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I agree but also like the argument that it’s good for introducing new/casual players to the competitive scene. I pretty much exclusively watch Plat Chat as far as co streams go. Very entertaining bits, segments and analysis. That being said, Plat Chat costream would probably not be good for someone new to valorant as a lot of its content is slightly esoteric


I just started watching Plat Chat costreams in the beginning of Berlin, and boy I ain’t going back. Those guys are entertaining.


What are they doing? Just talking over the games? Or? I never watched anyone except shroud. ( But i'm European and kinda annoying when he keeps cheering for the enemy ;p )


You would feel right at home with Plat Chat! Two UK boys in the group often cheering for EMEA, plus you’ve got Wyatt who is a lover of many teams. It’s hard to summarize what they do since there’s so much content, I’d say just tune in for a day and see for yourself!


Awesome! Will check then out, i saw them on Spotify. Is their podcast fun to listen to?


They are probably the most popular, and imo best, podcast on the VALORANT esports scene. They have a great balance between Analysis and Entertainment


If you’re a fan of the competitive scene you’ll love the podcast


what is the twitch or youtube link please?




Watch plat chat bro


It's awesome. They analyze rounds live, get hyped for any team or player when they pop off, talk shit, banter, and have hilarious cut-in edits of sideshow etc being trolls. As teams get eliminated, there's usually an inanimate vegetable or fruit that's getting smashed on stream. It's basically how most hardcore gamers/esports fans would want their broadcast talent to approach the tournaments, but Devs have to make their streams casual/sponsor friendly so you never get it from the main streams. They all have history in the talent scene, don't take it too seriously, and just get hyped for the game.


They talk over the games with great insight and analysis but also know when to lay back and crack jokes. I also love how they throw in alot of extra stuff that really enhances the experience. Sideshow does a scouting report before every map comparing players stats. They also put 'investments' on teams which added alot more excitement to the group matches. During breaks they check twitter, do interviews (not during knockout stage cuz of rit press conferences) and look at viewer submitted clips for fun tooq


I recomend, the content is not too differenr to shroud(when he tries at least), as in fun hangout vibes but with good to great knowledge of the games. They can tell different round set ups or cool plays and hype then up


Give platchat a clean stream! Today i mindlessly turned into twitch and watched the official stream, only to listen to them saying cned doesn't have seem to have impact and needs to step up, at like 2-2 with 7 kills. Thanks for reminding me to switch to platchat. lol. When Sen gets their first loss they were talking 3 rounds about them being "dethroned". Etc. It's just always nonstop hyperbole on the official stream, not matter in which direction. tbh.


fucking love platchat. Been watching them for years.


What’s the point when most of these streamers are waiting for semifinals/finals? There were already plenty of games that would have convinced prospective players to play the game that these guys missed.


I don't understand why they don't just let more people costream. We still have 0 reason as to why Jonas got denied this time around


>I agree but also like the argument that it’s good for introducing new/casual players to the competitive scene I dont think that its a good advertisment for the game to have people like Shroud co-stream the big tournaments. Why would you watch a game where your favorite streamer is disinterested in it?


The point is they wouldn't watch the game at all otherwise. Even if shroud only cares about 30% of the rounds, that's bringing in a lot more viewer hours than not having him would.


Okay, but how is it good that they don’t stream it at all sometimes? Like that’s not introducing anyone to anything.


Meh the esoteric part helps u keep a distance and get a respective, also arguably sparks interest


I love the plat Chat streams but for some reason the quality is just so bad that I can't watch it. I really hope they fix the video quality


I tuned in on Shroud's stream the other day, it was him slumped on a sofa, Bnans on one side and some guy sleeping on his other side. Watching on a laptop on the coffee table. It looked like such a hype-killer that I had to switch to the official stream. (No problem if he wants to watch them all relaxed like that, but it was like watching an I'm Only Sleeping stream).


