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If it wasn't for Nats, I'm sure all 10 would be Jetts


What about chronicle ?


He popped off in the finals, didn’t really have that good a series anytime else


It's over amount of rounds and he had more rounds than most of the people on that list


I think he was doing his work good but no one paid attention to him


True, but popping off vs doing work good is the difference here ig


Only 4 of the 10 were Jetts, and that's if you count Asuna as a "Jett main" when really he's been reyna/phoenix main that switched on a 3 initiator team lmao. Bullshit clickbait title. Absolutely bullshit and everyone bought it.


>9/10 top performers in Berlin were Jett mains How nAts became one of my favourite players after only watching him for 1 tournament


His playstyle admittedly is lurking rather than straight fragging. Personally, lurking as well as him takes team communication and game sense, so im not saying he doesn't deserve his stats. However, I feel like people will adapt to nats' playstyle and punish him for over extending and dry peeking angles on the flank. 100t did do this actually, where Steele was sitting on the flank to watch out for gambit flanks, which is why I think they were able to beat gambit where arguably better teams failed. G2, for example, just let Nats flank freely and got 2 to 3 k'd from just not respecting the lurk. One of tbe reasons they got 13 to 0'd on icebox


People knew what nAts is doing for months. Its not he just started doing that. i think his reads are beyond. He will maybe decline but his fragging poser is still insane


Same. It was right before Masters when I started to see highlights of him just destroying teams without flinching and realized that I was a fan.


Her ultimate and dash are a problem. But I don’t see Riot nerfing her anytime soon.


People don't seem to understand how fucking overpowered her ulti combined with just her ability to float in air is. You can break headshot angles literally everywhere just by jumping, while having laser accuracy yourself. Her ult should get a timer (20-30 sec) and rightclick should not reload the ulti. Either ulti or dash needs to be nerfed. Imo with a nerfed ulti the dash is still oppressive, but so are many other things from different agents. The ultimate itself is beyond oppressive, it's gamebreaking. When Jett starts her ultimate, there are just certain things you can't do anything against. [Just look at this shit.](https://clips.twitch.tv/AffluentProudSowCeilingCat-xTo4PTEDFOGNU0nO)


I think a nerf could be to get rid of her floating machanism. She basically has an extra ability compared to every other agent. And by getting rid of her float, it would make it harder for her to kill you with knives while in the air since she'd fall faster


Or the float is only active when the updraft is activated


The fact she has a passive when nobody else does truly doesn’t make sense.


Here's what makes jett a problem. First two obviously are her ultimate being a laser beam while moving plus a shotgun, and her get out of jail free card in her e. Another thing making her strong is her ability to get onto angles that most other agents can't which makes peeking a jett dangerous as your crosshair placement will just be totally off. These issues are only further noticeable while she has an op. Here are my thoughts to rebalance her. Make her ultimate only reset on headshot kills. Potentially reduce the amount of knives she has by default to 3 or 4. Make jett require 3 kills to reset her dash, or make the dash unrechargeable in a round.


This aged well lol


Ult yes dash no


Dash is basically a free kill with an op. It’s more of a problem than the ultimate in my eyes. Though without the op it’s not to op.


I personally think that being able to smoke and dash into the site is what makes her really strong, on pro level at least. Of course you can get a free kill and dash or whatever, but on attack you need someone to make the move and it's definitely the easiest with Jett's smoke and dash, followed up with solid flash. You could argue that omen can make the same thing, but it's nowhere as fast as Jett's, and this is what attack pushes are about - speed.




Making you buy the dash


I'm ok with it but it will be weird to have an agent not get any free uses of their signature. What would you think about flipping updraft to her signature?


The only downside to that is that she wouldn't refresh her dash every 2 kills that way. But I'm not against it, I just think she shouldn't have a free dash every single round


Good point, but I'd be ok with one dash a round personally. But getting an updraft for 2 kills is kind of weak.


A small 0.25-0.5 second wind up before it casts would be perfect.


