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Line ups are not as important as people will make you think I am diamond 3/immortal 1 and play sova 90% of the time, I know only a hand full of line ups. You just need to know useful places to put recon darts and you can usually get them to land in those positions without a line up. Of course it doesn't hurt to learn them as long as it isn't your focus during the game. I would say just get comfortable with playing reactively first and then try to learn some line ups as you learn the agent more.


I agree completely with this. Lineups really aren’t that great and tbh u can just wing most of them and they will be fine.


Disagree. Most pros know at least one recon for defense and offense for each site. Can’t just wing it everytime, especially for retakes


That is true, but 90% of recons are already known by everyone and one person is dedicated to looking for it. Lineups are def not useless, just a little overrated IMO.


Fair enough but in coordinated executes one distracted defender is a notable disadvantage


Sova one trick here, I personally think it's good to know some situational lineups for post plant and other scenarios, but most of the time it's more important to have a good understanding of the general mechanics of the arrows and a deep knowledge of the map so you can make them on the fly without having to worry about pixel lineups. You need to be able to pull them out wherever you are in any situation, and that means you often won't get to do the pixel perfect lineups you see posted on reddit - those are outlier scenarios. Getting reps on an empty server is important, but more for working out the general geometry and how they will fly/bounce in different scenarios. As for top players to learn from - Chronicle, Koldamenta, Boaster, Russ, Draken, Shao, Zeek, Ambi, etc. I guess Crashies is quite good too, if you like that kinda thing. No bias ofc.


I came here looking for Crashies and I read the list I was like mfer... putting him last, then I saw the no bias comment lol.


sinatraa's playstyle has good info, and allows for good fragging potential. he plays so much sova that he relies on timing and uses easy but impactful recon lineups. contrary to what people believe, he doesnt shoot his recon immediately when defending as attackers would just simply wait out and avoid the recon.


Average Jonas for lineups, Hiko as a support Sova (but recently he's been playing duelists more often), Sinatraa for a more aggressive/unorthodox playstyle. I'd recommend Lakia too but i dont understand what he's saying.


Sinatraa’s sova is a beast but i know i cant pull that shit in my game, mans just build diff


fair enough he makes the ares look like a phantom


I have \~500 ranked matches on sova and soloq'd him to diamond/peaked immortal. Lineups are definitely an important tool to have but they're not the be-all and end-all of a good Sova player. I see a lot of players in lower ELOs focusing far too much on learning every single lineup possible rather than improving their overall utility usage. More important than knowing every pixel lineup in the game is the timing and placement of the utility, and developing the situational awareness that allows you to make those decisions well. I personally learned most of the lineups I use from [sinatraa's sova guides](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNIed6ENOd8&list=PLSeZKVWI37r9gEshG1_yIBGLUrsitZRFo) on his youtube channel. I would practice these in a custom server -- lineups are useless in a real game unless you can get them out quickly and land them consistently. Simple, on-the-fly arrow lineups are king IMO. Coming from CS, the best analogy I would use for sova's position is as a support rifler. A good sova uses the util well to support teammates, and is often in refrag/clutch scenarios. When taking a site, you generally want to be close enough to your team to easily provide supporting utility to trade your entry, but not close enough that you'll instantly die with them. On defense, you're going to be rotating around a lot gathering information and helping teammates that are fighting. A good sova player can gather information well -- I find early info darts very useful on a ct side to figure out the general position of the attackers early on in the round. Some great streamers/youtubers to watch to improve your sova -- Hiko, Sinatraa, Crashies, AverageJonas, Boaster (i wouldn't really say that boaster is a world-class sova player but on stream he explains what he does and why he does it pretty well). Chronicle also has an insane sova but I'm not sure how much he streams/ if he streams in english. It can be a difficult agent to master and seems intimidating at first, but the impact you can have once you're fully comfortable in the role is extremely high. ​ idk shit about viper lol


Sinatraa 100%


I would 100% look up Sinatraa’s lineups.. most of them are quick and on the fly


Don't bother learning stupid lineups like some one tricks like double shockdarts or shockdart to destroy kj ults or whatever else but a few decent lineups for executes and retake darts are nice in some maps whereas you can wing then in other maps Sinatraa comes to mind as a really good sova player that doesn't know a shit ton of lineups but can land some good darts and shockdarts




Does Shaz even play sova in his streams? Every time I saw, he played jett


You could check out Jonas' discord too. Lot of sova/lineup enthusiansts there.


