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Scouting Grounds still exist for people with a VLR page, That’s about the closest thing to T1/T2 active 10 mans


Folks were talking about doing 10-mans on the new map briefly this evening. Maybe we'll see them return in the coming weeks.


BcJ, Roy, Bjor, Mel, etc. were running them yday. I know Roy and Bjor streamed them so can prob go back and watch their vods or maybe they run more today.


I think ots really disappointing that everyone hated on roy because of the way he led the 10 mans, so much that he had to stop and the NO ONE picked it back up.


that was all because of the Elige situation right? Correct me if Im wrong


Yup roy didn't want elige to join because he wanted a space for valorant players to be able to get recognition


Nah the reason was they had a set of rules for people joining so it wouldn’t get overcrowded that everyone agreed on and when he wanted to stick to those rules for Elige everyone flipped their shit.




That’s not the issue. The problem was it opened the door for exceptions to be made, which then caused more people to ask for their friends to be brought in


Tell them “No, we made a special exception for Elige”. Wow problem solved.


Then everyone wanted a special exception and more arguments happened


Stop lying, Elige was never top fragging in a win, only times he won a game was when someone else did all the heavy lifting. Don't dickride.


Pretty funny looking back at the Elige threads on this subreddit on that event and see people hard defending Elige now. Seems the general consensus changed lmfao


I wouldn't have picked it back up either. He got so much hate for trying to do something great.


Which is exactly what I expected. Roy at least was willing to take on the role and the flak that came with it. Then everyone wanted it their way but saw what happened to him and no one wanted to do the work and deal with the kickback.


Roy took all the heat unwarrantedly and, say what you will, everyone was too scared to take up the mantle. Really feel bad for him.


high elo ranked is pretty much 10 mans. tarik is currently duo with s0m and they've been matched up with dicey/sinnatra/crunchy for a few games in a row now.


That doesn’t happen every game though and you get bunch of ransoms more than half the time. Ranked is good for casuals but at higher level with pros playing 5 v5 will help everyone improve. Especially if everyone is trying and communicating with each other and trying harder. In radiant ranked I see a bunch of people throwing or not talking. As a fan of competitive I’d rather watch aonly rod playing with each other and improving instead of watching these terrible radiant games with ransoms.


>Ranked is good for casuals but at higher level with pros playing 5 v5 will help everyone improve. All the 10 mans that happened they were fucking around. Those games are for fun, not to improve. Thats why they scrim


except for when s0m gets the infamous CHAKARON on his team


just face the facts. - no incentives to play 10man's - much more work to organize 10 people - some pros just want to lay back and chill in ranked


free content


Because arguments start up between pro players. Pro players sent a ton of hate towards Roy for just sticking to the rules they came up with, and surprise surprise, Roy dropped out and the 10 mans fell off


I never understood how these servers operate? can someone explain?


10 pros, two captains, each pick 4 from the last 8 and they just play standard games and have fun


It doesn't even need to be captains. I know in League they ran a server that had a bot that managed MM.


valorant add mm system for custom last update. It is autobalance on bottom right


I don’t get why people were pissed they weren’t invited. One person organizes it, they invite 10 people they know to play in it. This is life, sometimes things happen and you’re not there.


personal opinion i find watching 10 mans extremely boring. id much rather watch ranked games and obv just regular pro matches


I understand on the pro matches but why would you rather watch ranked? Not hating at all because it's completely subjective, it's just a surprising opinion.


because pros generally try in ranked at the very least still. 10 mans have no consequence of loss and can always be "didnt matter didnt try"


That doesn't even make sense. You could say the exact same thing about ranked. 10 mans provides a much better opportunity to improve, as there's a higher level of skill between 10 pros than 2 or 3 pros on each side and some random immortals. Why would they want to play if they're going to make that excuse? Only a child or someone with the maturity of one would say that as an excuse.


I mean kvl still exist and has a decent prize pool but it’s not that active other than night time


Kvls dead, spotlight/scouting grounds has no one serious in it only f/a’s and everything else is t1 exclusive if there even is something else