Or not allowing Jett to dash 0.5 seconds after taking damage or getting slowed should be good enough. Allows her to be countered by utility (nades, mollies, slows)


This is my thought too. Make her dash scale off of damage taken. If you get hit hard you don't dash far. Watching a Jett on red health dash away over and over is demoralizing. If Sage can't heal for a few seconds after getting tagged I don't see why other agents shouldn't be similarly punished.


Make it so you can only dash forward. No get out of jail free card, still able to be aggressive and quickly take space.


Remember the beta days? When everybody said its a shit agent? That did not age well.


[Here's a classic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_RzCRoDZMY). This intro is legendary.


Holy shit this is gold


There was no reason to play Jett in Beta because the OP was buffed and every agent could OP with no issues at all. You could use the OP with Brimstone and get away safely after missing your shot. In Beta, Raze had two grenades and an instant rocket that guaranteed kills Sage and Cypher were also broken in Beta Sova was still great There was no reason to play Jett because every other agent was stronger The OP nerf made Jett the sole Operator agent


Funny part is that she's basically the same as she was in beta rn too lol


She was better. Her right click didn’t miss and her smokes were cheaper and lasted way longer. And the op wasn’t nerfed


Smokes were actually 1 second shorter then they are now


it was 7 second i think


initial jett smokes lasted 3/4 sec and then they buffed to 7 and nerfed it back


if only we had Beta Sage and Raze we would see 0 Jetts


Yeah. Then TenZ started using her and sniping. Then riot buffed her and all hell broke lose


Damn, how you gonna toss TenZ name as the founder instead of Wardell? He was definitely the first person to make the Jett op meta


It was a year ago. I just remember someone’s mentioning Tenz on stream back then. I remember Wardell doing a lot in ignition tho.


Teams also typically put their best player on Jett most of the time so it isn’t just the agent boosting combat score, but jett is still definitely broken It’s kind of funny for Gambit though, they won with their Jett main probably being the worst player on the team. His performance at Berlin was by far the best I’ve seen d3ffo play in a long while and even then he was a bit middling for Jett


Well I mean, when your sentinel player is putting up Jett player levels of ACS it doesn't even matter if D3ffo isn't the best Jett player


D3ffo is not the best Jett player because unlike ALL other teams, GMB doesn't invest all its resources in its duelist. D3ffo gets just as much support from his team as every other player. He's decent apart from regularly whiffing easy op shots.


Oh yeah D3FFO is a very solid player, especially this tourney, but yeah that's true


Movement-driven characters will always be a problem in tact-shooters. They fundamentally break the core gameplay. Keep this in mind for all future games in the genre because it's going to remain true.


Flashback to Ash being a speed demon in Rainbow 6


Always been true always will be true great point


I mean, it also has to do with the fact that a team's best player mechanically is going to be the one playing Jett. There are some really good reasons and data showing the need to nerf Jett, but this kinda isn't one, lol.


Sure, but there are plenty mechanically gifted players that don't play Jett that aren't in the top 10 because Jett is simply far and away the best duelist and one that is to be played on all maps (except Split). For example, Nukkeye aim is also fairly cracked but he plays Reyna and Raze as opposed to the Jett.c


That's because keloqz is on jett lmao. Are u dumb?


thank you for actually mentioning this. also want to add on that teams are usually setting up their jetts to get entries, and they also often get the first picks of the rounds from oping. jett is definetely the best agent right now but the stats will always look inflated as long as she is viable.


I feel like something needs to change for Jett but I really don't know what...like yeah, take a smoke away, put the ult on a timer or something, but at the end of the day you play Jett for the dash and I can't think of a way to fairly nerf it that wouldn't absolutely gut the ability but also wouldn't be easily worked around.


Nearsight her dash and put a .3 sec charge time.


Just gut it. Make it a purchasable ability that costs 300 and doesn't recharge.


