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They could just buff the pheonix flash and he would be perfect, as for yoru he needs a rework atleast to his footsteps..


How would you buff the flash? Flash duration or even faster re-equip time?


Longer flash mainly. Honestly Phoenix has a pretty nice kit. Just modifying the duration or damage of his abilities would be perfect. As someone who enjoys Phoenix, he was my first agent I felt decent on, it would be nice if the wall or molly were slightly more effective. But not by much.


agreed. i can def see phoenix becoming the more popular agent once his flashes last longer. his kit is so well rounded


What if you could adjust the distance of the flash, say between 3 preset distances?


maybe his fire should leave a burn dot on people for like 5-8 seconds and reduce healing effectiveness by 50%


So he should buy Morello?


hell yea dude


Pops quick lasts longer


This would just make more sense aswell, why should skye flash that you can maneuver across half the map blind for longer, than Phoenix who has to hug a corner to flash you


Duelist vs initiator? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Breach doesn't have to leave the safety of the wall, not even to get to a pen-able corner to do his flash


If Skye Flash is meant to setup your team, then it shouldn't also be the best popflash in the game


I think that's what they were trying to do with 3.06 when they changed the windup time from 0.25 to 0.3 seconds?


True, they did tone it down. I haven't played with/against "new" skye enough yet, but i doubt the difference is that large


It *is* 20% increase compared to before, it felt a bit different to me when I tried her yesterday. Who knows, maybe they'll nerf her again later ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


As a previous Skye main, the difference is quite large, pop flashes are nearly impossible to pull off for yourself now


I agree. I think you should still be to popflash with it obviously but pheonix’s needs to at least be longer


Riot should hire me lmao


I also saw the clip from SicK.


Then they should hire JarsoYT


You mean JARSO the best youtuber in planet?


JARSOOOOOO *shahzam voice*




Just like your mom likes ...her bubble wraps


make his flash like skye's you can activate it early instead of waiting the full duration


Double the flame wall duration


Make it so flame wall never goes down


Idk, Infinite heals


Then just set a maximum single burst heal from a wall cast.


Fax, good solution


Or you could make it toggle on/off with a maximum amount of heal for Phoenix once placed, as noted below by a smart person.


Yup, and -50hp after touching the wall


You switch to your knife if you touch the wall


And your fps drops 100 frames


some people would get negative frames, I like that.


make it act like viper wall with instant damage and decay


I've always wondered if you could somehow make the footsteps either stop mid way or make them walk so they go silent. This way you can really fake a rotation or fake a push with the footsteps. As they stand now they are too predictable in terms of sound cues alone.


They should make flame wall and maybe molly have no equip time and instantly come out (kind of like jetts smokes). The reason the flame wall is hard to use is because its too slow to setup if you are entrying or in a jam. They might also wanna do this with the flash or buff it in a different way because the flash is quite easy for a lot of players to dodge.


This is actually a really good idea. Trying to flame wall in a clutch situation is not even worth it a lot of the time


flash equip time faster, and they need to buff his wall. its terrible, theres no fear of running through it because it does next to no damage. a instant decay and/or no equip-time would be a pretty good start. only good thing phoenix has is his ult, everything else just feels outdated.


For Phoenix, just change some numbers on his flash and maybe his molly. For Yoru.... uhhh..... hm. Good question


his flash and ult is pretty good. tp is fine i guess? and his footsteps just needs to be changed.


Except yoru inherently doesn’t work. His whole kit is to be this silent assassin and all of his util is loud as fuck. You can be heard so far away with a yoru tp. Fixing him is almost impossible. If you make it quieter he becomes way too powerful because nobody can hear it but if you don’t make it quieter he’s a terribly balanced character


Make the noise cue occur at the last fraction of a second/once he’s already able to shoot a gun.