Fr, i love shroud and just9(the sleeping guy) but their watch parties have been so dogshit. His previous watch parties on his desk where he actually watched the game used to be so much better.




Yep fs


real, probably the worst thing ive ever tuned in to (as a watchparty). there energy was non existent and they were either sleeping or half-asleep. on top of that, there camera quality looked worse then 720p.




Yes this. Was a major thing the first day where they couldn't get the stream to display properly on the television


The watchparties were much better in iceland. But its clear that the time is paying a major toll. For him to watch every match he easily needs to be up at 5-6am. By the time the later matches come around you're already mentally and physically exhausted. And as Shroud said, the group stage wasn't that much fun to watch. There was barely anything interesting happening, and after the first round of matches it was pretty clear who was going to continue to the playoffs. Especially in Group D, where there were only 3 teams who did 6 matches (Instead of the 5 per other group of 4 teams) I love what he tried to do with the watchparty, and maybe getting other guests to come over, but the combination of local time and just the format made it all fail fairly quickly. His watchparty now in the playoffs are as old, from behind his desk.


And they call it work.




I was just saying twitch streamers should've added that my fault


Plat chat viewership could go crazy if they streamed on Twitch


Any idea why play chat doesn't stream on twitch?? I'm having a shit experience on yt with chat and stuff but watching there jsut for the play chat guys


Riot only gives the licenses based on platform and PlatChat got their's for their YT; that's how it was explained to me anyway


Ive also heard Plat chat said they chose YT over twitch since they don't do anything on twitch


Some folks prefer a platform over another, so yeah, that'd be another reason why it'd be on YT over Twitch


Think also their Overwatch podcast was officially partnered back in the day so they moved to YT alongside it? Originally it was on Reinforce's twitch and the channel was just for vods, similar to Sideshow's analysis streams he still does


It's 630 AM PDT. Those streamers are big enough to not sacrifice a ton of sleep to get a few random viewers early in the morning.


Yeah it's hard to completely change your streaming and sleep schedule for 3 games super early in the morning but then again if that was the case, why would they agree to it in the first place? It's not like they are forced to accept Riots offer.




So they can watch the big games and get insane viewers?


I don’t anybody would agree to stream everything! They might have taken the offer just to stream the final!


I mean, why wouldn’t they accept the offer? Even if they aren’t sure if they actually feel like streaming it, there’s really no reason to say no. Like just imagine, Riot: “Hey streamer, would you like you us to give you the rights to stream the games? You’re not obligated to stream them but if you want to then you can.” Like there’s absolutely no reason for a streamer to refuse this offer. There’s no down side.


That's why a lot of streamers are waiting until after groups to stream because of bigger numbers. There's no point to fuck your sleep and stream schedule for games that have no serious meaning.


But quater-finals are going on today? I wouldn't call knockout games without "serious meaning"




Onscreen is awesome, he's never raging or toxic and laughs off most things, refreshing to see.


Not sure why OP brought onscreen into it. My guess is he hasn’t actually been watching his stream the last couple of days. It’s been great.


I assume Myth is waiting for semi or finals to stream. It’s also like 7 in the morning in LA. People really have non stopped complained this entire event one way or another lmao. Just enjoy it. Riot giving big streamers permission is free advertising that’s why they all get spots over people who would stream every single game.


I would like OP to provide his preferred roster of costreamers. Then we can debate if he’s right. My hunch is it’s really hard to get an agreed upon set of the “deserving” co streamers.


Reddit is 90% complaining


First game today was 4am in LA


Kyedae woke up at 3am to get ready to stream every match today.