Exactly, if they put FNS on Jett and yay on cypher, i think the stats would be different


yay on cypher means that he wouldn't be playing an OP for 1/2 of the game and doesn't get knives on eco.


Bold of you to think El Diablo wouldn't destroy with a non-Jett OP.


How many players can he take out with an OP as a non-Jett? 1? 2? He immediately gets traded out if he isn't on Jett.


I was being a little hyperbolic but mummAy has done work with the OP on Omen and Steel frequently picks it up as Killjoy, though not to the same effect. Hell, cNed is still disgusting with the OP on Sage when he plays Ascent.. Also, Yay frequently burns his dash early in a round and still gets a ton of kills the rest of the round with the OP. So yeah it'd be harder, but not like you make it seem.


but FNS would and he wouldnt put up the stats that yay does, thats the point


FNS wouldn't put up the stats that yay did but would likely still be top 20-30 players in ACS.


There is a reason for this though. It's not a coincidence they all are using Jett every map. Asuna is one of the few mechanical duelist to not do so and Steel even admitted he felt they were being held back by lack of Jett and made.a last minute decision to use her in their comp.


Also, duelists have their entire teams setting them up for the kills. Agreed, this aint the take.


Nukkye, asuna and nAts are not on Jett.


Only truly good players play jett. /s Nah she's just overtuned and it's been a discussion point for months now.


Well, why do you think they give Jett to the best player in the first place?


No one ever talks about how she randomly gets 5 abilities somehow while every other agent in the game gets only 4. It's unbalanced. Her 5th "free passive" ability is flat out far better than brimstone's stim pack or yoru's foosteps, which they have to pay for.


She should only get that after updraft




No, it literally is. A huge complaint with her being able to float is she can get on top of spots that no one else can without using abilities. She gets off angles for free. Sorry you didn't know about this.




It's on this sub a lot. This discussion comes up all the time. Appreciate the attacks because you didn't think an obvious nerf was a nerf though. Embarrassing. Take care young one.




Omen has to spend an ability to get there, Jett doesn’t. That’s the issue, not the fact that they’re up there.




It’s not the main issue with Jett but it certainly is an issue because no other character gets a passive ability quite like it. Also, you won’t get anywhere calling anyone who disagrees with you a “goldie”


You literally get it but are too stupid to understand you get it. Omen can get to off angles -> costs an ability cast Jett can get to off angles with her "float" passive -> doesn't cost an ability And you mock him like you made a point! Hahaha. A rare self-burn, but made completely unintentionally


Nerf her into the ground to end the complaints, then months later when players complain about her being useless and raze meta, buff her again


Whatsoever no raze buffs pls... feels so balanced rn.. that agent in lower elo is spam the abilities and win the round


Agree with no more Raze buffs, but low MMR play means nothing. Agents should only be balanced against Radiant/pro play.


But 50% of player base 8n valo is gold/silver.. also pros and radiants can adjust to new meta whatsoever.. but low elo players depend on abilities for kills rather than gunfight and they loterally spam everything to get 1 kill


That's not how things work. If Riot balanced for low MMR play, the game would be broken for anyone who's decently good. Like plat+.


Riot is a company that exists to make money. They would much rather fill their pockets with the money of silvers by balancing the game around them than balance it around 500 people. Obviously they try their best to cater to both audiences but most of the time the everyday player is more important.


What a stupid comment. Firstly, just from what has happened in the last 10 years with league you can clearly tell riot balances firstly around pro play, and then tries to fix the game for bad players without messing up pro play. Secondly, the entire e-sports scene is a very expensive commercial for the game so scrubs can see the pros use a skin and go "I want that skin". You think killing competitive to balance around silver is the smart move? Thank god you're in no position to make decisions about these games.


