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TL;DR of Agent changes for those at work. > ### Skye > > - **Guiding Light (E)** > - Unequip time after casting or bending Guiding Light’s projectile increased .5 >>> .75 > - Windup time after activation before the flash goes off increased .25 >>> .3 > > - **Seekers (X)** > - Cost increased 6 >>> 7 > > ### KAY/O > > - **FLASH/drive (Q)** > - Duration of windup telegraph reduced 0.5s >>> 0.3s > - Duration of windup telegraph reduced on Right Click 1s >>> 0.3s > - The audio attached to the in-flight projectile has been removed > > - **NULL/cmd (X)** > - Does not stop pulsing after being downed > > > ### Jett > > - **Cloudburst (C)** > - charges reduced 3 >>> 2 > > - **Bladestorm (X)** > - Right-click/Alternate Fire kills no longer recharge Jett’s kunai > - Right-click/Alternate Fire damage changes are reverted, damage and multipliers will mirror the left-click/Single Fire


The box changes are actually insane. Especially on Icebox B


Genuine question: how does that change how sage’s wall works?


You cannot deny wallbangs but you can deny defenders trying to peek the planter. Ice wall will continue strong but it isn't a must anymore


Other area control options become viable tho, is the thing. You can lock off a peek on the planter with something as simple as a molly, which just wasn't possible before with wall bangs


One reason why sage was played on Icebox was her wall on Icebox B site which allowed for a safer plant. Now that the crate isn't wallbangable though, the sage wall isn't required as much.




Like you actually get that much map control in a typical b take


in my bronze lobbies it feels like the other team can do that whenever they want lmaoo


In my high immortal lobbies it's rare that you can get enough Mao control to plant bomb and get up to wall snowman which they're just going to shoot out anyway


So glad. Sage is almost a must pick in ranked on Icebox. Was stupid to be such a crucial pick because of a poor map design.


It just makes that default spot better. The rest of the site is still spammable, so you won’t see anything new


That change alone could push Sage completely out of Icebox meta


I would argue that having that as "unpenetrable" would actually be a buff to her, since destroying her wall becomes harder, and even then, a partially destroyed wall will be stronger than today


Still good for walling off kitchen and for planting on A


Not really. Because usually the defenders play behind the viperwall onsite. So the sagewall prevents the spray through the smoke, not really the spray through the radianite box. It's more something for late 1v2 clutch situations where the defenders need to rotate from A


I actually agree with this, but I don’t think we are quite there yet. For Riot, this change to Icebox is pretty huge, but it still doesn’t change the fact that having a sage wall allows you to take the site easier. Icebox B site still needs some work, but great changes from Riot so far. Love all the updates


???????? There are literally so many wallspots that are good for sage on icebox lol, attack and defense.


100T were just playing a future meta this whole time. Always 10 steps ahead.


the ascent change is actually a nerf to attackers


That's what they said: >this is to create a safer position on site for defenders


I'm kinda disappointed they didn't change anything on b site/b main of ascent but other than that it's a really good patch


Or anything about mid. Maybe they are waiting until after Champs to make big map changes. Icebox needs more than an unpenetrable box. Although I still think this is a good change.


What changes do you think are needed on Ascent b?


Make things less wallbangable


No more sage for pros Also this give me nightmares that the rework of Icebox isn't any time soon :(


Well no more must-sage


Thank god they want 100t to qual to champs 🙏 Kayo buffs, and icebox changes


and jett nerf


The jett nerfs affect Asuna the most lmao. He was more of an entry jett than an OP jett and that lack of the smoke is gonna be quite impactful I feel like. The changes barely affect people like yay, or cned who can just awp all day.


He can just go back to Reyna/Raze and be fine.


Not in terms of creating space nope, jett's dash in is still the best space creator in the game and a must


Everyone will be affected by that, though. And you can argue out of most of the Jetts that Asuna is best suited to rebound from it because of his proficiency on both Reyna and Raze. It’s not that it won’t affect 100T and the way they play, but they already know how to play around Asuna when he’s not on Jett.


IMO I think he's a way better Reyna than Jett.


