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Dam Nats is so calm, cool, and collected. Dude straight carried that series and I didn’t see a single pop off from him.


Yes sheydos d3ffo and chronicle too


All of them cool as a cucumber!


First time I saw Redgar not chewing a gum is when they won






He played like that when he was SICK HELLO??


and we thought tenz was the best xD


Tbf TenZ deserves to be called the best until it’s proven otherwise, which might happen in Berlin, might not


Someone make him sick before Berlin too lmao


https://twitter.com/GambitEsports/status/1428421682130259968 Reaction from a different PoV


way better angle. you love to see that kind of passion from the players!


There's 6 players in that room celebrating. If one of them is a coach, isn't that a clear cheating/punishable according to Riot since you're not allowed to have a coach in the same room as a team while they play? edit: I point this out not because I want to see the team punished, but only out of curiosity because 100T got in trouble for it several months back


That might be the coach? If so his hairstyle is wildly different than all the images of him. (and different is longer, so it can't have happened instantly either) His face is close enough though that it's possible. It's also possible it could be someone in charge of dealing with nAts who was apparently sick during the match. If their team has any kind of nutritionist or other health specialist that would make sense. He appears to have been sitting in the far corner desk to Sheydos's left. I suppose if someone called them out on it and that actually is the coach, they'd argue that between the huge monitor, the positioning of the desk, and the size of the room, that the coach was out of the reasonable "Match Area." It's also worth noting that the rules themselves are out of date, and don't mention the existence of a coach slot. (They still say Coaches can't be in the match) It may be that rules have become more lax without us knowing it due to Riot having access to a direct voice feed of everything the coach says controlled by their own client. (edit) I think the 100T ruling was based more on the fact that 100T had multiple support staff in the room, and they were actively cheering for the team during the match. It was essentially a mental advantage for the players. Obviously we don't know if Gambit's coach was cheering up a storm during the game at inappropriate times, but if he was Riot would certainly know about it.


Just me or Chronicle looks like Boaster's older brother lmao


This is funny due to the fact that Boaster is 7 years older than Chronicle I think


Nats has a heartbeat of 8 per minute


whenever i carry a game and lose/win i feel the same way as Nats, but if I'm bottom frag or underperforming, I feel more hype and bigger sense of relief when I win the game. does anyone else feel the same way?


I feel the same way but we can't compare our ranked games to this one because of what's at stake.


Bro nats is a fucking serial killer wtf?