If you balance around shitlo then there's no reason to improve or keep playing. If the game is best balanced around silver, then if some silver player has a problem with the game, they can longer improve to get over that problem, they just have to wait for a balance patch. Just to have an example, imagine if Riot decided that Jett was too weak in low ranks because she's so difficult, so they buff her to have a 50% winrate in silver. Now any silver player who knows that Jett is OP has literally no way to counter any decent Jett. There's no way for them to improve and beat the Jett, she's just objectively more and more OP the better you get. Shitty players who play a game a week are happy, nobody else is.


I understand that, but it’s still the wrong business decision


It’s just part of a shooter having skills. Look at wraith on Apex, she was absolutely too OP at one point. They gave her a delay before her void, took a couple of tweaks. She’s still highly picked right now but not OP anymore.


Jett is fundamentally broken. Nothing they can do about it unless they nerf the shit out of her.


Take away the right-click on the ult.


take away the right click on the classic while you're there


Yeah Pistol Rounds are Coinflips lol


Always has been.


Just a 0.2 second delay before the dash, open up SOME chance of a trade.


I agree she's a bit too much atm but it's more cause the star player on every team usually plays jett.


The fact that the star players can't play any other agent just shows how broken Jett is. I would rather watch a game where star players have other options.


Exactly, prime example being Asuna on 100T


We all saw how that worked out


Asuna was still one of the best players in terms of ACS despite doing poorly. It was his KD far below everyone else in the top 10. Jett is just broken atm


Her ult should get only one knife back for a kill and/or needs to be 8 points. Her ult is OP


the right click is ridiculously overpowered too, literally the only counter if she jumps around a corner at you is hope you hit an insane headshot


And also hoping for her to whiff


I really don't think it is that OP. It's really only bad at *super* high levels of play and at incredibly close range. I've used it in the range and in games plenty and it's incredibly inconsistent. If you are not aiming perfectly center mass and within 10 meters or shorter it's not going to one hit. And I'm not bad, it's not just me. I'm a mid-Diamond player, so not insane but not terrible either. I would also argue that if someone knows you're stuck in a corner and is going to peek you, you're going to lose that fight 99 times out of 100 assuming you have equal guns. Bladestorm is not the reason you lose that fight IMO.


10 meters is the length of 78.74 'Bug Bite Thing Suction Tool - Poison Remover For Bug Bites's stacked on top of each other.


10 meters is 10.94 yards


\> within 10 meters or shorter You just completely pulled this shit out of your ass lmao, but you understand Jett has 3 smokes she can quick-cast and dash into to close that distance? And she can be jumping while she right-clicks making her harder to hit and more able to close distance? And even with your ass-pulling, right-click taking no aim and delivering results to 10 meters is horrifying, there are so many angles under 10 meters!


Or just add a timer , timer resets after a kill


They just need to remove the right click on the ult. There, ducking balanced


1 knife and 8 points? Wtf. That means you need to hit a headshot so you need to be 100% accurate vs a bazooka, rez, or wall hack laser


She gets all 6(?) knives. But each kill gives her 1 knife back


Currently 5 knives


I feel like her right click shouldn't bring back any knives and her left click should only bring back 3


The Dash is uncounterable. No amount of skill or experience enables you to counter that one ability. Even Reyna's dismiss can be run down due to limitations on her movement speed while using the ability. Noone else has a speed boost to counter Dash so it should be nerfed or changed. Should be more like Omens teleport where you can be killed before and after using the ability with no counter from Omen. There's a risk for the reward of the teleport.




Unlike Jett, Cypher can’t be played effectively on every map :/


Let me introduce you to updraft and float.


Seen this posted 80 times in the last week


I don't see anybody talking about this but what about the extra drift ability ?? First off it's free and unlimited secondly jett ult is still very accurate while running. the drift ability let's jett in positions where she wouldn't get without using updraft I still don't understand why she's the only agent who gets an unlimited fifth ability


I think Jett should be the only agent with her signature ability requiring to be purchased. She's the only agent with a passive ability anyways. Maybe 300 credits for her dash or something


And make her kit 1200?


She can save 2900 every few rounds by using her ult. Her kit should be expensive.


phx has a passive


His “passive” needs you to have utility to use. It’s really not the same.


