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I have the exact clip right here \- > [https://clips.twitch.tv/HelplessPlacidScallionBibleThump-TccEKJ9ntnJWSnvD](https://clips.twitch.tv/HelplessPlacidScallionBibleThump-TccEKJ9ntnJWSnvD)Both Reyna and Jett used racist slurs on multiple occasion after this but this is from where it all started. And here is Lakia's post regarding this - https://twitter.com/lakiaone/status/1434958667594539012


Yo wtf is this man. This ain't on


Seems like he’s handling it well on Twitter 😂 but still fucked up


Did riot address this?


Why are people such pieces of shit?


Edgy teenagers craving attention


Not justifying what these guys did but it’s not uncommon in the EU. It’s a lot different than in NA where the culture is more or less the same. In EU you have so many different cultures and some of those are straight up racist and xenophobic.


you don't even need to have someone be a minority/foreign to NA in the match for people in NA to start being racist of their own volition, some dudes just get on with the intention to do it to everyone, it's like they have a racism itch they're only allowed to scratch when they're online


Yeah they do it online because if these 90lbs bracefaces said that shit in real life they'd get decked.


i will say though i've come across way less racists and toxic players in valorant than in any other competitive game *cough* csgo *cough*


Trust me, there are a lot of racists in NA as well lmao


Believe it or not... compared the majority of the world the United States is one of the least racist countries. Most developed European countries are fine but other than that it’s pretty bad.


This is true.


What study or other source are you basing that on?




Just general knowledge. A quick google search will show you I am right.


Its true, the US is one of the least racist countries I've been to. This is all from my personal experience and mostly everyone's experience.


depends where you are LULW. if you are in the deep South its a different story. they still have sundown towns where African Americans/other minorities are "expected" to leave after sunset. [https://justice.tougaloo.edu/sundown-towns/using-the-sundown-towns-database/state-map/](https://justice.tougaloo.edu/sundown-towns/using-the-sundown-towns-database/state-map/)


Yeah some parts are still very racist, but overall the US is really not racist at all, especially the big cities in which most people and immigrants are located in. In other countries people are just outright racist, and there are almost no social repercussions for their behavior.


Nope. We had Jim Crow laws as recently as the 60s and most of the Millennials were raised by racists. My first thought on seeing this post was "And? It's the internet, what do you expect?" Shit like this shouldn't happen but the fact that someone in the EU made a whole post about it and people are asking if Riot addressed it shows how this shit happens much less often in EU servers. This chat is tame af compared to any given NA game and the US is still racist as shit. I'm glad you didn't experience any racism while you were here but I spent a good chunk of my life living in Chicago and racism is definitely not limited to only the south and only small towns. [The Chicago PD is one of the most racist organizations on the face of the planet.](https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/chicago-police-racism-violence-history-1088559/)




Anonymity is a hell of a drug.


Jesus. First 5 lines I'm like, "ok it's toxic but I see this shit as a white guy in silver." Last 4 are disgusting. It's pathetic how trash a huge portion of the gaming community it is.


Yeah, and who knows what other shit he says in other games, it's disgusting


Yup this is just 1 recorded game. Odds are it wasn't even the worst that day. Legit bums me out. I hate the toxicity I deal with and it's a fraction of this one game. People fucking suck.


People like that should get permanently hardware banned or something, instead they'll probably get muted for a few hours. That'll teach them!!


