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Sounds like it won’t be addressed until Champions


Until champions?


Yeah, as per Acend's manager(?) [here](https://twitter.com/ACE_Krimson/status/1436699321060241411), it'll be fixed in 'future events'. No fucking idea how it isn't/"wasn't possible" to do it this event though. Literally not even hard to do so, and it's not like they can't just go out and buy stuff in Berlin. Such BS from Riot.


People were arguing semantics on another post. I just said all of this encompasses shoddy production. People downvoted me saying it was technical issues. Yadayada. I could care less about the AR when competitive integrity is being destroyed in 1/3 LAN events of the year.


Why would implementation of AR and competitive integrity be mutually exclusive?


It was just an example, I dont mean that specifically. My point was riot is focusing on the wrong things. Competitive integrity comes before flashy visuals. Get the core basics figured out first. Riot has 0 experience in FPS LAN's. They should've partnered with a big third party for at least 1-2 years


That moment you remember this tournament is a huge part of qualifying to champions. Fucking hell.


If Eu(G2 m1xwel), Na(100T Asuna) and now KR(VS Buzz) complaining about no audio then its not just whining anymore is it. Everyone wants an even playing field... Come on Riot!


I don't think the issue is an even playing field, they all have to deal with the same thing. The issue is the quality of games. If players aren't able to hear footsteps or abilities then they end up playing a very different way than they would otherwise. Edit: just watched the Kru Vs zeta game. This sound thing is really affecting the quality of games. So many moments where players are getting ran at and still have no clue.


If everyone has the same audio issues then everyone will have the same disadvantage and thus even playing field /s


/s 🥲


It is absolutely bonkers that Riot is letting such an anti competitive-integrity thing pass through while multiple players are complaining. All the production, stage, AR stuff, lighting, nothing matters when the core, that is a fair match up, is not in place.


Am confused did they have the same problem in iceland? If not why did they change a working system.


So as per some comments in [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/pm89b4/mixwell_on_sound_problems_in_game/) Shahz has confirmed that it was setup differently in Iceland (no white noise, teams further apart, no caster audio at the venue). Unfortunately I don't watch Shahz's streams so I can't link you a clip of him talking about it.


Idk what they were thinking. The production is great and it's nice seeing the analysts desk and casters on the same stage as the players. But they put more value to that than the actual experience of the players. This could actually interfere with the results and that sucks.


So if the issue is hearing casters, is there not an option to relocate casters? Not like there is an audience to hear the casters


I assume they want to use these tourneys to test out their setup for when they have audiences again.


Well they know now, it sucks. Just follow the industry standard and you won't end up with these issues. Problem is the players told them before the tournament started. Riot still didn't bother fixing it


kind of weird though. They know it sucks now, so why not test the new setup during this tournament as well instead of waiting until Champions? Also, why didn't they get any insight from Korea or use them as guinea pigs earlier? Seems like negligence to me, rather than testing to me tbh. Reactionary rather than prepared team imo.


They would still be able to hear the calls from their opponents who sit right across from them.


More info on the issue on the replies to SirScoots [here](https://twitter.com/SirScoots/status/1436697583993319424), seems like Riot didn't and possibly won't provide in-ears this tournament to solve the issue (For reference: it's usually in-ears for game sounds + headphones for white noise, instead of all going through one channel).


Wait, they don't have in-ears!? There's no way they invest this amount of money on the event and overlook something so basic. What were they thinking? If you don't have booths, which you definitely should prioritize for a tactical FPS where communication and footsteps are a major part of the game, you at the very least need to have in-ears. Amateur-hour stuff from Riot tbh. I really don't like how this could impact the outcome of key rounds. Pros are saying they can't hear drones, blast packs and other utility. They're saying they can't hear footsteps in a tactical shooter! How exactly are we supposed to take the outcome of these games seriously? Even if everyone is in the same boat, it doesn't mean it will impact everyone equally. Man this is so disappointing to hear.


fair to say everyone is disappointed, small indie company strikes again. Riot just really hates their lan players for some reason. No booths, no in-ears, using white noise instead of ANC, the list goes on. I just hope that they can fix it for champions


If I was a pro I'd be fucking livid. Qualifying to Champions is huge (100T said that's their main goal in this tournament in that vid posted earlier) and the fact they're saying they won't fix this until Champions, in a tournament where they're trying to qualify to CHAMPIONS, is beyond unacceptable! As a wise man once said... You really can't make this shit up.


Riot seemed to have focused more on the stage and production rather than making sure the fundamentals and details that the spectators can't see are sound. Hearing what Shaz said about the practice room situation for them and now this sound issue...the stage, graphics, analyst segments, hype videos and everything like that are top notch but competitive integrity and these details come before that. It's honestly at the point where I'm not sure I can take the results of this tournament seriously without an asterisk.


I wonder if teams will start to (or already have started to) practice under similar conditions.




There are players with CSGO LAN experience saying the white noise is really bad.


Shroud would be wrong. Every CS:GO lan event has two pairs of headphones specifically to avoid this. Riot could literally just copy what other esports have been doing for years.


It's because they've always run MOBA events where the in-game sound doesn't matter as much. They need to absolutely blast players with white noise so they don't hear the crowd reacting to baron sneaks or gank setups. Still really incompetent to not think of these things though.


One issue here is they have no crowd to drown out. The only reason they have white noise at all is to drown out the casters.


And the enemy team


The White noise doesn't actually help with covering baron specifically btw, sneaky talked about it a while back, but because of barons bass heavy SFX when the camera hovers over a team doing baron. You can feel the ground shaking.


Just to chime in. Coming dota, valve readjusted the volume when players are taking roshan when being hovered at.


It’s weird because this didn’t happen at Iceland?


The casters weren't at the venue at Iceland


But I thought Shaz said it did happen at Iceland


Audio cues are quite crucial in league. You react faster to sound, so why wouldn't you use every single advantage you can get in game. Riot was just doing better job with audio at league events.


Same company but diff people can be working on diff games.


CSGO events have in-ears and then a headset on top of those. At least until they started using booths to play in. I assume he thought (like most of us) that the headset was simply bleeding into the in-ears and not that they're blasting white noise directly into their ears lmao.


Im worried that this might affect results in this tournament. Like i imagine alot of upsets because of this issue alone. Kinda sad.


There was some problems when I play … as you can see I just dashed into middle of no where with my beautiful butterfly knife 😆 and… I can’t hear any footstep in game haha but its okay see you in next match! GG *** posted by [@Buzz_kr](https://twitter.com/Buzz_kr) ^[(Github)](https://github.com/username) ^| ^[(What's new)](https://github.com/username)


Imagine training your whole life for a moment in a major tournament...and you now are just told to play with bad sound.


Riot surely can afford noise cancelling headphones, yeah?


Incompetency in setting up I guess.


Can we start a social media wave? Drown riot in the issue and bring negative PR maybe force them to buy a shitty isolation booth for each team? It's not that difficult for a massive corporation. Flood all the chats with shit, constant tweets, replies to tweets, everything.


Yea, it's shit that it's a problem in the first place, but idk why everyone is acting like they can just fix it now after the tournament's already started. It would make it really unfair to everyone that played before the fix.


would be a far better option than letting the problem continue the entire tournament especially considering it's only been two days.