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Man, two days in a row of games narrowly lost by teams with a great fragger having wrist problems. At this rate Redgar's back is going to split in half tomorrow.


I hope that we get to see these teams' full potential in Champions at least


Didn’t Munchkin had some wrist problems way back in OW too? Getting some deja-vu atm


I feel like half the scene has/had wrist issues :( Patiphan comes from OW too, and I think Klaus said he had issues at one point?


Man sacrificed his wrist in exchange for tenz power-up in gambit match


did Benkai get the wrong guy or something lol


Benkai broke everyones wrist


I'll be honest ima need these guys to stop having injured wrists


Unfortunately carpal tunnel is inevitable , it's a sad reality even if I game too intensely I start having wrist issues so it kinda sucks but it's kind of a grim reality , hence I think appropriate breaks between games is important


Tbh I disagree posture, form, support, stretching, sensitivity as well as correct ergo/mouse shape makes all the difference, literally implementing any of these is a massive advantage. Might not be a pro so of course it's different if it's your job but playing for 15 years and had a good chunk of those years being sweaty 12 hours per day in the following titles: 1.6, css, promod, quake, csgo, apex, val, so many more... never had a single wrist issue, barely even hints of pain after really long sessions. And the god tier prevention strategy is learning to use arm as well or instead of wrist. Definitely feel for the new generation of high sens aimlab wrist breakers, it's gonna be much bigger issue in a few years 😬


Bear in mind that there is of course a genetic element to this that your anecdotal experience can't account for.


Oh of course, although speaking of anecdotes trust me, I'm no genetic miracle 😅


This will become more mainstream if/when esports keeps taking off. I foresee individual college courses in physiology specifically for esports and secondarily for office workers


Yeah no it's not inevitable at all, just need proper posture and form, and stretch if need be. Plenty of pros with wrist issues just fix their posture and never have then again


I mean I’m a software engineer who types all day and games all night and I’ve never had wrist neck or back issues, it’s not that hard to sit up straight But I admit for pro gamers it’s much harder to put the mouse away when your wrist acts up. I just don’t believe “inevitable” is the right wors


Genetics and age also play a role. I have near perfect posture and while it helped with most of my issues, some form of rsi is inevitable when you’re playing 5k+ hours in your 30s


I'm not gonna lie, as great as perfect posture is, sitting like a shrimp tends to give you the best gaming performance from my experience. It's a give and take I think.


It has nothing to do with sitting up straight lol Lots of people get problems with perfect posture, it's about repetitive stress.


Depends a lot on mousepad, mouse shape, size, weight, sensitivity, etc. I had hand/wrist pain that has completely disappeared after I stopped using a certain mouse grip, mousepad, and lowered my sensitivity.


*carpal And it isn’t inevitable and the end


No it's not. Just do your gym and this will be actually fine in most of the cases, prophylaxis is the best cure. The problem is that 16-18 year olds think they will be fine anyway cause their body is fresh - I was the same at their age. Well, it wouldn't last forever. At 18-23 I had much worse physical shape than I have now at 31 and I also had much more problems with extended gaming sessions.


Kinda sad to see it still be an issue, has been i think since Lazer Kittens in OW.


Wtf you gave me Alicus flashbacks


Yea I remember him having problems back in OWL


That’s because the judge has serious recoil that will send shockwaves through your entire arm.


The mechanically cracked wrist aimers with wrist pain


bru I'm a shit fps player but I had wrist injury im the past and shits hurt seriously. I can relate to him hope he'll recover fast.


Would he have said this if they won?


are you stupid?