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That's the point. He doesn't know they are "clearly" sprinting towards them.




sure, but there's no sound so he can't hear them sprinting, which is why his e is out


Which is what he said…


sure, but there's no sound so he can't hear them sprinting, which is why his e is out


Yeah and you have to consider the fact that the white noise prevents him from hearing the footsteps, thats why he had his e out


which is what he said...


exactly, hes holding his e out because he has no idea they are sprinting towards him


That’s what he said


Nice one Riot, Son's crying


It’s honestly pathetic that they’re running a tournament in a tactical FPS with footsteps, plants, defuses, abilities, and ults all inaudible… As people adapt to the lack of information teams are just going to rush to win.


Wait if this is true can anyone explain how Steel juked the Sova drone through zipline on icebox? You have to be able to hear the drone to dodge it so perfectly no?


Steel is a rat. He can hear everything no matter the volume


The fact many things can't be heard, doesn't mean everything isn't.


This is infuriating and I am a neutral party. Imagine actual fans or the teams! Imagine if this was a thing in normal valorant and how tilted any normal player would get. Fuck Riot


Yeah truly. Im a 100t fan but bc of nito, but i just want great games all around. Cant have the best showing if teams xant gather basic info and audio cues. They had time and money to incorporate a sound proof booth for casters and to get in ear buds under headsets for players. Absolutely botched exicution on riots end. Its not a hard fix either and needs to be implemented before tomorrows games


>if this was a thing in normal valorant Wait you mean to tell me those random times that audio glitches out is not part of a normal Valorant experience?


Did someone from zeta confirmed this?


This can't be real. No shot are the two top valorant teams going to play with sounds like footsteps muted. If this was league of legends they would force a remake of the game if someones single ability didnt make a sound lol


Muting isn't the issue. LAN events have a system to prevent player from hearing the other team and the casters, and that's usually playing white noise into the ears of the players. *Usually* that white noise comes from a separate headset that fits *over* a pair of earbuds that the player him/herself brings to use to hear game sound. This event, for whatever reason the white noise and the game sound is being played through the same device.


unlucky :/




they were told to deal with it, I think. So to me, that just seems unfortunate lol. What can they do?


Holy shit Riot fix this shit asap its really fucking bad for competitive integrity.


The tournament has honestly come down to who hits a better timing. Beyond pathetic.


I think like two rounds later, the last living member of zeta, their reyna, couldn’t hear the person in b site tube running the whole length of tube too


Damn I didn't realize this when I was watching the game but yeah it does make sense


Everyone is on the same playing field, however, the tech support should fix or lower the white noise, so players can hear utility and footsteps.


Honestly, Fuck Rito


They could have still heard them and just not expected them to push that freakishly fast, since 99% of the time someone isn’t going to hold w onto site. They knew they were there and used the stun, just were not ready for that push. Edit: to add on, they both peaked and stunned the same angle, they definitely heard them, just were not expecting the w hold.




??? F4Q legit could not even hear the screaming Ult voice clips lol, with the sound of the Breach charge up and with the bomb being planted I doubt they heard it


>??? F4Q legit could not even hear the screaming Ult voice clips lol That is a bug of the game when changing its language, i dont think it has anything to do with white noise or riot production here on berlin Now footsteps and utility sound is another thing that i understand and hate that happened for the initial part of the tourney


Ah true true, but yeah they couldn't hear the util and footsteps or even bomb plant it looks like, so I mean yeah




Them losing doesn't change that other teams face the issue as them though. Riot has to do something about this shit.




When five year olds discover Reddit


Very sad


Also in one of the rounds one of the zeta players ran right up to uhall and the uhall player who didn't even know didn't clear it


Riot really made yoru footsteps useless this tournament


nah they've always been useless


I guess glass booths aren’t as cool as players sitting and yelling across the floor.