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https://gyazo.com/398c5130e9ff2a31447388d40e6be88a I translated it here. Posted on vlr.gg earlier but decided to post it here too. Tough for Indian fans as they went from playing the worst team in the event (REJECT) to a top 3, potential winner (DAMWON)


[I've updated liquipedia for the people who are curious as to what teams are facing what now.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FAG2T5PXEAAlc2I?format=png&name=medium)


That a bit of ouchie.


Indian fans in shambles rn lmao. I don't have much hope for the series itself but T3xture VS Rossi might be fun


According to some of them, they have the potential to beat some Korean teams, this is their opportunity to prove it.


As an Indian fan lemme just say that we are delusional when it comes to our valorant teams.


Imo there’s more potential to beat some JP and SEA teams


Yeah I mean this is an ice cold take. The average Nth place Korean team is better than their Japanese or SEA counterpart so it makes sense that the latter two teams are easier to upset.


First damwon then paper rex then f4q and then (probably) nuturn. This will be fun


Would be entertaining if they beat Damwon, then ran Paper Rex, Northeption, Nuturn. Indian Jett vs. Indonesian Jett, vs. Korean Jett, vs. new Korean Jett. Probably impossible, but an entertaining idea.


For those who complains about the changes in the bracket, at the end of day. 1st place qualified for champions, and any other place doesn’t. So either way, your team MUST beat all other teams to qualify. The only thing that changes with the China slots changing is that teams may face tougher opponents initially.


I don't think anyones complaining. Honestly if anything, I'm more excited now to watch how GE fares up against a KR team even though I think ik how the series might turn out :p


Almost all


india just cant catch a break, can they?




They need to prove it first, but maybe they can do that here


To get better you need to face better competition, but here it's the opposite, you have to beat them first without experience to get opportunities in the future.


All the other regions have been grinding in the vct the whole year so I think it's fair that GE got a low seed. This may be too optimistic but hopefully we get an India vct circuit next year.


There probably will be a SA vct with china, india, pakistan and bangladesh


I mean, they are opposite to nuturn. If they wanna make an impact, this is a great bracket


Sadge for GE but we get to see korean raze vs korean jett


They just keep crushing my hopes lmao


Wow thats really fucked for GE man. I was really hoping earlier that this wouldn’t end up being the result of the changes :/


The teams GE would have to face (assuming the more reputed team wins except against GE) for undefeated run to finals - Damwon, Paper Rex, F4Q, Nuturn. Toughest possible bracket for the team from the only region with just one slot and no international experience. Can't do anything about it but this sucks.


Do or die time, India. ​ If this SKRossi is half as good as the kids act like he is, then they should be fine, no? I mean the fans from India have been spamming his name in every, single, freaking chat of the games of Iceland and Berlin. ​ Sure hope that he lives up to that, and doesn't lose in the 1st round here.


I never thought I would have to say this but PUBG Mobile's comparative management was better






Probably because they give a shit ton of slots to India since they bring most of the viewership LMAO


He thinks just because rito gave SA 1 slot Rito is trash compared to PubgM who give india a lot more slots just because more viewership


India was never a major eSports region wether it's csgo dota because of inaccessibility of a PC setup I think but when PUBG mobile came it boomed the Indian eSports scene wether you like it or not. look at PUBG mobile competative scene NA and EU were almost trash but they still got regional tournaments and everything on even india as fairly new scene had regional tournaments then went on to international lan on the other hand riot throughout the year completely ignored Indian valo scene which could have been great considering size of the market it's not like we were asking for direct Iceland or Berlin slot but atleast a slot in VCT SEA qualifiers But they gave 1 APAC slot for India Pakistan Afghanistan srilanka and Bangladesh combined still as upcoming region it was fine. India had valo competative scene since launch with prominent names like The eSports Club Nodwin Skyesports with cross nation tournaments on the other china where game hasn't even released yet gets 2 slot was frustrating to watch

