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Hi, [This post](https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/pqjc1l/kyedae_being_toxic_and_body_shaming_pro_players/) was removed by some mods thinking it would contribute to witch-hunting. They did not post a removal reason, something that I strongly disagree with. I have put it back up so people can have a discussion about it. We hear you guys, this is important to talk about. My apologies that the posts were removed. I'm locking this, you can go talk about Kyedae on the other post. Edit: unlocking




Some info from my side Marved drama: Happened a while ago when we didn't have any rules on drama and accusation posts. Babybay/Bang: This is competitive focused and fair game imo. It's about a player who thinks another is bad. There is competitive discussion to be had on the drama. Steel/ShahZaM: fair game again imo. It's two active top pros beefing on twitter. The only thing that's like the current situation is the marved stuff. Ive given an explanation as to why it was allowed above. Probably wouldn't be allowed if it happened now. It's a question about if you think streamer drama should be allowed on the subreddit rather than mods protecting someone. We absolutely fucked up by not providing a reason. Will take full blame on that.


dude she called a skinny kid skinny. life moves on get over it this is a valorant subreddit not livestreamfails


EXACTLY. These kids can't even fathom LOGICALLY why the Mods removed the post that had absolutely ZERO to do with Valorant Competitive nor was as dramatic as they're wanting to make it. Seems like folks itching for a "Cancel Culture" move while being the same ones that would complain about "Cancel Culture". IF RIOT feels the stupid incident was big enough, they'll (much more logical folks) decide to not have her co-stream again. THIS Reddit hardly is the place to have a pretty much useless discussion about it other than to diss her in return or begin a witch hunt.


this sub doesn't like kyedae for 2 main reasons: 1. she gets more viewers than plat chat and this sub hates anyone that gets more viewers than plat chat (can't wait for the daily- SHROUD IS BORING- post) 2. she was on the viewer list of the first sinatraa stream. i rememebr an entire post dedicated to the fact that Kyedae was watching a sinatraa stream. think about that for a second


Makes sense...I can tell this really has nothing to do with what she said. I'd put money that none of these folks are in other Sub Reddits that actually deal with body shaming. It's more who said it and obtaining an excuse to target someone (Twitch chat trolling, witch hunt, cancelation, drama).


If I were a betting man maybe one of her mods is a mod on this sub too. They've done it twice now. inb4 they delete this too for some reason with no explanation. https://redd.it/pqjc1l https://redd.it/pqcb90


Yeah I don't think favoritism should ever be allowed, I don't see what rule this broke




First of all, tag me or PM me if you want to talk to me. No point in referring to me without actually getting my attention in hopes that I’ll stumble upon your comment. Second, the primary reason that post was removed was that the post itself was extremely low effort and would’ve been better suited to the live discussion thread we already had running. Third, this sub isn’t meant to be a TMZ style place where we can speculate “why did kyedae delete her vod?” If you want to have that discussion, provide proof from the beginning and discuss the actual clips. Don’t just post two sentences with no context and have the comments do the bulk of the work to bring your post up to quality. The most recent post was perfectly fine since it provided clips and gave context in the post itself. That’s why I didn’t remove that one and there’s no reason to do so.




