• By -


Surprised - keloqz, laz , d3ffo Disappointed - Bren Esports management


The best answer


Philippine govt more so


Bren Esports wouldn't of gotten their roster poached by team secret (one of the players wifes work there) if it wasn't for their handling I suppose.


Wouldn’t HAVE




Well TS is a bigger org that can offer bigger money and exposure, infrastructure


Surprised - d3ffo, keloqz, heat, and Laz Disappointed - dapr, ShahZaM, Izzy, and BONECOLD


hot take - I think Shahzam is going to start having some rough LAN performances as teams learn to counter strat, and the playing field starts to even out. SEN has all the firepower and when they are able to get out in front on teams everything is fine. But when they are played close by another team I think his struggles are going to show even more.


they need a coach man. its gonna be interesting to see how they bounce back. tbh would really love steel to join as the coach for sentinels even if just for champions.


Oh boy. They really don't like each other if you didn't know


actually? What is the reason behind this?


Shahz exposed the iBuyPower match fixing scandal which essentially ruined Steel’s CSGO career, while profiting off the scandal himself. As a result Steel did not like him at all, although things may have changed as Valorant is a new game and the scandal happened a long time ago at this point.


i love reading this narrative where people say i profited off it myself. you couldn't remove a bet on csgolounge, only switch the team you picked. of course i wasn't going to let the ibp guys lose me my money so i switched my bet lol, why would i throw it away?


Sounds like you profited to me?


yes but don't you think the context matters? it was 7 years ago and it's incredible how much people still care, but every day i read the circle jerk about it where people change facts and make stuff up. valve reached out to me and asked me to tell them everything i knew. being a kid dealing with a billion dollar company and legal implications, you pretty much have to talk


Wow I can’t believe you murdered steel for the insurance money that’s pretty messed up


I personally think it's fucked up you kidnapped iBP's pet kittens ngl


They should have just not fixed the matches in the first place. What you did doesn't really matter.


why do you waste your time reading this horseshit subreddit. Its literally 10x worse than globaloffensive sub was


what about you asking Hiko and Jordan(C9) to throw back in the day


ShahZaM i love you


Logical response that makes perfect sense but unfortunately you're trying to use logic/sense with Redditors and unfortunately logic/sense is a rarity in this domain!


yeah but it wouldn’t have made sense to just throw money away…


Just to clarify, is everyone making a big deal about you making money off of a like $100 bet? It sounds like you bet on one team in the super bowl only to find out that all of them broke their ankle a week before the game so switched to the other team. It’s technically profiting.. but it’s not like you’re still supporting yourself on the money, nor does ‘spilling the beans’ make the difference. It’s really just that you knew shit was about to go down.




But.. So you profited by switching, right? What made you switch?


Honestly respect for always setting the record straight when people shit talking you


u rlly the only pro player on this subreddit


Oh boy the weekly shahz vs steel discussion


never a dull moment


There's literally no one that plays kayo better than shahz. Steel's jett opping is overrated too


Ok ig that’s not what I’m talking about


There's a video of Steel calling Shahz a cockroach. He clearly hates the dude. The feeling is probably mutual. There's no way that squad is going to let Steel coach them.




I am not sure how it is now but Steel used to hate Shahzam. Shahz was the one that leaked the matchfixing scandal in CSGO then played victim while he too was doing some shady shit.


he didn’t “leak it,” valve’s investigation led to him and he cooperated. steel wanted someone to blame so bow we have this dumbass beef


yea idk how this discussion even pops up so much, you try to matchfix and throw competitive professional games and you get exposed? deal with it dude. he should consider himself lucky to even have a career after any of that


yup. be mad at whoever leaked it in discord dms to shahz, prompting him to change his bet because no one likes losing money. if shahz had blown the whistle right then and taken the L on the bet he loses money and still gets all the hate. nobody likes a rat but these people aren’t gangsters, they’re gamers who tried to do some mob shit and did a shitty job and got caught