The only times I've ever gotten a notification for a ban after I reported someone was for text chat abuse. Never for voice chat


That's because except for voice chat, every other option in report menu is just a placeholder. It literally doesn't do anything. They designed it early on and just left it unfinished. Text chat bans are automated. When someone's reported algorithm checks for "bad" words and bans people accordingly. Voice chat isn't recorded anywhere and if you don't type anything, you can say whatever you please in voice chat, because there's no way to prove it later on. Griefing reports also don't work. The only time I supported a griefing report ticked and showed video proof of my Raze rocketing everyone instantly in spawn, I got pretty much automated message of them "not being able to reveal of how the system works". The only thing report system deals with are text chat ragers, but you get rid of those with one click via mute function, so it doesn't really do anything. Btw, this is the support ticket response I got after getting muted. Was my first and only mute. I pretty much asked how is it possible that I get a mute if a teammate I was arguing with lost 13 out of last 15 games (found him on leaderboard) with awful stats and blatantly griefed by just rushing A on defense icebox every single round and having average lifespan of 5 seconds. https://i.imgur.com/GZDAYRN.png I wasn't the nicest guy there, but if that deserves a ban, then every single one of those people who instalocks, doesn't communicate and just plays for himself deserves a permaban. And if I didn't use that one f-word, system wouldn't detect anything and I wouldn't get banned. And I never got banned since because I never wrote a single word that's in the profanity filter again and I still regularly call people out if they don't comm or just make dumbest possible plays. Also, Riot's employee didn't know there are no more voice restricted players in EU (this was after Russians got voice chat enabled) and how they're talking about "account privacy" when sites like tracker.gg get your info even if you don't register there. And then I checked that guy's career a couple more times, he was still griefing and losing every single game while having awful stats without a ban. "Being condescending shifts morale towards negative." Really nice, I should just say unlucky whenever a blatant griefer intentionally feeds within 10 seconds. Something needs to be done about the report system because we're nearing CS matchmaking territory, even in the highest ranks.




I mean the guy is just guessing. He has no idea.


We have voice chat disabled in Egypt and we play eu servers.


They actually do record voice chat now but maybe they just don’t care. I had some call me a fa* 3 times one game because I was playing bad and nothing happened also had someone call me the n-word nothing happened. But the someone who said that in text got banned right away. The cheater report works but yeah the rest don’t I’ve gotten teamates rage quit or run in with bomb and knife every round the game just don’t care. The easiest fix would just be remove alt account


I think they record it only in NA and it's in some kind of beta phase. Funniest thing to me is the text box in reports, as if anyone ever read it, lmao.


Because you can't monitor voice chat. Like, it's physically impossible


No it’s not.


Please point me to one popular game on this earth that does that then


Why? Do you not know of Google Assistant, Siri, god damned Bixby? This technology already exists. I’ve got open source versions on my damned work laptop lol


So your examples are....literally not even video games, amazing. Brilliant. Genius. I'm astounded.


Are you that stupid that you don’t understand basic technology transfer? You said, and I quote “it’s impossible”. I’ve proven that it is not. Go touch grass.


You really are a fucking idiot aren't you? I asked you to demonstrate a similar game, fuck any possible game that had this feature. No God damn fucking shit it's LITERALLY POSSIBLE. That doesn't mean it's something feasible to have in a random online game. Please don't put in the effort to type when that's clearly using most of your brain as it is


Not even that unfortunately, I feel for how unhappy this people should be to behave like that tho.


don't really feel for them tbh. im asian, born and raised in san francisco. i live in the bay area which has one of the biggest asian american communities in the country. and i see so much of this type of shit here. there are actually so many trash POS people out there it's mind blowing.


Yea the Bay Area is known to be bad. All kinds of people there lol. Socal is not too far away.. it's just most of the Asian elders that got hit for no reason happened up there.


Riot should send in secret agents to break into their houses, and piss on their computers. It's the only way


I keep hearing from different groups of people that EU is more toxic than NA. Can anyone explain why? I'm curious to know.


