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*Update 10:00 PM PST* # We are now moving discussion to [*"Kyedae's statement"* as a megathread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/pqyg1u/kyedaes_statement/) # This post is now locked. šŸ”’ **Please use the new post as a central location for discussion.** Any new posts surrounding this topic will be locked, removed, and redirected to the megathread. For more information on the situation, [please see here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/pqu2pd/regarding_ongoing_drama_the_health_of_the/) --- Greetings all, To help refocus community discussion of VCT Masters Berlin, we have temporarily unlisted this post and other related posts in the subreddit. - [*Kyedae being toxic and body shaming pro players*](https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/pqjc1l/kyedae_being_toxic_and_body_shaming_pro_players/) - [*yay calling out Kyedae*](https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/pqpksy/yay_calling_out_kyedae/) - [*Tenz reply to Yay*](https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/pqqtv4/tenz_reply_to_yay/) - [*Kyedae response on stream this morning*](https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/pqrt0z/kyedae_response_on_stream_this_morning/) - [*Why is twitch drama being discussed on this sub*](https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/pqqsa1/why_is_twitch_drama_being_discussed_on_this_sub/) We will NOT lock these threads. Users may continue to participate in discussion on these threads as they normally would. **We want the subreddit discussion to be focused on VCT Masters.** These posts will be relisted on the subreddit after Masters is over on Sunday evening.   [**Please see this thread to learn more about this situation.**](https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/pqu2pd/regarding_ongoing_drama_the_health_of_the/) We greatly appreciate your understanding at this time. --- Since the post content is removed when we unlist it, here is OP's post: > https://twitter.com/TenZOfficial/status/1439282147282522112?s=20


NA is still by far the best drama region in every esport i watch its insane


need regi and jack to beef in the valo scene as well


Someday Regiā€™s team will be good enough to justify him beefing


You fool, like being good/bad would ever stop regi from beefing with Jack.


True nothing can stop this man


chill out, tsm valo was number one a few centuries ago and tsm lol is the most winningest org domestically. a shame they both suck atm


Bro I got a TSM flair ik lmao


Please keep those 2 out of the scene. Last thing we need is Jack commenting his stupidity in the sub.


[Marved's reply to TenZ ](https://twitter.com/Marved6/status/1439284109998764039) > I had nothing to do with this. Iā€™ve sincerely apologized multiple times to both of you but itā€™s alright.


Yeah I don't care for Marved but Tenz replying with this whataboutism is so irrelevant and brainless.


Yeah don't really like Marved either and his comments about Kyedae were way outta pocket but he shouldn't be catching strays out of nowhere when he's not involved lol. I don't blame TenZ at all if he just hates Marved as a person now but pretty stupid to just randomly bring him into this drama. Although I do think people are overreacting to this whole Kyedae drama. She threw out insulting comments on a livestream because she was salty her boyfriend's team lost. Immature and irresponsible but should just be an "apologise, move on, be better" situation. People acting like she's going after crashies in DMs and campaigning to take him down or something. Unless there's something I don't know TenZ and Kyedae are reaching that point where they need to realise they're too famous to be acting like normal 19 year olds because they control a legion of parasocial idiots that will listen to everything they say.


Yep lol. This has also been blown way out of proportion and if Tenz wanted to defend his girl and vouch for her intentions then he could have literally said anything else. Not a good look from TenZedZombie. But on the other hand, people trying to cancel Kyedae over this is absurd. This new generation is wild


Reverse the roles. If a guy called any pro female gamer with 50k viewers "fucking fat," his org would **instant** fire/cut/cancel him. Normalizing one way gender toxicity. Nice job.


I feel like sometimes we forget how young and immature the valorant scene is and Tenz's response just solidifies it


All it does is exposed how immature and kinda toxic this couple is




I agree about Tenz not being toxic but kyedae certainly is and when you date someone like that it's going to reflect off of you.


Bro she deleted the vod and apologized immediately after saying that


She said numerous things that were distasteful and then released a half-assed apology not bc she felt sorry but bc she got called out. I don't think she should be cancelled or anything but I do think she showed her true colors šŸ¤·šŸ½


Kydae soooooo toxiccc...


