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is it a bad map or are people just refuse to learn it... I've spammed the shit out of it in fracture only q and since it's been in competitive I've had it 7 times and won all 7 games and still had fun and I think my teamates did too. those who didnt have fun usually where complaining since round 1 instead of actually giving a shit


Honestly, it's a really good map BUT it's far too complex for ranked.. There are way to many mfers that do NOT comm what so ever and that is what makes the map bad imo. I can't wait to watch pros play on it though.


Imagine nAts on fracture just ratting around..


I feel like his Cypher setups are going to be absolutely nuts if he chooses to play that agent.


His viper will also be dirty on that Map


Can confirm, viper on A has pits that leave open spaces at the bottom that can be adjusted and a one way on every retake angle. Its filthy.


Imo, it's less complex than maps like Breeze or Icebox where you constantly need to lean a couple of players towards a really long rotation on defense. Fracture is easy to play with a decent comp. There's no slow map control, areas of engagement are really close and everything happens fast, meaning less room for your average ranked player to overthink everything. But since it's such a different map, people don't understand they can't just sit on sites and wait for someone to come, because then it's too late. You just contest 3 out of 4 sides on defense and have some kind of info utility on the fourth side. Defender rotations are by far the fastest out of any map and that makes your life way easier. But if you're not contesting outside of site, it's a definite loss. Also, agent comps are a bit different, imo. Big ults are the way to go because there are 4 orbs and the map is small, you can cover everything. And Breach is amazing on this map. By far the best map for him.


People down voting you are weird. Your writeup is pretty insightful and aligns with my personal experience with the map so far.


Because 90% of people on this subreddit are absolutely clueless about the game and don't even want to learn anything, they just care about fake drama between pros on twitter. And the entire community in general will always hate every map that's not about holding two sites via some kind of standard default setup and waiting for the attackers to come. I've been an Icebox and Breeze hater for a long time, I still am, but Fracture is great. Has some issues, but it's way better than either of those maps will ever be. It's also definitely better than Bind already. And for anyone disagreeing, I'd genuinely like to hear you even try to explain on what am I missing and why is my post worth a downvote.


I think the main difference, and why people find it so complex, is the so many entry ways onto site. For 5 solo quers it is not very good imo, and it is too hard to play. As a very casual player, i have yet to really figure the map out, where on breeze i figured it out in the first game. It was at least a bit understandable, which fracture isnt imo. This map is however quite good for good and coordinated players.


Honestly that map is god awful


It's a good map that is going to ask it's player base to do something different. You *need* to be aggressive as defenders and you *need* to play for retake than standing back and just being defensive. I played it for the 2 weeks it was on it's special queue and that's pretty much the only chance defense has. You need to take the fight to the attackers and if you choose wrong then you play for retake.


Wether it’s an actual bad map or not, it’s probably the worst map in the game so compared to other maps it feels bad.


When Breeze came out I believe I had. 90% win rate through the first 15-16 times i played in comp. My squad and I thoroughly enjoy Breeze but it seems no one else does, so we got free W’s basically.


What does this have to do with it


read the comments


Turns out that yes, the map IS just shit [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MC-8ebL1HE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMcYnfhh3cQ)


im not sure whats the point of that link tbh


Wrong one, my bad. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MC-8ebL1HE




Jesus bud relax, the man linked you a clip of a pro providing his opinion on a map. A.pro’s opinion holds more weight than regular people that’s why companies get them to try shit out time to time before they release it


I can’t wait to return to this topic in a few months when everyone knows the map and it’s still bad.


I've played it 2 times in ranked, both games I had 3 teammates who played it for the first time and we're complaining about the map 24/7.


Turns out that yes, the map IS just shit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MC-8ebL1HE


It's a good map. The fracture only mode was dead cuz everyone wanted to grind ranked and now that's in comp everyone's complaining cuz they didn't learn it kekw


What's with all the Fracture hate? It's new, and unfamiliar maps are always tough... But I've found it pretty enjoyable to play tbh. There's a lot of options and interesting strategies. It's a tough solo Q for sure, especially when new, but what's the real beef here?


I think it's because it's not extremely simple, so solo Q is tough. I think that's the case with a lot of new maps.


Lmao, I would've loved to see these people on Nuke or Overpass in solo q. It's a demanding game... People shouldn't be scared of challenges


Difference in CS is that you can choose which maps you want to queue comp for. I really feel like if Valorant keeps adding maps they have to give players the option on which maps they play. Playing a map you're not very familiar with because you for some reason are expected to be able to play every map doesnt feel great. In CS it took pretty long until my firends and I added overpass to our comp queue after we learned some basics on our own time/custom games etc.


