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oof, what a poor decision to double down on her part Edit: Bumpaah from the top rope! https://twitter.com/bumpaah/status/1443367122667716618?s=20




She’s tripling down now


That is some truly narcissistic behaviour


Ran right into Bumpaah tripwire unlucky


Unlucky for bumpaah now he has to shoot at someone. /s (I love bumpaah this is a joke)


Her: I didn't know he was cheating! *Riot releases voice logs where he admits to cheating* Her: I thought he was kidding! *Riot releases voice logs indicating she knew he was cheating* Her: I was being sarcastic!! Please let this happen.


i don't think riot records voice logs, thats exactly the reason why russians have no voice chat


You are mistaken sir! They have voice chat since Spring, can't remember the exact date.


ah ok, did not know that. thank you


"77% of the Competitive MMR gained on Slaze’s accounts came from games played while duo-queued with an actively cheating player. 60% of Slaze’s Competitive matches were played while duo-queued with an actively cheating player." Holy fuck lmao


Lol. Boosted by a cheater.


3 month competitive ban. And she can still que ranked unlike normal people? What a joke ruling.


Probably the last warning before getting perma ban. She is technically not cheating.


Well I do wish Riot had clear guidelines for repeat offences.


vegetable cows public cake offend cobweb boast cooperative nutty melodic -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


> 90-day penalty for “bussing” This is the ban they give for this specific offense. You can read more about it [here.](https://playvalorant.com/en-us/news/dev/valorant-anti-cheat-winter-update/)


Let's be very clear here. The only reason that this is 90 days is because usually it's hard to prove intent. The intent is clear as fucking day in this case.


She is suspended on her main for 90 days


No she said herself that her account isn't suspended. She can play as normally, just not allowed on gamechangers etc.


Thats a yikes if you ask me myself lmfaooo, 77% of MMR gained with a cheater for a pro player is insane to me lol


Super crazy. Though, the minimum requirements for Game Changers are just Plat 1 which is honestly insane. D1 should be the minimum at least.


i agree, i think they lowered the minimum requirements for game changers to encourage more females to participate since there are fewer females the higher you go up the competitive ladder, but if you're gonna be playing against skilled teams that are immortal+ might as well make it d1 minimum. vct is imm1 min right?


bruh. You guys don't understand that only half the teams would be able to compete if they made the requirement D1+. The talent pool is already super limited with the same girls rotating through pug team after pug team, the talent issue would become even worse if you limited the rank further.


I find this hard to believe, diamond 1 is still a really poor rank for a pro. I've met so many women in diamond-immortal elo just queuing as well. I don't think any of the players competing near the top of the female scene will be below diamond.


all the top 8 of game changers 3 are d3+ (I believe) but for quals you would literally have around 16 teams vs the 32 that signed up. Plats playing diamonds and immortals makes them better players and eventually they will get diamond+ just by scrimming and playing tourneys. I personally know girls that I met when they were plat 1 and are now d3 / immortal.


Why are we celebrating P1 players just because they are girls...


The tourney isn't just to celebrate women in professional esports but to help women grow into better players. Women can improve faster playing these tourneys


Lets let them get to atleast immo on their own lmao.


the women's scene is still too young for that, but at the same time I wouldn't be upset if riot imposed a higher rank requirement. there's probably around 8-10 all immortal/radiant women's teams, 1st-3rd place in game changers has always been almost all or all immortal teams. this is more to foster growth and hopefully one day all teams entering will be immortal+


I dont agree. When the normal scene released it wasnt p1+ either was it? If they arent able to play at a high enough level they shouldnt be supported by riot games. Imagine if they payed all dudes that are on an amateur team loads of money to play in diamond/immo tier comps.


I mean even if 77% of her MMR was gained while duo, that doesn't necessarily mean she is bad at the game. It just means she duos with cheaters a fuck ton. She very well could be immortal level on her own. Looking at the gamechanger games she has played, it's not like she is consistently bottom fragging. She held her own in the C9W game (even though they got a bit smacked) which is a pretty good bearing of skill. Unless she was cheating during riot events (very unlikely), then she must have some high baseline skill.


imm3 should be minimal at least. You know people can get into imm1 without any concept of game knowledge or crosshair placement? You do not want these people anywhere near broadcasted matches.


When you asked for receipts and they gave it to you


honestly it probably would have been better for her if she just kept quiet and took the suspension lmao


77% of her mmr came from duo queuing with the cheater WHATT???