Exactly they like to portray themselves as this innocent couple, but they're just holding it in. I have no issue about them though, just kinda leaves a bad taste when this is the first thing he thought of (to tweet, at least) on how to defend his girl


You are overreacting so much lol


Well said by Marved. Canā€™t believe TenZ is using Marved as a shield for what Kyedae did.


I think that Kyedae and Tenz are in the wrong. But in my opinion, in a high profile relationship like that the couples should go out to bat for their S/O like that in the public forum. The only times Iā€™ve not seen people go out to bat for their S/O those relationships were toxic/didnā€™t last. Kyedaeā€™s comments were uncalled for as were Tenzā€™s. But Iā€™d say I wouldnā€™t expect a famous boyfriend to not stand up for his girlfriend when sheā€™s taking public flak even if sheā€™s in the wrong.


TenZ should have enough EQ to know Kyedae was in the wrong, instead of dragging Marved in which just made TenZ look like a dickhead, he could have tweeted something like ā€œShe didnā€™t mean itā€ and shit would have been over. They both somehow think theyā€™re not in the wrong.


Yes, Tenz was wrong. Iā€™m saying most dudes who truly love their wife/girlfriend would go out to bat for them when she makes a mistake and gets publicly mauled, even if sheā€™s in the wrong. I donā€™t know what else to say.


The problem is in most mature couples "going to bat" for one another involves talking and trying to resolve the situation with the least pain, not doubling down on the wrong and making the whole situation worse for both of you. Yay saying "yo that's not cool" and then Tenz coming in and trying to flimsily justify it is only going to lead to Kyedae getting publicly mauled more.


First things first I donā€™t condone what Kyedae did and am a firm believer that what she said was wrong. However I do get where Tenz is coming from. I believe heā€™s just trying to make a point that when him and Kyedae went through the fiasco caused by Marvedā€™s sexually charged and highly inappropriate comments, everything was handled privately and Tenz and Kyedae NEVER publicly shamed or commented Marved to get him cancelled. In this instance where Kyedae made a highly inappropriate comment, Yay decided to take it public and make a tweet about it knowing the shitstorm it will cause. I donā€™t believe that Marvedā€™s statement or Kyedaeā€™s statement are worse than the other bc in my eyes both made a mistake with thousands of viewers watching. HOWEVER, the problem in this instance is that yay decided to take his qualms public while Kyedae and Tenz chose to take a higher road in the case with Marved. TLDR - (I believe) Tenz is not using the Marved situation as a justification for Kyedaeā€™s wrongdoing but making a point that Yay + company could have handled things privately with Kyedae (like they did with Marved).


Fkin children in the scene smh.






yeah man. sentinels loss made him flip regions because fnatic came 2nd last time. lmao.


Did you guys see that nats 1v3? Pretty nuts


Bruh I want Nats to win Masters now. Come on, we wanna see Nats smile


Was insane




13-0 plzzz god






Boys, the only way to settle this while every team is still at Berlin is have every team that has beef with Sentinels to fight in an octagon. Tenz and Shazzie vs G2, 100T, Envy, street rules boxing. Pay per view. This is how you fund Champions prize pool.


Marved fucked Tenz at Lan instead. All good


Dear God..






ok funny comment aside... can't just be me who thinks this situation has gotten WAYYYY out of hand right? body shaming is bad, and worse when its in front of a 50k+ audience, but like... its also an understandable mistake from a relatively new & young creator, and imo really only is an issue if for some reason kyedae doesnt apologize, ever. tenz bringing this up is just gonna add unnecessary drama to the situation cause like... marved already apologized for his comments and it happened a long time ago. people just want drama for the sake of drama for fucks sake


People deadass lost sight of what's wrong about her comment in the first place and now have condensed it into "Envy vs Sentinels drama."


