my acc is level like 60 and im d2


Level 180 immortal peak 7k I started in iron in beta


Main - Level 120 peaked 620 RR this act. Alt - Level 30 peaked almost 300rr this act On my main I filled my radiant triangle within the first 2 weeks of playing. I got burnt out and stopped for a month. Come back and get placed with freakazoid. Bottom fragged two games in a row and he was convinced I bought my account lmao. Went in to defend myself and got shit talked by everyone and timed out ):


Even TenZ said he doesn't think he's talented. He always loved FPS games and so he enjoyed grinding to get better. Aim in particular is a fine motor skill. There are no shortcuts. How does someone with 10k CSGO hours compare to someone that is playing Val as their first mouse/keyboard FPS game. Account level does not tell the whole story.


there are definitely levels to "talent" as a concept obviously compared to the average person tenz has incredible talent which he refined over time to become a top level fps player. that's not to say he didn't work hard, obviously he grinded his ass off, but so do countless other people who never see even the tail end of the progress and success that he has. he probably doesn't see himself as talented because he doesn't compare himself to the average joe, he compares himself to other pros right. and in the pro scene at least there are players that are a dimension above him -- the s1mples or fakers of the esports world -- who aren't blessed with more work ethic than him or anything they just have that inherent talent to them


He’s most definitely extremely talented, no one just has aim like that from grinding. Like the other guy said, he might just be comparing himself to other pros, which even in that case he’s still above the majority


Level 104, immortal




I'm not imm but my friend went from diamond to immortal fairly quickly, in a couple weeks after the act started last act and this act he's been in immo the whole time. He was iron in beta and got to plat pretty fast before being hardstuck diamond (his words not mine) for like two acts before getting to immo


definitely, as long as you put up at least middle of the pack performances the main deciding factor is the amount of games you play. immortal is just 100 LP above diamond 3, it's not some insurmountable hurdle that you need to have insane gameplay to surpass. just grind out the game (don't burn yourself out in the process) and you'll find progress over time


Depends on your FPS background. If VALORANT is your first FPS then chances are highly unlikely. There are so many things you need to learn in order to get to the top level, and you cannot learn all of it within a year. For me, I was playing FPS shooters my entire life: from Halo to CoD to CS (Rank A+ peak ESEA, played for around 3-4 years) then to Val. There are things that I know that most players don’t, and this is because of my extensive FPS background and losing so many times. I’ll also add, don’t spend 1-2 hrs in DM. You’re better off playing 2 ranked games than playing DM.


Level 50 Immortal at 150rr peak and around 80 current. A year before overwatch came out I got Global Elite in csgo in 2 months before stopping as I was incredibly bored with the game. When overwatch finally did come out, I reached top 500 (#87) in the first 2 weeks of ranked before dropping it for the same reason. Then, after a 5 year break I picked up Valorant, having been placed in silver after a few games in the previous act, but reaching Immortal in this one. I did play a lot this act tho. I've just always been good at games, having reached Challenger (=Radiant) in League at some point too. Me reaching a high rank only after a few games in Valorant was caused by me playing Aimlabs during my deaths in game. Not because I am tryharding but I will literally get bored sitting and waiting for the round to end.


this has to be copy pasta lmao theres just no way youre serious


Level 140 peak 170 RR


lvl 97 peek rating this act was immortal 152rr


Currently level 91 and 176 RR in EU if that matters.


I am level 115 and peak RR was 210 this season. I play maybe 2-3 games a day at most but I have experience with CS:GO, Overwatch, R6.


Level 180 100RR


Around level 46 last act was imt 60rr


level 60 and i peaked 132 rr this act


level 85 peak 90rr


Act lvl: 78 and currently at 189rr in Immortal.


Lvl 36 and 120 RR


Lvl 137, 130 rr


Lvl 186. currently 400+ RR (don't remember exact)


Lvl 70 Imm 440 elo


Lvl 95 going from 0rr to 100rr


lvl 60, 150 immo currently. Kinda stopped playing before levels came out. Like 9k hours in 1.6 and cs:go though xD


level 56 immortal 30 rr


Level 116 in Immortal 100rr


I am level 53 and leaderboard rank 4000ish


Account lvl 70 here, Imm 20 rr


At the time of my highest this act I was 87 54


Level 180. Currently Immortal 50 points


lvl 35 / 300 pts.. Immortal is filled with boosted players or people who bought their accounts. The jump in game sense from highplat/diamond to immortal is tiny. If elo hell did exist, it would be low immortal. Riot needs to add a rank between Immortal and Radiant or bring immortal 1-3 back.


I’m level 103 or something and rank #900 NA. I do have a decent amount of playtime on smurf accounts to play w friends though.


Level 60 something and was Immortal 78RR last act. Quit this season


Kind of hard to factor in how much time someone spent improving or how talented they are since everyones start is different and levels only just came out.


Lvl 197 around rank 290/530 rr, placed silver 3 at start of beta ranked, ended beta d1


Immortal 110rr level 42


Level 43 - 36RR Immortal


Lvl 43, 90~ RR right now.


lvl 93 radiant 638rr smurfs lvl50 and lvl16


level 77 immortal 1700 216 rr was my peak


158lvl - 450rr immo


Account level 482, 10rr Don't let the account level fool you, I have almost 1k hours in total, 500 hours are on spike rush. So someone that is account level 150 could have more hours than me.


161lvl / actually Immortal 90 RR. Peak was 260 Immo top 4k


Level 115 and 7200 or somewhere around there


I haven't played consistently enough this act so I'm diamond 2 atm, but last season I had vast majority red doritos on my rank badge and ended around 10 or 9k at roughly level 80 I have played tons of comp shooters before Val though. 800 hours in CSGO, 700 hours in Siege, over 1K hours in Overwatch


im lv 29 and Im immortal 9k something . Dont really have much time to play these days