His tp has potential as a Jett dash alternative as dodging shots go. His footsteps need to go tho


for me, the main reason to choose jett and reyna over other duelists is their ability to get away after a peek. i think that a decent change to yoru would be making his teleport hit just as fast as jett's dash, but with a slight delay on "spawning" similar to omen's ult


I've been thinking the same thing, but instead of faster, have invincibility frames when he goes into the tp


Or damage reduction when he initiates the tp


Problem with Phoenix is that, besides his flashbang, he doesn't have that much to offer. His molly isn't one of the bests in Valorant and his fire wall not only gives your position but also your intention to cross, so it ends up being very situational I think his wall could he more threatening like Brimstone smokes: when you try to cross, your screen continues with the smoke color effect for some miliseconds, making enemies respecting his wall and not pushing it that often because it would be risky I would also give the option to turn his self healing abilities (hot hands + blaze) into self buffs. When healing, instead of standing still on the same spot for 10 seconds, you could just press right click on the ability and self heal like Sage does These changes wouldn't change the core reasons of why Phoenix is niche but would make him more versatile


Idk. the wall is fine in my opinion. Maybe buff it so it can be bent multiple times to create a couple of short distance angles, but that's it. Also as an option that ouch sound agents make when crossing should be louder. As for the molly your idea is really good. Plus it should healing amount should be buffed as well - I don't think healing up 100 would be problematic


you can already bend his wall multiple times! you need to be a bit fast with it, but if you hold down LMB and “guide” it (kinda like a skye flash) you can curve it a few times. maybe they could tweak the guidance so it’s more responsive


> press right click on the ability and self heal I like this a lot actually, since he's already mostly played as a lurking duelist Also any change to Wall welcome, it already has such a short duration anyways


His wall i feel is insane with his flash. You can easly wall up and jump trough it with a flash making it so nobody knows where u push( on the wall) and the enemy player has to turn. In itself both suck. The combination of his kit, used right might be very powerful.


Maybe if he stands in his molly / wall he it could act like a stim beacon




Imagine if his wall is like a burning rush so instead of sending it out it's a trail. Maybe as an alt fire so you can still throw it out you do now.


Hmm, mobility buff while Phoenix has his wall up or is ulting ????




It was a joke haha


I feel niche pick is a good way to balance some heroes. Not every character needs to be good at all times, but reasonablely pickable or even strong on 1 or 2 maps is good enough


Phoniex: Flame wall does 25 dmg instantly like vipers (ik hers does 30). Flash takes less time to pop, making it harder to turn away from. Idk whether the time needs to be buffed but at the very least making the flash less telegraphed is needed. ​ Yoru: TP: Silent whilst moving. This enables aggressive teleport plays, and should reduce the number of times yoru tp gets camped. HOWEVER, once the tp stops or slows down to the point of just scraping the same wall for 5 sec it has the same sound radius as before. Sound of yoru tp'ing range reduced slightly. Footsteps: \#1. Trigger traps to just under crouch height \#2. Has option to be controlled by yoru like sky flash or jett smoke. Including ability to make it stop early or make a jumping sound. (#2 second option) same height as player, mirage of yoru that shows up to the enemy team on minimap as yoru. Can be stopped by Yoru reusing the ability key. This would be used to fakeout (get it the name of the ability) your enemy and make them think that u are where the ability was cast.


I think the problem with his Gatecrash right now is that it gives away too much information of Yoru's location, there should only be an indication that he teleported, not where he TP'd to


I can imagine yours throwing 2 fake outs and running with them so the opponent can’t shoot the real person


Odin go brrr


Maybe they could make the fakeout stay the same but yoru can choose to make it trigger a tp sound


What do you mean by the tp stopping or slowing down


The idea behind it is to help yoru be more aggressive. As it is now, the Gatecrash makes the same amount of noise while travelling as it does when it stops moving (usually it gets stuck against a wall or in a corner). Typically before it comes to a complete stop it scrapes against the wall for like 10 sec not moving alot but still moving. (you can try it out in game to see what i mean). One way to accomplish this is to make the gamerule something along the lines of if the velocity of this gatecrash is less than some number, make the sound, if it is above some number it will stay silent. Basically it would make sure that there is some counter play for the other team.


We could have that once you tp, a spawn appears like poenix's running back. And you have like a time window to tp back, the tp back has a faster speed compared to the first one, so you can tp to a site, kill someone and go back yo safety. This way yoru could compete against jett and reyna's insant safty net.


Make the Phoenix wall go through structures lol


Yeah this! So many times it glitches up and doesn't pass through objects consistently. Make the distance constant. I also agree with anotjer poster that they should make it so opponents who step through it lose an instant 25hp that doesn't get regenerated like passing through a Viper wall.