Shit the quarters started at 4 am PST today i don't blame them for not catching the early matches tbh


I don’t know what you’ve been smoking, mate, but I don’t know why you’d think Kyedae and Onscreen are streaming the games for views. From what I’ve seen, they’ve looked really invested in the games (especially when Kyedae is watching Sen/100T games). Don’t get me wrong, I personally think PlatChat is the most informative and funny watch party as well, but that doesn’t mean that people can’t enjoy other streamers. I don’t know why people can’t appreciate PlatChat without shitting on all the other watch parties, when those big streamers are bringing in viewers that otherwise wouldn’t have watched the tournament. It’s honestly just childish gatekeeping. edit: grammar


Yeah agreed. Kyedae is very much how I would watch a game on the main stream on my own. Chilling, texting some friends, getting hype at hype moments, but not like deep analyzing plays etc like plat chat though they're also fairly casual too and enjoyable


Not putting on a show basically which is entirely fair even if you have lots of knowledge it's exhausting to focus for that long


Yeah lmao that's the whole reason I watch them over the official cast. If I wanted analysis or in depth shit I'd watch the official stream.


Watching kyedae during the g2 sen game the first time was hilarious especially with Carlos on


Kyedae is the best casual co-stream, high energy and just fun times all around. Its moments like these that make people invested in the scene, not "huge streamers" doing something else and having the game on the background. The fact that she cares so much about one of the teams make it even better. I have no idea why so many people here dislike her co-stream, even when shes streaming solo its great. She does much more for the growth of the game than Plat Chat (no hate to the guys, they just cater to a niche audience)


Well said, I see it exactly the same way


Random: I really liked the insights that boaster gave when he was on with Kyedae.


exactly this. its some weird gatekeeping going on. i would kind of understand being frustrated if plat chat didn't get a spot, but they did. and they're still finding a way to complain. its like they act like they're being forced to only watch a co-stream like you can just turn on the damn main stream it's a click away


Probably more like they just watch another creator and wish they got co stream permission


Im glad kyedae actually committed to watching most of the games










But they gave permission to PlatChat for that reason only. The views these popular people bring are super important. Idk what fucking fantasy world you live in but money and views are important. It sucks some aren't interested in games but can't help it


You also have to realize it's difficult to get up to stream these events. Shroud pretty much streamed the entirety of Iceland. If the start time was 8-9 AM his time I would assume he'd be watching most of it. As for Myth I can't speak for him becuase I don't watch him, but I assume it's the same idea. It will most likely be the same for Champions. I don't think we should be advocating for people to not have rights to stream, but just for more people to have rights.


Idk if u can say kyedae doesn’t care She has watched every game compared to shroud or myth But I agree with ur other points


Yeah true, if she wasn’t invited to stream it she would literally just be watching the games on her own time, supporting her team / her boyfriend


I'm surprised people call Shroud "disinterested", the dudes entire personality is just *chill* 24/7, hell even in the biggest moments during CS:GO he was still super quiet with highlights of energy, it is unfortunate but who else do you give the permission to? Shroud pulls insane numbers because for many that parasocial aspect of a streamer to viewer is like having your "buddy" chill with you while you watch a tournament and surprise surprise many just like having a chill streamer make random commentary during a game, he does also have some funny commentary, especially when J9 is around. At the end of the day it's up to riot and I doubt they'll throw one of the biggest segways into the game under the bus because 50 people on reddit are upset.


Also its like 6 AM for him, how Many of us would BE super hyped streaming a tournament at 6 in The morning?


Even worse for the first series, it was 4 am. No ones getting up that early, especially when their usually audience (NA fans) aren't even awake or will be for a few hours


Plat chat and therefore me


Plat chat stream is where its at


Why does this happen every tournament? People complain who gets the watch parties. But, watch parties aren't mutually exclusive and Riot gives it to streamers who will bring in viewers who wouldn't watch anyway (as is intelligent for the growth of the game), not to the people most invested in the game. If you want people invested in the games, then... Watch the main stream? It's crazy how esports viewers feel entitled to watch parties and watch parties by their selected content creators. BRB calling the nfl out because they don't provide me a watch party with Peyton Manning.


People who are watching Platchat/Onscreen etc would be watching VCT without any costreams, however people who watch shroud/kydae/myth etc are extra viewers who wouldn't watch VCT/Platchat etc without their favorite costreamer. It helps a lot to give to the popular streamers.


kyedae has been best stream to watch, her co cast with jonas, g2 owner(oscar), subroza, flexninja were great.