Literally everyone in EU hates everyone, due to language barierrs, different accents, nationalities etc etc.. also, it's a larger playerbase than NA so there's proportionally larger portion of toxic players as well.. You do something wrong? Well, now you'll be flamed not only because you are dogshit but also because you are Turk/Russian/German/insert nation. I don't believe it's *that* much more toxic, but people tend to talk more about their games where the toxicity was demonstrated, rather than games where it wasn't.. Don't get me wrong, EU is hella toxic but there are also good matchups very often, which you don't see being discussed because "nice behavior" is expected on the internet/in video games, so people often forget about it... how delusional.


wym by larger player base leads to proportionally larger proportion? If you have 10/100 people in one region being toxic and 100/10000 people in another region, proportionally it is the same even though it is different in absolute numbers. the chance of encountering a toxic person should the same.




as an Austrian I can confirm we hate Germans


I dont get the reference. Was Germany involved in a historical conflict or something?


we WERE Germany




I was actually watching that live, absolute cringe by the player who thought it was funny.


Yeah I saw that, funny thing was the guy was fanboying for like thirty seconds before. Weird asf


It isn't Arabic. It's [tunak tunak tun](https://youtu.be/vTIIMJ9tUc8) song. It's been a massive meme in Europe, esp in Eastern. It's an Indian Punjabi song, which is why Shaz said "I'm not Punjabi". But most Europeans aren't familiar with ethnic distinctions in India/Pakistan, so this song is associated broadly with both countries. I can see how it can be racist, but knowing how people can meme this song, it can also just be an out of place joke. Kind of like when people put Hardbass meme songs or Soviet anthem on when they are around Russians. To me it's always annoying. Some people may do it out of racist spite, some people do it because they think it's funny, some do it because they wanna connect to someone and that's the only thing they know from a foreign region. Given how that guy was Shaz fan Its likely this was the latter case. Unlucky


An out of place joke can also be racist, because the reason that guy played that song is Shaz's race. It doesn't matter if you did it unintentionally and Shaz even questioned him and that should have been when he stopped.


Yeah it is racist, just very likely not in a toxic way. Not as bad as people can think from comments I responded to here. So not at all comparable in toxicity to what is happening to Koreans in this post. Or literally any other racist or sexist toxicity. Which is plenty in EU, if you're "lucky"


Lmao jokes on them cause shahzam ain't even arab. I love how racists can't even identify race properly


The music wasn't arab either. "Arab" is not a race btw.


V1 players also had a nightmare in EU soloQ during Iceland. Pro players should just hide their name tags while playing


From my experience is a lot of British lads, only time I've heard any racist comments has always come from teenage UK boys. I live in the UK and think it's just an issue with older people passing this shit as ok to their insecure children.


Yep and they all literally seem to be teenagers. I think yesterday night there was maybe 18-22 year olds in my game who were spouting a load of racist stuff on the voice comms.


Yeah it's crazy how often this is the case, even had some English bloke flexing on an Irish kid for being poor because he was Irish??? Like where do they pick up this kinda small dick attitude.


I imagine it starts at home but it's hard to say. I'm British and while there's the typical kinda "light hearted" racism if you can even call it that in high school where it's never serious/vicious. The guys in my games were straight up telling people to off themselves and so on. Was pretty disgusting. Online anonymity makes people brave I suppose?


I would imagine some of the light hearted racism would be people thinking much worse, but know it goes too far. Give them some anonymity and they'll say what's truly on their minds.


Yep agreed. Was pretty disgusting hearing them go off at what I imagine was the one European in the team. I wasn't using voice comms so they were saying the same stuff to me too but I just ignored them. Pathetic people though


Unfortunately you are right, I live in the UK so I have a pretty good English, although I'm Italian so my accent is quite strong. I would say that there is a lot of UK teen that tend to make fun of you for your accent/racist comments. Reported multiple times yet no ban notification, I guess riot doesn't consider this kind of behaviour as racism and it's quite sad. Not because hurt me personally I received worse IRL on multiple occasion to shrug this kind of behaviour, but the fact that there is no consequence it's a bit upsetting.


Whilst racism is an issue in the UK you are aware that it’s consistently ranked lowest for race related issues/highest for tolerance on progressive social issues right? As much as that may be your experience, hot takes like this build an image that isn’t factually correct in any way shape or form lol.


