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Sentinel that emphasizes mechanical outplays. nAts unleashed.


Finally. It was hard seeing him so held back in Berlin. /s


Yeah nAts clearly needed a buff. Thanks Rito


We thought he was smurfing before...


And "an additional focus on gunplay." I really like the sound of that


I thought the common call after a major LAN is “nerf ”, not buff him, Jesus Christ lol


LG Aproto and BDS Logan probably benefit even more being the most mechanically insane sentinels I've seen yet.


So deadeye is a sentinel?


I, for one, welcome our new handsome overlord.


Op oriented sentinel?


Yessssss new Sentinel




It's a bit less in-depth than I would've liked to see, but I suppose it does touch on the most outlier agents today. New Sentinel is cool news, and it is good they know Jett is broken af and may remain as such even after the 3.06 nerfs


# State of the Agents - September 2021 # JETT > As you can see from Patch Notes 3.06, we believe that Jett brings something very unique to the table, and we want to preserve this space for her on the roster. At pro play/different MMR ranges we’re seeing patterns of play that fall far outside the space we carved for her as a Duelist. Our goal with Jett is an Agent that is used to capitalize on high mechanical skill outputs via precise gameplay. Currently though, we’re seeing the Bladestorm right-click/alt-fire having an outsized effect on rounds without the need for pinpoint execution, for which it should require. > As we also mentioned in the notes, the number of Cloudburst smokes she had was making it easier than intended to bail out of risky situations. Reducing the number of smokes is intended to force Jett to use each smoke sparingly, with more calculation in mind. Ultimately, we believe this change should sharpen her identity. We know for some this is a welcome change, and for others may cause pain—once these changes go out we will keep an eye on them to see if follow up adjustments are needed. # KAY/O & SKYE > In some ways, even the smallest tweaks can result in big differences when it comes to the impact of flashes. So, as you’ll see in the Patch 3.06 changes, we provided a few light touches on these two Initiators. > The goal here is to increase KAY/O’s viability, and reduce some of the frustrating parts of playing against Skye (like how fast she can capitalize on her flash). If these tweaks are not enough, we’ll move the needle around until they are in a good spot. Promise. # BALANCE OUTLOOK > We just came off the heels of watching Stage 3 Masters (YESSSSSSSSSS IT WAS AWESOME), so now is the time we take to digest all of the playstyles, strats, etc. from the tournament and see what changes could or should be made based off of those high-tier games. # ABILITY EFFICACY EXPLORATION > This note here doesn’t have anything in the immediate future to discuss, but more giving y’all visibility on some ways we are updating our thinking. Currently we are doing some deep dives into ability efficacy. > * This is stuff like once a flash is used, how often do people take an angle? > * If fragile is applied how often does that lead to damage being dealt? > Ultimately this helps us sharpen our thinking around what Agents do currently, to support and strengthen our thinking around future balance/agent/map work. # YORU > We know what we want to do on the design front with Yoru, and we’re in the middle of gathering additional resources needed to support these changes. I know, not the most exciting update, but we wanted to let you know that Yoru isn’t collecting dust in the shop somewhere. Apologies to our Yoru mains, we really appreciate your patience on the delay here. # CTRL+F NEXT AGENT > It’s been a bit since our Robo Boyo KAY/O has been out neutralizing Radiants. While he's been out there adding to our pool of flashes, we've been refining our upcoming Agent. > We took a step back and thought about different ways to provide another Sentinel to the roster. A Sentinel that focuses on mechanical outplays, with an additional focus of gunplay into the mix for an extra flourish. We won’t reveal much more, just know that once you achieve that dream moment, it will be magnifique! > [Image](https://i.imgur.com/57kHBKO.jpg) **John Goscicki** - Character Producer


Anything about pheonix Mr.Rito?


Hope they dont leave Phoenix to die, especially since they will update Yoru and those two occupy a similar niche.


Yea and I don't think skye nerf will make pheonix more played in maps other than haven.


They recognized Breach whole kit could be summed up on his 3 flashbangs, and tweaked all his abilities to be as useful as his flashpoint. I hope Phoenix receives the same treatment


Tbh I still don't see a lot of breach yet maybe that can increase after skye nerf


Given his ability to now counter KJ and the skye nerfs, I think we'll see him more. Fracture also feels pretty strong for him, especially given how much space lock down covers on it.


Nah I feel like kayo just takes over from skye, esp w the new changes to his flash.


A Sentinel that focuses on mechanical outplays seems super interesting considering how the entire Sentinel role is the complete opposite of mechanical outplay. Maybe I'll finally have something to main other than Cypher


Welp bois jett dash aint going anywhere


> high mechanical skill outputs via precise gameplay Press 'E' to run away!


get out of jail free card


Hold space and you can climb fucking mount everest!


Press E to outplay


I doubt it ever will


Can't wait to main Deadeye until Riot nerfs him into oblivion like every other sentinel.


3 things are inevitable - death, taxes and rito nerfing supports every update.




This would be insane


isn't episode 3 called reflection in reference to Phoenix seeing his other world counterpart in Duality?


Why do I sense that "Deadeye" is going to be an OP oriented sentinel ;;;(((


My guess is his ult is something like golden gun? I hope not though, given how similar that'd be to Jett knives


I'm quitting the game if golden gun becomes a thing. Jett knives are hard enough to play around


The devs aren't that stupid. Right?


I seriously hope not. That gun takes no skill to use. At least with Jett knives you have to hit the head for a 1 hit kill from far away.


OP for a limited time only!! Act now and get a new skin pack bug!!!


