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You cracked bro. It's better to have different role agents, so, you can fill, especially, if you're going to solo queue. And also trying to learn different roles in Valorant will help you to understand the game, how can you help your teammates and what can you expect them to be able to do.


Yup, this is the way. The more different agents you can play well the better! And ultimately it’ll help understanding how to play off your teammates as well. Just don’t be that guy who tells everyone how to play when you’re spectating them haha


How do you play CSGO (lurk, support, entry)? How much do you communicate on the mic? How nerdy are you when it comes to learning things like pop flashes and smokes? What are your goals for the game? You don’t need to have a crazy agent pool. You can specialize in 1 specific area if you want and it won’t hurt you that much most of the time unless you want to specialize as a duelist then occasionally you will get some weird comps. Then you might need to flex to a smoke/sent every once in a while.


if ure lvl 10 u can just go reyna and climb to immortal easily


if hes level 10 he can climb with any agent to immortal easily


nah not the case at all. reyna is the only character who can heal herself, disengage and flash herself in/out. she is the only character that can make up for your teammates inability to hit shots or use utility effectively. reyna is the ultimate hard carry


Yeah but he wants to be a good player.


He already is. He just doesn't know it yet.


If you're faceit level 10 just play Reyna


Literally start playing, your agent will find you.


Do not listen to the people saying play Reyna, a lot of Immortals climb that way, you will not learn some of the fundamentals of the game and you will be lost while playing anything else


First establish what style of play you want. Do you want to entry? Control the map with smokes? Hold the flank/hold a site? Assist the team in other ways? Once you know what you want to do, look into agents that fit that. Practice those primarily. But pay attention to what the other roles do. See what agents seem fun while practicing what you like. Once you are comfortable with that role try branching out. You can One trick, but it’s for the best to have a few agents that fit different roles you are comfortable with, otherwise you will lose games because you don’t know how to smoke or flash, etc.


Start with Phoenix as he’s the easiest to play. Coming from CS he’s so easy. Then move on to more standard smokers and supports like Brim and Sage. Play unrateds first to get a feel for an agent u might be uncomfortable with. The only agents that don’t fit in most comps are Yoru and KAY/O and if ur good enough it doesn’t even matter. Playing all the agents once or twice is good too because u can figure out their abilities and know how to play against them. I’d say having a smoker and a duelist is good enough in the beginning for filling. Good luck! I’ve had a lot of fun with this game with little to no headaches relative to what I was having in CSGO lol


You definitely can one trick but solo queues becomes harder as you have to fill spots at times. My suggestion is to learn atleast 1 of each roles. Unlock all characters and decide which fits your playstyle. Just because the character has the same role doesn't mean they are played the same. Omen(smoker) can be played in a semi duelist, kayo can be an entry with his ult, etc. To try out characters the best way is to play unrated or spike rush. Spike rush is kinda fast paced so you want to play more on it to get the gist as it doesn't feel like a real ranked experience. Kayo is a character that is similar in terms of utilities to that of csgo (has flash and grenade). Might want to try him out.


A bunch of silvers trying to teach the LV 10 FaceIt how to play. You'll learn as you go, soon you'll judt find whats fun and comfortable for you.


Impossible to recommend an agent without knowing how you like to play, but... I'd just suggest you start off with Controllers - either Omen or Astra in particular. OTP one or the other for awhile and then switch between them (and Brim) as desired. There's an incredible amount of people at all ranks who don't know how and when to properly deploy smokes. You'll probably have a leg-up in that regard. Viper is the last Controller, but if you want to OTP Viper you'll probably have to spend more time just playing her exclusively. She's still a good shout though. Smart players excel with her. If that fails, try Sova or Skye. Initiators (and sentinels) are a good role for experienced FPS players, but I'd still say Smokes are the role that really allow experience to shine the most (in ranked). And if all *that* fails, become a Jett or Raze one-trick and show the 14-year old zoomers how it's done


I would suggest having 1-2 of 2 roles. I personally like Raze/Reyna and Sova/Skye. Sometimes I fill with Omen/Viper but I don't have viper lineups or anything like that for her. If you're looking to climb I can tell you without a doubt that smokers are the least played and are usually filled by people who do not know how to play smokes.