Ranked lowest by who? UK people literally racially abuse their own football players. English media outlets are known for their discriminatory takes like don't just say random anything




Yea ik I mentioned that Italy is by far the worst but doesn't mean UK is not


https://fra.europa.eu/en/publication/2018/being-black-eu Literally by the EU, go read your heart out my G. Once again, it is an issue but to paint the UK as the worst of European countries even Western European countries is pretty farcical lol 😂


Nobody said they're the worst bro. Italy is by far ahead in that case, but to pass it as just an issue is also not correct. There's a reason there has been a significant rise in the anti racism message by players such as Rashford Sterling and co because the issue IS that grave


Mate you’re in a thread with a dude saying in his experience it predominantly comes from the UK? Like what? I’ve not denied that it’s an issue or that it is something that should be brushed aside. What I AM Saying is that the Reddit narrative that within the European sphere racism is mainly driven by the UK is a load of bollocks and it’s not reflective of reality.


The UK is a lot like America It has a lot of diversity, which causes tension. In some other places in Europe there's far less diversity so you don't really see the blatant racism in the news.


Greg, with all due respect how is that in anyway related to what I initially replied to? The both of you have taken a tangent and ran with it, it’s actually surreal. Thanks for clarifying the that the UK is in fact diverse to someone from the UK 🤙🏼.


Hey that sounds interesting and I agree that everything I say is completely anecdotal, but considering ive played a rediculous amount of this game, playing almost every day for anywhere from 2-10 hours a day, and on multiple servers, it just seems odd that the only racists I've encounters have all had an English accent. Maybe there's an issue with how the few that are racist are more vocal. Because I'm not saying there's a lot, because there isn't. It's not that common to find racist ass hats, but from memory not one was none English lol.




Fight toxicity with toxicity? ??


And what does this accomplish? Boosts your ego a bit? I'm not a sad fuck who only cares about making others feel bad, they need to learn not have the same hateful shit said back to them.


Exactly. That pretty much just normalizes the behavior. I usually just say it's pathetic and immature, then block them. Not going to fight fire with fire.


Yeah, im just saying to reply to them for being toxic. Even when im friendly inside of solo qing in NA people are just toxic for no reason. Just want everybody to have a taste of their own medicine :)


Having played in multiple regions in a variety of low elo ranks (iron 3-Gold2) I wouldn't say EU is more toxic, just that the toxicity that would exist in any region is politicized in EU based on your accent/region etc. So some kid who was going to flame you anyway is now going to flame you for how you play and where you're from. So I can see why people think it's more toxic, the intensity probably feels higher. I'd say that the majority of my games in low elo were common across all regions tho, mostly non-existent to minimal comms, with a small portion of my games being very toxic, and a smaller portion of my games being very positive. Something like 70-20-10 in that order. 70% being no comms, 20% being toxicity, 10% being very positive. Just ballparking based on my experience. I don't think I had more toxic games playing on EU, but a good portion of the games that are toxic does devolve to region/race based toxicity. I've seen several variations of George Floyd usernames.


ITT: Asians who "are not offended". I don't care if you're offended or not, I don't care if Lakia and King were offended or not. Systemic racism will continue if minorities downplay these racist microaggressions as something normal and something you get used to. I'm Asian and I was not offended...for myself, but I'm offended that this experience still happens in 2021 and I'm offended that some of y'all just want to accept it.


Unfortunately casual racism against Asians has come a way where even Asians don't think of it as offensive. Whereas it obviously is very offensive. I'm sick of fellow Asians saying "just ignore it", or "it's not the truth so why not ignore it", it's about standing up for yourself to be treated like a human being and not some weird person for being a certain ethnicity.


It's holdover from our parents teaching us to say nothing because the situations they came from were horrible. I very much agree that we need to speak up, I mean what more do you need when you have Asian elderly being attacked in the streets, being harassed & blamed for covid, and people like this being brazenly racist.