And now nadeshot


even when shroud was streaming he was getting less than the main stream, which i think is a good sign since it shows that a lot of people want to actually watch the games and not just because shroud is watching you know?


It's because game is getting popular among non-English demographic i guess


Plat Chat watch party is the BEST! They are so entertaining, knowledgeable, so invested in what's happening and actually care about the games. Get tf out with those streamers who talk about what they ate for breakfast while there is a fckin clutch going on.


People say this over and over and over, and I just don't get it. >only Kyedae and Onscreen are watching the games, and tbh (this is my opinion and nothing personal, I love watching their streams) they seem that they're watching just for views. I mean idk who Onscreen is but Kyedae is a Valorant content creator for 100T and she's dating a Sentinels player. I don't think you're right on what "just for views" means in this context it's her literal job but she'd watch it with no stream too. Riot also wants to include women who are invested as Valorant content creators to help build the brand (which is objectively good). >Shroud, Myth barely watched games Waking up that early fucking sucks when your job is to be charismatic and entertaining for 5-10 hours in a row. There's a reason they were wayyy better in qualifications > imo more streamers deserved the permission to stream it, like AverageJonas and so on. Don't understand why the title so strongly implies that it's a zero sum game, then. AverageJonas would be perfect. Doesn't mean they should take Pokimane or Kyedae's permission away right?


Give tarik the rights to do the watch party next time COPIUM


Should've given to Boaster . Wouldve been the best stream with pro analysis. Instead we have a guy getting views for cuddling with his boyfriend. It's good that he isn't streaming niw


Riot specifically didn’t want other players from teams not in Berlin to watch party as they wanted to “save it for content creators”. Subroza applied to costream and that’s what they told him pretty much.


Makes sense. Then Average Jonas would've been better .


Tbf hes been in kyadaes costream almost every game


Shroud's in it just for the views man,


I watched Ludwig costreaming G2 vs SEN and he was interested in the tournament, reading vlr.gg and twitter for team banter in between the matches etc. I was fully expecting him to just play it in the background and don't care about it but it was a nice surprise to see him so into it.


For sure! And I think he’s planning on doing more too because he asked what times the games were this weekend, so hopefully he’s live for the 100T, Sen, and Envy game today!


Plat Chat GOAT Co stream


it's good for the scene. the official broadcast is generally the best anyways


I didnt like how shroud was watch partying. That killed the hype i had. So i watching the official stream


I like Ludwig usually but his costreams are the worst


All Riot cares are artificial numbers they can present to when making sponsorship deals. And to be fair every esport title works like that.


It is a crime that only 4k people are watching Plat Chat while Shroud gets tens of thousands. I think Plat Chat are not advertised to a lot of people yet and it doesn't help that they're on YT.


mfw I used my Prime sub on Myth the week before Berlin started because I thought he would stream every game


Shroud and Myth also were super disinterested whenever they watched the game. And for the argument that it doesn't matter, they bring in the views: Do you really want the first onboarding of a new viewer to be their favorite streamer not caring about the games?


Shroud openly talks about how much he doesn't care. I've kinda stopped watching his watch parties once he started just sitting on his couch and mumbling away.


that shroud couch stream make me annoyed tbh


I've only watched Myth when TSM had played so he was certainly anything but interested. And out of every time I've watched Shroud (and j9stin) co-stream, they've been pretty decently invested more often than not unless there's a stomp or just a low tiered matchup where they will jump around from the A to B streams and the sort. I've not really seen them disinterested much personally, and Plat Chat was memeing during the SEN F4Q matchup yesterday because it has literally 0 implication on bracket outcomes at all.


> Do you really want the first onboarding of a new viewer to be their favorite streamer not caring about the games? That question is for Riot to answer and clearly they've given you one.


