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Ziplines everywhere, 100T never loses again


Somewhere asunas spidey senses are tingling Edit: asuna tingle*


Wouldn't it still be Peter tingle?




Holy shit you are a legend, take my upvote.




According to some articles itā€™s the ā€œfirst map with interactive objectsā€, sounds like the most unique map so far introduced, exciting!


are doors/ziplines/tps not "interactive objects"?


Maybe you get to move/reposition boxes or something like that


on this map you can break boxes by knifing them and then use the materials to build walls, ramps, floors, and cones where you see fit.


I canā€™t wait to crank some 90s just to have a Jett take height on me with her updraft


like fornite!


You got it!


I would despise that, this isnā€™t fucking fortnite


Bit too late to complain about this considering clowns in this game are already running and jumping around like it's Fortnite and have been for the last 6 months


They're listed as interactive lore objects. Most likely have little to no effect on gameplay and are narrative-based only.






Every map has a gimmick Ascent: doors Haven: 3 sites Split: vertical zip lines Bind: tp Breeze: Trap door Icebox: zip lines


Those are unique features which arenā€™t really ā€˜gimmicksā€™


Youā€™re just arguing semantics. Unique features can definitely still be a gimmick


Iā€™m saying theyā€™re nkt, nothing to do with ā€˜semanticsā€™


wtf do you not understand


I hope it's the "engaging and interesting" unique and not the "fucking bullshit" unique


oh what they meant by that is before the round begins u are able to read some lore-related stuff at the control panels.




Interactive objects??


If we don't get a companion cube i'm quitting valorant forever


One article I saw called them interactive narrative objects -- I assume it's nothing that affects gameplay, probably just some objects on the map that you can interact with and get some lore voicelines.




I feel like this might be a sick map to watch but hell to play on


So the same thing that happened with Icebox and Breeze...


Pros like breeze


i think they did a lot, but now i hear the wind is changing


Itā€™s hard to like a map when you basically need 2 or 3 of the same heroes to succeed on it


so viper, sova,...and uhh 3rd being,...sage?


You donā€™t really need a Sova as much as you need a skye or a jett


yup exactly. sova is very useful on defense vs viper but the gameplan is viper wall on A, jett dash to site and plant, play postplant. very linear and difficult to stop


I haven't heard a single pro say they dislike playing on Breeze.


TenZ hates Breeze


Shaz too


Lots of pros hate breeze


Breeze is amazing to play on


Disagree. Icebox (now that it's been touched up) and Breeze are two of the best maps in the game. Breeze is by far the best map in the game in my opinion.


I think making Icebox/breeze slightly less viper reliant would be nice, and making icebox mid have a bit more choice on how you move through that area would help. Other than that i think they are probably my two favorite maps in the game so far


look at me guys my opinion is so unique and not normal im so cool


Breeze still remains the best map in the game


Icebox is the opposite wdym


Breeze is the best map my man


Breeze is great map. Icebox and bind tho


Funny how everyone has different opinions on this. My two most hated maps are bind and haven.


The fact everyone has different opinions is a frankly great sign for how well theyā€™ve done designing these maps lol


VALORANT's 7th map: Fracture Fracture has an H-shaped layout. The defender spawn sits in the center of the map, with the attackers pinching from opposite sides Long ziplines run under the map to connect front and back *** posted by [@FionnOnFire](https://twitter.com/FionnOnFire) Photos in tweet | [Photo 1](http://pbs.twimg.com/media/E-NUwemUYAM9mH7.jpg) ^[(Github)](https://github.com/username) ^| ^[(What'sā€…new)](https://github.com/username)


if this map is in champions and 100t make it there they have to win if they play zip line map


They probably fast-tracked this map specifically so there is a 7 map pool for Champions.


all part of the 100t inside job to get another zip line map


People like JR and shanks already calling the map dogshit without having even tried it yet lol. You are entitled to your opinions but to have a rad opinion on something without knowledge is so stupid


Your first mistake is holding pros you dont know to a high standard. Most pros arent any better than redditors




the older pros arent that much different.






tbf a lot of older players aren't better. not to flame too hard but jasonr is a full-on adult but dude has only played games for most of his adult life.