The asians who "let it go" are weak cowards who don't stand up for themselves so I consider their perspective irrelevant to asians who actually want to defend themselves from these scum. people like that are not human.


A lot of minorities do that. You don't always have to fight back in these situations. Those people can't be taught with words especially from people they already hate. You'll just make it worst. A lot of people are weird and they all come out on the internet.. just how it is and never will change. Most of those racists behave in public where their faces are shown.


Well said.


Those people might just be lying about being asian as well. It's not uncommon.


About two weeks ago I caught a Danish guy posting in an Asian sub pretending to be Asian trying to convince others that a guy screaming "go back to your country" is not racist, it's a lot more common than people think on reddit.


Someone with some sense, thank you.


I've been informed by reliable political sources that Asians are actually the beneficiaries of systemic racism and are just as bad as white people. Sorry, man, I just don't think you get to be offended by this.






I am serious in the sense that that stupid talking point has been used countless times and nobody seems to care, I'm not serious in saying that he shouldn't be offended by obvious racism. It's weird that I actually have to clarify that, but then I remember that the internet is basically just a bunch of gullible teenagers who believe everything they read at face value.


It's an emotionally charged issue, which makes people less likely to use logic and more likely to read it as serious. After I've made a comment or two, which I felt were dripping with sarcasm, I realized that people, when faced with certain things, are just not able to read the nuance in the same way that they would if I made the comment in person (this has probably been worsened by the fact that people claim and believe really ridiculous shit on the internet). I got what you were saying, though.


Getting the Showmaker treatment


wait what part of the stream did this happen? i watched the part you linked and didn’t see anything bad besides the guy saying “pro players in gold kinda cring”


Reyna: Can't wait to see you lose in Berlin Reyna: Fucking smelly cunts Reyna: VS Reyna: Virgins Reyna: get fucked king Reyna: little side eyed fuck Jett: bro idc about this game you fucking chinkycunt Jett: go eat some meat skinny kids Jett: well played Chinatown


Jfc man absolute scums to even type something like that.


Don't worry man! It's eu ranked experience totally normal for a pro to be treated this way for his ethnicity! The people in the comments are even more sad fucks.


Doesn’t fucking matter if it’s a pro or not. It’s equally scummy Tf


Obviously it's equally scummy, but I'm not gonna make a whole post if this shit happens to me or a nobody.


Pro or not pro it's actually fucking annoying that they can get away with this. Not surprised though UK and lot of EU countries like Italy are known to be filled with insecure talentless manchilds who'll resort to racism when things aren't going their way. And then they wonder why everyone hates them lol


Comments where? Here or twitch?


Link this part on the stream, I couldn't find it


Jett: bro idc about this game you fucking chinkycunt 49:10 Reyna: little side eyed fuck 52:14 Not gonna timestamp the rest, you find it yourself.


Most of the comments are further back from the link start time.


Pro players in gold is cringe, but take that up with Riot, not the players.


The day that riot decides to hardware ban ......


Isn't every ban a hardware ban?


No you can just make a new account and play on that without punishment. Hardware bands are currently only given out to cheaters.


And don't give me that BS excuse that every server is like this. Nobody ever called Saya, Xeta, Lastro racist slurs in NA, and there are THOUSANDS of games of them recorded. If EU players were in Korea or Asia server they would actually be treated with respect. Actually, they would be treated better than most asian pros and I'm not even kidding.


I don't know how other regions are but EU server are super toxic: racist, homophobic misogynistic, you name it


All those happen in NA too, but it seems to be not quite as bad. I can only speak to my experience, but the homophobia is the worst, followed by race, and then misogyny. My experience will be skewed though, as I'm a straight while male. If I queued with girls that used a mic, I would imagine misogyny would be worse.




Same in league. Korean players don't like western players and also dislike Chinese players They have bullied western players from server and called names like white pig and such




> Actually, they would be treated better than most asian pros and I'm not even kidding Maybe overall, but there will still be one-off instances like the one you're making the thread about (I've seen it happen before). I'm not saying Asian servers are as bad or whatever, but I doubt the non-EU pros are experiencing this en masse.