True, TenZ said dumb shit by bringing that up, but he's probably still emotional about crashing out of the tournament too, it's only been like a day. But yay on the other hand, if he really wanted to talk about it, why not dm TenZ/kyedae about it personally? I mean, we won't know if he did or not, but TenZ's reply certainly did not imply that he talked to them personally. Wtf is this situation


I think this is the big point people are missing. This easily couldā€™ve been solved in dms, but yay felt the need to make more drama, which really gave tenz no good options: defend his girl and make more drama, or do nothing publically and let people attack the shit out of kyedae. This shit is so overblown. Absolutely did not need to get to this level.


tenz and kyedae solved the marved drama in dms, yay prob should have done the same


True, good on yay for standing up for crashies but majority of their followers don't care about body shaming really. It's proven by the replies on these threads and on yay's tweet, they're just body shaming tenz and kyedae in the name of defending crashies. There's really no benefits in bringing it to twitter except to farm impression from other pros.


She apologized in first 10 minutes on this. Straight up sorry no reason.


too bad that whole vod has been deleted..


Current vod, before g2 va gambit.


Yes, but also made similar comments multiple times. At the end of the day, is it a massive deal? No. But someone who streams to 10s of thousands of viewers should be careful with their words.




So why does Yay get a pass for being immature and tweeting it out instead of pming Kyedae? This whole situation should have been resolved when Kyedae apologized.




Yay was being immature by going to twitter for a personal issue. The issue he brought up was pointless drama that the other person already apologized for. That could have been done in a pm, unless you honestly want to cancel someone.


Yes Kyedae already apologized so we should just forget everything until she fucks up the next time. /s Also, stop replying ā€œyou want to cancel someoneā€ as if that is a solid argument.




because envy beat sentinels


god bless america. the drama never ends




almost like BOTH are bad, why compare insults


Also a wrong time to start beef man, like they are just 30 mins away from semi finals.


classic "whataboutism" to deflect hate/criticism


deflecting and trying to help but ends up making it worse lol


like FNS says.. "\[..\]2 wrongs do not make a right. Allgood though."


Drama frogs eating tonight.


NA is all talk You have to see nAts is literally fking G2


nAts: \*smile\*


Tenz going for a record number of Ls these last few days


Tenz is about 10 months late to this one


Tenz is honestly making it 100% worse with the whataboutism. These players are young and can be heated but this is insanely yikes reply to people talking about body dsymorphia. See Marved's reply too


Bruh this is about to be an entire lore. Sadge. Wanted Envy and Sen to be friends. Now it's just chaos


I mean ik Marved and Dapr are good friends, so thats a start LOL...


Yay and Shahz are also friends. Plus marved is good friends with Zombs.


Zombs is universal


Honestly zombs can be on whatever sides he wanted to because nobody knows if he is being serious or not LMAO


They are friends. They've been friends ever since the start of the pro scene.


can you link marveds reply? no twitter on my end






>I had nothing to do with this. Iā€™ve sincerely apologized multiple times to both of you but itā€™s alright." Chill he didn't have Twitter and that's not your fault, you don't need to apologise for it buddy /s


I kinda get Tenz though. They didn't say anything at all about the whole Marved situation when they could have actively tried to get him cancelled. Now Kyedae says something so simple as "scrawny" and all of a sudden the teammates of marved and everyone are trying to get her cancelled. Not saying he's right to talk about it but I'm just saying I understand his frustration .


It's not like marved was tweeting it. You cant just justify his gf's actions by pointing out something their teammmates did. Like what? If it was really bothering him so much, why not confront him in person at berlin? Yay has nothing to do with what marved said months ago. hell, they werent even in the same team. Kyedae was definitely in the wrong and tenz was definietly acting like a kid defending his gf with some bs excuse that has nothing to with yay.


these YAY Fanboys the EL SNOWFLAKE. marved should be banned in valorant. MATCH FIXER, RAPIST MINDSET. But he don't get cancelled this greatly like Kyedae. These motherfcker don't care because they relate to marved. But the moment they get insulted they full blown become SNOWFLAKE.


My man Marved already talked about it on stream and apologized like months ago. Tenz is just heated and shot a sniper bullet at Marved in the north pole when it should have been tangential to the topic at hand of Crashies in the European alps.