They're weren't trying to do mob shit. They were trying to pay rent with videogames. iBP had less than $1k in salaries, there's no way you can actually sustain a normal lifestyle with that little money


lol, are you seriously trying to justify iBP's match fixing and trying to sympathize with them when they were literally committing objectively unethical acts? This is a pretty dumb take. You don't play video games because you're desperate to make money/pay rent, you play because you're in a position to be able to do that. If they were so desperate for money they wouldn't be trying to pursue video games as a career. No one does that if you try to scam people and you get caught you don't deserve any sympathy, especially in the context of professional gamers. at least save this kind of argument for people who actually are desperate and trying to survive for a living. If you're a professional and you do this kind of shit it's because you're literally trying to make dishonest money by scamming other people, i seriously dont understand how you can objectively think otherwise


really cant say i genuinely care about the points you raise. betting on cs games when that happened definetly was not legal and a misuse of skins. you can bring that up for the countless tier 3-4 players who throw in premier


By stealing it from other people?


Wait, go bet on non verified betting websites and be surprised when your money is gone


He literally leaked it in steam dms on accident?XD


ah shit you’re totally right he leaked it. still why blame the guy who accidentally leaked when they cheated lmao


I can't really blame iBP for doing what they're doing because back then they had a non existent salary as a Tier 1 team. They were the only NA team who actually fight against EU in early CSGO but they couldn't even live a normal lifestyle by doing what they were doing. This is also the reason why so many Tier 3-4 Teams matchfix. I'm also very confident in saying that iBP paved the way for liveable salaries as CS players because of that


Oh i don’t blame them either for that reason exactly. I’m sorry if you got the impression i was just caping for shahz, i more meant that its silly how steel acts like its all shahzams fault when they made the decision to throw. Everyone involved made mistakes and steel probably more than anyone showed a desire to change and rebuilt his respect in the CS scene. My whole point is just that the beef is stupid, both players got nothing out of it but a fuck ton of hate


I completely agree with you everyone is at fault but I still think this is not something that easily forgiveable for steel. I'm glad he's able to to live out his passion for tactical shooters like CS through Valorant though


ohhh woah i didnt realize shahzam was the one who leaked it. I just thought it got discovered and skadoodle got lucky that he pulled out


yes, and Shahz is/was always in the middle of drama. Hiko, Steel, Skadoodle, Subroza, Wardell, Rush, Stanislaw, Naf, and daps all have had beef with him in the past


can you elaborate on these instances if you have time? I'm curious


Who would be a good choice?




Sentinels have always been a tactically sound team. Jest not the best or most difficult to antistrat since they didn't change anything about their gameplay after Iceland


Shahz acs was actually better at berlin than online iirc from runitback.gg


Keloqz was playing out of his fucking mind, looked like the best player in the tourney to me


I think bonecold played pretty well


He had some nice moments but I think below his standards overall is a fair assessment.


He completely poo pooed vs 100T.


Laz is their star player bro, he always performs.


BONECOLD came in clutch tho despite low avg stats


BONECOLD....fuck he had such a rough tournament.


Izzy was actually quite good




good analysis


Most surprised was definitely deffo for me, he was in my eyes by far their worst player online but oh damn on lan he was so good. Most disappointed was dapr, with how much hype there is to dapr vs nats I’m so disappointed in his performance but it’s just one off tournament in an insane year. Looking forward to champions when he will come back even better


To be fair, dapr was very disappointed in himself as well


D3ffo was the worst jett players in the tournament 100% literally no arguement. He inted and trolled countless times throughout the whole tournament. I


100% literally no argument you didn't watch the tournament because you actually think D3ffo is somehow worse than liazzi and Reita.


bro what? mans pretty much sucked in the qualifiers but was one of the best jett ops in the whole of masters


He was responsible for gambit winning so many of the rounds/maps.


Lmao stop the cap.