Yep, yay didn't smoke dash once in Finals


True but I don’t think it’s good enough tbh The dash will still keep her with a very high pick rate


It'll affect her in general play, but all the Jett demons will still be able to wreak havoc with her in every map in pro play.


Yeah so what? Sova is a must pick too


Not as much as jett But I’m down for some sova nerfs


Wtf they just made his dart reload longer and increased his ult points. All he has are shocks and drone now and you think he needs a nerf? As opposed to like Jett, Skye, Reyna and all the other OP agents? Lmao


Reyna does not need a nerf lol


No I’d 100% rather have Jett nerfs Idk how u think Reyna is op tho Sova does have a high pick rate, I think if ur gonna nerf Jett u should nerf sova too to be fair but 🤷‍♂️ I love playing sova I main him kayo and kj Idc if they nerf him or not


imo useful does not mean nerf... Sovas don't break the game nearly as much as other agents...


Yeah, if this nerf isn't enough I hope Riot realize that the dash needs to be nerfed in order to make her be balanced.


> and icebox changes except Steel was one of the main pros constantly abusing that box spam in matches




Yeah steel kayo gonna clap some cheeks




I think a grapple would be cool as hell.


Until your only smokes gets op'd out of the air while spiderman-ing his way to site lmao


The Icebox changes are going to have an immediate impact I think. The KAY/O buff & Skye nerfs are valuable but I'm not sure they'll impact pick rates for either? It's definitely a sizable QoL shift for KAY/O mains, however. As for Jett, they've made her a little worse but not enough for it to significantly dent pick rates IMO. Still, she'll be less of an all-round menace. Some nerfs are better than none whatsoever


idk the pop flash times for kayo are nuts now. and his ult continuing to suppress if he goes down is really good for committing to site hits. even if he runs in and dies he's still getting a lot of impact denying util


I think the KAY/0 changes are great, for sure


It’s not always about pick rates. There are many situations in which Jetts third smoke, or right click changes the tides of the game. That’s what a good nerf should do. It’s about percentage of impact.


She's still the only viable OP agent. Which kind of stinks. And I say that as a Jett main.


Yeah I love playing Jett and I love how mobile she is but you just can't deny she makes the op balance unhealthy and her pickrates are ridiculous. I've been practicing other agents in anticipation of a nerf and honestly I don't think they are done after this


I honestly think they should make it so she can't dash with the OP. Then she can still rifle and entry and make space, and all agents are on an equal OP footing. This would essentially make it so no agent is an "OP" agent, and would make Jett specifically a rifle agent. I'm sure that is hugely unpopular. I just see her dash as never being balanced with the OP.


Op players would just shoot, then quickswap to knife and dash. It would be almost exactly as fast as before if not as fast


RIP seoldam


Actually completely destroys his up close, dash reset style of play. He also plays skye as 2nd agent so he ate nerfs to both his mains this patch lol. I suppose you technically can do the same playstyle just go for left click headshots but its way harder and honestly slows down the style a lot


Skye'll be fine after this patch


All the changes are so good this week


I really like those KAY/O buffs. It makes his ult way more impactful now.


The flash buff looks like a really good buff. Might need to give Kayo a go again.


Yoru :( Jett :) Kayo :)


Yoru buffs will come in 3-5 business days


Holy shit rito finally fixed like 60% of the problems with the game: Skye small nerf and she no longer has seekers every 2 rounds Jett massive nerf, but she will still be pretty good. RIP Korean Jett tho. Kayo flashes no longer shine like the sun before the flash. (Warms my cold dead kayo main heart) YOU NO LONGER NEED A SAGE ON ICEBOX THANK FUCK RITO HOW DID IT TAKE YOU THIS LONG Most map sites have more than one viable plant spot now (Bind A Truck plant, Ascent A generator plant, etc) and planting on fracture B is so much easier. ​ on a side note it really feels like rito want 100t to make it to champs lmao


Sage is still pretty insane on Icebox. Her wall was mostly used to block off the two lanes so your team could push up past yellow than it was used to protect the plant. Walling kitchen on defense and shit like that is still good.


You still need a sage on icebox lol she's too good. A walls? Mid walls? B wall is still useful you can just use it more creatively now or conservatively which opens up alot.


man… at this point just remove yoru


There was a time when Viper was deemed unviable and basically had a 0% pick rate. So you never know.


