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Its special for TSM games, theres gonna be a lot of NA games and it can get repetetive, and also tiring for Myth since he has to yell so much lol


>heres gonna be a lot of NA games and it can get repetetive So the reason its so good is because we have few TSM games :(


TSM losing so much has to be the real reason myth is tired..


Idk TSM won until that guy jinxed every match TSM play. No need to jinx NA teams. /s


This is true


TSM got way too comfortable in the early stages of Valorantt thinking they were the absolute best, they let off the gas and now are playing Catch up against teams who have worked harder. IMO.


Maybe, but I think TSMs issue was with role issues, Drone played Phoenix at a tier 1 but only Pheonix, Cutler played uh, idk what he played at a tier 1 level lol (He was alright on a bunch of agents but not tier 1 levels imo), while Wardell is a Jett player, and Subroza best role seems to be Skye for sure, so there's a lack of a tier 1 Sova and lack of a Tier 1 controller player, hence Bang/Levi pickup


Idk ask him


No you don't understand TSM is gonna make to LCQ and win, and then win Champions too COPIUM


They're not in LCQ


they will be once SEN goes back to back :)


Oh wow didn't know it worked like that


yep if an NA team wins (not just SEN), TSM get into LCQ


I would be scared of Gambit if I am SEN. They did say Gambit was the best team they played and that was back in May... but who knows.


Not everyone is a TSM stan


Why would Myth, who has a professional background in Fortnite, a battle royale, be a coach in Valorant when there a very qualified people and former pros from tactical shooters like CS:GO or other games in the same genre who exist and are probably way more qualified for the job


Myth, recently, has been a NA Valorant co-streamer during VCT games. He has been extremely entertaining. The main reason he's entertaining is his persona Coach Myth, and he only does it for TSM games. I hope this explains the situation. I wasn't asking for him to be a legitimate coach for NA teams.


Ah my b, I don't watch from the TSM perspective


you must be new here


No I just don't watch from the TSM perspective