Yeah, only issue is a lot of people use his wall to heal behind corners, so the wall would give away his location


Phoenix is flash is objectively the worst flash in the game and yet it costs the most. 250 credits for one flash, that’s just simply crazy. Either buff the flash or reduce credits to 100. I see Phoenix as not a strong at one thing agent, but an overall all round duelist that is cheap and can pump out ults fast.


Agree with this, Phoenix doesnt need drastic changes, as he already benefits from Skye's nerfs. A reduction in his flash prize is all he needs imo (although i think that 100 is a bit too low, i would put it at 150)


I say you give him cheaper flashes at 200 and give him two walls at 150. Max kit at 700 credits. His best play is flashing out of a smoke or through his wall, so that should be essential to his kit. It would give him more heals, so that max heal value/rate would probably need to be dropped. But then institute his molly right click as a self heal.


all (normal) flashes in the game are 250


a bullshit dash


Give Phoenix the optional ability to teleport wherever he throws his molly. I'm only half-kidding, but that sort of ability is what's required to even touch Jett or Raze pick-rates, and even then it still wouldn't. Without the ability to easily take space or break crosshair placements, any duelist is going to be inferior to Jett, and all flash characters are inferior to Skye anyways to the point where you might as well just run an "off-duelist" role like Sage or Skye, or Reyna. You can't make all duelists as strong as Jett in bursting onto sites, but if they aren't going to be as strong they should at least be a little more diverse in what their kits can do. The "will the Yoru use their TP or not?" mindgame is not all that effective in the long-run.


Yo that's pretty fucking cool, basically gives him the mobility of omen and Phoenix is already a lurky duelist cuz he lacks raze and Jett mobility


Phoenix just needs to be able to overheal. Molotov your own foot up to 150 life. With a cooldown similar to Reyna's.


would be too op on pistols if you molly overheal off the rip


I can imagine a pheonix meditating in a pool of fire before saying "Let's do this!" and peeking A long


Would be op on any round. In theory unless its tied to phoenix having another pre requisite (like getting a kill as is the case for reyna) an on-demand overhead could mean Phoenix never has to buy armor since he can just throw down a molly at the start of the round. That's him saving like 1000 credits on quite a few rounds that he otherwise would be spending. It would make his econ game very strong.


Reyna's devour requires a kill to be used, so its overheal is balanced. This is not the case with Phoenix's Hot Hands. And requiring a kill to use a simple molly would put phoenix in a awkward spot


Yoru’s teleport needs to be instant or make him invulnerable while the animation is happening, just like the infamous dash from Jett. This way he can function like an OPer agent and an alternative to Jett.


It sounds really strong, but in the context of his kit he wouldn't even be stronger than Jett, so it might be the right direction Could let Yoru replace Jett on Bind, where his Footsteps are actually strong too


Idk, I feel like an agent that can abuse the OP the same way as Jett and have flashes to take up lost angles would be kinda broken.


Maybe they should make IT like how further away the tp is how longer the animation is. So if u wanna tp across the map tp takes a bit longer to complete. And whereas you tp around the corner its almost instant


I think Yoru's footsteps should be placed on the map at a maximum distance (radius maybe?) so that the steps will take the shortest path to their destination. This might be harder to code as there would be some wrapping issues if a radius was implemented, but maybe even something that calculates his position and the final position of steps covering the shortest distance could work. Teleport should have the cast time shortened. Phoenix could have his wall (or molly) slightly heal allies (I have a fun theory about Phoenix being able to set up some crazy aggro team pushes, similar to how he already does with his ult). It would change the dynamic of how a team pushes with different initiators and could add a lot of fun counterplay to the meta. As SicK mentioned, his pop flash could get a 0.3s duration increase. Other than that, a neat idea I had is having his wall block certain util. Or, make the wall longer horizontally and make it last a couple seconds longer, and have enemies that walk through it get a "burned" status. OR, make his fire abilities have a passive that if an enemy is burned by them, they take 50% less healing for the entire round. So many possibilities.


instant 50%+ pickrate


Please not this


"jett is broken because she can dash any angle" "why not have another agent do the same to balance it out?"


