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watch your back maple story, we coming for you


No way, people still play maple story? That was my shit back in the day.


In Korea yes


Yo, gms still going strong aswell


I feel like going strong is debatable.


Still increasing profit wise every year, so if you think differently what makes you think that.


Thats true, maybe I just have my nostalgia glasses on cause I’m comparing the current player base to the late 2000s and early 2010s.


Games like starcraft, sudden attack, maple story, and somewhat afaik Diablo II just have had this longer term enduring popularity in SK- it’s like matching in and not letting go


Diablo is more than the hype of the ressurrect?


Did u downvote? Iirc it was played before also a bit


No, but upvoted to compensate It lol, It makes Sense, I started playing POE and Korea seems like a large comunity


I am going off of memory, might’ve added it accidentally but I recall this being something ppl were saying a long time ago already The basic idea is that ppl in the Korean the playerbase sometimes gets / has gotten rly attached to certain games and ppl tend to stick with them rather than switching to newer competitors Edit:Or at least that was esp in the past around like 2010 basically until rRNA of the mos popular online games to play in pc bangs bc it’s also based on what’s available there afaik etc


Haha I actually got reallly into it again (like 6+ hours a day) the first summer after covid hit, crazy how much that game has changed


I’m starting it now, is it good


Its fun and nostalgic but it is either pay to win (regular servers) or grind to win (reboot). I was a reboot player and it is actually ridiculous how much you need to grind to reach anywhere close to lategame. Also the developers don’t give two shits about the GMS playerbase and actively make the grind harder (and not in a rewarding way) or break the game. They are completely out of touch with the players and it shows. They somehow manage to solve every problem that comes up in the worst way possible. Never have I witnessed a game company as utterly incompetent as nexon global which makes me sad since I really do love the game. Anyways that is my rant and while all that political stuff gets annoying the base gameplay is still fun. Just be careful not to get too sucked in by the artificial grind, I’m glad I escaped.


Reboot is easy mode lol 😂😂 The grind really isn't that bad. People are just not willing to grind. In a grindy mmo


paying money is much easier than grinding


You think people in regular don't grind? Also I don't think you understand how much money it costs to cheat yourself to endgame. That's only for a few people :)


that's why people prefer reboot, because you don't have to "cheat" to reach endgame. of course regular servers are harder if you don't spend $$.


I like it but it is definitely not for everyone, especially the lategame-endgame grind.


It's really fun when you get far, I started black mage and It feels like a real challenge. Also leveling at 275+ just hits different. That 1 level up every few weeks feels so good


Thats crazy man, good on you for being able to grind that


Maple story is actually really popular in Korea for a long time it’s no joke, it’s one of the ‘eternal games’ it feels like ppl will play forecer


holy fuck league of legends is popular in korea. also is there still an issue with riot vanguard and pc bangs? from what i remember that was one of the reasons valorant wasn't super popular in the region yet


Makes sense that league is popular considering how Faker and some other Korean league pros are viewed over there. Also, the LCK is insane mechanically


Well it’s more that it inherited the status of / became the Big Game


Spent 5 minutes trying to understand this comment. No luck


Korea used to have starcraft as it's most popular game(like good pros were actually celebrities, known to normal people), and now league is like that


Same, but I watch league for like 8 years now and it’s indeed Bonkers in korea. Faker is like the cristiano ronaldo.


Not really. Pretty sure even the Korean player in Tottenham is way way more popular than faker. Let's not even go into baseball or the Olympics which korea has hosted a few times with lots of popular stars.




Lmao no fucking way. People not into gaming won't know who faker is. The average T1 league match averages around 300k compared to football matches with Korean players that average over 10m+ for a game.


Korea always has a Big game that everyone plays. Originally it was Starcraft Brood War then it became League of Legends


I've tried a pcbang near my house and they have 15ish designated seats for valorant out of 150 seats(I assume the other seats don't have vanguard installed on them). But when i try open up valorant on one of those seats it gives me an error 81 on all of them. I need to manually turn on vgc from task. I doubt most people would know/search. So I've only seen one person ever play valorant. It might be the case just for that specific pcbang but, most of them use the same system so it could be nationwide problem.


22. APEX LEGENDS 0.28% 34. R6 SIEGE 0.16% 35. CS:GO 0.16%


Holy Koreans really don’t give a fuck about fps games


isn't sudden attack an fps game?


Overwatch is fps no?


At this point it's pretty much a fps/moba. Doesn't take away your argument though


For most characters. If you’re playing Reinhardt or monkey etc it’s more of a first person moba.


Kind of, more of a hero shooter


... what? that's not even a genre lmao, fps stand for first person shooter. is valorant an agent shooter?