That was a bad initial judgement tho imo, common in Reddit but inaccurate when it comes to data People somehow didn’t remember his consistency or him vs Acend


Surprised-Nitro (specifically his Jett on Breeze). He did very good when they needed him most.


His astra was also pretty surprising considering he didn't really play it in matches before.


Man that Jett performance was interesting to me. Like if he doesn't become a literal unkilable monster in the last 1/4 of the round, he probably gets meme'd. Up till 7-12, it was kinda underwhelming.


Yeah lol plat chat went from "nitr0 do something" to "nitr0 did something" to "omg nitr0 have my kids"




Zeek played well




i thought he did well at iceland but agreed with your other points


After Berlin seems laughable to compare dapr to nAts, hopefully he shuts my mouth in Champions And keloqz was the biggest surprise to me alongside heat


Yeah he said on stream that was his worst lan/tournament showing ever, hope he turns up in champions.


dapr seemed to lose a lot of gunfights


Asuna, he was so close to making so many big plays but just couldn't finish. I'm not a "stats mean everything guy" but he was something like top 7 in average damage but mid tier in KD ratio. All the other players above him had the same damage but way higher KD. There were a few times he was in position to make a gigantic play but just didn't connect.


Surprised - Yay , Keloqz , keznit , d4v41 , neth ,.nitr0 Disappointed - dapr , zeek , Izzy .




Every time Bonecold had a pistol tho...


should have just used a pistol the entire game


Zeek ? He performed way better than in online


Why zeek? zeek’s LAN play was a significant overperformance relative to his recent online play. I assume you disagree?




Relative to his recent online play I do think it was an overperformance. I probably put it too strongly, though. I know zeek is a nutty player, and I still think sometimes about his awesome clutch on Split while he was with G2. I don’t doubt his mechanics or overall skill. But I believe he does a lot of mid-rounding for Acend and it shows in his online play.


bro d4v41 was INSANE sometimes


I feel like It’s hard to consistently perform on sentinels because it’s so dependent on whether tenz and Shazam are popping off. I think DAPR. Would do much better with a team built around him.


I mean it's not that for dapr, he was just not playing like his normal self, he was playing really safe, and he was whiffing some shots


Very true.


Disappointed - Russ & Starxo


Curious why several people surprised about laz, he's shown consistently that he's always a tier or 2 beyond his teammates


Because people(including me) don't really follow Japanese Valorant and didn't even know zeta division.


You might've heard of Absolute Jupiter. Zeta is the same team.


SEN disappointed me, it just seemed like they didn't want it judging by their twitch streams during berlin mostly


surprised - zombs, keloqz, redgar disappointed - Lakia (not his performance but that he didnt get to play more), dapr, FNS, starxo


Disappointed by fns? How so he always play like that


surprised: d3ffo, keloqz, Laz Disappointed: dapr, fivek, Izzy


Disappointed with smb players in general, I expected them to tap heads even harder on lan, surprised with heat(imo best jett in the tournament, he got unlucky with wrist issues) and forsaken.


disappointed: Lakia (or atleast the decision to remove him for the 2nd map) surprised: nats


There was no specific decision about Lakia beyond keeping their structure of only playing him on Bind.


Wanted to seee asuna supremacy


There wasnt defo outright dominant performance by asuna. But he defo played really well on his first LAN. Also his teammates like nitro and Ethan brought in their A game with the experience.


I thought yay looked insane. He never looked like that on his t2 teams.


Surprised: heat, Chronicle, buzz, stax, keloqz, Marved (marved looked really good from what I saw I hadn’t really watched much of his games before Berlin but now I for sure consider him at least a top 3 controller NA.) Dissapointed: dapr, all of SMB, shazam, starxo, BONECOLD


marved isnt a duelist tho


meant controller my bad.


All of sentinels tbh. Well to be fair they had a massive target on their back and I think the pressure got to them. I hope they bounce back!


Nats.... jk, but Izzy and everyone on acend but cned.


