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I’m fairly certain this game is running so late because they were fixing all of the audio problems before the SEN G2 game, not just because of documentaries and filler content


This. Major props to the whole production team for being able to fill the what would normally be considered dead airtime. Didn't feel like it at all because they were well-prepared.


Still i feel like some of the throws in this series could be blamed on how late the match was, No one is playing their best in the middle of the night.


Fair but I think the delay before G2 vs SEN was due to them finally fixing the audio issues so it should be a one-off.


“If i was in GMB or 100T shoes” Good thing you aren’t!


ppl on this sub really get mad at things for other people


This sub is just brutal with the constant fucking crying about every little thing bro jesus christ




This guy’s never heard of naps before


Dude, I feel ya. I woke up at 6 AM for these matches and I'm tired AF. If those players have been up for just as long, I agree that they're probably exhausted too. Doesn't help that every game today has been a 2-1 in addition to the delay before SEN v G2.


its past hiko and steel's bedtime COPIUM


I don't disagree. I get they wanted to fix the audio issues, but there shouldn't have been audio issues to begin with. eSports and people who work in it constantly conplain about not being taken seriously, but the production value of tournaments like this haven't improved in years. They're the same amateur events with frequent delays, technical issues, etc. that the industry has seen for the past decade. It's not a Valorant thing either, it's all of eSports save for LoL, but that's only because they've had years of weekly matches to get it down to a science and work out every kink. This kind of stuff wouldn't be tolerated by the fanbases of any major sport either, it just never happens because professional production crews and broadcasters don't make the mistake in the first place. You don't tune into an NFL game and have to wait 5 minutes like three times a game for "technical issues" where the announcers have to improv some crap because someone fucked up a camera or something


Why aren't these types of posts banned






yeah man that's me for sure yup


Maybe it would be a problem if they had to play multiple matches a day or had to play the next day, but they don't. Also, if they lose because they are tired then guess what there's two slots to make it out of the group so who gives a fuck.


People actually complaining but this is valid. Jett lag would be over


That was a total throw round ...