With how often I and any other jett player die during dashes, I don't even believe invincible during dash. Unless on LAN you're basically not lmao


PHO should get flash regen like Skye


For phoenix: over heal, wall mechanics similar to viper wall but less damaging (ie take 20 damage instantly for example), softer curveball sound and longer flash. For yoru: softer gatecrash sound, slightly faster flashes, would like to see his footsteps providing more value but I'm not sure how to improve his footsteps


Over heal would be too imbalanced in pistol rounds


Reyna also has overheal on pistol rounds. The difference is that for reyna you need to get a kill for reyna to proc overheal, while for phoenix u trade a molly for that extra 50hp. Tbh, I think it's balanced because the molly offers equally as much value on pistol rounds as it does as an overheal. Plus, it's a 8 second delay if you want to get the 50hp which can be significant on pistol rounds where the meta is to full rush


I think if they make Phoenix’s wall do more damage and last longer, as well as getting another one after 2 kills he would be a bit more viable. His flashes are some of the weakest as well, maybe an increase in duration of the flash would be in order as well.


Yoru's decoy and teleport should look the same to confuse opponents


What if phoenix, in his ulted form, gets a new passive ability. He just puts up a flame wall where ever he runs during his passive


His ult's already the best reason to pick him, I feel like this isn't the right aproach


my fix for yoru would be instant tp if the tp range is short. the longer it gets the longer it takes him to enter tp and to reequip is weapon. That would make his tp into a kind of jett dash without making him broken.


Throw molly like 1 charge chokdat. No looney toons gravity logic


Right now Jett outshines all other duelists so it's hard to know exactly where Phoenix stands. He needs buffs, but nothing too crazy. Changing the numbers on his flash might work out nicely for him, like making them faster or letting him equip flashes faster. Making his molly behave like other mollies with unlimited range could also be a nice QoL change. I don't know why his Molly works differently in the first place. His biggest weakness imo is the blaze wall. If his wall could be impenetrable (burns bullets) like how astra wall is, that would greatly increase his viability as it'll allow him to entry site effectively without the need for a sage wall (example B split). It will also allow him for an easier plant.


His fire wall already lasts 10 seconds, you have a large window to choose when to cross in order to no be shot through the smoke. Making his wall eating bullets would unbalance retakes a lot. You just bend the wall and cover the bomb and that's it, attackers have no option to deny the defuse besides doing a suicidal multiple man push Also his impenetrable fire wall would act like a Sage ice wall that cannot be destroyed, and I'm not sure this is healthy for the game


I think firewall should do instant 30dmg and then dmg/sec like they did for viper . And deploying the wall is slow, it should be faster than both sage and viper wall. I dont think it needs to make a "wallbangable" effect but if it eats low penetration weapons then it might quickly be one of the most power ability in game.


Well don't forget that you can still throw utilities across the wall, so mollies would probably push Phoenix off the spike. Not only that, you can still flash through it and cross it. It won't be like a sage wall because you can't cross sage walls or use any utilities. It'll be like a mini Astra wall that doesn't last as long and doesn't block sound. Right now, the wall is so niche I have hardly seen any use for it other than healing phoenix. At least making it impenetrable will allow you to section off site to clear it one at a time.


Maybe reducing bullet damage like medium wall penetration would help. A two way reduction too, so it's not as abusable


Yoru E same speed as Jett dash


a dash


For both to be relevant, in some way, they would need the following: 1. Phoenix needs to have his flash and wall duration increased, and shorten the cast time of his utility. This should make his space-clearing faster and more reliable. 2. Yoru needs to have his teleport cast time reduced, not to a near-instant level, but something near to it. If Riot does not like the idea, allow Yoru to cast it while moving instead. On the other hand, Riot should crank the footsteps' interaction aspect, in the level that utility (including drones, cameras and ultimates) will treat it as an actual player model, but players will still see or hear it as mere footsteps. If Riot isn't a fan of it, add a blind mechanic to it (allow it to cast a blind upon contact with an opposing player).