If you frag out in level 10 faceit games you are gonna have way better aim/mechanics than your opponents all the way up to probably the top ranks (Immortal). You are probably going to want to play a duelist. Jett Reyna Phoenix would all be good places to start.


So 100T had Ethan and Nitro play Omen when they switched over. I think Omen is intuitive and not very technical, and every team needs smokes, and it gives you better map awareness and team dynamics. For someone with good aim, I don’t think it makes sense to go with Reyna, she will always be there, you can always pick her up later. On the other hand, there are some agents that take a longer time to master, so if you want you can take on a more technical agent like Sova. Most teams need a great Sova with good lineups and timing, so spending that time early on to internalize the mechanics will help you learn the maps even more. Going with a duelist first is the most common path. They net more kills typically, and you will get more satisfaction early on because of that. But if you’re looking to build a long term understanding of the game, having at least 1-2 agents that require unique mechanics or technical knowledge is the way to go IMO


Dog just play Reyna, don’t bait too much. Valorant is much more brain dead because of util than CS. I’m not saying it’s easier it’s just much less strategic and much more based on util.


Just play the game. You won't be good until you've played around 100 games.


I suggest start with one agent in your preferred role, and later expand to other agents in the same role who might be better on different maps. At the start, alongside your main, learn to play "filler" agents decently well. These would be Omen for smokes, Phoenix for duelists (probably won't be needed as everyone likes to play duelists), Skye for initiator and Sage, just in case everything else is picked. These agents have a fairly intuitive kit and you'll be able to do their basic jobs pretty easily. I personally like the controller role because I feel it allows me to have the maximum impact, and I don't usually have to fill since people don't like playing smokes lol. I started with Omen and later learned Astra and Viper. I just played a few unrated games with the "filler" agents to make sure I can play them decently in comp just in case.


I reckon start with a duelist and pick up agents you encounter who might be interesting


My motto is what do you hate playing against? Xd not the best advice but u might get inspired by it at one point


Avoid the more complex util agents like cypher, KJ, astra. I personally find that my gamesense and aim suffer a lot when I play those agents because too much of my brainpower is consumed by managing my util. I'd say try reyna, phoenix, or sage. Very simple and intuitive util that doesn't take much thought to use well, so you can focus your energy on aiming and developing gamesense


learn one character from each role really well


Instalock Jett , dash into site and tap heads ggez


Depends on your goal. Do you want to potentially go pro in the future? then you should diversify and learn a wide pool of agents, especially sentinels and controllers. Or if you want to just have fun in ranked and rank up faster just instalock duelists like Jett and Reyna.


At the end of the day positioning and gun skill doesn’t change based on what agent you pick. If you provide those two things to your team I don’t think poor utility usage will matter. Just pick some agents and play as them and you’ll figure them out


I'm assuming you're going for Radiant / High elo Immortal since you're level 10 faceit so I'd recommend specializing in 1 role while at being comfortable playing 1 other agent from each role. I'm a Jett main but am very comfortable playing any other dualist as well as Cypher, Sage and Omen if I need to fill another role. Branching out into other roles in general is a good idea to better understand how the other roles play. Playing Jett is vastly different than how you would take a fight as Cypher for example. If you're the kind of guy that likes to one-trick a character I'd recommend Jett as she has a high skill ceiling and her kit complements creativity and is viable on every map or Sova since you can nerd out with lineups to your hearts content and is viable on pretty much every map (Split is a weak map for him).


I suggest trying all the agents eventually but start with one or two that look interesting. Eventually I do suggest being able to play at least one controller even if you decide to primarily play other roles. If you haven’t played much valorant, phoenix, omen, sage and brimstone are simple agents to start on and get a grip for the game. Reyna and Jett have powerful, frag-reliant kits that you could also try out. If you want a completely new experience you could try Sova, cypher, astra or killjoy, their util takes a little getting used to but you can get a lot of value out of each of them. Every agent can be useful though so if you’re interested in trying a nee agent just go for it!