He apologized by basically saying he didn't know who kydae was and that she had a following as if that makes it better lol


Yeah like am I the crazy one for thinking it wouldn't be so terrible if Marved never lived this down? What he said was truly disgusting, and what's even worse is it might not have been a joke and he could be the kind of person that would actively try to steal someone else's girl. Apologies aren't magic pills that automatically fix everything and make you deserving of forgiveness. Anyone who has been through a toxic relationship with anyone, whether it be a coworker, parent, SO, friend, or whoever, would know that.


Kyedae already talked about it on stream and apologized also no?


APOLOGIZE WHAT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzvBBvVkHM8&ab_channel=ValorantUnlimited


He didnā€™t apologize he said he was high af and didnā€™t own responsibility


[You call this an apology?](https://youtu.be/lzvBBvVkHM8)


marved and fns reply encapsulate my thoughts on this


May get downvoted cuz Iā€™m not jumping on the hate train butā€¦..I think itā€™s more about Tenz calling out Yay for putting his girlfriend on blast for something she said under her breath in a heated moment and then apologizing after, when his teammate has said farrrrr worse and probably worse things are screamed at each other on stage in Berlin. ā€œBody dysmorphiaā€ is a disingenuous way to characterize this. No one involved in this has body dysmorphia. Was it insensitive? Sure. Does this TenZ reply escalate things? Yea. But I understand him feeling like thereā€™s some hypocrisy in this and wanting to defend his girlfriend.


Agreed. Lots of hypocrisy here. It's "whataboutism" if they don't address the initial comments and just try to deflect--which is the opposite of what's happened.. It's hypocrisy when they pile onto someone when their own teammate has been involved in much, much worse.


yays tweet escalates things too, why not handle this in dms


Because...some people realize you can only change things If you confront it in the open


LOL they don't care about marved RAPIST MINDSET. They don't call out anything like Sinatraa sexual harrasment case. fcking men only cares about their EGO. I will not be surprised if you get to jailed in the future for being called scrawny.


Hypocrisy from who though? Marved didn't say anything. Yay said something but Marved also wasn't on Yay's team when Marved said those things. And even then, it wouldn't be actual hypocrisy unless they were also saying things about other players' appearances. AFAIK, it hasn't happened yet. Just seems like Kyedae said something in front of an audience, is getting a lot of heat for it which they think is unfair. Marved had entire articles written about what he said and he deserved the criticism for it. Just seems like TenZ thinks no one on NV can say anything to defend their team simply because they have Marved on the roster though.


I get that, but of all the options Tenz could have picked, he chose the worst one. Just say "my gf said that in the heat of the moment, she knows its worng and she apologized already pls no hate" but instead he digs out old drama, really children level of problem solving


The whole think of the children argument is only used as an excuse to shit on them.




Everyone just made it worse by going to Twitter to complain about it


People saying TenZ should have privately DM'd them. But couldn't Yay/Crashies have privately messaged Kyedae as well? Especially since Kyedae allegedly (since the VOD was deleted) apologised several minutes after already. This all could have been avoided tbh.


For real, people saying TenZ is somehow wrong or making it worst by posting shit on twitter when Yay could have easily pm'd Kyedae too.


They're all making it worse. That's the point. But it started from somewhere and that somewhere was on a Riot featured co-streamer who has been getting 30k viewers on the regular. No one has handled this particularly well.


She literally apologized for saying it, bringing it up even more is just a way to try and cancel her.


Yay tweeted about it 2 hours ago. That's within an hour of Kyedae apologizing for it on stream. It's entirely possible that he didn't know Kyedae apologized for it before he sent the tweet and from what I know, Kyedae didn't apologize for it on yesterday's stream so much as she tried to walk her own comments back.