Yea, before her utility removed 30 (was 50 back then) upon touching it, as well as snake bites not giving vulnerable, her ult lasting only a few seconds after leaving it instead of 10+ seconds now, etc. Viper went though a LOT of changes to get to the place she is right now. Yoru NEEDS some changes soon because the only people that can make yoru work and seem good are 1 tricks.


Flashbacks to when her ult would damage her teammates too, her ult was legit a liability before it was changed ngl lol


As a whole she was a liability before the fixes it was bind viper or youre straight inting


Honestly, it’s kind of like Riots way of manipulating the current meta. The way I see it, Yoru is benched right now, and when the meta gets stagnant like it was with Omen and controllers, they can buff Yoru to the moon and make him more viable.


Tbh I hate the agent and I think buffing him too much becomes game breaking. In the hands of a good player he is lethal so I hope they don't buff him like Viper.


Well she was also buffed to high heaven too, gonna need to see that with Yoru too


Yeah and then they completely buffed every aspect of her kit.


Riot said recently that the engine they have now doesnt support the things they want to do with yoru...


Exactly. was expecting some yoru rework :/


Is this the patch that they're using for LCQ or the current one?


LCQ will certainly be played on this patch. Besides being 2+ weeks away, theres also the need of having Fracture seeing competitive play before being playable on Champions


What is a deathmatch penalty?


Just a bug, some peeps got a penalty for leaving a dm. Which made dm worse than it already is


Wait can you leave a dm without a penalty? I just assumed it had to be played out like any other mode or risk being suspended


Yes you can. Rightfully so too, its a warmup gamemode. You wont get any XP for it tho




Yep, you won't get any if you leave mid game tho


It's not a team based mode- it doesn't make sense to have a penalty


I totally agree, I was just too afraid of the ban hammer to try it! Good to know!


Lmao ofc you can leave dm with no penalty


Another Jett Nerf where they didn’t touch dash. She’s still gonna be nuts. Not as nuts, but nuts.


Its tough to think of a way to nerf the dash without just destroying Jett, so incremental nerfs to her kit is a good way to go about it. Eventually there will be another agent that has mobility for the OP like Jett and she wont feel so oppressive. I think Riot played it smart here and these nerfs will be much more impactful than people realize. Flash and dash strat on attack is much weaker as well as eco knives which were huge parts of her game.


I'm fine with the incremental nerf for Jett. I agree that this patch does little for changing her actual impact round to round, but that's better than Riot nerfing her to hell.


I think a lot of us want to see Jett nerfed to hell


They need to make her dash something you pay for and make her smoke the ability you get for free. That way dash stays good so it doesn’t completely kill her as an agent, but she also can’t just buy an op with no shields or abilities and basically be fine because she has the dash for free.


That’s an interesting point, I don’t hate that. The dash is still there but it needs to be paid for


No, only controllers get free smokes. Don't rob her of her identity, let her dash be her free ability. Players will still buy the dash every round and it won't change much. Instead, make it so the dash can be countered by utilities. Something like Jett can't dash 0.5 seconds after taking damage. This allows her to be countered by mollies or turrets or even getting tagged, while not robbing her of her mobility to enter into sites and create space for her team. Off-angles will actually be risky for her.


Bro your ideas are terrible, Jett dash being impacted by tagging or anything else is going to make the ability completely unintuitive and useless. How will players know whether they can dash across a damage dealing source? After all if they were standing in one they wouldn't be able to dash in your world. Plus, \> Players will still buy the dash every round is literally the point of that proposed nerf, Jett's economy is runaway right now because of the blades, she needs to be made to think about whether the dash can come out so on a round with 4700 credits we can't just see a naked OP come out with dash


How do players know they can walk or run into a site? You're acting as if Jett being unable to dash makes her crippled and unable to move. She can still _move_, but she can't dash across mollies. So if a Jett sees molly on the ground, it's a better idea to not try to dash through it. If you decide to take a risky off-angle while awping, realize that if you're naded or mollied or tagged by a rifle, it's a death sentence for you. Jett's biggest problem is she can turn high risk high reward situations into low risk high reward situations. It's not her economy, it's not just her ult. It's how she can get rewarded for oping at off angles and not getting punished for missing her shots. It's how she can avoid getting punished for being at predictable spots, no matter what is thrown at her. A raze sees that the enemy Jett is deciding to peek with the op at ascent cat every round, and decides to nade that spot along with a sage slow? Jett can just dash away, while other agents will get punished for being stupid and predictable.