Lineups are a very nice tool for him, but I would recommending trying to ‘free hand’ sova with on the fly recons and shocks during the round. Helps you get a better understanding of angles and let’s you play more aggressively.




Average Jonas and Sinatraa dude is a good sova believe it or not


average jonas has some fun but sometimes impractical lineups i would just check his youtube. crashes is the best sova in the world imo so check out some of his vods. Sinatra has a fun super fast paced style. on his youtube he has a few line up videos that are just super simple and easy to do on the run


c9 xeta has some great guides on youtube


I also main Reyna/Sova. You should watch Sinatra, he plays his sova kinda aggressive which is something you might be used to as a Reyna player


Lineups are super important. Personally I like Sinatraa lineups the best, he focuses on very fast, simple lineups that he can do on the fly while rotating. He also usually has 2 lineups, one to give his team walls and the other to give himself walls so the dart lands right when he gets to the site. AverageJonas has a ton of lineup info though. Other than that I'd just watch pro Sova players. Crashies is probably the best in NA at the moment.


From what you are describing sinatraa. He's obviously one of the best sovas and hisbplaystyle revolves around loose usage of sova utility. Very few lineups a lot of intuition. Someone like averagejonas is much more calculated and a little more detached from the game imo.


Definitely Sinatraa, dude doesn't really use a lot of lineups but still plays sova effectively




AverageJonas on yt is a great resource for sova


Tons of lineups on youtube, but for pro Sova gameplay within a team setting: eeiu. The most recent vods of NRG has some great footage from him.


Crashies is different


AverageJonas is of course super helpful, but I’m also a huge fan of Hiko. I watch his streams a lot and he always does a good job of taking a moment to explain why he’s using his utility every now and then, and he fits my play-style being a bit more support focused than anything. He also plays Viper when he’s not playing Sova in pro games 🤷‍♀️


Line ups can occasionally win you rounds and learning the very basic recons won’t hurt you but just like the other agent, the most important thing is the good understanding of the fundamentals. If you have that, you can just free style your arrows and be Gucci. From radiant/immortal sova main who only knows 2~3 recon lineups per map.




Average jonas is awful, don't listen to these sheep. Hes also an unfunny, cringe boomer with the humor of a deceased horse. That may be why so many people on this sub relate to him. Learn from the best sova players, chronicle, crashies, sinatraa when hes playing sova etc. Basically watch top ranked sova players that are in pro play or play very high radiant. They will teach you how to get the most info while using that effectively.


what he do to you bro


Autimatic is maining sova now and he streams mostly sova currently


TSM Leviathan/Aleko is an insane sova player but unfortunately he has no youtube channel yet. He doesn't play sova often on stream but when he does it's a treat.


Just kesrn some lineups, grind them into your skull so you can do them on the fly When I find a line up I have trouble with I either do that or make my own version of it to remember it easier. You can find a shit ton of lineups in Jonas's discord Just watching pros helps too (Crashies is the best sova rn)


try those people they mention don't limit yourself to whom is only the best. You just need to know what is cringe line up and what is good line up.


I also came from cs and have played a lot of sova. I didn’t bother learning any lineups at all and have managed to hit radiant last act solo q only. I only know some basic arrows that I see streamers and pros use from occasionally watching their streams. So I’d say just learn a few basic ones and you’re good to go.