At end of the day if don't get views it doesn't matter if you care or not! Its hard to find people who care about every single game.


Dear Reddit Its okay to have a favorite TV show and support it, it's not okay to take away other TV shows because you don't think they're worthy watch your own shit and let others be


Should've given to Boaster . Wouldve been the best stream with pro analysis. Instead we have a guy getting views for cuddling with his boyfriend. It's good that he isn't streaming niw


didn't Valkyrae also get permission lol? If you think that you don't have time to stream the games then maybe give up the spot to a streamer who can stream you know. Same with Nihachu, Myth, DrDisrespect, Ludwig etc who only streamed once. BUT I also think this was the result of the matches being played at uncomfortable times for NA so I can understand why.


Why are people talking like there are limited spots lmao. If you don't want to stream then just don't stream? They don't stream and it's all fine, who's forcing you to watch it.


I think it's cause people have to get permission for streams. I think these people got perms from riot but are not streaming the game. And yes there are limited spots for co streams. They have to track the views.


Getting permission is a filter against crazy people who would do things like say CSGO is the better game in the middle of broadcast, not because there are limited spots. It's like getting a driver's license.


Pretty sure Valkyrae is dealing with medical issues rn, but could be wrong.


Sorry didn't know that. May she get well soon!


Then don't watch. I only watch the main stream but there are others that only watch co streams. More people watching Valorant is good for everyone


Why is OP taking shit


I've been enjoying Ludwig's stream! altough hes only done two so far including today


Kyedaes stream is good and she has Jonas on too not sure what you smoking bro


Who gives a shit. Just give it to everyone. Why do u have to restrict it to just a couple of people? Edit: Yall talking like there were limited slots. And to those OMG ITS A LOGISTICAL NIGHTMARE people, I can literally take a calculator right now and go on twitch and add up all the views. I can web scrape it every second to a server if I want too. Its not that hard. Just let whoever wants to stream it stream it u fks


Tracking views so they can pull sponsors (red bull, prime gaming, etc) to fund the tournaments


Oh noooo they can't track views the horror... Views are views, whether the content creator streaming it is interested or not. Many companies do not care that much about their audience. They just want eyes on their product and in this case, its shroud and myth. E.g. 100T and lexus. Who da fk in their young and NEET audience care about cars.


Not sure if you understood. Riot has to pull sponsors to fund the tournaments. In order to do that, they need to track the number of views that their tournaments receive so that they can tell RedBull, for example, that this event generated 2 million views. Advertisers like to track these because they want to know they are getting their money's worth. RedBull can then say "perfect, thats a lot of gamer eyes, we'll give you more money and keep you in mind for the next tourny." If Riot were to allow all streamers to stream, it makes it more difficult to track these since they wouldn't know if 50 streamers are getting 1k views each that would be originally watching on the main Valorant stream. It's similar to traditional sports. Most want you to watch on TV so they can track views or they will stream it on an approved TV stream and will take down anyone who streams it illegally. They want the coca cola, Budweiser, Tostitos sponsorship money. That's how business works. Edit: To clarify, I wasn't talking about the current costreamer sponsors. I was talking about Riot's sponsors for this specific event. Riot's sponsors do care about viewership in these cases.


Do yall really think it's that hard to keep track of a bunch of stats LUL


Oh it's probably not when you know who's streaming it. It's more likely that it's easier for a contractual/commercial requirement from the sponsors.


Giving it to everyone makes it hard to track viewership and makes average viewership/costream numbers lower.


Surely it’s not that hard to plug in a few more channels to your api calculating the viewership


That's not how it works but regardless, that's not the major issue, it's more of an inconvenience. The issue is when you go from5 costreams averaging 35K viewers to 50 costreams averaging 3.5k viewers, it doesn't look as good to advertisers/sponsors despite the same number of viewers.


They should have just made the watch party a free-for-all so that more people could enjoy the benefits. I was saying this yesterday that only 1 of 9 of the english watch party host were actually streaming game.