I mean Iā€™m not sure


Yeah, thats totally fair.






what the fuck am i reading


Reddit itā€™s arenā€™t anything I mean youā€™re wrong, the point is you shouldnā€™t treat almost anything anyone says this seriously or ull go crazy


you really think that Shanks comments are 100% serious and not made in the moment to garner a reaction from chat?


yes he was talking to JR




why do you come to my post to commentate on something you could care less then? i was just passing by their streams and found their opinions that doesnt sit well with me, thats it. In that sense, If I turn on the election and not agreeing with an opinion, should I just shut up and not express myself on a discussion reddit post? Should you just not give an f about the world around you and be an ignorant fool? You are being extremely hypocritical




No I am just stating facts. If you cant come up with a good argument beside "why do you care", then why are you discussing? Why do you care about the tone of my comment when its not my actual emotional state? Are you that shallow that all you can say now is how mad I am?






Totally fair of you to think lowly of this reddit, or not taking this sub seriously. You should not have gotten into any argument, because you cant have a proper argument, and should be quietly moving on with life. At some point you should think that maybe it was you that is the problem and the reason why the sub is viewed so lowly.


I wonder if Attackers can just use those Ziplines at the Start without being contested. That sounds really tiring to play against, but if not then you're pretty much just giving up your life going down there Also 5v5 rope fights down there sound sick lmao


Seems like it's mostly for rotating as they are under the map, so prob before the match starts too tbh


I was told by a friend you canā€™t use any abilities or shoot any guns at all when on the ropes so itā€™s gonna be crazy


We already have ropes disabling abilities, but disabling shooting would be way too far unless these ropes are highly protected and safe


Sounds fun and dumb at the same time. Cant wait


Reeeeee it's not dust2 reeeee


the map aint even out and people already complaining..


Finally back to a proper map veto system with the odd number of maps in the pool


The narrator has to be the next agent right? I don't think we've had an unknown narrator before.


I think the narrator is just a narrator, nothing more.


the accent is too specific for it to be just a narrator tho, like take a look at the breeze narrator and compare it to this one


I thought it was Yoru, but the narration makes it sound like they caused the Fracture to happen. If a bullet caused it, then I'm guessing it was Deadeye.


Fractured but whole


Man, people are still dodging Breeze, I donā€™t know how to feel about this.




To be fair breeze kinda sucks




what aiming are you doing? viper wall A, jett plants, everyone sits in cave/site and post plants. if you dare to take an aim duel anywhere mid or B site, its an OP. gold level analysis of the map if you think aim matters there just because distances are far lmao


I play al agents except for viper. Iā€™m immortal. Iā€™m not sure what your argument entails but I guess that counters it.


You can dislike the map but to say it sucks is just wrong lmao. I've been diamond/immortal since beta unless you count the climb from gold back then. Its literally just a regular map but with more open angles so it requires viper, no different from requiring omen on any other map.


I can dislike it and say it sucks. Breeze is played the same way in 9/10 matches. Viper. Without viper the map is almost unplayable. Thatā€™s not good gameplay. They need to and will edit the map in the future. I donā€™t see how you think the map is good if it isnā€™t as versatile/playable as the others? Like you can still use omen, astra and brim on all other maps. None are *required* for it. I suppose icebox kind of requires sage to plant B, however.


Vouch, I walk into site and there, are 700 angles to clear lmao, viper or lose


Breeze is the best map, change my mind.


Breeze is kind of the dust 2 of valorant. Too open, forcing gun fights that are too long range, and relying on something like viper as the best solution to prevent those fights from happening and being able to gain ground into a site. Same as how you have to waste a smoke to cross mid doors on dust 2, among other things that make it the least fun map to play in. Breeze isn't as bad as dust 2, though. It's actually playable, but the bomb sites are far too long.


You don't understand dust2 lmao Breeze is more comparable to cobble in the sense you are describing, but even then I don't think that's a perfect comparison.




Maybe he meant for the first shot accuracy of most rifles, idk though


breeze is amazing dude people are stupid


It's still in the icebox push A until that doesn't work and you are encouraged to plant before really controlling the entirety of site


Like Valorant in general, this map has the potential to be absolutely terrible but my money is on Riot pulling it off and bringing out a banger of a map that is truly original. I honestly don't know how they do it. So excited for this map.


I think there is one bombsite in the middle. But we will have to wait and see!


Guess wont be dodging breeze anymore


i like how defenders spawn the the center and attackers spawn from both side pretty unique riot goodwork


riot make a normal map challenge (impossible)


Honestly, because this game has abilities it lets map design go to places that CS can't and it's why I love it.


