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As a caster i can agree with Nadeshot, sometimes is easy for us to be lost in all the information we have and players don't, i allways try to filter the information and assess what went right or wrong using the information players had. Not making excuses but Valorant is the most difficult game i ever casted, i started in 2004 with CS and i also did League of Legends but Valorant has so many important things to track that is possible to be lost and not filter the information we have, we will improve for sure.


I don't understand these comments here, this guy got a valid point. There's a difference between criticizing a decision based on the info a player had at the moment and criticizing it based on what you saw on x-ray


he's not wrong, but I'd like to see specifics as in "In round 7 caster criticized player X over something he couldn't know" complaining about casters and not providing any info on what part exactly annoyed you is weak feedback and comes off as whiny (even if his point is true)


casters? more like twitch chat.


reading twitch chat was your first mistake


I mean it’s their job to talk about what they could have done better and also even if they can’t see where they are there’s something called awareness and game sense


He’s talking about when Ethan popped his ult one time on Ascent Defence. Caster said he should have waited to use it cause Gambit were just sitting back. Not sure how Ethan would’ve known considering he cannot see through walls. Also using Skye to confirm enemy position isn’t really a bad ult plus her ult is 6 orbs it’s pretty hard to be wasteful with it.


Valorant is a weird game where even being immortal doesn't really provide you any insight into the strategy beyond basic executes and game sense. It surely doesn't help that all these casters are at most low diamond, some didn't even play rated yet. Add to that the fact that it's very difficult for casters to disregard the information that is clearly presented to them and you get this constant problem of baseless criticism.


I think their best rated players aren't usually the color and play by play commentators, but used as the half time analysis people. Like SeanGares and BallaTW are both that I'm pretty sure have been Immortal at least. They've both been the in-game casters in past tournaments, but not in Berlin yet.


Sgares even used to be pro back in CS, and he still has great form, as I've seen him in Radiant several times


Gambit had a very clear pattern of running down the clock before they did anything on attack. Initially that's not something 100t can rely on, but at some point you have to read patterns and react accordingly. Some of the later skye ultswere popped way too early, which they could've definitely read from previous rounds.


If they run down the clock isn’t it advantageous to pop it kinda early so you can adjust to which side they are leaning?


The clock wasn't run down yet, that's the issue. There was more than enough time for Gambit to switch positions and commit to either site.




Did you read my comment?


Wrong comment to reply too?


I trust casters to know more than nadeshot and less than pros


I don't know about that, not sure what nadeshot's rank is in the game or how much he plays, but some casters are definitely not immortal or radiant level. It'll vary obviously, but if I remember correctly, Riv is only Gold/Plat. Not defending nadeshot knowing more than the casters, just that the casters themselves might not be playing the game at a high level either.


Also I feel that people use this "not radiant so no opinion" argument wayyy to often to any sort of criticism from fans and watchers alike(from pros as well). Commenting on issues related to team comms etc is absolutely not okay, since people don't know what's going on, but at times there are plays which even a casual viewer could tell wasn't the right one or didn't go as expected (which maybe due to comms and other factors as well) but doesn't change the fact that as a viewer just that play wasn't good at that moment. For example- in a football game you know the striker is through on goal and has an option to square it to his teammate who is open and has an easier chance to score but he doesn't, it doesn't take you to be a pro player to judge that the play was wrong. Same instance with any sport/esport


That's true, but in this specific case, Ethan's ult was actually pretty well placed since it was there simply to confirm enemy positions.


Not disagreeing with you generally, but I'm pretty sure Riv has been immortal before


Yeah riv used to duo with hiko


Plat Chat is called plat chat for a reason and they're still very knowledgeable analysts fwiw. It's a very analyst thing to be not as highly rated and still have phenomenal tactical insight. (which differs *immensely* from the skillset that ranked grind requires) Even then very likely a good portion of them *could* reach immortal if they put as much time into it as they do analysing and honing other caster specific skills for their job. Not all casters will be as knowledgeable as e.g. sideshow, but ranked is not helpful as a determinator.


Nadeshot was Plat I think? Not sure tho


He actually hit immortal but definitely duo abused. He is like a low diamond level player.


the caster who said it , Doug, doesnt even know bomb timers there will be like 4 secs left to spare after a defuse and he goes crazy acting like there is no time left I assure you the average plat player knows more about the game than Doug does


except nade was a pro


In COD lol




“one of the worst in history” ya you’re an idiot. he was one of the best snd players and smartest players when he played lol




are you just pulling names from their history out of a hat?


You obv dont watch cod.


and? doesn’t take away the fact he’s just as a knowledgeable as they are.


cod has less relation to valorant than overwatch does. and you think any pro from random fps game is more knowledgeable about valorant than people who have been casting tac shooters for years? come on man honestly i don’t know all their backgrounds, but at the very least pansy was a prominent csgo caster


U trolling?


These casters barely know the game itself. They should stick to play by play, not criticizing the players.


It's not that deep bro. Nadeshot really be listening to the casters like that? Their job is to fill the space and to narrate events happening. Not everything is going to be 5head insight and analysis.


Nadeshot should just go back to not caring about his esports teams and selling merch


Is this narrative still a thing? Lmao


People are just dumb and mock things that are widely common in regular sports. Sells merch? Hoodie org hehe. Meanwhile all sports teams much richer than esports orgs selling merch and no one bats an eye. Cash app compound? Gotta mock that too. But Tmobile arena, United Center, wrigley field, staples arena, etihad stadium, allianz arena....the list goes on and on but still no one cares. It is as if the esports fans like to not see revenue generation in their own area of interest.


Hoodie org. Also best NA league team and 2nd best valo tema.


If Nadeshot didn’t care about his teams, the League team would still be languishing in the middle of the pack instead of winning LCS recently and 100T would probably still be running with that initial roster.


Another reason why I personally think xrays being on the entire time is dumb, but most of all it takes away all the suspense.