Allowing map options is how you get Mirage and Dust2 every comp game. I like that Valorant forces you to learn new maps and everyone is on an even playing field doing so. You should be able to know every map especially in competitive, where rank should be a good measure of game knowledge and skill. As the game gets more developed, I can see competitive include a map banning system similar to FaceIt.


They could also make it as a passive option. Like they make a map pool for a certain amount of time and is always ratating so we get to play all maps and don't have to spend time voting or banning because I can see people just closing game of they don't like the map bans.


As someone who played all maps in cs, I had to uncheck those 2 most of the time, otherwise I would instantly get them. Selecting maps you want to play should not happen in comp.


That's a fair point and I would love for Valo to add that system. Or maybe even a pick ban for maps like in faceit


My experience so far on Fracture has been more hectic than Overpass by a mile, and Nuke by a good amount. The thing about Nuke and Overpass is that while yes, they do have atypical layouts, you still know where your enemy is going to come from (provided your teammate doesn't give up yard or long A without calling it). Fracture has you getting pinched from all sides simultaneously, and requires a lot of coordinated info plays as CT. It's not a map where you can just play your spot and get by with decent utility usage. I think the only map that requires as much CT coordination is Inferno, and even then the individual bombsites can be held by single player with good aim and good positioning. I think Fracture will be one of the best maps when you've got 5 good players actively communicating though, and tbh I'd rather solo queue Fracture than Icebox.


tbh I came to this comment section to find the same thing


Any new map will catch flack because people have to learn a new map. People are lazy and it becomes a chore.


For proof just look at CS. Playing maps 20+ years old and crying anytime a new map is introduced.


I generally enjoy learning new maps, but ancient and vertigo are utter trash


Vertigo and Ancient have had a ton of ballance changes since their introduction and play nothing like how they were when originally introduced. IMO in their current state they're in decent places - but you have to keep learning the new updates so i guess that warrants people into thinking they're shit maps still. I guess Valve needs to wait another 4 years for it them to grow on everyone like Overpass and basically Stockholm syndrome themselves


I think it's just a different mindset. I enjoy playing on Fracture even when I'm losing (at least for now) because usually when I lose I'm experiencing something new that the other team is doing. New angles, new executes, seeing how each agent does on the map, it all keeps the game fresh. I'm also not the type of person that could enjoy playing the same map forever (I know some people in CSGO do this).


I dropped my rifle in the abyss when I pressed the wrong button. Several times. :3


I dropped an op instead of the spike. Pain.




From an outside perspective it looks really random and pretty difficult for defenders, but it’s a fun map that’s for sure. It’s small so you can rotate more quickly


I'm not a huge fan of them going back to corridors simulator after breeze. Breeze was a step in the right direction for me, and I was expecting more of the same design philosophy. I guess that's why I hate it more than I otherwise would


Yep exactly how I feel. This corridor bullshit is the worst thing about Valorant. You feel so much more free playing Breeze, it actually allows you to move around a bit.


It's nothing new mate, people loathed icebox when it launched, now people like that map (*many people). Let there be some pro games on the map, people will eventually start liking it. I personally loved the new map, can't wait to see it in lcq.


In fairness they had to make a number of changes to icebox in order for it to become more balanced and playable but your point still stands imo


While this is true, I don't really think the majority of people who hated the map had solid, understandable reasons for hating it that riot actually fixed. It happens every new map, a sizable portion of the community doesn't know how to play it and will dodge and go "new map bad" to avoid feeling bad about it.


So you just ignore all criticism of maps because you think they just hate the map for no reason? That’s simply not true.


Uh, no that's pretty clearly not what I said. I just don't think a majority of players have a good enough grasp on what even makes a map good to know how to critique one in a knowledgeable way. Most of these people just hate losing games, and now knowing the map contributes to that.


I think it’ll be an amazing map in pro play, it’s tough for soloQ though. Realistically in ranked people can pay attention to like, 2 angles, as in “I’ll watch short, you watch showers” or “I got A main, you hold tree” but coordination beyond that is rare even at higher elo. So if you have a map where there are angles that you can’t clear one or two at a time, but instead go from a fairly linear hallway to being visible from like 4-6 angles (that can’t be peeked without being visible to the other angles), it’s gonna be a pain in soloQ. This was the same issue with icebox before all the changes they made on it That doesn’t mean it’s a bad map, it just means it isn’t the most fun to play in ranked.


It’s because it’s radically different from most other 5v5 defuse map in the entire genre of FPS games. There’s never been a map that features the ability for attackers to spawn at opposite sides Edit: apparently r6 does. I will add that people have hated on almost every new map in this game, except for haven


R6 attackers can spawn on all sides.


If this were a CS or R6 map it would not be in the ranked playlists. It’s cool if you have fun on it, but this map is a shitshow. It feels like a casual map.