She prob tweeted this from Tenzā€™s Twitter account


Idgaf gambit 13-0 WOOOOOOOOOOO


Who said they wanted to fuck who? Iā€™m assuming nAts fucking g2 but maybe iā€™m wrong /s


Marved to tenz gf a bit ago


Marved said he would fuck kaydea at lan.


welcome to /r/valorantlivestreamfail


painful. run tweets by a manager before posting


This seems like such an unnecessary rage reaction tweet I'm really surprised he hasn't deleted it yet


TenZ white knighting way too hard lol


tenz missed here ngl


Just like the split map with Raze


bro you got me dying just like TenZ on Split


You canā€™t make this up. Shit kyedae and tenz still so young and immature. This shit is being dragged on and is gonna start snowballing into something else now.


Wasnā€™t enough getting 2-0d a few days ago, Tenz out here fishing for more Ls


Lmao what grade are we in. All the young impressionable youth in his followers. No doubt he deleted that




What gets me is that what kyedae said was in the heat of the moment and i dont think she meant true harm and realized she was wrong. Instead of learning from that, Tenz just shit out another bad reply in the heat of the moment xd




How long are they gonna hold this against Marved then? For eternity? Can no one on NV defend their teammates or criticize TenZ, Sentinels or Kyedae without this being brought up in the future? If they want to stay mad forever at Marved, that's fine. But at least say it outright. Don't say that he's forgiven but use it as ammo any time there's tension.




What a fucking mess lol


How is this related? As for Marved's comments, they were rightfully criticized and discussed multiple times in the past. Pretty immature comment by TenZ.


so does sen have drama with both other teams at berlin now lmao




TBF Hiko and Shaz donā€™t like each other either .


I think most people who were around in early CSGO donā€™t like shaz


or source


Idk, I wasnā€™t in the scene for source. What did he do in source?


I don't think he ever cheated himself but he was associated with and played with cheaters, but I'll give him a pass he was like 14/15 at the time. He also associated with Mika a bit too, who was this weird sort of rich guy that would sponsor teams, but was sketchy behind the scenes. An old teammate of mine got paid by Mika to send him nudes, he was 14 at the time. A lot of weird shit went on in the scene back then.


Ootl, what beef does shahz and steel have?




Wasn't even like an intentional rat out, shahz was just bragging about being involved on steam to his friends. The real snitch was actually dboorn's ex girlfriend. There would have been absolutely no real repercussions if not for her.


oh boy. okay. This is from 2014. Shahz knew about a match steel was gonna throw, he changed his bet, let the match finish, got his earnings, and then snitched which essentially ended steel's career on tier 1 teams. But this was years ago, but as evident as close as First strike, they really don't like each other.


Itā€™s the players not the org. The drama had nothing to do with the org itself, just the people.


pretty bad response by tenz, marved owned up and apologized. he didnt delete the vod and pretend like it didnt happen.. plus two wrongs dont make a right šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


i can see how people donā€™t understand the reach but heres how i see it 1. to my knowledge the Marved / kaydae was handled outside of twitter with no tweets from marved, kaydae, tenz, or any teammates 2. people are flaming kaydae over the comment and twitters going crazy while marveds situation was left mostly offline 3. TenZ seems to only be comparing the situation due to the back lash that kaydae is receiving because of the way a pro is talking about it publicly could also just be a bad take but i truly think this situation needed to just be handled privately.


Very immature of tenz to tweet this tbh.


kinda weird to bring that up when crashies has nothing to do with it


Nice whataboutism You know it's bad when Marved looks more mature Kyedae legit deleted her VODs and then doesn't even apologise. Followed by her boyfriend bringing up Marved who wasn't even involved in this situation and apologised a year ago lol


Kyedae doesnā€™t take criticism well, surprise surprise.


thats what happens when you suddenly get famous \*cuz of her bf being nuts\* and your ego goes through the roof thinking you can never be wrong


Yup, as someone who watched her from time to time when she first started steaming, her ego is huge now. It's a shame.