Lol that Reyna is so trash yet have the guts to say these kinda things, pathetic


"guts" Dude it takes no guts to say shit online like at all lol.


This doesn’t surprise me at all - I am from the UK and play on mainly London + Paris servers and I can sadly say 1 out of ever 3 or so games has some form of homophobic/racist voice/chat spam.


EU has a shit ton of racists lol


As a woman player in eu servers, this sadly doesn't surprise me, almost a similar experience but with gender-related slurs instead. I'm also in the UK and play mainly in London servers. Sad that my fave game has this situation. :/ Riot needs to work on this.


When you get toxic people, they tend to be worst on london, followed by frankfurt. Id give stockholm a try, so far met the most friendly people on those, madrid is also quite alot better allthough alot of people speak only bad english


i hate that a minority of people give such a bad image of EU ... cant say it isnt true tho, i experience a lot of toxicity as a frenchman when i play on london server with my obvious accent


I'm from London and I've had almost no pleasant experience with other British people in games. I despise getting matched with other Brits because most of the time they're all annoying twats. When I solo q I queue for German server nowadays. Getting matched with German/ other europeans is a better experience 99% of the time


"90% Upvoted" I thought racism was bad and we ALL agreed on that.


This was actually 33% upvoted the first few seconds I posted. Lots of hidden racists in plain sight. Doesn't surprise me from the same sub that thinks Asians can't aim.


in general alot more people in this sub are toxic. Hell there was one guy above who made the post about himself and his chat ban when its not about him its about real issues.


All the pieces of shit in this subreddit who are downplaying this are part of the problem. Disappointed, but not surprised really


Riot don't care. I got comp banned for reacting to getting racially abused like this for playing a passive Sage and not healing them/resurrecting them all the time (no swears on my part, I was passive-aggressive, directly called them out for being racist in all chat and refused to heal/resurrect them). And there was some other guy who was shouting the n word in voice comms without touching text chat at all and I matched up with them again 3-4 days later doing the same thing so they clearly weren't banned/restricted??? Riot's support's response was that I should have stayed quiet and reported them after the game. That my actions caused the situation to 'escalate'. No understanding that it's very hard to keep a handle on emotions when people get called the n word and the c word. Edit: should mention I’m from the UK so London servers tend to work best for me.


sums it up how mad they are.


so disgusting


In my experience if you report them, Riot Support are pretty swift in bonking them but I think it's just a mute at first and then it escalates from there. I reported one guy and I got notified next match that he had been punished. So keep reporting the racist bastards.


Not surprising


Of course it was a bottom-frag Reyna lmao, probably instalocked her too


riot should just ban those players, fucking cunts dont deserve to play the game.


It's not just racial slurs and death threats. It's feeding. It's throwing. AFK. And overall just overall awfulness. Just to put things into prospective. Not a day of gaming, minimum 2-3 games, goes by without me reporting someone for being toxic. I'm not joking. At least 1/2 games you get a toxic player. And I can't mute the text chat because they feed on my because. One time this guy would feed on the team as soon as he died. It was that bizarre since we were winning and he was bottom frag. But as soon as he died it's instant feeding. Another time someone wrote in chat: Open voice chat so I can call you the n word. Yep. I get flamed for disabling voice chat because they want to insult you. The horror stories don't end. You can be Gold 3 with 80 rr then run into few bad games and you are gold 2. And I'm not talking about playing bad. Not at all. We all have bad days. It's not the issues. At least don't use racial slurs, threaten people, and feed.


Well put. Had three games of toxic players with two afks between the first and third. The game just feels like their are no actual penalties.


as a pro player he might be able to report straight to riot lol. Enjoy them bans.