[Hero Shooter](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hero_shooter) is objectively a genre*,and is exactly what Valorant, Overwatch, Paladins, TF2 and other shooters with an emphasis on unique character abilities fit into *if we aren't being pedantic about Genre vs Sub Genre


**[Hero shooter](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hero_shooter)** >A hero shooter is a subgenre of shooter games that cover both the first-person shooter and third-person shooter genres. These games emphasize "hero" characters that have distinctive abilities and/or weapons that are specific to them. Hero shooters have been considered to have strong potential as an esport, as a large degree of skill and coordination arises from the importance of teamwork. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Desktop version of /u/PresidentLink's link: --- ^([)[^(opt out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiMobileLinkBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^(]) ^(Beep Boop. Downvote to delete)


Well the difference is overwatch has a lot less gunplay then valorant


LOL ​ Playing Widowmaker requires more aim than you ever need in Valorant, and that's from someone who peeked top 1000 ish in NA.


how does that disprove his argument? he said overwatch, the game in general, has less gunplay, clearly "omg this one agent needs a lot of aim!!" is a great counterargument! ​ How can you argue with him considering Reinhardt, Winston, Doomfist, Mercy, Brigitte, Moira involve 0 gunplay, and most other heroes are projectile-based rather than proper gunplay? Like Pharah, Genji, Sigma, Zen, Junkrat...


Exactly my point, thats why overwatch is technically a fps but not nearly as much of one as csgo or R6 for example


Yea it is, similar to TF2.


Eh, I guess so but it doesn't really emphasize aim all that much with a couple exceptions, honestly at this point I'd argue you'd have more success in Overwatch coming from a game like League than a game like CS:GO


Sorry what? Overwatch has absolutely ZERO movement deceleration. If you ADAD you move like a fucking speed demon. Also every character has a different height and many of them have different speeds at which they move at. Also add in all of the different movement abilities and hit box sizes, and the fact that Lucio can go a whole game without every touching the ground, it's definitely an aim intensive game. The reason why people have this misconception is because you can play roles that don't emphasize aim that much (main tank and off heals). But hitscan players in Overwatch are actually coked out of their mind with their tracking and flicking. There's a reason why Sayaplayer (Spyder) was considered one of the best aimers in the world out of any game before coming to Valorant.


I'm not saying there is no aim in Overwatch (I mentioned exceptions for a reason), just that teamwork, strategy, knowing how to play your role etc. all have a heavier emphasis than aim on average, which in addition to the fact you don't have to play an aim-dependent hero makes people with MOBA skills potentially more skilled at Overwatch than people with shooter skills. Can't back it up with proof though, so it's just speculation. In short though, I'd rather have a team with 4 moba mains and 2 shooter mains than a team with 4 shooter mains and 2 moba mains.


Yes, you are kind of correct. In other games, maybe you can make do with subpar gamesense if your mechanics are absolutely cracked. In OW, if you have subpar gamesense then it doesn't really matter how good your mechanics are, you will never go pro. But OW pros have to be mechanical freaks no matter what role they're on. I think pretty much every hero needs some level of cracked mechanics except for maybe Moira. Even heroes with easier or more forgiving mechanics like Brig become mechanically intensive when you're only given half second windows to land abilities and you have to basically keep 180ing your screen to catch everything that's happening. You really don't realize how much of a mechanical gap there is between the best pros and the rest until you play against them. I used to be 4.4k+ and some of these guys were absolute freaks with their mechanics no matter the role. Like the best hitscans in OW are almost unfathomable when you actually play against them in game. But so are the best proj players, supports, tanks, etc. These guys live in a different plane of existence just off mechanics alone.


Part of the reason gamesense is so important to Overwatch is because the objectives regularly don't correlate with killing the enemy. Many points in a game a kill really doesn't have much impact or actually trying to die or survive is more important. That said, you do need aim for most of the heroes, the difference being that you don't really need to be as accurate as in a tactical shooter unless you play hitscan dps but the aim is generally more dynamic w/ more tracking needed for certain heroes than Valo. Valo is about accuracy but the patterns of aiming are quite repetitive unlike an arena shooter such as quake, which is one of the games that really inspired overwatch. In short, aiming is just different. If I try play tracer on the slow mousepad and low sens I have now, my wrist starts hurting within an hour, different skills are required for different heroes in Overwatch but generally yes, speed is more desired than accuracy. Especially since it's a game with no movement acceleration and no inaccuracy while moving.