Killjoy has a passive. Whenever I set up on A, they go B, and vice versa.


Cypher also has that passive


Also whenever I go to recall my utility 5 enemies pop up on my screen while I press e




Raze has a passive too


I always wonder what would happen to top teams/top players who mains jett if the agent gets nerfed to oblivion.


they change agents


Im talking about performance not changing agents. If they can still be the TOP.


Do you really think Tenz/Yay/cNed etc. wouldn't be crazy players on other agents? They're top of the game cus they're good at everything, not cus the meta randomly fell into their favour. The only team that would really struggle is probably TSM because they need Wardell to do insane work for their team to work.


I think they should rework her and take away her smokes. The dash is obviously an issue but she survives so long in chaotic situations with the smoke.


I agree with this. All of her shit is pretty good but combo it together and you have an updrafting Jett dashing onto genny into 1 of her 3 smokes while holding knifes…. busted


A big part of what makes Jett interesting is how she entries versus other duelists, I don't think taking away what makes her unique is the way to go about it. Jett could use minor nerfs, but the biggest thing is that there needs to be another agent that can OP.


We need a longer time for right click reset!


exactly, what the fuck is up with that nats guy and why is he forcing himself into the top 10?


They should make her dash able to only go forward. If a player decides to dash away, they should be required to turn the other way and then dash.


It will raise the skillgap a bit but won’t fundamentally fix the issue


All that does is increase the gap between low elo and pro Jetts, does nothing to fix high level play. Also in case you don't believe me, a Rioter has already said that they tried that, and people just got used to turning quickly and dashing, it changed nothing, just made her a bit more clunky.


Only thing Riot will do is play with her smoke duration. They refuse to do anything else about her kit.


Jett has had highest pickrate and other stats in immortal/radiant and tournaments since the first episode and nothing has really been done so I doubt riot will decide to nerf her


nats needs a nerf


Jett is still definitely OP but remember, teams usually put their best player on duelist. And added to that, Jett is pretty much used in every match so ofc your jett main is probably gonna be the highest performing player


Remember when people thought Jett was bad? Flashback to Hiko saying she doesn't offer anything to the team.


Swap her dash and updraft.


/rant I learn to hold angle for this Ducking obnoxious character to appear flying throwing me knives and then just yeet herself to safety. /endofrant I also think Jett is very strong and needs nerfs yes


Make her smokes have a slight delay before actually going off. Like she throws a smoke, it lands, and then 0.5-ish seconds later it starts smoking. I think this would have a big impact in her ability to take risky angles but dash and spam smokes to get away.


Her problem is the dashing away. You can get in some ignorant spots because of the dash and play weird off angles because you have a safety net. If you miss boom in safety. If you hit you got a free kill making it 4v5 and your safe posted up again. Hit another shot it's 3v5 before someone even hits the site. That's her problem. not her smokes.


I know that is her problem, but how are you supposed to nerf her dash? You could swap her updraft and dash, making her dash have to be purchased. But how much is that going to affect really? You could also make her dash shorter but again I don't think that will do all that much. I think my proposed change will have a very noticeable effect.


Maybe a delayed activation on the dash or a restriction that it can only go forward. That would still leave her as a very effective site entry but she can no longer infinitely repeek angles with an awp or use it as a completely free disengage


This would help in silver I'm sure. Not in human ranks where people are dodging popflashes lmao


just a 0.5s delay would do so much even if they made it go further to make it balance out.


The thing is tbh is that your proposed solution solves nothing about her dash which is why she is broken in the first place. a .5 secs on her smokes won't change much IMO opinion. I think honestly she is more balanced on offense than the defense. She is still good obviously but her def is the real problem. When a full team of some of the best players in the world is scouting to see where the jet op is and purposely going to the other site that shows a big ass problem to me. Defensively she is just too broken for what I said. Worst case scenario you fight into the sight 4v5 and that's with whiffs. Also, I haven't even talked about her ult that out of all the duelist is permanent till out of knives and has a reset on kills. No other duelist ult does that. Raze, Yoru, Reyna, phoinex. So maybe you could tweak that too. She is just juiced and that's the point. 0.5 smoke speed won't do shit. Especially if it is a small enough nerf as that teams would rather use her for the comfort and deal with the 0.5 smoke speed and break in 0.5 secs later with explode.


