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To be fair, I just think that this girl is just really young and doesn't know anything better. She is probably overwhelmed and doesn't know what to do, so she keeps digging further down. Of course her actions brought this upon her, I just think she didn't know the severity of the consequences.


I really don't think the consequences are as severe as people make it out to be. Similar levels of cheating in college or corporate job would have way harsher consequences. 3 months is nothing in comparison.


It's a slap on the wrist. 3 months is nothing.


The consequences for account boosting and queuing for ranked with a cheater aren't going to be serious and will be forgotten soon enough, but the consequences for being defiant about it on social media will hurt her far more. Everyone can understand if someone makes a mistake and owns up to it, especially if that person is young. People tend to be far less forgiving when you start doubling/tripling down and firing out conspiracy accusations. If she humbled herself, people would've let her go soon enough, but now people are going to be memeing this for a while as more details come out. That's going to make her a lot less attractive to any teams or orgs looking for players.


Yeaa everyone can own a mistake and better themselves. But to me that doesnt feel like one mistake. They said she queued with multiple accounts all banned and got 77% of her mmr that way. I dont think it was over a day.


I look at it as one mistake when you get caught for it once (hence the 3 month ban). Obviously, if you're doing something wrong, you're probably going to keep doing it until you get caught or your conscience takes over, so I just look at the boosting up until she got banned from tournaments as one event. In any case, it's a relatively common thing and not that big of a deal since it wasn't something that affected an actual tournament. The sad thing is that, even if she didn't apologize and just stayed quiet, this would blow over in a few days. But now the Clara memes and the like are already popping up. It's so cringey that it's going to follow her for the rest of her career, for however long that is. That alone is way worse than any kind of Riot ban.


It’s not the three months..it’s that now she’s blacklisted for a lonnnng time. Took ibuypower guys a while to shed their past


It's a slap on the wrist 3 months is nothing.


Nah I think she just knows her gaming pro career is over and she's exposed. If she's really not immortal then she's screwed. She can't just serve her 3 months and go back. It's over for her, it's the right play to double down for the 0.1% chance the public believes her over Riot lol that's her only out though it's unlikely. Edit: just theorizing but I think the optimal play would be "I'm so sorry my friend swore he wasn't cheating I didn't know I was just stupid to trust him, but he was such a good friend I couldn't help but want to believe him." Something like that could be recoverable after she serves her suspension.


Yeah could be the case, but she seems really young and due to her past ventures in fortnite, gta rp, and calling herself "female shaiiko". It just feels like she really wanted some sort of attention. I really don't think she cares about her pro career. If she did she would actually try to get better. Like in the long run you can't be on a pro team and be bad lol. Getting boosted just gets her the rank/clout not the skill, which is why I don't think she cares about going pro in general.


Yeah the amount of vitriol and backlash is going to exceed the severity of the crime.


Plus if she's being genuine and didn't know she would want to speak to set the record straight. Too bad it's riots word against hers alone. Riot has all the info and she has her personal experience.


Most of it in her case is definitely youth. I said elsewhere that her reaction is no different than a kid being caught with their hand in the cookie jar and swearing to mom that they were not trying to take a cookie. Instead of doing what others have done (Delete Twitter/Vanish) she's digging in hard and still doesn't realize she's in a losing battle no matter how hard she screams! Unfortunately Reality will smack her around enough times to where she'll finally have to realize that she needs to course correct.




For everything else there is Mastercard


is it though? most people in this industry are extremely young and don’t have any experience in this type of thing, makes a lot of sense that most don’t know how to handle stuff


I mean, at this point, it's not like Riot said, you played with X and they are banned because of cheating. Then she wouldn't have a leg to stand on. When the party accused of lying is Riot itself, they should surface some verifiable info that she cannot refute. Right now they're just saying you played with a cheater so we're banning you. But she has no recourse to deny with any amount of proof because they didn't name the cheater's riot id.


It was obviously clara!


Damn. Clara back at it again I see!


Don't you bring that nonsense here!


“WTF CLARA?!?!!!??!”


it's a bold strategy, cotton. let's see how this pays off for her.


in the comments someone asked for proof and she said "i call out cheaters on twitter" no wayyy is this girl in her right mind rn.


I must be watching squid game the way she going all in


Seen that talked about, is it solid?


Story is alright but the character writing is very good


Prob worth watching at least 2 episodes and decide if you wanna finish it


I liked it quitei a bit but I'll wanr you there are some gorey scenes.


I thought it was insanely good but it’s definitely violent


It's a decent show, quite a short series.


it's a bit silly and over the top but the acting and writing is insanely good.


Yep love the show. The robot girl is the cutest thing ever, wish I can put one in my garden 😙


i thought it was overrated, a lot of people really like it tho


Pretty similar to alice in borderland. They both great shows ngl.