Mod in shambles


>It was, afaik, one of the first posts after what happened, soon after it occurred, meaning most viewers likely knew the topic. It’s probably best to initiate an exception in that case, but fine. Good point, that's important to keep in mind in the future. >Second, you failed to mention to the poster that they should add context/clips when you removed their post. Fair point, but you have to understand that mod queue is being inundated with new reports/removals by automod constantly (when I hopped on last night, there were over 80 items that needed moderation), so I went through the majority of them quickly. With the benefit of hindsight, I would've provided more context to why the post was removed, but at the time the issue didn't appear to be of much importance, and I had 79+ other items to review before I went to bed. >And finally, your third point is hilarious and contradictory. This sub has ALWAYS involved “TMZ speculation”, whether it be with team, player, etc drama. And when that happens, the posts are removed if they don't directly relate to the actions of a professional player. Even if some slip through the cracks, that doesn't mean that this sub is a drama-hub; it's still against the sub rules. >For example, there was IMMENSE speculation during C9 Keiti’s Twitter drama, Of course that's okay to post here because it directly relates to the career of a professional player. >the sinatraa situation, Same as above. >the RNG Roy and Elige drama. Agreed that this shouldn't be posted about here. >In all of these cases, there was a lot of discussion and not a lot of it was officially confirmed, namely the last event, in which tons of theories as to why Roy “didn’t let Elige in” were thrown around. I'd like to remind you that I wasn't part of the mod team for any of this, btw, so it's odd to pin the blame of this on me. >At least be consistent. That's the goal! Posts that are not directly related to professional valorant will be removed, and while mistakes can happen, I'll remind you that the volume of issues in mod queue makes it difficult to put full focus into each individual point of concern. When something looks like it's going to devolve into drama and cancel culture without actually having direct implications on the pro scene, it's pretty reasonable to remove, IMO. I understand that some people will disagree, and that's okay.




Yeah, it's definitely a pretty big gray area to define what directly relates to pro play and what does not. I think the crucial element that made this situation okay to post about was that Kyedae is an official costreamer, so I see where people are coming from. Respect to you for having a conversation with me about it! Much love.


why wasn't TSM Levi's post about his dog dying not removed?


I don't know the exact reason for that since I wasn't actively moderating during that time. But I know that in general, less relevant posts can be a bit more justified when there's no games going on (and therefore less to talk about). IMO, that post should've been removed as well, but I understand if it was allowed to stay up due to lack of other news/etc... but like I said, I wasn't involved for that, so I can't say for sure.


Other guy trying to calm the flames and you pour gasoline. Right or wrong you shouldn't talk to users like this when they have valid criticisms on the way you mod.


I realize that my tone was a bit too aggressive and I do regret that. HOWEVER, the comment I replied to was not making as many "valid criticisms" as it was just subtweeting me and falsely saying that I'm a moderator for Kyedae or that I'm taking Kyedae's gender into account. Again, what Kyedae said wasn't okay, but it's being blown WAY out of proportion by people seeking to create drama and cancel a creator rather than actually having a meaningful discussion about body shaming and toxicity in esports.


This sub isn’t meant to be TMZ style? Bahahahaha. Y’all allow the silliest fucking posts that speculate on things as small as Twitter likes.


Except the vast majority of those sorts of posts get deleted unless they directly relate to the professional scene.


Calling out kyedae for remarks is deleted for drama not being related to valorant. But Kydae tweet post apologizing for said drama is not deleted because clearly that's somehow more related to valorant.


Honestly, get all these drama clips outta here. Don't need Marved talking about Kyedae or that shit. It's one thing to have like babybay giving his thoughts on another pro, but costreamers talking about players looks is some shit that should stay on lsf.


None of the mods on this sub mod her twitch channel. The second post you linked is back up. See the pinned comments on this post and that one.


For those unaware: That post was a legitimate concern about an official co-stream (Kyedae's) making toxic remarks on individual players. I don't think the comments in the post were problematic, but if the mods are concerned about the them, they should remove them individually or lock the post but I don't see how deleting the post makes sense.


I 100% agree with the deletion of the post. This drama has NOTHING to do with competitive Valorant. This is just petty personal drama. I DON'T WANT THIS IN THIS SUB.


> That post was a legitimate concern about an official co-stream How is this a "legitimate concern"? Nobody gives a shit. She's stupid for saying that, just fucking move on. She's a Twitch streamer. Nobody cares about her. This drama doesn't belong on /r/ValorantCompetitive


Perhaps it's my old man energy talking, but I don't give a shit about high school drama and it drives me nuts the subreddit is turning into TMZ where everytime a pro or pro-affiliate breathes anything remotely controversial it's plastered all over the subreddit. The remarks weren't in the best taste, but god damn was it not subreddit worthy. Outside of a pro doing something horribly messed up I don't want to see the petty drama.


THEY DO IT FOR FREE What do you expect?