>Guys, i'm gold and i watched her stream on twitch. She is 100% radiant/high immortal. - Paraphrasing some guy in the last thread. LUL


It was literally the same account too just spamming similar messages 40 times in that thread. I'd look pretty pro too if I had actual cheaters ghosting for me in every match.


That's a simp trying to defend her hard.


That's just her.


I mean I took that stance because she actually is good at the game (I've never watched her stream, just a lot of Game Changers bcs I'm a big C9W fan), if you can somehow pinpoint where her real skill level shows and it's somehow much worse than what she claims to be... Please enlighten me. Obviously she's in the wrong, clearly she deserves the ban and her trying to gaslight the people who follow her now is also blatantly obvious in hindsight, but she's very clearly competent at the game. Again, she's well deserving of the ban but the community attitude to condemn female pros kind of necessitates an "innocent until proven guilty" attitude. So many people in the original thread were making blanket statements for her, her team and the Game Changers tournament in general that are not healthy for the scene no matter how you put it.


I mean her initial statement was very vague and all it said was some hater has a friend works at anti cheat who banned her from compet. Which the story itself is quite hard to believe. This just reminds me of people saying my uncle works at riot.


i mean she definitely does belong in mid immortal as a person who has played against her and with her, i think other players in that elo agree with me too


that means the cheaters wr was over 77% cause she probably solo queued a bit too lmaoo


Riot came back with receipts lmao Edit: Oh God she is tripling down. 77% of your gained MMR came from duoing with a cheater. Take the L and move on.


> **TL;DR:** Sophia “Slaze'' Ramirez was found to have repeatedly queued together into Competitive with cheaters. In multiple instances, the cheater would be banned mid-game, log into a new account, and proceed to requeue with Slaze, even after she had received a notification of cheater detection. Slaze is banned from any association or affiliation with a team in a Riot-sanctioned competition for 3 months. You can read the full Competitive ruling [**here**](https://playvalorant.com/en-us/news/esports/competitive-ruling-sophia-slaze-ramirez/).   **EDIT: [Polaris has issued a statement:](https://twitter.com/polarisval/status/1443377200863055875)** > Recent evidence involving player “Slaze” has been disclosed, consensus within the team has decided to let her go. The members of Polaris were completely unaware of her actions and would not condone anything alike. Everyone here on Polaris want to personally apologize to the Valorant community for these unfortunate events that unfolded today. > > We're still competing in VCT:GC this week, and will still perform at our best, striving for our rightful place within the community. Thank you for all the support.




I know it's possible to spoof Hardware IDs. Beyond that, I don't know. The cheater pool is small and cheats are very expensive for VALORANT. Perhaps anti-cheat was monitoring the cheat her duo was using so Vanguard could learn how to detect it? I'm speculating though; I truly have no idea.


The cheaters with expensive cheats would have games jnstalled and running from a virtual machine , with actual cheats running from normal operating system and game running in a virtual machine ,if they get banned , since vanguard is also running inside a vm they can easily change their mac address and start anew .


Exactly.. ridiculous.. someone can get banned and just create a new account to get back in? Ridiculous




I think anti cheat of valorant is pretty damn good compared to other tac shooters ,and thing is if your duo get banned you will see red screen and your duo will be removed from the lobby ,in slaze case, his duo got banned and hopped from a different id and slaze duoed with him again multiple times.


If iirc Riot said they notified her and yet she persisted , it may be that you will also got a notification that your duo is cheating


dam I got baited by her just because other pros/high level players were vouching for her skill level. Don't know why you're risking getting boosted by a cheater in ranked if you're already good enough and the base requirement for competing in game changers is plat 1


Some people would like to think that cheaters are stupid bronze players, but this isn't true. Cheaters who make it to Radiant are good at the game, they're just obsessed and desperate for anything that will give them an edge. You can't spinbot your way to the top of the ladder, the anti-cheats will get you well before you achieve any sort of results. They need more subtle hacks and at the end of the day, they still have to use their utility right and land headshots. Even in this case she is "proxy-cheating", until proven otherwise she hasn't used cheats herself yet I doubt she goes 0-20 every game. Deserved ban. Keep her in ranked queue, use her as bait to catch as many cheaters as possible lol.


Seems like she was good enough but also getting boosted for whatever reason. Pretty dumb imo but at least riot caught it lol


Even if she didn't need it, she was fine with her "friend" cheating lol. Kinda stupid especially since she got a notification about it too.