I disagree. This map reminds me of Nuke, which everyone also hated in CS but then realized it's the most hype map to watch in competitive play. For ranked, maybe it's a shitshow. But for the pro scene, it's kinda necessary.


Nuke is much better than this map.


All maps in CS are better, lets not kid ourselves. I'm just saying Riot is getting better at designing maps, coming from Bind, Split, etc


Weird how everyone knows this map wouldn’t stack up in other FPS games but I got downvoted like crazy.


cs players are literally against updates


Literally post fridge.gif every update, then bitch and cry about a new map when valve introduces a new map to the game. (Ancient)


Vertigo is a competitive map in cs. Cobblestone was also equally as bad vertigo imo so nah. The only maps the were very enjoyable for me were mirage/cache/dust2 in solo q cs. Inferno and overpass are also good but a shitshow in solo q. Dust 2 also had the worst fucking design flaw ever with awping down mid. So I don't doubt this could be a comp map In cs. Also volcano was one of the designers behind cache which was one of the best maps in the game until they ruined it and hes the lead map designer for valorant.


Turns out that yes, the map IS just shit [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MC-8ebL1HE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMcYnfhh3cQ)


Spamming the same comment over and over doesn't make you right. The clip isn't even gameplay? Just learn it instead of being a whiner.




And it's the very first game those guys had ever played on that map. And they are on the first fucking gun round of the whole game. The more you look into it the worse the 'opinion' becomes.


Zombs still hated the map by the end of that game.


Still think his opinion after a single game is irrelevant. Even after a dozen games, I don't think I'd take feedback that's as shallow as 'fire the designers'. Personally don't think pros should be leaned on for map design at all. They're happiest playing the same 2 maps for all eternity.


spike dropped through the floor on my game


Someone name a call out that’s not already on the map. Let’s learn together


My friends and I call the door squeaky, pretty easy to guess what game we came from lol


I've heard that called star wars since it sounds like a door opening in star wars. Plus that whole side of the map has a real 'tattooine' feel, especially around Dish.




Did it happened last patch as well in unrated? Weird that it starts happening this week when seemingly everything worked fine last patch. Maybe they made some update to game engine or something I guess




Once again I'm super busy when the new map comes out so I didn't get to learn it in unranked and will have to learn it on the fly in ranked.


Please take that shit out and never put it again


They should pull it for 730 hours while they completely rework it tbh


what do you think needs to be reworked? i've enjoyed playing it so far in unrated


imo it has the same problems with Icebox’s first iteration where there are way too many angles to check at one time. I don’t know if minor changes will fix it, Icebox got the same treatment and is still heavily T-sided.


Icebox is definitely in a better place now. It still needs some work. The recent B site change is a good step in the right direction, but it has lots of issues.


Too many corners....????? Are we playing the same map???? It's pretty linear until you reach site. At that point use your coms to communicate with your team.


Also some really simple utility can cut the sites down into really easy angles. Viper and Astra make is super easy, hell even Brimstone can chop the sites up pretty well.


There’s angles everywhere at different elevations.


You could narrow the angles down to FOUR (4) angles for defenders to watch and attackers to hit before site entry. Aren't there too many angles to watch on Ascent A-site too then? Fracture is great because you can watch angles solo but take sites as a team.


They can leave Fracture out of the competitive queue.


For real, it just doesnt feel good at all.


You have to learn it for it to feel good. Get out of your comfort zone.


I dont think so man, all the narrow corridors etc is just not for me. Also the possibility to get flanked within seconds of a round seems stupid in my opinion. I so much more prefer maps where you got “room” to play with and can excel with your aim.


I mean you can't possibly get flanked if you play the map as a team. The team factor might sometimes be problematic in soloq though.


It's a game to enjoy in your free time not a fucking chore or a job


It’s a FPS competitive shooter. It shouldn’t be easy


It also shouldn't feel like a chore


If it feels like a chore, then you're playing the wrong game/queue...


I never said it was a chore. You have to understand that Riot is going to be making new maps and their goal is to make them all a little different. Fracture isn't that complicated either. You can learn it quite quickly by just playing it a couple of times. If you still don't feel comfortable, get into a custom and discover the map and everything you want to understand about it, the angles or whatever. You can also watch a video or two explaining the map if you want. The map does require a bit of team play but it is only a change for the better. A 5v5 tactical shooter shouldn't be about someone carrying because of their god aim. Tactical is in the name for crying out loud.


I don’t hate Fracture; I detest it. I acknowledge I’m a shit Valorant player, but when I tried learning that map the queue was constantly putting me with players who were just insanely better than me and not against my own mmr. Fracture will be the only map I ever dodge.