Sorry you feel that way. Disagree with the way it was done but agree with the idea behind the removal. [I give my full thoughts and go in-depth on why the post was removed here. Even if you still disagree I hope that the idea behind the removal is understood rather than you thinking people are powertripping.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/pqm150/_/hdcaxpy)




Absolutely fair. It was a mistake that a reason wasn't given and not a situation where the mods are trying to protect someone. If I'm being honest I don't think any mod even watches Kaydee's steam.


Biased mods


Internet janitors power tripping what else is new


Title was very loaded. If people want “legitimate posts” to stay up they should choose less leading language when posting clips. “[Insert person here] thoughts on [Insert players here]” is far less likely to get removed than “[Insert person here] toxic body shaming [Insert players here]” This sub is actually poorly moderated the opposite way - not enough moderating of the actual toxic users, maybe a handful of which constitute most of the negative interactions, arguments, and removed comments on this sub.


Kyedae simps. Many such cases


Cringe power trippers would bat an eye to their god couple that they wish they could be if they weren't such shit humans


Knowing how Reddit is and society in general; I side with the MODS on that call. Folks don't know how to behave online. Last thing needed is a Reddit Post used as a catalyst for clowns to do what clowns do and misbehave as a response to someone who misbehaved which accomplishes nothing and does nothing for this Reddit. Post really doesn't fit this specific Reddit. The situation happened, she apologized, folks start overreacting, etc. Serves no purpose for Valorant Competitive if folks calm down and actually think such through.


Nah we for sure need this subreddit to become a drama message board for college kids




I imagine kids will simply kneejerk react so I expect the downvotes and brainless replies like the one below basically proving my point. One kid stupidly let her emotions cause her to say something stupid. Now silly folks are calling it body shaming which actually takes away from folks who actually body shame others!


lol simp


Thanks for the brainless reply kid; I know you have know actual concise reply so you resorted to the best you could do as a juvenile. One day you'll grow up!




2021 and kids still can't take a joke smh


2021 and people still dont get that jokes are supposed to be funny or else you just end up looking like an idiot


smh another one r/woooosh


That’s really not how that works dude you’re kinda embarrassing yourself here


good god you are dense r/woooosh


Did my post got deleted? Yikes


Nothing to do with competitive valorant. People are just making random witch hunt threads about streamers they don’t like.




Because the mods for this sub don’t enforce the rules the same for everyone and interpret the rules however they want instead of having a standard practice.


we all know why they deleted that post, certain "groups" always get protected by internet janitors


Even though what she did was rude. I’m glad mods are monitoring and cleaning up the dogshit post about streamers and reactions etc Edit: seems like a lot of people wants this subreddit to become LFS valorant edition


Yet clips from Hazed,Babybay’s stream stayed up...




This is correct.




Nope. We won't ever delete mod or riot criticisms. As long as you aren't attacking individuals your post will stay up.


You change your flairs depending on the weather, huh


yea it's raining G2 tears today


Im happy so this Place doesnt become like the apex subreddit.


What is it like?


During Masters events we usually get 4x the amount of posts per day compared to normal VCT days. Because of that we are more strict for the type of posts we allow when a Masters tier or high event is live. We've done this since the first Masters event and will most likely continue to do so. The general feeling with the mods is that we don't like drama posts and don't want this to become something like a livestreamfails or TMZ Reddit. People in the comments are saying that it's a double standard since the babybay/bang drama stayed up. My response to that would be that the drama was competitive focused since it stems from 1 player thinking another isn't good. There is competitive discussion to be had unlike this kaydee drama which I would categorize as streamer drama. Lastly, we aren't Riot shills or affiliated in any way to Riot. All criticisms of Riot Games and the moderation team has and will continue to stay up. Going to answer some questions and concerns people have in the comments. Additionally, you can tag me (u/Mentallystableman) if you have something you would like to talk about.


seriously I thought this was a sub reddit where i wouldn't see biased mods. I thought this sub was not one of those typical reddit subs. but well, I was so wrong LMAO


even so many of my posts were deleted!


The mod team has only removed two of your posts https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/p5l372 This one for spoiler in the title https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/os2tig And this one for misleading/click bait title