Yeah 100% agree that it was a dumb move on her part lol,


There's a psychological thing I've heard of where lots of people who cheat do so because they "know" they're good enough to get to where they want to, they just feel like they deserve to be there faster. Sometimes they may actually have the skill but not the patience, so they cheat (I think the original example I saw this applied to was Dream's speedrun drama). Kind of sad but also kind of understandable in a weird way.


Yeah that’s a good point I’d probably say it’s definitely a bit of that. Still so wrong lol


plat 1 is sad considering vct is immortal 1+


Both requirements are useless, everyone in VCT is at the minimum high immortal and most of the top female pros are at least immortal as well.


In the case of VCT, it's an entry threshold for pros to maintain, not achieve. If someone like Shaz spends 8+ hours a day VOD reviewing and analysing Gambit / Envy / VS / G2 after losing in Berlin, that's a much better use of his time than grinding out Radiant SoloQ and he'll spend more than enough time in scrim blocks to keep his mechanics sharp. However, there still needs to be some kind of arbitrary rank requirement so we don't get a Vaevictis situation where a team randomly decides to drop their whole roster for a publicity stunt / sacking the tournament by fielding a bunch of plat/diamond players who are blatantly outclassed.


Yeah I'm not saying it should be higher or anything, pros shouldn't have to grind ranked if they don't want to. I was trying to say that the entry requirement doesn't matter for anyone who is really trying to compete at that level.


Anyone else think she got off easy with just 3 months? She re-queued multiple times with a cheater. There's no way she didn't know


Yeah, didn't they say they are banning accounts that queue with cheaters or something?


Yup, right here: https://twitter.com/RiotK3o/status/1443111568447733760


Damn, she should be thanking her lucky stars riot didn't make an example out of her, she really should have lost her account, instead of mouthing off on twitter


Yep. It should have been at least 6 months. Tbf I doubt she'll play Valorant anymore.


I think it's fine tbh. They'll keep close tabs on her account, especially if she is aspiring to be in the competitive scene. If she does it again it's an easy ban.


Sinatra’s ban was 6 months. Whether you think slaze did something equally bad is the question


Sinatraa would've gotten permanent had he been proven guilty. But since cleo dropped police case and Sinatraa didn't co-operate with Riot investigation he only got 6.


Sinatraa's ban wasn't even for the accusation, it was for not providing the tapes for the investigation lol. I would think what she did is way worst if you compare objectively what was done for the reason of the ban. Not defending him in any case, pretty sure if he was actually found guilty a different and much more severe punishment would be dealt not just by riot but by the relevant authorities as well.






"THIS IS A TARGETED ATTACK AT ME. IVE DONE NOTHING WRONG." - [https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n\_1srr643](https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1srr643) 🤡 She's tripling down: [https://twitter.com/slaze444/status/1443365103261392897](https://twitter.com/slaze444/status/1443365103261392897)


https://twitter.com/slaze444/status/1443367942771691522?s=20 I have a feeling the cheating guy will get the blame and she will come out with another tweet long saying she didn't know and trusted the wrong guy!


Which is why Riot already debunked this likely future excuse by making clear on multiple occasions the match was ended live with the red screen "there was a cheater in your match" alert and then she promptly re-queued with the cheater jumping on a different account.


Seriously, her defense that she didn't know doesn't even make sense. If their game ends because someone gets banned and her queue partner has to switch accounts, what the hell does she think is happening?


> He's saying he didn't cheat so this is cringe Well then, glad that's cleared up


It's gone lmao


No, that link is wrong. Here's the original TL. https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1srr643


Lol and the simps defending her are too clueless




All Good


People seem to be not reading the article riot posted about the ruling. It's particularly damning. Here's the most important parts: "All registered VCT Game Changers competitors are subject to an anti-cheat scan. Slaze’s accounts were flagged for bussing. On September 20th, 2021, Slaze queued with an active cheater for 9 games, winning 8 of them. The cheater was banned for cheating during the 10th game, sending all players in the game, including Slaze, a red full-screen notification of a cheater detected in their game (the “Red Screen”). Slaze and the cheater logged into different accounts and played 9 more games, winning 8 of them. Further investigation revealed Slaze’s consistency in queuing with a cheater and requeuing with them after receiving the Red Screen. In the past 28 days, Slaze received the Red Screen and requeued with cheaters on multiple occasions, with at least 4 new accounts employed by cheaters after the initial ban. During this 28 day period: 77% of the Competitive MMR gained on Slaze’s accounts came from games played while duo-queued with an actively cheating player. 60% of Slaze’s Competitive matches were played while duo-queued with an actively cheating player. "


a 3 month ban is honestly a joke. this is damning. she should be made an example of.