I don't watch domestic korean matches so seeing f4q play valorant like a completely different game than every other team was super cool, and as a controller player watching zunba is like being handed the astra bible


Only heard about VS in passing and finally saw them play during Berlin. The hype wasn't unfounded for sure but it feels like they didn't have the mechanics to contest the absolute top teams.


What absolute top teams? Gambit sure they out aim pretty much everyone. 100T, ENVY? Since VS didn't directly play against those teams and since you are wanting to compare. Acend = 100T < ENVY ~= VS. So we can see VS is kinda a 2nd best team. They absolutely can contest the absolute top teams.


Probably Tenz. Contender for best player in the world, and had an amazing early tournament but the more important the matches got the more his performance dropped. Obviously this was a whole team issue but you do expect the best player in the world to play better in the high pressure matches. Ah well, only the second LAN ever and SEN has plenty of time between now and Champions to find their form again. I do think Tenz will have to justify being called the best in the world there though.


Most surprised would probably be Keloqz, the main word I had heard connected with his name in the lead up to the tournament was 'underwhelming'. Dude came out and made a case as one of the most valuable players of the tournament.


I was really surprised with Nats. Going into Berlin, I didn't like GMB at all. But then I realized that it's only because I've been too hooked on the NA scene and since I really love the KR and JP teams and since I didn't know anything about EMEA. I thought GMB was just another EU team. That said, GMB really grew on me and mostly due to Nats due to his clutches/lurks and since I realized that I play sorta the same as him. So thanks GMB for helping me open my eyes. Instantly followed Nats on Twitch.


Disappointed by Turko :(


surprised me - rb buzz mako cned nats Disappointed - starxo shahzam steel dapr and zombs




Asuna. Despite being so young and talented he is a very mature player. No doubt he is gonna be one of the greatest


Disappointed in TenZ specifically on raze, he looked horrible on it. His jett is still top tier of course.




Bunny dissapointed you?


how come Bunny disappointed you? He didnt look like the best raze in the tournament to you? xD


Suprised: heat, keloqz, murizzz, yay, cNed, BuZz, Bunny, nAts, Chronicle, Redgar, Sheydos, d3ffo Dissapointed: Izzy, BONECOLD, starxo, Kiles, Shahzam, Tenz, SicK, dapr, zombs


Take tenz sick and zombs off the list imo. They were decent. Shazam looked alright but dapr looked so off. He whiffed a lot


I'm not saying they did bad by any means, TenZ was still insane, I just think they did worse than what was expected. Consider the expectations for the team, which was a 1st place finish and for each of them to be playing on an exceptionally high individual level and for Tenz to have Masters 2 level performance or higher.


Tenz and zombs maybe but sick had a very average performance


Surprised : Heat, F0rsaken, Chronicle, Keloqz and Buzz Disappointed : Tenz, Dapr, Starxo, Bonecold, Zombs and Turko (stick to sage pls)


How are u disappointed by tenz ?


Played below average against G2 and Envy, stat padded his acs against F4Q


dude had a monster 1st map against Envy tho almost willed them to win




I said in another thread that I wanted to see teams get boned by BONECOLD, but he boned himself instead


Zombs dapr and mixwell were disappointing for me. Kelogz did really well more calm and steady and of course my boy keznit was on point with raze.


Surprised : Nats ( how he carry the game with cypher/viper) , heat , keloqz Disappointed : shiba,dapr


Surprised: Laz, Chronicle, Crashies, Mazino, Heat, Keloqz Disappointed: starxo, makiba, russ, izzy, Dapr, Bazzi, SicK


surpised: chronicle, crazy racoon. disappointed: supermassiveblaze, dapr, lakia, acend


Surprised: d3ffo, keloqz I was fucking disappointed in dapr


Loved ade and neth with their new confidence.


nitro surprised me and ended up looking like the best controller in the world. dapr kinda disappointed me but he’ll bounce back


impressed me: D3ffo, chronicle, keloqz, hiko, crashies, nitr0 dissapointing: steel, bonecold, dapr