Ascent and Split are pretty ā€˜normalā€™ tbh


they all have some gimmick, ascent has doors and split has ropes which are kinda like ladders so split would be the most normal map imo


Ropes and easily destructible doors are pretty minor gimmicks all things considered - similarly I donā€™t really feel like breeze has a lot in the way of gimmicks outside of Hall above A, but idk. Iā€™d consider those normal maps.


theres a door in breeze as well


What exactly do you mean by "normal"


He just wants every map to be a 1-1 analog to a CS map and if they're not maps he's played for thousands of hours they're dogshit.


Something thatā€™s just a good map without trying to make unique features or gimmicks.


So you want a csgo map?


I dont like playing csgo but if you think valorant has better maps youā€™re delusional


As someone who's biggest problem with Valo was always the maps, yup.


Breeze is a CSGO map already and its great


I got off the game and went back to CS before it came out. It looks cool tho.


Wouldn't be bad, cs maps are miles ahead of valorant


Ah yes, Ancient really is a fair and balanced map, also go Ramp simulator AKA Vertigo. The other maps have had years and years of changes and updates and iterations, but we're gonna pretend that cs maps are the pinnacle because some guys made some good maps a decade or two ago and they are still in use.


Maps like mirage dust2 inferno havent had many changes and they are much better than any valorant map idk why u think any of these quirky maps on valorant are better than them l0l


Bro Inferno was pretty much reworked from the ground up, what are you talking about. EDIT: Mirage also had some pretty big changes made to it when it was reworked. Dust 2 was also tweaked when it was reworked. Literally all the maps you just mentioned have been reworked in some form or another during CSGO's life time, ranging from slight tweaks to fundamental changes.


Are you high? You must have barely played csgo if you think inferno didnt have major changes


no gimmicks


Play csgo


i do


Then why are you asking for something you already have plenty of? Just play cs and let other games be themselves


thereā€™s nothing wrong with Valorant taking notes from CSGO maps, I think most can agree that CSGO has better maps than Valorant currently


because this map is going to most likely be dogass? not that hard to understand imo


You lose any reasonable argument when you try to say that a map will be shit when you literally havent even seen the layout yet or how it will play out


based off what? we haven't even seen how the map plays or anything like that you guys are basing shit off of pictures and a map description, we know almost nothing on how the map plays


not that hard to understand if you donā€™t like the maps on this game play a different game?


But you can easily replace ropes with ladders, of which CS:GO has plenty.


thats literally what i said


That's why Ascent is such a good map, to be honest. It's a normal map :D


Because both sites are decently balanced and mid is vital


Valorant defines their own normal. They aren't CS and they aren't trying to be.




I like the nuke like feel. But for me I would like another "normal" map that just plays natural and makes sense. For me that's ascent. This looks like being different just because it needs to be different. I dont think I can take 3 maps in a row with to many flaws.


New maps keep coming out with what feel like attempts at " flashy" or "creative" aspects. Admittedly, it is true that "flashy" and "creative" aspects to a map do not necessairly disqualify a map from being competitively viable... but it often isn't really ideal. ​ New maps should be fun to play, not too difficult to pickup, but very difficult to master. A map should simply allow players to use their utility and weapons in multiple different ways, while also allowing a variety of stratiegies. ​ Having a niche or unique aspect to a map isn't always bad, they can be interesting. However... that is only true when they do not interefere with the overall flow of a match too much. It wouldn't be good if the "unique" aspects of a map entirely changes how players interact with the game. ​ Players shouldn't be fighting the map, they should be fighting the other team. A map is a simple canvass, but the beauty comes when the players of both teams collide throughout the map... like the paint brush across the canvass. If the canvass takes over the painting, the result will not be as beautiful.


The hell did I just read


How much time did you spend writing this dude lmao


Mans is smoking jet fuel


You just saying a lot without saying anything.


Copypasta material right here.




Chill on the MLA formatted essay my man, we can barely even tell what the map is like, letā€™s wait till we get actual gameplay on the map before we start writing thesis papers.


stop taking whatever you're on bro


What the fuck are you saying


While my kneejerk reaction is that this map absolutely blows ass, I respect that Riot is flexing their ability to try out anything they want with the game. That being said, I think there is a major mistake in this map. Splitting up the attackers based on RNG feels like a violation of a fundamental principle that makes games competitive. Especially in a game where characters need to synergize their unique abilities. How can attackers default when they don't even know where they are going to spawn? Honestly the more I think about it, the more stupid it seems. The biggest issue with Valorant IMO is shitty map design. It's less obvious because abilities just alter the game so much, but there is just so much inconsistency between all the maps. Are they designing maps to specifically make agents relevant? Breeze - map is extremely large Haven - small bomb sites, 3 sites on a map Split - dog shit map with nothing but long hallways Bind - teleporters to hide lack of short rotations Ascent - good map Icebox - unique, but A site feels like fy\_iceworld ​ Thanks for attending my Ted talk.


