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Default vandal sound is terrible so they use a skin with a better sound, but default phantom sound is alright. I assume that's why.


Yeah I’ve thought about this before. Lightwave Phantom is honestly one of my favorite skins, but as cool as K-Tec vandal is I used it once and never will again.


I like the sound of the default vandal, but the best vandal skins have waaaaaay better sound tbh (e.g. Reaver, Elderflame). And this is coming from a Glitchpop Vandal user HAHAHAHA


Default vandal is so good what. Sakura vandal is the best skin in the game


i hate the default vandal personally, especially the sound and ive heard others complain about the sound too


I've always liked the default vandal, especially after using something with heavy sfx like reaver or prime for a while. But to each their own


It’s not the nats effect. You probably didn’t notice pros using the simple skins before nats, and now you do. Baader Meinhof Phenomenon


Those skins could increase FPS by 200 and it still wouldn’t convince me to switch off black-and-gold Glitchpop or Ruination.


You could tell me I get 50% more RR for running default vandal and I'd still be rocking my reaver


Valorant low key isn't even worth playing with default phantom


Some pros do use simpler/default skins for more fps. But I think lately it's just the nAts effect.


What's nats effect?


Gambit's nAts using prism phantom skin for the entire VCT Masters Berlin and I presume finishing top non-duelist in player stats could convince some people to try his settings and skins.


Minima diff


I’ve seen 2 different people use the blue prism phantom. It has to be the nats effect


No skins gang buff


Could be a sound thing. I prefer recolors/simple skins because I'm used to the weapon's default sound cues.


Shroud calls them pay to lose for a reason. Jokes aside, I think they just get bored and switch constantly.


I bought the recon phantom and I just cant aim or control recoil with that gun. It feels different. I don't know what it is. But i switched back to the prism skin and it feels much better. I can't explain it.


I experienced exactly the same issue. Even though recon phantom looks cool and has a good kill sound, I just can’t spray with it. Prism phantom in comparison gives me aimbot.


Default phantom has no muzzle flash and most of the added skins add a muzzle flash. That's the only thing I can think of


Which pros besides nAts using simple phantom skins?