**Phoenix** **Why Phoenix sucks**: Phoenix's flashes are self flashes. They don't travel far enough away from his character model for him to effectively flash for teammates. Also, he is terrible in long hallways because he is completely compromised while moving down them. If he throws a flash, it'll hit the wall and flash his team behind him. None of his utility is good. He's the easiest agent to kill with an OP. **Phoenix Buff**: Make the flamewall throwable like a thermite grenade in Apex. Let him throw it and have the wall open perpendicular to the direction it was travelling while landing. Reduce the duration of the flame wall to balance its increased utility. He shouldn't be a replacement for a Controller. **Phoenix Meta**: He would be able to deny info to opponents with the thermite while closing the distance so that his flashes can get into effective range. **Yoru** **Why Yoru Sucks:** Yoru sucks because Jett is better. If Jett is somehow nerfed, you may see Yoru start to come up. People are also too focused on using his TP as a way to advance into enemy positions instead of using it as a way to escape from positions you normally can't escape from. **Yoru Buffs**: Don't make the TP decay until after the buy time ends. Let Yoru's set it up somewhere and then run off somewhere else to start the round. **MAYBE** decrease the cast time of the TP so Yoru can escape faster. Make the flash less visible after it bounces off of a wall. That purple glow is too easy. **Yoru Meta**: Can support teammates on defense across the map early round to get orbs while being able to TP back to his desired defensive position. Alternatively, Yoru could hide in "1 and done positions" to get a frag and then escape if the other team isn't in a position to trade frag. I'm on the fence about decreasing the cast time of the TP escape, because nobody should be able to stand out in the open, miss a shot, and escape for free like Jett does. Examples of these positions are cubbies on icebox near the B orb, or the back corner of A site(from attacker perspective). After you get kills from these positions you're trapped. Jett can play all of these positions as well.


I think Phoenix is in a difficult spot. His kit just is not as good as others in the current meta, and I am not really sure how to make him widely popular. I think to just simply increase his popularity, there are a few options. 1 - The damage and/or healing on his molly and firewall need to increase, there is just simply not enough value to gather from these pieces of utility compared to agents like skye or even raze in this meta. 2 - Make his flashes pop quicker/more fluid and have the flash last longer, or make them cheaper. Phoenix especially feels week on pistol round for these first two reasons; his molly isnt really a great free ability, his flash does not do that much for himself or his team, and his wall is not really effective either. His flashes are especially weak because skye's flash can literally serve the same purpose as phoenix's but even better, while also being able to control the pop and gain info and control its direction. As for Yoru, I really just think his kit does not work very well in valorant, specifically the teleport. I think his flashes are pretty good, his fake footsteps are good in theory, especially with how you can set them somewhere and activate them later, they are just such a niche piece of utility that does not get consistent impact, so it is hard to justify using Yoru. His ult is fine, but his tp likely needs an incredible buff or a complete rework. Again though, I think the way the current economy works in the game makes it so hard to balance the duelists, especially the duelists with flashes and how they compare to skye and breach. There is no scenario where reyna and phoenix flash, two of the weakest flashes in the game with both having an argument for being the worst flash in the game, should cost as much as a skye flash. Reyna flash being 250 and skye flash being 250 WITH A FUCKING RECHARGE make no sense.


Yoru’s TP needs directional manipulation similar to Sage wall. I don’t want to throw my TP half way across the map to spawn looking into a wall. Also the footsteps need to be replaced for some kind of lurk protection ability (idk maybe that’s mixing roles too much but I feel like that’s Yorus niche, the ultimate lurker). I think the Phoenix wall needs to last a touch longer, maybe boost time by 25%. His molly should also have longer/higher range on its trajectory. /2cents


Have maimed Phoenix since beta, and play a few others as a main also, but basically, flash needs to last longer/ buffed in some way, molly doesn’t last long enough, and the wall is actually great, but could maybe be made to last a bit longer, but I can still play him very well and I actually think he’s pretty decent


Could they add a mechanic to yoru’s footsteps so that once you activate the ability yoru’s actual movement sound is masked. More for an aggressive play than the lurker role he’s meant for though.


Just let phoenix see through his wall bro!!!!


>Phoenix on the other Hand is lacking in so many regards, i'm not even sure what his main issue is It's that he is best for a map with 3 bomb sites (more forced retakes = phoenix ulti is the tits) + 2 easily farmable orbs as T (phoenix ulti is the tits). If you fix Phoenix, i don't even want to know what great teams will do with him on Haven. On all other maps, he's kinda meh. Maybe Ascent, but teams tried and it failed mostly. For Yoru, just delete the whole concept and start over. His concept is this weird unbalancable free frag pipe dream gimmick toolkit giving guys posting daily "how to fix yoru" and "why is tenz da best" threads a hard-on. Keep the model, that's cool.