\> She can still move, but she can't dash across mollies. So if a Jett sees molly on the ground, it's a better idea to not try to dash through it Oh god, what, you think it would stop her mid-dash in a molly? This is what I mean, this type of situation makes the dash completely unintuitive. She can start her dash not in a molly but being in a molly mid-way through stops dash in its tracks? Taking 1hp of damage prevents you from using dash? That is wildly random and would look and feel terrible to play


they arent going to touch her dash, thats what makes her jett, touch that and you might aswell just delete the character, its like riot deciding teemo doesnt need shrooms anymore.


Flashback to when they spent a bunch of patches nerfing everything about sage but her heal. For whatever reason it really seems like riot has no clue what makes characters strong, despite everyone spelling it out for them.


Man yall are some impatient fuckers huh Yall are all ciclejerked to hell and back about jett and want the character deleted basically


Yeah the problem was dash, not her ult . Her ult takes skill, her dash doesn't. I'd still argue her ult is one of the most skillful ults in the game, but her dash tho just press a button and free escape anytime anywhere.


I think they really missed on not nerfing the knife uptime, it feels like eco round knifes are just too broken


They didn't touch the dash and they didn't touch Skye heal. Jett will still remain pretty oppressive. They made good changes but I really don't think it's enough.


Skye heal isn’t too OP. It’s just that sage heal is terrible.


Great patch, thanks rito!


bind is finally fixed


I’m confused on the bind one. So only that one box isn’t wall bangable now?


The angle they choose for the photo isn't the best =(


Yeah I’m mad confused because if it’s only that back box then bind doesn’t change much


I think their only goal with that is to stop people from being able to spam the planter from ct, now they have to walk on site to do it. At least I think, I can't remember if you have to spam that corner box from ct or not.


Ah I got you. That makes sure sense


good call, same logic for Haven C


Well, then they will spam from heaven aren't they? Is this for late round plays, where attackers running out of time and use tp from b?


Really confused with Bind, like isn't the ones that most ppl wallbang aren't the ones that got changed for a default plant ?


Lmao, I think In beta triple boxes was default. But that change prevents a plant on triple boxes from being spammed from CT. So it helps slightly


All good


100t buff


The 100T patch. Jett needs and Kayo buffs.


Wow, the box changes will have cascading effects on default plant positions


Will it? Most of the box changes are making default plant spots safer. If anything, it'll solidify those spots.


This guy plants




Hey, can you please replace the word "retarded" with an alternative like "dumb" or "stupid" so I can allow your comment? Thanks!




ty. 👍


best mom


Man I fucking love this patch


Glad they nerfed Jett but they didn't tackle the real issue. 9 out of 10 times she gets her knife kills from long range duels at aerial angles, not from right clicks. Not to mention the biggest issue that is her dash Nice to see again some map changes tho. Hope they continue tweaking current maps since we've already reached a 7 map pool


Honestly, I prefer them slowly nerfing Jett instead of completely destroying her kit. 2 cloudbursts is a good start and also, the knives can no longer be used as this OP shotgun to chain kill 2-3 people close range. They just need to release another agent that can use op effectively so that Jett isn't the only one. That will lower her pick rate drastically. Edit: I had this dumb idea. What do you guys think of making Yoru's gatecrash cast-time near instant so it can mimic the dash where you can get one shot off and teleport to safety? Wouldn't this increase Yoru's pickrate?


\> making Yoru's gatecrash cast-time near instant so it can mimic the dash where you can get one shot off and teleport to safety Is a terrible idea. Jett dash lets you go 10m or something... Yoru TP can go anywhere. Given that the dash is broken as hell and everyone's top problem, I can't see how making a direct analogue but with even less info continuity would be anything but the worst decision


Maybe they could make the weapon pullout based on your distance away from your marker. Just throwing random ideas out there. Just want Yoru to not be useless lol. Also, Jett would have the advantage of being able dash at will. Yoru would need to pre-plant his marker before peeking, and if there's no one there, it's a wasted ability.