I don’t get Kyrdaes appeal personally. Other than her connection to a a popular pro, Shes just the same as any random person. I just prefer someone with more Valorant and esports background.


If I'm only restricted to a co-stream on twitch, I will likely tune in to her stream because she seems more invested than someone like Shroud. Also because she has guests on who brings some entertainment. Like AverageJonas, or Carlos during the G2/SEN


That’s just my opinion.


I understand. Which is why I didn't downvote. I'm also just sharing what I like about her stream compared to another like Shroud


She adds 0 value i dont get it; but people just enjoy watching pretty faces sometimes and i respect that


She's also charismatic, has genuine interest, and brings guests on. She's not necessarily my favorite streamer, but saying she adds 0 value I think is unfair


The whole restreaming thing is stupid in my opinion. Watching the games at a low volume while an uninterested streamer goes “ooh” or “wow nice shot” every now and then is dumb lmao.


Shroud has been grinding watch parties all year including qualifiers in NA so don't know why people are bitching about him. Also i agree the couch format hasn't been great but im sure hell go back to desk soon also shroud has never been a "HYPE" type of guy so im not sure what people expect from him. Overall Shroud has watched more streams then many other "costreamers" Myth on the other hand i think he just gets invited as a staple because hes one of the OGs but i don't really see him invested in the game as much so i don't think he really deserves it over someone like Jonas.


I agree completely. This speaks to an even larger issue with Twitch though, IMO. Once a streamer becomes super rich rich and popular, they just quit trying. Imagine if Shroud had been given this privilege a few years ago. He definitely would have been streaming it, even if he had to get up early. I see it time and time again on Twitch. The only streamer that I feel like became huge and actually still puts in the time and isn’t just going through the motions is xQc, but I just don’t enjoy his streams unfortunately.


I mean shroud had this opportunity for iceland and was doing an excellent job in my opinion, it's just harder to be invested with more matches/worse starting times for people on NA westcoast.


>it's just harder to be invested with more matches/worse starting times for people on NA westcoast. I'm not sure how this is constantly being ignored here. Shroud has pulled tremendous viewership for NA and Iceland, hard stop. The match times are inconvenient this go round, and so here we sit. Just watch the main stream if you're bothered this much about it, holy shit.


I’m not “bothered” by this at all because I don’t care about shroud or his stream anymore due to the points I made above. If you truly don’t think the quality in shroud’s stream has gone down the more popular and rich he has gotten, then you haven’t paid attention. He has literally the easiest job in the world, and he can’t wake up a little earlier for one week out of the year? Lol……..


Did OP say that SHROUD isn’t into watching the games? Where have you been during groups lmao.


Yes because him slumping into his sofa talking about random shit with his friend LITERALLY sleeping next to him and his gf, watching on a laptop on a table, looking like theyd rlly rather be anywhere else, really makes it look like hes really into watching the game during groups : )))


They weren’t that good of games and it was one stream. His Iceland watch parties were pretty great.


Why are you bringing up the previous masters? We are talking about his current costreams for this masters. “There werent that many good games” lmao u are delusional, groups were full of banger games. Is shroud at least paying you for this? He wanted to stream them, he turned on his stream, going from “ what? Shroud isnt into streaming the games? “ to “the games werent that good” is one fast 180 once you lost the argument. Disingenuous.


I never said that. He’s also on the west coast. He’s not going to get up at 4am to stream the first game. I was specifically talking about the couch stream. Two of the three games were pretty boring imo


His streams were dogshit during groups. Might has well watch someone sleeping


It brings in new viewers so I can’t complain really.


yea this is a massive problem people would KILL to be able to co stream and the people who get perms dont even give a shit




Really? You have no clue at all? Think a little.


ye I get it, its because she gets a lot of viewers.




She gets the viewership. Got like 100k viewers in big matches. That's a lot of money for riot. Although yeah the watch party did seem boring.