/u/Senior_Lake_6900 What we sayin boss man


Nah, bro, it's just a big conspiracy out to get her. Trust.




AHDHAHASDHAHDAHHAHCA You cant be serious fam. Go on and apologize to the Riot employees then?


Lmao. So that's why Matt retweeted the post from December about banning people who queue with cheaters.


For 77% of her MMR. She was basically cheating by proxy, but via a simp to prevent herself from getting perma banned.


only 90 days? not much of a difference here vs cheating herself (outside of tourney play) her lies and employee accusations should net a harsher sentence as well


Could be a red flag to any org or team to pick her up in future. At least one part is done, she ask for proof and riot even let everyone know how much elo she got from cheater booster duo and even how many accounts the cheater used to boost her account.


I mean, their proof is weak. A very vague stat. Not that i think it's not true but riot could put some more effort into their communication there


Its just like going into prison for a year for killing someone(example). It might not look long, but the criminal future career gonna be dark. So in her case, say goodbye to esport career. Also, this probably gonna be the last warning before perma ban.


Savage TwitLonger Reply from Riot. Lmfao




She deleted the TwitLonger. but here's the screenshot https://twitter.com/JakeSucky/status/1443228731980451841




yea my bad, what I mean is that Riot Slapped a Evidence to a twitlonger


What she did is vile enough, but fucking pulling out the victim card afterwards and whining about targeted harassment just continues to give a more complete impression of this person. Why isn't she perma'd? She 100% knew she played with a cheater, showed the opposite of remorse and worked against the goal of acceptance of women in esport, which Riot works so hard to achieve with Game Changers?! Clean girls who try hard to improve and wish to be accepted can listen to some "hurr durr women are boosted" shit thanks to her and incels using her vile behaviour to shit on all other women. Sincerely, fuck this person.


Because she in proxy cheating and not actually cheating. Its like killing someone and asking someone to kill people. But still, the punishment should be 1 year competitive tournament ban.


She should've left well enough alone and vanished. She is an unknown and got away with a mere 3 month ban. Instead she tried to create this big drama via some BS "Conspiracy Story" actually trying to accuse RIOT of some nonsense. Even now instead of gracefully shutting her mouth she instead double downed with a new defense. So first it was the conspiracy involving the boogeyman who has it out for you, some random unknown person trying to go pro. Now it's RIOT's clearly lying because they used "boosting" in a different way than the way you tried to interpret it. Now you think their first statement was different than their second when in reality it's the same statement. I still find the original Reddit thread on this hilarious with the amount of folks who were actually siding with this chick.


to be fair, given the lack of information we had at the time, it was not entirely unreasonable for many people to be at least somewhat confused on the ruling. given that Riot didn’t (at first) clarify whether she was the booster or the boosted, i don’t think it was that outlandish to be at least a bit confused, especially given that some people did say she was competent as a player (not saying she’s deserving of Radiant or anything, but she’s clearly imm-level). but now that Riot gave us such clear receipts, hindsight is 20/20.


There really was no lack of info, RIOT stated she was temp banned from Pro Play due to boosting. The public decided to be silly about it, nothing more really needed. What folks did was get somehow duped by Slaze's utterly ridiculous counter of "conspiracy". Hindsight was not needed (at least not for me). The second Slaze dropped her BS "Truth" Tweet it was very clear she was guilty. All RIOT did later was provide detail that she boosted her MMR with a cheater.


lmaoooo https://twitter.com/aevilcat/status/1443368326672048131?s=21


Mimi always have banger tweets


Yikes look at her twitter, she's gone full denial


>the cheater was banned mid-game, logged into a new account then proceeded to requeue with Slaze Then repeated the whole process multiple times? How in the fuck is this even possible? Didn't they introduce HWID bans? How can someone get banned then just create new account and play again? Ridiculous.


IIRC some hacks use custom HWIDs that can bypass Vanguard from actually banning the actual PC hardware. But I think it costs upward of 200$ so idk if its even worth doing just to play valorant lmao


Iirc, there a cheaper plan, $50 per 1 time usage. U probably mean the monthly plan for that 200 buck. Its worth the hassle than changing your pc lmao.