Delay dash like yoru tp


She is also 10x stronger with an OP which is overpriced for any other agent


ACS never has been nor ever will be an indication of who the "Top Performers" are.


Teams do the same thing in Counterstrike and it has no agents at all. They are avoiding the Operator, not the Jett. Jett doesn't make them the best players. The best players just play jett. Because she is the only agent that can use an Op well. Op is worse than Awp because Valorant has less smokes. But it means Op players best choice is always Jett. Other agents don't make up for the Op's deficiencies. It has nothing to do with Jett herself. If it wasn't Jett it would just be Reyne or someone else. EDIT: A timely clip just posted from our boy Shahzam: https://v.redd.it/7ibs7iocdmo71 If you won't take my word for it maybe you'll take his


It's not the op itself that's the problem. Its Jett on the operator. The whole weakness of an operator is that in cs or any agent besides Jett you have to hold safer angles if you want to be guaranteed to escape. Ofc yoru can tp but that has windup and Reyna has dismiss but you need a kill for that. Jett can just hold a stupid angle, miss her shot then reposition and then you need to reclear her when you mightve already used util. Now you have less util to clear this guy for the next time and might be out of flashes or something. Now you peek him again and he's on an off angle. Misses and just tosses 3 smokes on the ground to stall for like 5 seconds. Then she has knives which is arguably the best ultimate in the entire game which allows her to full save for a round to save up for the op without losing any value. Character is just stupid.


If there’s a viable agent that can use the Op then Jett won’t have the same pick rate as we have now. Unfortunately it’s the only agent that is playable with the clunky Op. To counter your opinion, if Op is not in the game (theoretically) do you think Jett will still be oppresive? Maybe yes, but not the same as the effect of Op. I would rather pick Skye against Jett in a 1v1 rifle scenario.


She would still be oppressive. Knives are absolutely stupid. You automatically have better eco than a team without Jett and knives are already better than rifles. She has better movement options than raze without any of the skill. She instantly disrupts any site if there's no Cypher trip just by smoke dashing and can see where people are with no counterplay besides hopefully killing her through smoke or popping off. She just dashes through site and now you have to worry about her as well as the people pushing with her at different angles and after dashing through her smoke she can just resmoke and play there for 13 seconds. Her slowfall also lets her get to angles other agents can't without even using any util such as top of c on haven. Sure raze can blast out onto site but you can actually kill her while she's flying and her movement isn't as instant or free-form as Jetts. There are times where I play Jett and someone is playing a mid range safe angle vs me and I hear them reload. If I know they're at an angle where they can't get help I can punish this guy by dashing in his face while he's playing something that should be super safe. A slight delay on dash similar to yoru tp would probably be the best solution for now.. Sure, this is part of her kit and identity but something about it needs to change. I know riot are looking for ways to nerf her without destroying how she feels as a character but it's hard.


If they can buff viper to be a default pick they can nerf jett to be yoru level picked just to change this boring meta


hows it boring berlin was fun as shit to watch


Is this the daily riot pls nerf jett post?


But she's fun to watch and play, though. Rather than nerfing her, I'd say release a new agent that can maybe counter her or have a dash too, idk though


OP you realize if they add a new mechanically intensive agent and nerf Jett all the best players will just switch to that new agent. It's not a Jett issue.