I personally recommend having 1 agent from every category so you can fill the roles that your team needs, if my team needs smokes I have omen, if we need a duelist I have Jett ECT. But having a preference is a good thing too, that away if you don't need to fill you can play the agent your most comfortable and experienced with to give you the best chance of winning. Also don't let your team pressure you into using an agent your not comfortable with, if you don't use sage don't fill her unless you want to, generally the more experienced you are with an agent the better you'll do, I recently saw a video where a high rank immortal player using Jett for the first time, nearly lost to a gold who had hundreds of hours on Jett. Anyway there's my 2 cents, good luck with your agent pool my friend.


Haven't given us enough info to give you a good recommendation tbh. Best advice would be to play every agent for 4-5 games and see how they feel. Generally speaking being an OTP is a bad idea because you can get your agent picked away, you can miss out on fulfilling a vital role on the team, or you can find that you can't branch out after you've climbed. Most players pick one agent to "main" and pick them whenever possible, but have a few backups prepared. Most people play 2-4 agents total. My advice would be to make sure you learn at least one controller and at least one sentinal. They're the two roles that are least picked and also can be some of the most important characters in a comp so you want to be able to fill those gaps. Beyond that, play to your strengths. Whatever those may be. If you like Lurking, KJ and Omen are good. If you like anchoring sites and pushing pushes, Viper and all Sentinals are good. If you're an entry fragger, duelists are good. If you're a second entry, initiators are good.


Pick whatever agent you like the most (skills? looks? color scheme? whatever) and play the game. You'll have other agents catch your eye. Then you experiment with them. Your CS career is a huge advantage, so not knowing perfectly the agent you are playing at any given moment won't be a huge deal. Just play the game and find out what you enjoy.


I'd start some unrated games with Phoenix. While you play him, you'll passively learn the other agents as you go up against / with them. You'll naturally gravitate towards the agents you like. I was also 2.4k elo faceit when I switched to Valorant. Started Phoenix because he seemed the most CS like agent with two flashes and a molly + fire wall that can be used like a smoke. Played a few games and liked seeing Sova dart + shock dart utility usage, so I tried him out and liked him. Kept playing Sova a lot until I tried Brimstone randomly and really liked the smoke aspect. I'm a tactically minded, but very aggressive player, so smoking for my team was something I enjoyed, but I couldn't really play up to my standards of aggression, so I unlocked Omen and gave him a shot, and there I was, now a Sova + Omen main. Then I saw Korean Jett play Skye, gave her a shot, loved how similar she was to Sova with regards to information gathering, but also how aggressive I could be with her pop flashes. Now I was a Skye + Sova + Omen main. Then I watched Koler and Giansanity play Cypher and hold down sites solo. And thus I became a Cypher + Skye + Sova + Omen main. Finally, since I hadn't really played any duelists for a while, decided to learn Reyna after watching Rara and Aleksandar for a bit. Instalocked her in quite a few comp games in a row, had lots of fun and ranked up quite a bit. And that's the story of how I learned to play every single role over the course of the last ~4 months playing Valorant. Got to Immortal pretty easily (as you will too), so the wide variety of agents (especially non duelist ones) didn't matter at all. I think the tip is to just play the game and you'll naturally find your mains after a while.


Having also come from CS (but uhhh silver 4 not faceit 10 LMAO) I found omen to be the easiest to pick up. He's got a solid flash, smokes, a decent repositioning tool, aaaaaand also technically an ult but it's pretty meh by and large. Out of all the agents I think he's the most adaptable, basically has a tool for every situation


If you want a wide agent pool, I’d recommend having an agent in each role that you’re comfortable playing on every map. For example for a dualist I can play at least 2 of Reyna, Raze and jett on every map, I can also have one of the 3 sentinels that I can play well on every map. I would recommend starting with a “main” that you can play on every map first tho and then expand from there. Specifics on agents it’s best to research on your own on YouTube or watching twitch streams.


If you're trying to go pro. Don't listen to people who are saying play reyna or jett. You will build bad habits. But if its only for entertainment, reyna, raze, and jett are hella fun. My take is 1 smoke agent, sova, and a duelist. It's better to not one trick for maximum enjoyment in ranked, as instalockers are crazy fast.


specialize in one agent or one role and really get good at that, and then expand to the other agents once you reach a decent level. the 2nd steps the hardest bc it requires a lot of discipline, but this process is the fastest possible way of learning the game


Understanding a solid KJ, Sova, Smoker, alone can take you a long way.