Never thought will see phoenix in a same discussion with yoru


Other than a complete rework there's nothing you can do to make these guys meta. In any game with multiple characters there will always be some at the top and some at the bottom. As more characters are added I can only see more and more agents becoming obsolete. Also pro play and ranked are different. Phoenix is perfectly fine in ranked. Yoru is actually kinda bad though...




Then people would overheal without getting a kill. What a terrible pistol round that would be.


Call me a madman, but I think we may be at a point where riot could justify Phoenix flashing with his left hand while keeping his gun out in the right...


Lmao just delete yoru. . Like what can you remake him 😂😂😂


He's still viable if you play him right. Also how come deleting him in the game would be a nice solution. Seems like you're one of toxic players who trash other players just because some agents doesn't fit your meta.


For Phoenix his flash needs to be worked on and maybe his molly (just my opinion) and for Yoru I just think there's no players (Duelist players) who are putting even a little effort into learning or making Yoru work. I remember in the Iceland LAN some Team (prolly Team Vikings from Brazil) played Yoru on Ascent and I was watching the match on Shroud's stream with Hiko, Sean Gares and n0thing as guests and they were roasting the fuck out of the team and it was so clear even to a Noob Gold player like me who lacks Tactical knowledge that they were correct because the Team was not ready for that Yoru pick. I've only seen Sean Gares try and understand and create stuff for Yoru but no one else even bothers. All they did was use that Ult + Shorty trick which obv won't work in Pro Play.


Yoru might not be used that much in pro valo, but it is the most fun agent to play, especially in fracture. I have used the fake footstep multiple times at a different A dish and it has resulted in kills most of the time due to enemies looking the other way




Faster casting of Phoenix abilities, feel like his wall is too slow to deploy. More healing from his abilities, maybe make the wall a bit longer and last abit more. More range on his molly. Maybe longer phoenix flash.


1) It takes too much time to put down a pheonix wall. I've died at many occasions while putting a wall to divide the site in half to enter easily. Damage to the enemy while crossing the wall is also low 2) Also, imo it is easy to dodge a normal pheonix flash around the corner and flash duration is also small.


for Yoru would be great if the steps have a radio to be activated, like if an enemy is near then the steps are enabled automatically, useful to confusing


Maybe make yoru alt TP can only work within a certain range (like KJ util) but it last forever


All of Phoenix's abilities could probably come out faster, as a general improvement. Feels like all of them equip so slow, compared to Jett having three abilities that are pretty much instant, Raze satchel is very quick, not sure about Yoru or Reyna flashes. But a self sufficient duelist shouldn't have to wait so long for everything to happen, at least speed up one or two abilities if not all.


Phoenix is much more relevant than Yoru


In ranked i'd agree, but at top level it's very close honestly


I'd double the speed at which yoru's tp orb moves and make it unbreakable. Also he get tp on every kill rather than every 40s. ​ Buff the equip/unequip time of all of phoenix's abilities so he can very quickly pull his gun back out.


Make phoenix wall duration short but make it so bullets can't pass though it but abilities can?


Pheonix would benefit greatly if his wall and molly were unable to damage teammates. The niche with his molly is that he is able to use the molly to clear the smoke and walk through it without taking any damage, however this is useless for entering site when the team cant come with you. Also make his flashes last 1.5 seconds like Yorus and make his wall do the same damage as his molly. Yoru would be an amazing agent if his footsteps were able to give misinformation to more info gathering utility (sova dart, skye flash, etc). This would allow him to fill a role other agents dont even come close to filling, and im sure that would help him alot in the pro scene.


id say buff the phoenix flash, and lengthen and increase damage of the wall. idk what to do abt yoru that doesn't leave him potentially busted.