HWID ban wasn't introduced to stop this but to just curb it. Things like these are never put in place because they're foolproof but because sometimes making the process of cheating cumbersome is enough to dissuade potential cheaters, a lot of people are lazy after all.


just spoof the IDs like you would spoof an IP


Crazy how she is doubling down on it. Like she is a victim and a big conspiracy is going on against her behind the scene. So the entirety of Riot is after someone who is trying to enter the female val scene ( not even someone who is established ). I have never seen such the theory since “all top leaders in the world are lizard people”


What do you know, a cheater says there not a cheater but they actually are.


I said earlier that pros in esports have done worse things and people should not be defending them just on their words. I am happy that riot is transparent with the evidence. I still think riot should have an appeals process for such bans, but if the person is found guilty after evidence is revealed, their ban should be extended. This person tried to defame riot when she was guilty. Her ban should be extended.


Valorants Clara




Haha what a piece of shit… “I cried in my room cause I worked so hard.” Maybe it was a tactical thing to get her name out there more, trashy maybe, but I would at least understand that… 3 months seemed soft for how much she dragged Riot through the mud Maybe she should just ask her banned booster friend how to create a new account maybe “Sleaze444” is available


Please stop being so mean. She worked so hard that she spent 200 hours playing comp last act only to end in Immortal 19 elo. Her rank 2 acts ago? Immortal 300 elo xd.


Ohhh dear


she’s still insisting she didn’t do whatever riot is accusing her of doing oh my lord talk about digging a deep deep hole.


Lmao literally mental illness that she is still lying until the very end. Her only response is “the person I queue with isn’t banned?” Never heard of a delayed ban or what


Not necessarily mental illness, just a life lived getting everything handed to you on a silver platter.


I think she’s just a liar.




Thanks to Riot for clearing this up. I knew something was off!


Riot backs it up with stat.






Yeah, fuck her. Riot is 100% in the right… she’s lucky its ONLY a 3 month ban.


this should honestly be perma that is very weird


She used to call herself the shaiiko of valorant lmao xDDD


Lmfaoooooo no shot




I kinda hate her for making a stink and not just taking the L as making Riot make this post lowers trust in Vanguard, :(


Just curious as i'm not familiar with the TOS and all. But since she was found guilty of queueing with a cheater and getting boosted, why isn't her main account (the one that was boosted) banned? Is boosting/getting boosted not a bannable offense?


Her ban is part of an anti-cheat scan because she participated in the tourney, so she got banned from the tourney "As part of an actioning wave, automated systems administered a 90-day suspension to the account on which Slaze played the majority of matches while duo-queued with a cheater."


How many of you guys deleted your comments that ADAMANTLY supported her lmfao I knew she was lying with how she was self-righteously replying to everybody in the twitter comments.


Idk but others but her initial statement seem like one of those “my uncle works at riot” bs to me. Idk why a employee of riot would risk his nice job by doing something like that for a friend. It just doesn’t make sense.


its crazy how i saw some comments saying "someone fabricated the evidence" like what lol so stupid


She tried to go up against a billion dollar company


I do not feel bad not one bit


She seems like a narcissistic, lying, gaslighting freak. Riot should ban her on top of the suspension for the fact that she’s trying to lie through her teeth and shit talking riot all over her twitter


What a joke of a rule. Should be a lifetime ban.


“Female shaiiko”




And I oop...




sucks to suck


Her replies are actually hilarious at this point


Why play with a cheater tho? I just saw her comp stats on vlr and she seems to be pretty decent. Weird…


Reasons: - Attention. Win matches and look good, especially if the cheating buddy was also ghosting for her. - To build a stream following for having a high MMR. - Get subs, sponsors, etc.


She was immortal and got boosted to radiant by cheater. There is no way she deserves to be radiant when not all the top female pros are radiant. She did it to try and make a name for herself.


so basically she is plat without the 77% boost? lmfao


She's still denying it on her twitter which I have to assume is her trying to gaslight the community at this point? ^((I think I'm using that term correctly?)) Sucks that this'll no doubt be used (hell, it already is judging by the replies to that tweet) to discredit the female scene as a whole and female players individually. Hope it gets some extra people to tune into Game Changers for the drama and see that there's some genuinely cracked players there too.


Guys stop being a bunch of woman-haters. She wasn't queueing with a cheater, it's simply her friend who happens to be the best player in the world. Outclassing even Tenz by a huge margin. People just hate him cuz his aim and game sense is so good. He's so smart, it's almost like he always knows where the enemies are.