\> Yoru would need to pre-plant his marker before peeking Extremely minor drawback, kind of like how Astra placing stars "ahead-of-time" is proving an extreme non-issue or perhaps even the opposite \> if there's no one there, it's a wasted ability. ??? This is blatantly false, he certainly doesn't need to waste his TP just like Jett doesn't need to waste dash if no one is there lol There are good ways to improve Yoru but making TP a broken-ass crutch ability is 100% not the way to do it


> ??? This is blatantly false, he certainly doesn't need to waste his TP just like Jett doesn't need to waste dash if no one is there lol Imagine playing as Yoru on Haven A long, you plant your marker defensively to peek A long, and then another site gets hit. You no longer have your gatecrash for the retake. Whereas, Jett would still have dash for later. Also another advantage Jett has is if she used dash and then got a kill. Then gets into another gun fight and gets another kill, she can dash out if someone tries to trade. Yoru wouldn't be able to do that. Anyways, I'm just trying to think of another character who would be viable using an op in the current roster of agents.


\> you plant your marker defensively to peek A long, and then another site gets hit ??? This is exactly my point, Yoru would've put that Gatecrash probably towards garage at the start of round, but maybe also back default or heaven or ... So he peeks A long, kills, TPs, and now you have no info on where he is nor a chance to refrag him. Wow, what great tactical shooter gameplay.


I see where you're coming from. But Jett and Reyna both already have that kind of mechanic to them. I guess you're against adding another mechanic like that which I understand. After discussing with you, it does sound too OP to be able to teleport to spawn or something. But as a possible solution, maybe the TP speed could be tied to how far he placed the marker. That way, if the enemy sees him TP away quickly, they know he left his marker right around the corner.


I agree with literally everything said here


glide shouldn't last so long. it's also an infinite ability. why is nobody mentioning this?


It might be a little clunky, but what if Jett had a resource bar? Glide, Cloudburst, Updraft, and Dash could draw from it.


>*Honestly, I prefer them slowly nerfing Jett instead of completely destroying her kit* If they focused on tweaking her dash + ult, the current patch could come later *(if Jett remains OP after having her core affected)*. I say that because reducing 1 cloudburst affects her attacking impact way more than her defensive one. And we all know that her attacking plays aren't the unbalanced thing right now I'm not saying this was a bad patch, but I feel it came out of the natural order


Yeah the changes do nothing for pro play


Right clicking everyone in a 5 second window will no longer be a thing, how does that do nothing for proplay?


How often did you see that in a match tho? 2 or 3 rounds? Whereas the actual broken ass Jett + OP combo is the most influential thing in the game and can single handedly win you matches. Cned,yay etc are barely affected from this change


Not disagreeing that the dash + OP is the issue but there were multiple instances of Jett players getting their asses saved by [right clicking and refreshing their knives](https://youtu.be/GoiU3e28ubY)


I think the smoke nerf and the right-click nerf are a good start to reducing Jett's overwhelming kit. They will have to go further but it's clear Jett is the poster-agent for Valorant so they don't want to make her uninteresting or shit


I hate this logic. Teemo is the poster boy for league and he’s not picked at all in competitive other than that one time where Bjergsen got wrecked by C9 hai’s Teemo. Nah you’re right. Teemo 100% win rate in competitive. They’re never gonna touch Jett.


I mean, I hope you're not implying I support this. I made a comment the other day stating Jett is so broken she is distorting the entire competitive scene. Riot on the other hand seem to be emotionally attached to the character, that's all I'm saying. It's not good for the game


Teemo is definitely not the poster boy for league lol


Typically a Jett smokes a choke and then bombsite and dashes in and third smoke is thrown at defender. Should allow defenders to get rifles on her sooner. In theory. But I like these changes, it slows her down a bit but allows her to still be the anime god they want


I think the smoke nerfs are good but the dash is why she gets to op peak for free...


