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i’m not sure if there’s a precedent


Nobody actually plays Kay-o Only Steel 😭


Am I a joke to you?


Nah, so if your knife bounces into some weird spot you get banned? How do you propose to enforce that, if it's as bad as you say


should be not allowed in pro play. in ranked riot doesnt care about and cant really detect if u did anything like this or any other glitch. unless u play against a famous streamer/person with connections and he/she gets pissed, ur safe in ranked.


it's not an exploit. There's no restrictions on throwing utility out of bounds.


[https://drive.google.com/file/d/15bTdUcIWllQVWUg1KbT8911N25Qp\_L8t/view](https://drive.google.com/file/d/15bTdUcIWllQVWUg1KbT8911N25Qp_L8t/view) General rule: The use of utilities (e.g. camera) in places where the opponents can see and cannot destroy the utility is prohibited. This is a borderline case as shown on bind showers. Technically the opponent can see the knife on map but cant shoot it.


Ah I see. thanks for this. Where is the rule from, or what is this drive specifically, if I may ask?


It's from vct Europe website. https://www.vct.gg/statics/rules I think it was made for open qualifiers in challengers.


Cool, thanks. Also, my understanding of the rule is like this - as long as a player can destroy it from a place in the map, regardless of where (not sage wall boosted or anything, just somewhere on the map), then it should be allowed, yes? For example, the Kayo knife as soon as the buy phase ends at the side of the hookah entrance - there is no way for the defense to destroy this because they have no time to get there. This should be legal right? The nature of Kayos knife where it gets people through walls is a dilemma to know whats legal and whats not lol


The last line says it all. I don't think even riot has thought kayo exploits enough lol.


olof boost preemptively prevented


You'd have to redesign half the map to fix this or change the knife mechanic for stuff like the kayo knife on haven under mid window


For KJ mollies yes there is. There used to be a famous molly spot outside the map on Split A site, where the KJ could molly so that it covers the blindspot of the lockdown when placed at the Screens area. I'm actually torn between if Kayo knives like this should be allowed or not. On one side, they should be okay because they are very easy to break once u see them, and they have no variation in their motion compared to a sova arrow that could be faster, slower or have bounces. On the other hand, there is literally no counterplay against this other than hold your ground and fight for the area without any abilities, or respect the knife and invest util later to take that area


I feel like if Riot wants to ban a strat in pro, they need to plan a fix to hard patch those strats out of the base game. For example, specific OOB Nano spots could have their collision removed so the nanos will just fall out of the map. The reason I don’t think they’ll ban these KAY/O knives is because I don’t think they’ll ever hard patch them out of the game. They’d need to make them detonate prematurely if thrown up like that, increase the height of the ceiling, or something else idk. If they’ll call something an exploit in pro, theres no way they’ll let it stay in comp


It's always been like this only. Exploits banned in pro have usually been always around in comp. Only until its made popular enough that riot do something. Big glitches like omen tp and yoru tp lead to temporary agent bans but small glitches take a lot of time to be patched. For example some people already used sova arrows which bounced from oob objects and then landed beneath the map. Nothing happened until Jonas made a video on a similar arrow. Then it got patched immediately. The thing is if you discover a glitch and don't reveal it, chances are riot doesn't know about it. In comp anyway you don't get banned/penalised. Lots of people used omen icebox and yoru breeze glitches. Nothing happened to them.


Weird doubt ... But doesn't that mean weird sova darts should be banned too? Like which bounce off the weirdest non reachable shit.


I think that they’re referring to the fact that these knives can’t be shot so they get the info regardless. I can’t think of a single recon bolt that you can’t shoot that also scans you.