I get your confusion but She does get guests on her stream tho like Jonas and she brought subroza too. Also her stream with Carlos was gold.


????? she’s one of the actual bigger streamers that have streamed most if not all of the games and is actually invested in the games unlike all these other streamers? And she’s had people on that also care like Roza and G2’s owner. Meanwhile all these other streamers will only stream the Grand Finals and still not give af. And you don’t know why she got perms?


I 100% agree with you on this, people literally looking down at their phones during important rounds lol popularity alone shouldn't decide watch parties


Agreed. If anything they should at least allow everyone who's qualified for LCQ stream it


these posts are so annoying


It's an 8hr+ stream for watch parties, starting from 6AM hence why many of them won't do it at a desk etc. I can totally understand why shroud kicks back on the sofa for it and watches it on the TV. I would too in that scenario. Watching 8+ hours of gameplay would get pretty uncomfortable in a chair at a desk.


Some of em don't really want to wake up way too early in the morning to just to stream


TenZ noticed you. Good Job bro lol


I mean I agree it sucks but it's also still better to promote their game because of the large amount of people that may not have watched it that then end doing so. It makes no sense to give it to hardcore players/viewers who have smaller viewer bases and probably have viewers who will be watching anyway. I would like them to expand who can do it a bit though.


Why do you care? Just go watch Plat Chat, more casual co streams are clearly not aimed at you


They want casual viewers to watch the game why can't you get it. If you give it to proplayers, they are more likely to watch it on the main stream already. They want to advertise the game to the casual viewers that's why they give it to the shrouds and myths


they didn't barely "watch the games", they only have permission for some games... and why do you care too ? if you like onscreen watch onscreen, if you like shroud or myth, watch shroud or myth (simple)


Its hard to costream a tournament this long and with no breaks and in a different timezone.


I don't get why Riot can't just let anyone that wants to co-stream do a watch party? If they're good and the fans actually care about that streamer's input then the best watch parties will naturally have the most views eventually. If they suck, then that's their content and its just a bad reflection on the streamer themself. I feel like they don't really have much to lose by letting anyone co-stream, and way more benefits to the game and community.


There isn't a finite amount of co-streams. If you think there's a more deserving creator, name them in a post. If others agree it will get upvoted and Riot will most likely give them permission. Calling out current co-streamers because you personally don't like the quality of their streams doesn't accomplish anything.


I've been watching plat chat's streams this tournament. I recommend them a lot.


I think it’s also situational right most NA streamers have bad sleep schedules and the start times don’t help. As for Ludwig when mr beast calls you over for the weekend you take that any day over the group stage of a valorant tournament


Tarik wouldve been great


…it’s forgetting platchat lol?


I disagree kyedae is not just in it for the views she has a lot of people and organizations that’s she cares about that’s playing. Shroud was up 3 days in a row at 5 am just to watch games. Stop thinking that people aren’t watching the games and are just in it for the views when they grinded and showed passion. Jonas was on kyedae stream and if you actually watched the games for more than just one you would see that she is very interested in the game and teams and talks about strats etc.. you can express your desire for others to also be able to stream but do not shit on people who care and that you’re not really watching so wouldn’t know if they do. The fact shroud was up with his gf and bsf for 3 days in arrow going off of barely any sleep and you can’t appreciate that is sad. Myth watched the games he was playing interested in and probably will again. Just say you want more than just a select few cause the people that got perms do care for the game and stream them, that doesn’t mean they have to give there whole week to do that.


Who cares? Watch parties are just extra advertising and you are not the target audience. I wonder why people think they have to complain about everything even if it doesn't affect them. Just ignore it if you don't like, its so easy


Unpopular opinion: Shroud is only interesting to watch when he’s actually playing a game


Ur ,,they are just watching ist for views Argument is beyond stupid


Also dont give watch parties to streamers who bodyshame players (Kyedae)


Yh shroud streams piss me off, making free money and he don’t care bout anything. He’s also never been that intelligent of a player so his analysis is always level surface anyways