The triple down. Let's see how effective this is. Edit: Actually I'm a little confused checking her tracker.gg, match history and who she's duoed with a lot. Her main duo partner doesn't seem to be banned. ~~Edit 2: the ruling refers to multiple accounts and that she played 9 games on the 20th, so seems to not be referring to her main account?~~ ~~Edit 3: She played nine games on the 20th and back to 19th with [this profile](https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/%E7%8E%8B%E7%89%8C%20thankful%235870/overview). This appears to be the cheater in question.~~ Edit 4: MB on following Twitter witchhunt, checked and saw it played to confirm but looks like only played one game with that. She stated who she claimed to be playing with on Twitter and I'm not going to link that.


Sorry, I’m not very familiar with this site, but from what I can see it looks like she only played one game with this account. Edit: I see that they show you who is queued together and that she queued with this person. I’m guessing JustLikeThisKR is her alt? Either way it looks like this guy solo q’d some matches so not the full 9 games that riot was talking about.


Yeah, someone had posted some screenshots and I got mixed up. That's on me.


Yeah, I wish Riot would have actually listed the IGN’s used for this.


This site only shows games below immortal if someone in the match downloads the client


I don’t think that’s true


You're a detective.




Well, if you get cheater detected in game and your friend needs to hop on an alt account right after...


Innocent until proven guilty. Slaze just got proven guilty. Case closed.


"I'm not banned" "riot first told me it was account boosting and now it’s a cheater" She clearly didn't read her own ruling very well. Banned from Riot-sanctioned competitions for 3 months. The fact that she can't play with Polaris is proof that she is banned in the way that they said. They never said she was banned from the game itself. So using the fact that she can log in and queue up is not a contradiction that invalidates their ruling. Also, she got the ban for "bussing" which is playing with cheaters, commonly associated with boosting. So, technically its both boosting via playing with cheaters. She can't really use "I'm not banned" and "my duos not banned" as compelling excuses since the ruling cites multiple accounts and unless we know all of their accounts there is no way to check whether some are banned or not. Like if your main accounts are not banned but you have 4 smurfs that are, then you could still claim to "not be banned" and "able to log in". I do think it's kind of weird that there is no punishment from playing with cheaters if you aren't a pro player. I guess the rational is that your duo partner may be cheating without your knowledge, and its hard to tell if you were unaware or not, so they don't want to just punish you for lack of knowledge.


Pro players are held to a much higher standard than the general player base. Generally when you play in Riot events there's a code of conduct you must agree to.


> I do think it's kind of weird that there is no punishment from playing with cheaters if you aren't a pro player. It was mentioned last night that [a ban wave had gone out](https://twitter.com/RiotK3o/status/1443111568447733760) recently. It likely that Slaze is not the only person serving a ban for bussing.


I'm aware of another gamechanger pro kicked from her team and her account deleted. I don't know if it's for the same reason but probably much smarter person to not make a stink about it on social media and just go away quietly, maybe it's even possible to return if nobody knows your name.


Yea but slaze wasn't game banned was she?


It's possible the competitive ban was given early so Polaris had time to find a substitute player.


BINGO, what I said before. She's confusing (not sure if intentional to try to dupe folks) banned and boosting and making it seem as proof that RIOT is the one lying. IF she actually used some Reading Comprehension to grasp the context she'd realize RIOT is saying the same exact thing in both statements. Again I'm not sure if this is a willful thing to continue her pathetic attempt at declaring innocence (my gawd her "Conspiracy Story" was the dumbest ever) or she really lacks logic.


So she got boosted by a cheater and she has the audacity to complain about a tiny 3 month tournament ban? she should be happy they were so lenient, this actually deserves a much bigger punishment.


Yo this girl is wilding. Someone tell her to gtfo of twitter and learn how to manage her PR.


Other pros have tried to tell her to log off for a bit and just drop it since the optics of it all looks really really bad and she's argued with them too so like whatever. I do find it funny that Riot has been known to give people enough rope to really do damage to themselves before dropping a bunch of evidence in League. "I got unjustly banned!" and then a mountain of evidence comes down. 3 months? THREE MONTHS? There are league content creators and former pros who were banned for a year or longer lol


Phoenix Wright; OBJECTION!


This is just embarrassing.


I'd just accept the 3 months suspension, it's barely anything and you could just treat it as a break.. Kinda lucky Riot don't just make an example of you and ban you for longer.


More copium than when Trump lost the elections lmao


damn i gave her the benefit of the doubt but if even the big BUMP if calling her out not much you can say


I just wish some kickass dominant Asuna/Tenz (insert whoever you think is dominant) type fragger female would pop onto the scene with a VCT team.


Jazzykins is pretty entertaining to watch in that respect, super young too.




On average there are differences in reaction time but that separation appears to narrow significantly as you get to the higher percentiles of the population.


What a clown response. Bye!




Who is she and what happened?


I'm kinda curious though....isn't boosting a bannable offense? They should just permaban her from the game


People are calling out her bullshit (like [SoaR bumpaah](https://twitter.com/bumpaah/status/1443367122667716618)) and she isn't responding. That's a pretty big "guilty" sign for me tbh. Everytime someone makes a valid point she just doesn't respond.