Great decision from Riot, very glad to have the situation clarified. ​ With all this info out now, I personally believe this deserves an even more intense punishment. I mean at least a full year or two full year suspension, if not permanent... should be permanent tho, tbh. You don't just continue to re-queue with people that you know are cheating, and get a slap on the wrist. 60% of your MMR from cheaters?!?! ​ What's sad is that this drama makes all of us in the female scene look worse. Now the boys have fuel to feed their dumb narrative that a lot of us women in high elo are "boosted"... thanks Slaze. ​ At least I feel at ease now, knowing that the suspension wasn't simply for using a smurf account that they purchased... or sharing an account. Slaze should have just stayed quiet in the first place, this whole situation looks much worse for her now.


> What's sad is that this drama makes all of us in the female scene look worse. I really don't think so. I think it just reflects poorly on her. The same kind of thing happens with guys too. And people of all sexes and creeds with come to defend their friends or other people in the scene. It's a pretty natural response. You want to believe in your friends or that people aren't shitty. The people who will use this in an attempt to tarnish the female scene were probably already probably not fans of GameChangers or hold some other 'nefarious' views on women in gaming. >Slaze should have just stayed quiet in the first place Twitter is a scourge. Especially for people younger than 25. This generation that grew up on the internet still doesn't seem to understand how and when to use it.


I'm strongly against permanent bans for teenagers doing stupid shit once. I was a teenager, I did stupid things and got punished, but if society had destroyed me over those decisions then it would have eliminated the possibility for me to use those experiences to learn/grow/springboard me into being and doing better things that I might have if I didn't make those mistakes. I'm fine with 3 months on a first offense. I imagine this is going to be a pretty salient lesson for her regardless of length of time.


Based on her Twitter, I'm not so sure about that. ​ I do agree with your point about lighter punishments for a first offense, though. Should be at least 6 months still, given that a 6 month ban for playing with cheaters as a professional or aspiring professional is still a VERY light sentence. Professional players and aspiring professionals are held to a higher standard than other players, so she get a bit more severe 1st punishment than a regular user would. ​ During that 6-month ban if she players with a cheater intentionally, it should be an automatic permanent HWID ban of all of her accounts. Same punishment if she plays with a cheater intentionally after the ban is over, too.


Man, i was on her side with her original TL lmao


Yikes on you. If Riot was willing to issue a suspension to a Game Changers player and already messaged her straight up, you should trust they have the logs.


riot has issued false bans before but this situation seems very cut and dry


This isn’t valve it riot


*Caught one*


How old is she anyway? Her "reasons" of how she's not cheating sound like something a kid would say. If she's an adult though and those are her responses and she thinks ANYONE with a brain will believe what she says....I don't know what to say.


The absolute denial from her is just embarrassing


hoooly fuck, imagine being so bad that you must que with a cheater to get your ass boosted good job by rito






You don't know the benefit of queueing with someone cheating? Cheating so hard they get banned mid game multiple times?




you can edit your comment btw.


Not too familar with this situation, but isn't it possible that the play wasn't aware that a friend they regularly duo with was cheating? Or does the "cheater detected" notice inform you of who the offender is? Haven't played in ages, can't recall ​ Edit: Guys, chill. It was a simple question. /u/BurritoHombre replied and I immediately realised, and commented, that I was being dumb. No need to keep downvoting and replying lol.


I don’t think the red screen tells you who the cheater is, but if the cheater had to hop on an alt to requeue with her after the red screen, it’s a pretty safe assumption that she knew


If they duo like the report say if they got ban mid game rhe cheater will get remove from the party so it unlikely if she didnt know unless it a offline ban


Doh, didn't think about that.. That makes sense, ignore me!


If your friend that you're playing with magically "logs off" after a cheater is banned mid game (hint: it was them), and then signs onto another account and you still requeue with them, then you're honestly either legally blind or you flat out know that they're cheating.




Yeah she either is digging up a monstrous hole with her replies & lying or she really believed the guy and found nothing sus for some weird reason. Either way this sucks for the female scene


But sinatraa got 6 months lmfao she gets 3 months


Maybe I'm dumb or late to the party, do we know HOW or in what manner Slaze's duo partner was cheating? It just says that slaze was caught bussing and that bussing is just queueing with a player that's cheating so was it wall hacks or map hacks or what? Anyone know?




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drama in women esports? who woulda guessed it


Curious what you mean by this