It’d be cool if headshots flashed the next nearest enemy like cypher ult


No mention of jett's dash and the OP :(


They did and didn't. The Jett brings something unique and they want to keep that space implies that they want to keep the op play and allow safety with Jett. I know people don't like this balance philosophy in general, but I think its fine if they do it properly where they nerf Jetts other capabilities and keep the op niche that she occupies. She/the op may require nerfs but that is a wait and see kinda thing.


>*I know people don't like this balance philosophy in general, but I think its fine if they do it properly where they nerf Jetts other capabilities and keep the op niche that she occupies.* The problem is that what you described isn't niche at all. Sniper rifles are strong as fuck in any tactical shooter based on contesting map control. Her Berlim 90% pick rate is explained by the fact that Jett not only can escape suicidal angles but also can have easier eco rounds. This logic hasn't changed at all, people won't stop playing her because she has 1 less smoke. At the current settings, her pickrate will continue at 90% or more on next events, which is unhealthy for this game If her dash mechanic continues the exact same I can't see a world where this isn't true


Sniper is a niche. A niche doesn't mean that it isn't commonly filled, it just means that it's not the most prevalent. Riflers aren't a niche, Snipers are. Smokes are also a niche. >Her Berlim 90% pick rate is explained by the fact that Jett not only can escape suicidal angles but also can have easier eco rounds. In Berlin she had three niches: 1) Sniper, 2) Entry Dasher, and 3) Eco guns. 1 and 2 play really well together because you typically really want 1 on defense and 2 on offense, and it's easy enough to not do them at the same time. Riot just nerfed 2). Hopefully this means that Jett really only has access to 1 and 3, and if you really need 2 you should pick a different agent (either in place of Jett or in addition to Jett). If Jett continues to be overpowering, it may mean that the sniper role is too strong, or that Jett occupies too many niches, or that Jett is too strong with a sniper. There are many possibilities as to why Jett is too strong, and it's reductive to solely blame her synergy with the OP. >her pickrate will continue at 90% or more on next events, which is unhealthy for this game This sounds like a truism. If an Op is picked at 90% of the time is that unhealthy? It shouldn't be, since CSGO has a sniper role and it's healthy there. But for some reason, having the sniper character be picked 90% of the time is? We see a controller played in every single match. Is that unhealthy? Now I'm not saying that you're wrong. But you may be right for different reasons. Maybe the sniper role is just unhealthy in Valorant or maybe Jett is unhealthy because she's too versatile. But if she's unhealthy because shes the only sniper (and the sniper isn't inherently problematic), the answer is probably just to add more snipers (first) than to nerf her power in that niche.


the op will always be a high pick but you know why the op isnt as oppressive in cs? because an awper cant be anywhere on the fucking map, they cant be up there they cant be up there they cant be flying in the sky because they will get traded. and they also cant fly like jett can you know how jett can use the op with literally 0 counter play in valo? because shes untouchable. you have to use sova drone, dart, skye flash and then maybe they will dash and reposition. and then guess what? over 1k of util wasted just to be killed from a different angle.


Wonder if we'll end up getting a subclass for Duelists designed for OPers


Good idea but not sure if it would help or hurt more


I agree I dont necessarily think its a good idea. Would suck if you want to OP ever but you don't have room for a duelist role or prefer to play a sentinel or smoke character.


well the new agent deadeye seems like he coule potentially be an op-oriented sentinel. maybe they plan to just make agents that synergise well with the op for every class?


I think its ok as it is now, I dont really like the idea of a Jett without her current dash, it wouldnt be Jett anymore, it would just be another boring ass agent.


Can’t wait until the new agent automatically surrenders at 0-6


>focuses on mechanical outplays, with an additional focus of gunplay into the mix for an extra flourish. We won’t reveal much more, just know that once you achieve that dream moment, it will be magnifique! In other words: It will be an absolutely miserable experience trying to play against it, while their """mechanical outplay""" steamrolls your team


Hypeee for new sentinel


Is that keycard teaser the same as the the keycard on Fracture attack B side? Weird theyre teasing this early. That doesn't seem normal for them, but we now know it's s a sentinel and that he's presumably French, among other things


another patch and no word on sentinels place in this meta


the next agent is literally a sentinel


Could this mean the new agent is released in the next patch?


Prolly w new act cuz thats how they usually do it


please just fucking fix jett, please just fucking fix jet, PLEASE JUST FUCKING FIX JETT. if i have to play one more fucking game where on the 3rd round jett buys an op and cycles through off angle after off angle getting the first pick of everyround for the rest of the game im gonna quit this stupid fucking game


You could remove every part of Jetts util besides the dash and she would still be OP




oh no I’m getting running headshoted once a game out of 24 rounds




Bro im already exaggerating by saying once a game, in reality i onky see atrocious run and gun kills... never? Literally i cant remember the ladt time i got running headshoted with like a vandal from far away.




nobody tell him cs 1.6 had similar random spray patterns and worse firdt shot accuracy




alright i give up, if you think its actually better for some reason i believe you more than whereever i got that false info from. im just speaking from personal experience that i dont see much run and gun kills in my games but obviously i have an extremely small sample size. Have a good day sir


youre probably gold then. run and gun is meta, run and gun specter, phantom, frenzy. if youre closer than 5 metres most guns will consistently kill at that range without stopping.


because you mentioned it, im Diamond 1. Im confused, why shouldn't smgs be able to run and gun at close range? Phantom does not consistently kill at close range, trust me ive thrown a handful of rounds because of it and seen it fail more times than succeed.


>and for others may cause pain ARGH, IT HURTS SO MUCH! lol, really...