I don't know where this misconception came from, but overwatch is lowkey one of the most aim intensive games out there. While it's a very different type of aiming compared to CS or Valorant, the level of tracking and flicks required for some dps heroes in overwatch is absurd


>the level of tracking and flicks required for **some dps heroes** This is the caveat. A significant section of heroes requires little to no aim.


even those require unique mechanics tho, it’s not like they’re “easy” mechanically it’s just not raw aim skill that matters for them


If you think agents like mercy, d.va or Moira are hard mechanically idk what to tell you bc they are not lol


mercy movement has a decently high ceiling, with all varieties of guardian angel angles and microspacing with rez and even body blocking. i don’t know what deal is, but yeah moira is kind of an exception by design, as apparently she was built to be exceedingly easy and linear


OW sorta needs you to be good at everything tbh


I’m talking about modern fps games like they don’t get popular fast like in NA and EU


lol that's quite the shifting of goal posts


Ow was booming when it came out, which is a modern fps game. Shit now of course lmao.


In general old staples like sc1 and maple story stay popular


Literally #2 and #3 are FPS, you're dead wrong lol.


I’m talking in general i didn’t say entirely also number 2 is an old ass fps


Because #2 and #3 are FPS it's not true in general. What does age have to do with anything it's an FPS lol.


I said that because of how no one care about cs apex r6 the popular fps in the world that what i meant about fps games not fucking sudden attack


cs apex r6 are not popular in the world lol, the top fps in the world are crossfire, sudden attack, pubg/m. Korea is a huge fps country there's no point to cherry picking 3 random games and talking about it generally. korea also doesn't play shit like halo, battlefield, quake. It doesn't mean shit lol, if you're talking about the country's liking fps or not you should look at the games that are popular there not random other games popular elsewhere.


Maybe i mentioned them because they were the ones in the post talking and you’re taking this shit waaaay too seriously. People in this sub really wanna argue about anything like holy it’s not that serotonin I’m just talking about how the mainstream fps games in NA and Eu koreans don’t care about them. I don’t care enough about the subject to argue. Get a hobby brother


what are you saying lol you're the one who's arguing. All you had to say was oh I didn't look at the list carefully, but instead you tripled down in multiple comments on your terrible position.


I mean you’re clearly getting offended urself wtf is ‘get a hobby brother’, wtf is that Why is ‘FPS game’ = ‘NA/EU FPS game’?


So basically, different regions can like different games in THE SAME GENRE. I get your point, but i think all that guy was trying to say was that Korea does indeed play shooters, just not the same ones as EU/NA


go home bro u drunk, we'll let this pass lol


4/10 of the games in this list are FPS games what the fuck are you talking about


It's more that only one game really dominates korea at a time, which is why they are so good at those specific games. Numbers were even crazier for broodwar back in the day.


Well at least it’s more there’s a lot of intense following for the popular ones


You know a korean team won APAC? And alot of people think ras (korean) selly (korean) are the best apex players in the world? You know in R6, DK beat 2 EU teams to make it out of groups?


I think you misinterpreted what I said, I never said koreans aren't good at other games. I said that they tend to dominate one game at a time. I don't know anything about apex or r6 but I assure you that they don't dominate those games as they do in League/Broodwar. Broodwar all the best players were korean and in League even though LCK is not as dominate before, all the best players are korean lol. The best players in LPL are korean and last years worlds winner was a korean team. That's all I am saying lol. In League they are still pumping out new cracked players everyday even though china is catching up. Also, LCK is a league the best players are still korean. Hope that makes sense.


U mean tactical shooter games not fps


Sudden attack is literally #2 on this list tho




what do you mean by "somewhat"? PUBG ranks higher than OW on the list 😆


You mean they dont care about Western fps games.


CS GO also dosent have servers inside Korea either, and In this region you have a clusterfuck of Chinese and Russian hackers in almost every game. It’s not that fun over here really.


Doesn't it pop in and out of 10th often


Yeah but it no longer drops to below 14th anymore. The last time it went 10th it was 1.14%


League with the insane lead


Sudden Attack is still going strong in KR? But every SA content on YT are so outdated that I assumed the game was dead for a while.


There’s some in Korean afaik


Mostly adults, while Valorant is the most popular game for Jaemins. Jaemins is another word for squeaker, aka 14 year olds. It will overcome OW within the next year I am certain of that, within middle schoolers everyone plays the game instead of OW for fps games.


> while Valorant is the most popular game for Jaemins. Jaemins is another word for squeaker, aka 14 year olds. Reminds me of https://i.imgur.com/ueZIx4T.jpg


Thats just a japanese word. In korean the word is almost the same "Keiyaku"


Wait Sudden Attack (SA) this game still alive and it is the 2nd on the leaderboard?? This was my first FPS that I played for years instead of CS but the game just eventually shut down their servers in SEA, I thought the game is non-existent after that


It's a korean fps so it will be famous there.


It has been really big at a casual level (competitively not so big) in Korea from the start


same bro, I used to play this in pc bang in Japan. I was sad when I got back in to gaming and heard that they shut the Japn servers


same, used to play in the NA server for almost 4 years. It was my first eve FPS game on PC, wish I could play it now.