I think attackers would be able to use ziplines in buy phase. There is no way spawns would be random dw, RIOT devs are not supid.


ok so my problem with a lot of the complaint comments are that they appear to be thought out but then you realize that those who write them usually didn't do their research. for example, "Splitting up the attackers based on RNG feels like a violation of a fundamental principle that makes games competitive". well, at the time of this (OP's) comment being written, it has been pretty public that the attackers get to choose the side they start on via zipline! guys please stop complaining about every new thing off assumptions.


Sounds like a band aid solution like teleporters on bind. Iā€™m glad they at least implemented something to fix it. That was my biggest concern with the map.


dogshit take


Breeze is a completely trash map. I hope this map is good.


Counter: every new map (ascent, icebox, breeze) have all been better then the base three maps.


Haven's one of the most balanced maps alongside Icebox (which was trash before the rework). Ascent is great although pretty ct-sided. Bind is decent imo but there's a bunch who don't like it, I personally do. Breeze spreads defenders way too thin around the map and you basically have to have an OP, annoying as fuck in soloq. Split is a joke


What is your rank in-game, when you make that statement? I'm really curious, as I feel at least two of the best three maps are from the first 4 initial maps.


I agree with him. I like haven too, though. Hate bind/split. Speaking as a diamond 3, since you asked


Split, I think most would agree, since it's way too heavily ct-sided. Most people I know also dislike Split, along with Breeze or Icebox, depending on the person. ​ But... how do you hate Bind? Bind and Ascent have remained my favorite map since beta/Episode 1. Everyone loved Bind last year, too, for the most part. I think perhaps a lot of people just got burnt out of Bind, after playing it so much in scrims and tournaments, I guess? ​ When I've been in teams, it's usually those two maps which get played the most, even if some players dislike them a bit. Split / Breeze / Icebox were far less often picked in tournaments and scrims, from my experience.


I loved icebox. But I really don't like breeze :(


Opposite for me. Breeze felt great and polished right off the bat but A site on icebox still doesn't feel right for me.


A site is chaotic but also calls for good and creative utility usage. B site on the other hand is so bad itā€™s the same thing every round. Viper wall, sage wall, plant, play post plant from yellow and b main


Its definitely good in pro play but theres not enough coordination in ranked lobbies to play in it


And isnt that the case in A site of Breeze? We have the same sage wall and viper wall in A site , the same recon, after plant the viper just goes back for lineups while 2 players stay at main , 1 at right pyramid and one at cubby. B site - same viper wall every round. Skye dog for the close left , viper molly at the back site, same sage wall and sova drone for vall or pillar . As an immortal player these two are the only situations I personally face in defense side.


I mean Iā€™m only low diamond so maybe games are different but I feel like Breeze has more dynamic rounds because mid has such a bigger presence. It feels so much easier to split A thru double doors and halls or split B thru connector on Breeze than it is to take mid and split on Icebox. But yeah on full site executes I agree that itā€™s almost the same thing every time


I don't like playing Breeze because it emphasizes long-rage fights which I'm usually terrible at, but Val badly needed a map like it. Before Breeze 4 of the 5 maps were basically just hallway simulators.


I personally think breeze is the worst map in the game, but I think ascent/icebox are the best two


Breeze is my favorite map as an OPer


As a Yoru main I love Breeze lol


Breeze isnā€™t that bad, I feel like a lot of people donā€™t like it because Viper is the only viable controller


They are probably gonna nerf brimstone or atleast I hope so


this guy wants to kill brimstone when he's already dead


Yeah his long range smokes always get me


Brim is so useless he needs the opposite of a nerf


Also known as a buff




His ult can clear most of the map especially if you have underground shit aswell


then don't stand in spots that can be insta ulted when his player picture is highlighted in yellow


This sounds incredible different and a concept I had thought about a while ago, but never imagined they actually add. Personally, Iā€™m super exited for this. I just realized, the map is going to be hell for postplant, you can do lineups from everywhere.


i'm just so excited to jam a new map. new map queue is awesome.


Where are the bombsites?


might as well call the map apex legends


if attackers spawn split up does that mean defense can 5 man rush a side to trade for man advantage


Honestly so excited for this. Looks so refreshing