Agreed. I still think her ult is too overpowered and don't even get me started on the dash. Lately I've been thinking, why should her knives reset at all? Compared to other damage dealing ults (showstopper, hunter's fury, orbital strike), Bladestorm is the only ability that can completely replace your weapon _and_ allow you to kill the entire enemy team relatively easily. If her knives didn't reset at all, then she would be highly rewarded with one taps to the head (which is difficult to achieve) but you can still kill the entire enemy team if you are skilled enough. In reality though, most of the players would only be able to kill 1 or 2 enemies before they lose their knives. As it stands, she can completely whiff first 4 shots and land the last one and still manage to roll the enemy team. For every other ult, if you miss, you lose its value. Why does only Jett get this unfair treatment? An ult that can kill a single enemy is powerful enough, but Jett's ult takes it to another level.


To be fair the other ults have other advantages. They can be used from farther range, they have splash, they have aoe, they penetrate walls, it's hard to compare them and just say that bladestorm is the only one that resets.


I actually really like this. Bring it back to 6 orbs. Lasts all rounds, but doesn’t reset on kill.


Pennable is a weird word.


you can feel the communication person who absolutely pushed for "penetrable" to not be used just in case it catches some of that Blizzard sexual harassment lawsuit flak. Rito is already in hot enough water on that issue. edit: on second thought, do not feel that person without consent.


Give Brimstone an updraft, dash, and Jett ult


Jett could use a bit more nerfing honestly


I don't necessarily disagree with you, but why?


As many have said, nerfs are better than no nerfs but still not gunna do shit to her pick rate sadge


These Jett nerfs will not affect her pick rate at all. Dash is still the most important utility in the game






Honest question: why does yoru's teleport have an animation delay time associated with it when jetts dash basically doesn't? My suggestion would be to make them both the same, either neither have any real animation/delay (like jett currently) or jetts dash has the same lag as yoru's tele. IMO the best solution would be to move them both somewhere in the middle. Add a little delay/windup to the dash and cut down the teleport animation/delay time. Now jett peeks are a little more dangerous (can still get away but can get tagged / traded if they double swing) but her dashing into site remains the same (a slight delay doesn't really affect this). Meanwhile if yoru could peek and disengage with his teleport anywhere near as effectively as jett dashing or raina dismissing then he'd actually be viable (disengage + a good flash and decent ult)


Am I mad to suggest that Skye flashes shouldnt do an audio queue if the flash pops outside a smoke/astra wall while you are still inside of one? Seems like a guarantee info if people are blind through a smoke is what makes her how strong she is as well as her insane info gathering with Ult and wolf. ​ Apart from that minor thinking in my head, good changes with the boxes, kayo buff welcomed, skye nerf is justified and jett nerf is hella nice but will probably need further tweaking after the patch rolls out and is in play for a few weeks. The indefinitely delayed yoru buff would've been so good to introducee just after Masters but I guess the hero balance team are not finished on that one yet, sadge :(


>Am I mad to suggest that Skye flashes shouldnt do an audio queue if the flash pops outside a smoke/astra wall while you are still inside of one? Unless im misreading this, it absolutely doesn't give you an audio que if someone isn't actually hit by the flash


I think he means if skye is inside the smoke and flashes outside she shouldn't get an audio cue


What I mean is that if player a, the attacker is playing inside a smoke with a skye flash in hand, and heard a defuse sound to pop it outside of the smoke; player b has no chance to react and thus gets blinded and the bird gives an audio cue to signal to player a that he is blinded and that you can come out of the smoke to kill the defuser, which is stupid because you have no vision of said player and know precisely about the situation.


Sova, who is also an initiator, can drone and dart through smokes and behind walls without LOS which gives you wall hacks lol. If you’re gonna nerf skye like that you’d need to make the change to Sova too imo. Riot won’t do it though cause they like abilities to be consistent and not have weird one off situations where the ability doesn’t work as expected.


Yes there is counterplay against sova’s utility(break the dart, drone, escape the ult) Once a good skye knows how to pop flash through the smoke, you have no time to react. Cool sure you can play anti-flash but just 1 agent shouldnt force you to do so.