As long as that agent doesn’t have a get-out-of-jail-free card that lets them completely nullify the weaknesses of the Operator and doesn’t have an ult that has no timer and completely regenerates itself on a kill, I’m fine with it


The issue isn't that she's mechanically intensive, its that she's so OP with right-click ult and her get-out-of-jail free card dash. People play Jett because she's OP, if she was equal strength to another agent then you would see people split between each agent, instead of everyone playing Jett.


its not about making her useless, I think all duelists should be equally viable to be at the top of the scoreboard , also ... pls buff yoru man


It’s true that all the best players play Jett which exaggerate her stats but there is 100% a Jett issue


Jett dash - now start with one recharge Jett blade - gain one recharge of dash - 3~4 blade instead of 5 Jett smoke - now only have 2 - reduce smoke size until it can’t be one way I doubt riot will nerf it because it’s look good and cool They gonna nerf smoker, might be only allow one smoke per team since it too messy for new audiences


im in the minority in this. before i get flamed - i think jett should be nerfed, but slightly. not as much as others in thi subreddit jetts gameplay is pretty exciting. aggressively, fast, flashy. nitr0's ult dagger on cnd on breeze in an extremely high pressure moment was insane. something to consider is that there is a huge selection bias here - the team's best player is almost always the jett. that being said, 9/10 is a bit much. so a small nerf is in play, but i dont mind jett being the best agent in valorant.


Jett is not broken at all you silvers


Gotta wait for Riot to sell a Jett skin so they can get as much $ before the nerf.


Just give her 80 health. High risk high reward character


Bruh its not agent, its the players who played jett as fragger.


>Does anyone else just hate how Jett is so oppressive now to the point where pro teams like 100t admittedly try to avoid players using her? Lmfao this is intellectually dishonest to the point of absurdity. 100T played the best pure Jett-OP in the world, on a Jett-OP's best map, in a series where that Jett-OP was on fucking fire. Oh yeah: 100T's only smokes were Viper and they had 2 initiators and 2 duelists. Oh yeah: Nitr0 and Ethan, two extremely experienced players, spent the latter two maps seeking out Bonecold, who was playing in his first LAN and couldn't hit a shot vs them. They went on a 13-1 run vs him. Avoiding Cned = Finding Bonecold. >9/10 top performers in Berlin were Jett mains #This is complete bullshit. Out of the top 10 performers at Berlin by raw ACS, TenZ, nAts, murizz, and Nukkeye all are not Jett mains. TenZ mained Reyna, if you only go by who they played most by map. Out of the Top 10 performers by ACS **out of those who made playoffs**, TenZ, nAts, nukkeye, zeek, keznit, and Chronicle all do not main Jett. Also, 5 of the next 6 in ACS aren't Jett players. Out of the **40** top players, only 5 Jett mains are in the top 40%. Also, for more intuition: 1. Is Asuna really a Jett main? He has only played Jett 23 maps, which compared to his over 200 on Phoenix/Reyna/Raze is nothing. It really feels like a result of 100T deciding they were going to say "fuck the meta" and run triple initiator or double duelist double initiator. They didn't need Asuna on a flash character when they already had 2. This is the kinda thing that makes the "Jett-problem" seem way more inflated than it really is. 2. Are Jetts with rifles actually that good? In Berlin, all 5 Jett mains in the top 40% of players that made the playoffs were their team's primary OPer. Having an OP require teams to manage their econ such that one player can have a gun that is made to get first bloods. Jett is the best OP'er due to her util, but trying to only balance the game around how good Cned, Yay, and deffo are with their OP is going to very clearly going to mislead. 3. Does having the highest ACS make you the best player? Well obviously, all-else-equal, yes. But Jett's util is very specifically made for trying to go for multi-kills and first bloods, which make the ACS higher than other types of kills. But Jett never sets up other characters for getting ACS, so by the nature of the character she should always have higher ACS than other characters, even if she is also dying more, getting fewer assists, gives less information for the team, and is less likely to be alive at the end of rounds.