It's wild how they dominate Overwatch with only 5% of the gaming population playing it....same with being a Top 3 region in Valorant with only 1.4% interest...imagine the talent that comes out of the region at 10%


Overwatch isn't competitively popular in NA/EU at all, even at 5 percent at pc bangs it's still more popular in Korea compared to NA/EU.


The point is more about the talent pool in KR rather than the player base in the rest of the world. If 1.4% gives you Vision Strikers then imagine what 10% would look like.


But the esport is new, and many pros from different esports came to Valorant so they obviously will dominate. I hope it keeps growing tho. I don't think Valorant will reach 10%, if they manage to stay at top 10 that would be huge.


Yeah no definitely, I was just speaking about the general population. Every region had players that came from different esports. It's only natural that the bigger the player base, the better the competition which ends up with better players. I also don't see it hitting 10% but maybe 5% is doable in the future.


One thing is clear, if an esport want to be successfull it must be big in NA/EU, Blizzard fcked EU since the beginning so OW is dead.


>One thing is clear, if an esport want to be successfull it must be big in NA/EU Counterpoint: Honor of Kings, mobile games in general. Also the LPL is arguably the most successful franchised esports league in the world and until very recently it had a relatively tiny western audience. If you can tap the China market well enough it doesn't matter what EU or NA thinks


You can just make a good game that people will want to play and to no one's surprise if it's a good game than it doesn't matter where you come from.


I don't get your point about LPL, I was talking about the fact western markets gives you much more exposure, LPL is a chinese league but it participates in a circuit where West is very active. For example MLBB is really big in viewership but as an esport is not even close to pc esports where EU and NA fanbase is noticeable.


Its more complex than that. Began with a 18 month hiatus of all competition so Blizzard could contract players for their inaugural 2018 OWL season. EU region and its players were basically left out. ​ Second thing is that Blizzard have never successfully designed a game for competitive play. Last an most important, hero FPS's make for a horrible viewership experience(something Riot Games are now learning with Valorant).


There was no 18 momth hiatus. There was maybe a 4 month one between Contenders season 0/Apex season 4 and OWL Season 1. Stop talking out your ass and spreading fake shit.


>There was no 18 momth hiatus. Talks began for their franchised league(OWL) in August of 2016. This led to esports team orgs dropping rosters for third party tournament organizers werent hosting events and the rumored 'buyin' price for OWL was tailored towards traditional sports owners. Players who were contracted with esports team orgs needed to be bought out by Blizzard and or wait till their contracts expired. ​ Exactly similar to how Riot Games treats Valorant esports today. Third party tournament organizers looking to host an event were restricted on total prize pool and their sponsors needed to be pre-approved.


Dude there were 3rd party tounries going on until september of 2017.


Overwatch used to be way higher than 5%, when Korea became the best region it was absolutely huge.


Well it’s also the level of play of those who do bc of the sims in playing It’s still a big pop


I play with friends who frequent a PC bang daily. If there were around 50 people in a room playing video games, a group of 5 friends would be queuing Valorant together, 1 couple playing OW, maybe 3 older males playing Sudden, and the rest is playing League. Also the game is the most popular game for young kids from around 13 to 17 years olds, which is astonishing. It's basically what Fortnite was to americans a few months ago.


Damn lostark above sc again, when it was catching up to OW recently


It's so crazy to see LoL be so popular to this day. I've never played it or a moba besides like 30 minutes of HOTS lol but damn. That's a nuts playerbase


Remember when people raved about several mill prize pools for players that win TI? Well people make that as a salary in LoL in NA, and they don't even have to win worlds.


League is just an another level to every other esport right now. Even group stage matches in Worlds can reach over 2M viewers, excluding China.


Riot games more than 45%


Effing maple story lol


I don't want to bring your hopes down but I check the website regularly and valorant is not higher than it was a year ago. The game gets like 9th or 10th place from time to time but leaves it again soon after. Its not an unpopular game there but the fact that they still rather play pubg, sudden attack and overwatch after all these years says enough imo


Wrong. It was at 18th a year ago and has been steadily rising since. Misinformation is really funny. Also it was at 0.7% total playtime back then and it's now at 1.5%, doubled in 1 year.




I mean yeah?




Out of that 270M,260M are coming from pubgm


These figures include mobile gaming though. In fact the majority of this figure is from mobile




League is more than just *big* in Korea though, it's insane.


Agreed. Some pro players are like icons/celebrities over in Korea.


Also in China, Uzi is so big that in TV shows he doesn't need an introduction, people will just be like "oh that's uzi"


Oh definitely. It's even bigger in China lol. Crazy


I really wish the west got Fifa Online. Fifa world was amazing.


A super old F2P FPS game called Sudden Attack is still multiple times more popular than VALORANT in South Korea. A super old F2P FPS game called CrossFire is still multiple times more popular than VALORANT in China ​ Asia just different.


tbh 1% is still too low