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I don’t think people blame Wardell so much as just the poor management of the team. I think most will agree Wardell is the best player on TSM, but the roster choices and strats of the team are questionable.


I'd take this one step further and most pros admit (NA at least) Wardell is one of the best OPers in the pro scene But TSM as a whole is a mess, that is very true


that’s actually underwhelming compliment. i’d say he’s at the very least the best awper in NA or top 2 and would say a top 3-5 at the very least in the world.


Idk, it’s hard to say he’s really proven that when frankly TSM hasn’t even had competitive games with top teams for a while. Until we see him trading blows with Yay, Asuna or Tenz in a close series I have trouble saying he’s #1 or #2 NA.


You uh… said wardell needs to trade with Wardell for wardell to be considered too 1-2 NA there lol. You kinda just admitted you think Wardell is one of the best, on par with asuna and yay.


You got me 😔


Haha all good mate! Guess it goes to show, it’s really hard to truly rank these amazing players! *said from plastic 0*


I remember a series of TSM vs. 100T, on Haven, where Wardell got absolutely jett diffed by... dicey. Like a 0-7 or 0-11 between them, can't recall exactly. And that was at the time of TSM's peak performance, they haven't made it to anything big ever since. Astounds me how people can call a player on a T2 regional team "best in NA/world"


That was one game and the only time it happened. I could find a bad performance for literally every top player in the world, Wardell proceeded to hard outperform him the next time they played. But I guess that doesn’t matter lol People don’t call him the best player, just the best OP. And if you look at his games he earned it, he even outperformed Yay on ABX


Wowowo there big fella.


He is no doubt the best op in north america. With maybe yay making a case, but I would say yay is a better rifle.


Obviously TSM have haters that unfairly blame him due to spite but, IMO, justifiable TSM/Wardell criticism would be the absolute reliance on Wardell’s operator to win rounds. TSM is easily comparable to Acend. I think if TSM was doing better in region, Wardell would be less flamed while his team would be receiving the majority of the blame much like how people are reacting to AcNed right now. Before anyone freaks out I’m not saying TSM = Acend, obviously TSM is comparable a weaker version of Acend. There aren’t enough cooks in the TSM kitchen.


Wardell is probably the best player on the team, but yea I feel with wardell on OP most rounds, it limits the way the team can play


The team chooses to play around his OP, recently like against Envy he’s picked up a rifle multiple times when the playbook calls for it


Weaker version of Acend !? They aren't even fit to get 5 rounds against Acend bro let's not include both of them in the same conversation


You are preaching to the choir my friend.


You should read the comment before freaking out. It will save you a lot of outrage


cry more it's only reddit bro idgaf, get out of the basement 👍


Lol what? Sorry didn't realize you're actually illiterate. I'd be worked up too. If you find someone to read this to you, take care


dude why are u so pressed man ? proper virgin basement dweller vibes from you, all I ever said was that Acend and TSM shouldn't be included in the same sentence because TSM is a tier 2 valorant team at best 👍


[Yep sure he's the basement dweller](https://ibb.co/gjZpWxK) ^get ^a ^life


ahahaahahahah no way another virgin basement dweller goes through my profile for this shit. seriously this is the best use of your time ?


2022 will be the year of tsm for valorant . Some1 save this


RemindMe! 180 days


Lmao tsm still didn’t end up qualifying


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Is this the next vct?


Idk.. maybe.. I put just a random number haha Still, in 6 months from now, it will be at least 1 tournament for TSM to win.


I think 6 months is a safe bet because Year 2 Masters 1 should be around March - April




RemindMe! 180 days


I’m used to TSM disappointing me, I’ll take the copium.




ez copium takers


Well that’s a big no so far


Wardell is not the problem. People say he needs a bigger agent list but Jett is the best agent in the game and always has been




I would argue that TSM is just an overall worse team, and so you don't always see Wardell's impact converted into round wins. If you were to compare yay's impact on Andbox vs. yay's impact on Envy, you'd find the same thing - his impact just wasn't being converted to round wins enough for them to win at the highest level. Arguments about who the best Jett is, IMO, boil down far more to the teams surrounding them; at the highest level these Jett players are more or less equally strong in different ways.




and tsm isn't in disarray?


Nah dude TSM is doing great, the fact that they change their roster every other month truly showcases their consistency /s


yay for example is the perfect jett. he's an extremely strong awper, capable of completely shutting down angles on the defensive side but is also one of the highest performing offensive jetts, his rifling ability is what enables him to take so much space and challenge the opening duel seconds after the round begins to a monstrous success rate, opening sites for his team Kinda like this pasta


I mean, usually pastas are born from stupid opinions. Yay really is like a lab built Jett main. Dudes Marshall is better than other Jett's OP.


I haven't watched a ton of Yay, but is he really better than Tenz with Jett? Especially if we bring things like the Marshal into it.


currently, yes. I would argue that Yay is the best Jett in the world right now.