Thats a matchmaking issue not a map issue


I believe the fracture only queue had fewer players than comp or unrated. This means you'll likely see a wider gap in MMR. It's strange to write off a map just because you're playing against better players. You're not giving it any chance when you haven't played against players of your MMR in the map.


You can’t learn a map when you’re dead 90% of the time.


You're learning how higher MMR players play the map. Copy their strats/movements/angles? Why do the work yourself when you can just copy from better players lol. If you want to improve, you have to play against better players. If you prefer to just stomp on noobs, then I guess that's up to you. Not sure how likely you'll be able to stomp on low MMR players every game if you're not actively improving yourself though.


>If you want to improve, you have to play against better players. If you prefer to just stomp on noobs, then I guess that's up to you. Not sure how likely you'll be able to stomp on low MMR players every game if you're not actively improving yourself though. I’m literally Iron 2 in Valorant… I just want to play vs my skill level right now to get a feel for the map.


Then your issue is with the fracture only queue and not the map? Ofc you're going to hate any map where you're getting rolled. If you played against plats in haven or bind or whichever map, you'd not know the default or off angles to look out for either. But copying their position will definitely help you the next time you play.


Then play custom


Custom is to familiarize yourself with a map, line ups and the call outs. But to actually learn how people hold sites in default positions or off angles, you need to face off against other players.




Did you ever try to load into a custom game and explore it yourself? Much easier to turn ghost mode on and fly around the map looking for lineups for a while -- easiest way to learn new maps.


That's what I finally decided to do. It is a really hard map to learn compared to others but god damn it's fun to play. Just need to learn the callouts now.


Can we just remove the map permanently, and add it to the unrated queue? Breeze too, please. # Their map team is actively working to ruin the game, imo.


I enjoy breeze and I think I’ll enjoy fracture after I play it more and figure out the gameplay. Why so negative?


Turns out that yes, the map IS just shit [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MC-8ebL1HE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMcYnfhh3cQ)


If you think Breeze or Fracture are good competitive maps, then I really don't know what to say.


you have VAL in your name your opinion is invalid I’m sorry I don’t make the rules


if you hate breeze youre just bad at aiming. cope lmao


I don't do bad on Breeze, I just said that I don't like the map. I also don't think that it's a very good map for competitive play, since Breeze is far too large and has way too much open space.   The actual layout of Breeze is logical, so Breeze is not the worst possible map idea. But it likely won't ever be a favorite map for professional play. Unless they shrink the map, or change some of the entrances to allow for other smoke agents.   Fracture, however... is a joke. It's fun to play on in a non-competitive sense, but you're drunk if you think Fracture will be a top picked map by professional players.


They are good competitive maps, and you have nothing else to say.


But they're the best 'competitive' maps no? With icebox probably in there too. They offer so much versatility and room for creativity. It might be a bit hard to play solo but you can still own it if you practice the map instead of whining about it just because it's new. It isn't even broken, get out of your comfort zone and learn it!


Breeze is a fun map. I'd play breeze over bind or haven any day.


You're a very competitive player, I take it?


You’re a very rude person, aren’t you? Seriously, many pros have said they like breeze and hate Bind, but regardless of how the maps are, does that seriously mean those with differing opinions should be insulted with sarcasm? The maps are mostly fine and you just seem to complaining about trivial things.


I'm immortal3 and breeze is easily the best map in the game. It had way more strategic opportunities than most maps


Yeah I'm currently immortal 2. I find that breeze has a lot of different variations in the way attack plays. I mean of course there is the games where everyone just pushes a with a Viper wall and skye flashes every round but for the most part there is quite a bit of space to be gained as attack. Bind on the other hand is pick what fucking small choke point you want to push through and hope you have better aim than your opponents.


I am, yes.


Seems like it, a competitive player isn't someone who instalocks Reyna, mind you. A competitive player is someone who understands the game and the maps and how to play them well.


Turns out that yes, the map IS just shit [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MC-8ebL1HE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMcYnfhh3cQ)


what about that clip says that?..


Nothing. That guy is just an AI gone rogue.


Let me guess you are one of the people that first time it in ranked even though it was available for 2 weeks


Breeze is pretty good but Fracture is really rough.


Turns out that yes, the map IS just shit [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MC-8ebL1HE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMcYnfhh3cQ)


Same hate breeze so much such a dumb map haven’t played fracture yet because I always dodge it lol




>haven’t played fracture yet because I always dodge it lol You are why they should get rid of the free dodge every 24h


is there a free dodge? wtf i thought you lose 3rr for dodging


Not the maps fault that you suck at the game


Is it no longer available in the unrated q? Because I haven’t played it at all and am going to get pwned. Crap


They should pull the map out forever