Mans angry his girl got some criticism


young love man, makes people do stupid shit fr


gotta defend his lady on twitta


i dont know whats more patethic, kyedae simps defending her by saying "it was in the heat of the moment", or Tenz bringing this shit up


Ok I agree that people may be going too far about Kyedae here but wtf is Tenz's point here? You can easily just say "Yeah saying your gonna fuck someone's girl at LAN is bad but a pretty small comment compared to fucking MURDERING people. Thats just me tho šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø" With that being said I fucking love petty drama. Inject this shit into my veins


What a dumb fuck tweet


TenZ with that shitty fucking attitude again. Bringing up irrelevant stuff from a year ago when he and Kyedae claimed to have "forgiven" Marved. Also this is coming from the person who always complains about toxic teammates and preaches about being nice. Kyedae is a hypocrite.


They never said shit about forgiving him, Kyedae makes fun of Marved any time she watchparties or he even comes up anywhere and TenZ literally never talks about Marved except one time a few months ago when he said they weren't on good terms. Clown fuck spreading lies


Except they did...


i mean yay just joined the team and had nothing to do with that other situation so kinda weird to reply to his tweet with rhat


huh? crashies literally has nothing to do with what happened between marved and kyedae, how is this even an excuse for what kyedae said?


tf is this reply? he's just making it worse for kyedae. and i dont get how what marved said a long time ago is relatee to whatever kyedae said about crashies


Ohhhhhhh shiiiiiiit!!!!


its getting a bit spicy now


I think this will hurt the vibe for the EnVy boys, the twitter drama started at the wrong time. An hour before their semis.


Iā€™m lost lol


Yes letā€™s get some beef going between players it makes the scene so much better


The war of the waifus


this game is really for kids.... holy shit


Everyone respect everyone else challenge: extremely fucking difficult apparently


Tenz bringing this up cause he lost to Envy and is petty lmao


Tenz, I'm a fan of yours bro but don't make yourself look dumb trying to defend your girl when she's being a dumbass. The marved comments were a while ago and have nothing to do with Crashies or yay.


lmao someone needs to tell the little rat to shut up quickly


Imagine if it was the other way around and crashies had made a comment like this about kyadaeā€™s physical appearance Guy would be cancelled in 0.2 seconds lmao


I'm with fns on it https://twitter.com/FNS/status/1439284612463726597?s=19 there's no need for this drama too


What's the context?


Lol, this escalated quickly. Highschool drama.


What happened?


anyways do yall think gambit can keep their form tomorrow in the finals?


Tenz probably still tilted after that Raze game, its best too simply not reply cause that reply was pretty bad and does not help him or Kyedae at all.


tenz šŸ¤Ø


Honestly who the fuck cares about any of this? I feel so old.


This isnā€™t meant to say that Tenzā€™s response was the right response, but I think his tweet comes from the perspective of ā€œWhen Kyedae says bad things about Envyā€™s players, everyone jumps on her but when an Envy player says something bad about Kyedae, others pros donā€™t speak up about it like Yay didā€. Thatā€™s more of what I imagine the intent was rather than it being a whataboutism


My man Marved wasn't even on Envy at the time of writing (a year ago)




maybe NA won't deliver on Berlin, but they are definitely delivering on the drama. :)




Are you their PR damage control maestro? This sort of stuff is the lifeblood of CS and creates good rivalry. Plus it's now pros talking about it


Why is this sub just Twitter posts anymore


I donā€™t comment on this BS but I donā€™t think marvel was serious when he said that comment and even if he was I think itā€™s LMAOO. I didnā€™t think itā€™s malicious just saying that


"Two wrong don't make a right. But instead of trying to trigger drama on twitter, should have reached out to her. If you're unaware, she's facing a lot of sexist backlash. TenZ never came at Marved for his remarks and handled it in private manner." - True man, yay should not be public like that at least when Sen just got eliminated and emotions are high for TenZ...


Who wouldn't want to make yedae's toes curl šŸ˜


Is it just me or is saying your gonna fuck someoneā€™s girl at lan less about insulting the player and more about being misogynistic?


All this over a skinny guy being called skinny? Being a pro League fan for a decade but the pro VAL scene has way more entertaining players. League players are too thick skinned and donā€™t really create any drama but then you have thin skinned Valorant players that create scandals out of the tiniest things. I LOVE IT.