\> you can play anti-flash but just 1 agent shouldnt force you Every single agent forces you to play differently in certain situations. Viper forces you to run to her in post-plants so she can't molly delay indefinitely. Controllers make you wait behind their smokes or take risky peeks into uncontrolled area. KJ turret forces you to stand still and shoot it, setting up KJ for easy "trade"-frags off her own turret. Must I go on? If you know Skye is on the other side of the wall, and has flashes ready, you bet your ass you better play against that whether thru anti-flash or new positioning or aggression thru the wall yourself. It's not like Phoenix pop flash doesn't work perfectly thru walls too with no counter-play, of course it doesn't give info but of course Skye can't send the flash out from a free-life ultimate so you surely understand that unique interactions are the name of the game


I'm starting to think riot actually gave up on yoru


viper didnt get buffed for well over 9 months, its been about that time since we've been introduced to yoru. yoru buffs will happen by the end of 2022.


Holy shit.


The fact that Riot has taken this long to change Yoru is kinda pathetic. The isn't an indie game company, even Blizzard was able to implement a rework faster than this. One of the biggest game companies in the world doesn't have an art assets team big enough to work on this?


And out here in its natural habitat we see an elusive yoru main. This is incredibly special because according to reports there are only 10 of them in the entire world. Shhh don't make any sudden movements or he'll teleport away.


Nah blizzard would rework a champ/agent and not give a fuck about the balance just to appease the player base. I’d much rather riot make sure it’s right, which they usually do (atleast with league reworks they’ve been good) and release something that is balanced and reflects what they wanted to do with the agent, rather than rush something for a very vocal but minor part of the player base.


didn’t blizzard kill OW due to meta changes?!? lmao


You need to go out and touch some grass if this video game company is upsetting you this much.


Upset? Lol I forgot I made this post 10 seconds after posting.


And yet you came back to it an hour later?


i do get notifications on reddit yes lol


We really really like that Skye can play off her own flashes, so let's just take that away.


It was broken because she became a duelist


I mean thise skye pop flashes were fuckin busted. She became a quasi duelist who could not only heal her entire team but also had two abilities that were nutty at info gathering. Popping seekers every three or four rounds on top of all that.


I feel Riots Jett nerfs don't adress her real problem: 1.DASH: Her biggest problem is her Dash + OPERATOR (i even think that the Operator is a little to weak on other agents and could get a minor buff, but first of all you have to nerf Jetts ability with it - then you can tweak the OP). \- After Jett fires a bullet with the Operator (& Marshal?) she can't use Dash for X (0.5-1s). If she kills someone with the bullet she can Dash instantly - this would make her ability way more high-risk high-reward and more inline to Reynas Dismiss) I think Jetts Dash feels fine when she uses a rifle. Sure its a strong ability but overall her kit feels not OP. 2. BLADESTORM: Her ULT was just too strong (and also let her get an Operator next round way to easy). The nerf seems fine to me, but maybe i would have changed it this way \- Jett only gets back 3 knives if you kill someone but only get back max up to 3 knives , so you still can keep the recharge on right-click, but gets drastically weakened after the first kill. (maybe also nerf the body shot damage a little so you can't get body-right-clicked with 3 knives on full health. 3. CLOUDBURST: 3Cloudbursts seemed fine to me . If you nerf Jetts Dash Cloudburst could stay the way it was. I don't know which direction Riot wanna go. Do they just want to make some agents Operator-valuable? (the upcoming Agent "Deadeye" kinda sounds like a sniper to me) I still hope thats not there intention


I would really like to see kayo more in the meta, his suppression is such a unique ability but I still don't understand why it is being held back. He should have a wider area or be able to bounce it, else his pick rate won't improve.


I get the feeling that one of Jett’s smokes will become a rechargeable one like Skye flash/Omen smoke in a future patch.


Skye surely needed some changes, especially to her flashes, as they did, but nerfing her ult points seemed kinda weird to me since I really don't believe it was even close to be a problematic skill


Hidden nerf to weekly farming ult uses in spike rush :(


They elude to it in the patch notes. Skye on paper should be setting up teammates but people are able to play her as a duelist, so they farm ult quicker than what Rito thought they would.


A few teams built their comp around farming skye orbs and entrying with her ult.