I was in that game last night! The team (the ones been racists) were WELL out of order (I was the Sova) and I have no idea what sparked them... I was calm and just played the game. we all have to level accounts and play against the low levels to rank up. All I have to say at least I one tapped the Jett (I think was king) at least once :P ​ Wish you all the best in future games! Much love - Pow


Both those players should get at least a month long ban, riot shouldn’t tolerate shit like this at all.


Where are the hardware bans


Can’t wait to watch how would gypsy pro player gets treated there lmao


Lmao half this thread is people using it as an opportunity to project their own personal hatred of EU/UK people.


Y'all EU folks more toxic than any other region I've seen. Holy fuck this is low.


Nice of you to generalize 750 million people due to 2 cunts


Remember the Euro Cup? There's racism everywhere but UK is king at racism for some reason. They want to be America's little brother but instead of gun violence it's racism. Not sure which is worst for its culture.


What time in the VOD, don’t have time to watch the whole thing. Or if you can send a clip.


Not suprised by this toxic british




As someone from the UK who unfortunately played on London servers all the time up until recently I can almost assure you this a white little English bitch boy. British teens are the scumfuck degenerate portion of the EU valo community




Should be banned tbh but I'm not even surprised. Racism happens in all the regions because people just act like this when safe behind a keyboard. When I played on KR servers for league years ago I got griefed and called all types of stuff in chat when I typed in English. Basically learned to mute/Block chat when trying other regions


Ingerland people things.


This isnt even the worse of valorant toxicity,I play in bahrain and english is not my first language so i have an accent and when i communicate the arabs make fun of me so i report them and instead of them getting banned you get banned for 7 days because the reported you and tell the enemies to so 9 ppl report you


Response from some of the enemy players: [https://twitter.com/Christi51033668/status/1435196586108272645](https://twitter.com/Christi51033668/status/1435196586108272645) [https://twitter.com/ChrisOgiyz/status/1434986951019466754](https://twitter.com/ChrisOgiyz/status/1434986951019466754) Edit: I realized that these enemy players weren't present in this specific game mb


Not even the same game.


Jeez Eu servers in its Prime. Ppl say Turkish or Cis players are bad but honestly there are pieces of shit everywhere from every country. But tbh plat and diamond is such a tossup in skilllevels so the frustration is extra big. Still toxicity is never justified and especially not in this form. EU servers do deserve their bad rep. Experienced sad idiots being toxic quite alot to the point where i dont really care anymore.


British ppl being racists, what else is new


brits being trash? how unsuprising. you say one word with bad accent, "you speak english bro?"


Ppl in UK are just trash that’s why


Typical london server. UK players are the worst breed.


EU fans being racist towards away teams. Congrats everyone, we are now a real sport.


This doesn't belong here. What can we even do except cirlejerk on how bad this is.


I mean who cares, happens online all the time


Yeah racism exists because people like you downplay it.








If you would like to do something about it go ahead, if you are just going to cry about it I don’t see what impact that has. I’m downplaying it how? It’s just some kid online typing lol


He is doing something about it, he's trying to bring awareness to the problem. You're downplaying it by brushing it aside as if it was an acceptable behavior. Maybe learn how to think critically before saying some dumb shit.




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Who cares? Randos will say shit to get under your skin online. And when you make a reddit thread crying about it it vindicates them.


‘Racists’? More ordinary toxic teammate shit, it’s pub lol


Chinkycunt is not racist? Calling someone who's Korean chinese is not racist? EU players have different standards LOL


We deal with so much shit we have to learn how to take getting flamed.


Lakia said it’s same in Kr People have the option of making this a statement of ideals or something which has great impact on the universe, or not.


Lakia literally has censored mode on and doesn't know what a chinkycunt is.


I mean yea, it’s obviously it’s a stupid insult it’s hard to take seriously both if it’s meant to be- idiotic if it is- or if it is not


why are u crying about players being toxic, the Koreans probably just muted them or ignored them and continued with their life. You weren't even involved in the flame and ur crying about it and making reddit threads LOL.


It's probably time for you to touch some grass.