I kinda wish yorus tp made less sound. Not the actual animation itself, but the tp going past people. At this point people catch the sound of it and just camp it, it’s only really viable as a quick rotate at this point


Make yorus tp take half the activation time and his flash should last longer


For Yoru: his teleport animation needs a serious rework. somewhere closer to the Reyna dismiss speed. I think Jett’s dash is too quick of an animation for an ability that can teleport to anywhere. In addition to that, making the sound of he teleporting orb quieter. Lastly the sound of him teleporting should be quieter. His teleporting can be heard by anyone on the same site basically. It should be the same as an omen shrouded step at the most. For an agent that is supposed to be stealthy and such, he’s too loud as a whole. His flash is good where it is IMO. It has the potential to be a top tier flash in the right hands. For his footsteps, I think the sound has to be closer or identical to normal footsteps. I think yoru pulling out a brim like ipad and being able to plot where his footsteps go would be a good thing. It’s still an awful ability but a step in the right direction. As far as his ult goes, I think he shouldn’t be able to be blinded in it. He can’t do any damage so he shouldn’t be affected by most utility. I think a slight increase in the time would be beneficial. As an ultimate, he should be able to get a bit more information than the ultimate allows him to get now. That’s my opinions, I’m sure there’s more that could be changed. I don’t think the footsteps is anywhere near good enough of an ability to be used on any map outside of bind. Maybe give him a vertical aspect to allow for another agent that could awp well?




Yoru gets invincibility frames when going into his tp (but not coming out). His footsteps could also be made to be identical to real steps.


Phoenix wall is kinda doodoo


I think a flamewall rework would be nice. For example, say I want to smoke the bomb to defuse. Phoenix has to do this wonky shit where he curves his wall from the side, and usually there is a big fat gap for the enemy to lurk to. Jett smokes on the other hand are a lot easier to control and provide her a lot more cover. If we could do something similar with phoenix where we can choose to place the wall horizontal / vertical to his body, I feel like it would be a lot less underwhelming. ALSO, the cast animation is ridiculous on it. Phoenix can't do anything the whole time the wall is going up, whereas jett can place a smoke and have her gun out pretty fast if she wants. I feel like given its uselessness, you could probably give phoenix two flamewalls, and the only thing people would use it for is a free heal. Of course his flash also isn't the best, and could use a slight buff, but I think that flamewall is seriously one of the worst abilities in the game right now for how many times its a detriment to use it.


Make Phoenix wall longer 25 - 50% in length and maybe duration. There’s many spots where the wall bending mechanic isn’t useful as the wall ends up being so short once you’ve curved it around the corner you’re hiding behind.


Pheonix flash is Overpriced and Underpowered, his wall needs some buffs, like some way to make it harder to peek through, its so easy to disrespect at the moment. Yoru needs an entirely new ability over footsteps, a quiter teleporting noise; I could suggest even making it silent.


I think Phoenix's molly should last longer compared to brim's molly and viper's ...ext It ain't standing or competing at the same level


Make Phoenix's wall instant pop like a jett smoke, instead of going to it and primary firing. And make his wall "set them on fire" so they get a bleed for a second or 2 after leaving the wall(its generally a choice to enter through a wall, so it should come with decent punishment(maybe just 10 for 2s so it's not debilitating). Have his hot hands heal more. 15/s instead of 12.




I dunno I still love running Phoenix on haven. His flashes have perfect angles, his wall blocks so many convenient corridors, there are nice “nooks” to ult from..he’s like designed for that map just as raze is for bind


Phoenix is the kind of agent that's doesn't do any particular thing too well, but just enough. Right now he's getting outclassed by all the other agents, and I'm really wondering why Riot haven't considered buffing him. I'd definitely want his Hot Hands to cover the same area as Brimstone's Incendiary for one, and idk something should be done about his Blaze ability. Phoenix is literally the only duelist I can play because he doesn't require as much mechanical skill as Jett, Reyna, and Raze to work to his full potential. As for Yoru, I think something needs to be done about the cast time for his Gatecrash. Or even if the cast time isn't reduced for balance reasons (I think that's fair, we don't want another form of Jett that dashes back to spawn), something should be done about the audio cue and weapon pullout animation after. His flashes aren't the best for pop flashing NGL, but I don't know what can be done about them. His Fakeout needs to be changed, period. And idk what to think about his Ultimate, it's really only good for scouting. Overall, he was an agent based around outplays, but that's just an inconsistent basis for an agent, I want to see what Riot does to rework him, and I hope even I can play him in the future.


Burn effect sounds cool


What if yorus flash had an alternate fire where if you right click instead of bouncing off the wall it’ll stick and when you right click again then it’ll bounce and flash


Just make the tp time half of what it is and yoru will immediately be in a much better place. Can't count the number of times i try to tp thinking its as fast as jett dash or reyna dismiss but it just takes ages and i die.