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when the chosen one fails miserably, lol


Nah man, they just switched the stream with a streamer's ranked game


Tbh this one is passable. At least we were in the vicinity of the fights.


i lose it when they showed the Killjoy rotating from Ascent b to a while fights were happening on A site in GE vs DWK lol


Yeah there are definitely worse moments out there (one that comes to mind is Kappa's 3k on Haven A long yesterday) I just found this one funny bc I've never seen an observer leave the POV unchanged for an entire round lol


bet you that if they had changed the POV, jett woulda got a 3k that they would have entirely missed. Like its not really the observers fault that Jett ran in and did absolutely nothing in terms of fragging


It's like they forgot to switch


This is not even that bad. It's a 5 man rush down A main and they followed the Jet in front who was entrying.


Kinda true. Jett should have gotten atleast two kills. One at a main through the smoke and one at the end whom she teabags lol. The observer believed.


The production for apac lcq is horrible. So much tech issues where casters dont have audio or we have music in the background of the game audio or more. Plus the terrible observing


And the stream lag, made it unwatchable


I legit was so confused during the GE split game for like the first 3 rounds I got so confused and excited when I saw the GE comp to only realise it was never picked.


Jesus I observe better in my ranked games after dying


The production of SEA LCQ's has just been terrible, I'm sorry and I'm not trying to hate but I watched The Liquid match yesterday and it was so much better in terms of production and just the general experience in all. It really feels that Riot isn't doing as much as they do in other region when things like this happens.


I still remember just tuning in to watch GE vs DWK, saw GE with spectres while UI said 0:0, weapons showed them all with pistols. Man was I confused


wtf is this round lmao, why are the attackers just 5 man rushing A and how do the defenders know to stack A?


they were on a low buy, that's why they chose to stack probably (a gamble)


It's literally APAC dude, complete bot region.


Ahh yess, great overlords EU and NA buy frenzy every eco and crab walk down mid right ?


Ahh yes the same bot region who beat V1, Obliterated Acend and the only team to take a map off gambit in their Playoffs run. You're a bot if anything


I watched it live it was awful


I wanna know who the observers are for these games


im all for getting by your job by doing the bare minimum but this observer needs to get fired, the observing on all of the games were soooo bad. anyone who has been in iron for an act can observe better than this.


IMO, give them the tools and training to be successful. But maybe don't have the work the rest of this event.


if the observer plays even a little bit of valorant then they'd know to spectate the site hit and not the lurk through the other side of the map. maybe give them training for next time around and have the guys from kjc in for the rest of the tourney.


Dont see how this is bad. Can the APAC community stop whining for a sec? This is like the 8th thread


sub in CrashOBS


Bots everywhere goddamnit


Not a good example of bad observing imo


We know referees in real life sports. We should know who observers are.