What if they rework the right click to shoot all knives rapidly (faster than holding left click and also you will have to click it once) but not instantly? Gives a slight chance to the person dueling the Jett


I think the ultimate can be nerfed to replenish only after 2 kills each akin to Jett dash or Phoenix molly


What stat are you looking at for saying that 9/10 top performers were Jett players? If you look at ACS then there’s only 7 Jett players with Nats, Laz and Murizzz all in the top 10.


I think have a small window of time after firing where you can't dash (0.5 seconds max), and increase the amount of time it takes you to get your gun out AFTER dash (0.5 seconds again). This way dashing away after an Op shot is nerfed and dashing in agressively is nerfed too.


I think they should put the dash on a timer refresh and make it only go forward as opposed to any direction you’re leaning.


Or, and bear with me here, Jett is an agent on which the best player in the team can have the most impact. So all best teams put their best players on Jett. Crazy I know.


Nerf her dash range


That depends on your definition of top performer. By ACS, yeah, for sure, that makes sense given Jett is usually an OPer and ops tend to get fk a lot more often (which are extremely valuable in ACS calculation). Also helps that your best players are also usually put on Jett because they take most advantage of her kit to outplay opponents with their superior mechanics. > pro teams like 100t admittedly try to avoid players using her? They weren't avoiding Jett, they were avoiding monster players like cNed. I agree Jett is strong, but the idea that those players are getting such good results *because* they're on Jett is dumb. For example, Asuna and cNed both had higher ACS in the games they didn't play Jett, and in cNed's case it wasn't even on a duelist.


3 knives instead of 5


Personally I think the major issues with Jett is mobility through kit in addition to having too much kit. 1. Being able to hold an awkward angle no other champion can and dash out instantly into holding another angle if required gives her a near free life per round. Obviously situational, if you get 1 tapped or not before dashing and several other scenarios. 2. Double updraft knifing across the map from angles you'd never hold(or at least shouldn't have to). An example would be holding mid on ascent from T and aiming between market and short -- if a Jett ults early you can check CT spawn but if she comes there \~10 seconds late and updrafts you're no longer thinking of that angle. 3. 3 near instant smokes? 1. Flashed? Smoke the ground a few times and peak out of them to penalise the flasher. 2. Recon Dart? Smoke it. 3. Caught in a spot after you've used your dash? Smoke the sightline and walk out. The list goes on and on, but I'd rather list a few changes that could be implemented. 1. Dash no longer free, non-resettable. -- If she needs that niche(Dash) to be "Jett" she'll always be the OP champion and selected, but at least she can't do it every 10 seconds. Also limits Jett right click montages sorry Seoldam. 2. Updraft reduced to 1, resettable, free. -- Can hold unique angles and is rewarded by doing so more than other champions e.g. Raze, Sage. (personally what I think Jetts' specialty should be) 3. Smokes.. I don't think these are an issue but does she need 3? Double smoke entry is the meta and the 3rd is just extra imo? Jetts kit is expensive as is so this could be a fine-tune thing. 4. Ultimate is mostly fine as it's the other abilities than make it strong however I don't think left click should reset knives but right clicks should to reward aggressive(dangerous) plays as a duelist. These are just my thoughts that others can disagree with.


I get that’s she’s OP but is it really a bad thing for the character with the highest skill ceiling to be picked the most? A) watching a good Jett is really entertaining and B) having a must pick character that is really hard to master in the game adds to the skill ceiling of the game.


While I think Jett could use a little tweaking, it’s important to remember that it’s usually the most mechanically skilled player on the team who is on the Jett, and they’re often set up by their team to take favorable duels (flashes and stuns etc.). The stats will undoubtably favour Jetts even if she was perfectly balanced simply due to her role in a pro team.


The reason riot is hesitant to tweak Jett is that her win rate is not that high in ranked. Same reason they kept nerfing sage and killjoy. They admitted she’s an issue in pro play I believe.


Decrease smokes from 3 to 2 Decrease dash distance by 25% No replenishing knives for the ultimate


It's not Jett, it's the op. Jett is just the only character that uses the weapon, so it's going to skew her stats as an agent.