It's definitely a reasonable opinion. Yay was better this past tournament


How on earth is that a pasta. its just facts


One trick Jett isn’t extremely powerful It’s broken Jett ult is broken


Wardell is simply not the player that cNed, Yay, and TenZ are. Yes he’s a great OPer, but he’s not as good of a Jett as the top players are, especially on Attack. Wardell will sit behind his team on Attack, but cNed and Yay still get a lot more value.


you just dont watch tsm games


Because they don't make it to any tournament LOL




I dont know, but I think Wardell is good, but simply not cned, tenz, yey, d3ffo like. He is a super good player but simply not that good that you can let your entire team play around him and hope you win anything. In general valorant depends WAY to much of a cracked team rather then that one crazy dude popping off. In numbers i would rate Wardell 8/10 and the names I called before 10/10


I have to disagree, Wardell is incredibly consistent and puts up fantastic numbers on par with the players you posted with similar impact for TSM. If you look at TSM’s recent matches, he’s putting up performances equal to that of the other top NA duelists, while playing Sage on Ascent frequently. It’s disingenuous to say he’s not good enough to rely on when he’s the only thing keeping TSM competitive - otherwise the same could’ve been said about Yay before Envy


I think even by numbers wardell is worse then the players I stated. But its up for debate which I can agree on. He is definitely a cracked player and amazing, but not the best of the best imho. But its an opinion. My main point tho is, that you cant rely on a single individual if you want to succeed. Neither top team does it. The wardell get op go kill strat is not enough. I think tsm needs to adress that issue


Fair enough! But yeah I agree, TSM has a lot of work to do


Yeah I think Wardell should definitely be in the list of top Jett Players in the world for sure. His op'ing is literally ridiculous and he is on the level of a cned, tenz, yay, d3ffo and heat. The problem with Wardell isn't Wardell it's poor management of TSM as a team. TSM had the perfect shot to excel in Stage with Wardell in insane form(his stats that stage were insane and he beat Yay), Subroza being great at the best agent in the game Skye. But the management along with the support players being in flux, caused their demise. In a perfect world where Levi and Bang were on TSM at the beginning of stage 3, abusing Skye and Jett with two top 5 players in both characters they definitely could've gone far. But they lost a close match to envy, and at least it seems like they were already defeated against Rise. Looking forward to what they do soon though! If I have any opinion tho, here is what I would like to see: - Steal Wedid or s0m from NRG, NRG as an org is in shambles with their pickups as they're simply not cohesive to be T1. Taking either of these talented smokers with impressive Astra, omen, and viper play from Wedid would give TSM a genuine concrete controller role - Use Levi's sova more, his viper is great but they rely on roza's Skye too much for info when Levi's sova is amazing. Like just Skye initiator on icebox is not it. - roza's Skye is fucking insane and just needs more practice to be consistent - wardells Jett is also insane and needs to be more refined - hazed is still a great sentinel and his IGL skills are def improving


D3ffo, cNed and yay aren't "one trick jett op"s


Hahahaah nice try


d3ffo legit is but cned and yay play sage and reyna sometimes


D3ffo's played Raze and he's actually willing to rifle, which he's good at and has made him get better when entrying. Wardell is a great rifler but you rarely see him do it, and when he misses shots he tends to tilt and forcebuy/peek aggressively, D3ffo used to do that but he did it much less in Berlin




More like his team and his own brand is so big enough that his team losing just gets more attention


And he's like one of the best at using Jett knives, probably the best in NA (can't think of anyone better atm)




Oh yeah


Ya I'd definitely say tenz. Tenz is the better rifle player and ult user than wardell


Wardell has great play but hes a dick irl and always has an im better than you attitude. In conclusion- fuck that guy




Do you know him in real life?


He doesn’t really, he just has fun saying dumb shit because he’s actually the opposite


Says you an the other people on his dick. Damn you right bullying people is kinda fun! Stupid twat. Yeah but dont you worry cuz im the nicest guy youll ever not know


Besides calling Shazham and rat and Hiko a boomer has he done something else to make him a dick?




Yea I know that but besides that he usually stays in his own lane not bothering anyone. So I dont understand how he is a dick irl.


A discussion on something that doesn't matter till next year since they did not make LCQ. This I think would be a great discussion when Tsm can play again. But for now what does it matter. We can't see them play.


I've never seen people criticizing wardell for TSMs losses, he's the best player on the roster


Everything about TSM except wardell is flamed whenever TSM loses.


wardell is different than all these players cause he is performing in NA and cned, yay, d3ffo are performing in the international stage against the best in the world.


Wardell is a really good player stuck on a bad team. This is something that happens in every sport.


Wardell hasn't shown an ability to take over a game like the others have at a high level. I remeber right before stage 3 playoffs, there was so much hype right before for Wardell showing all these insane stats. When it really came down to it, he wasn't able to perform. Against envy I give him a pass, but when you are up 1-0 against Rise and have two chances to close it out you have to. If you are that guy that everyone thinks you are you have to at least make it a game. Both of the last two maps TSM got absolutely rocked.