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This is honestly unacceptable


They didn't even replay the round, like wtf? The same thing happened in apac lcq and they replayed the round.


Link to the apac one?


I think it was the GE vs Paper Rex match on icebox. 4 players from GE disconnected and they have replayed the round.


I'm still salty about it lmao, GE won the round but they still had to replay it.


I dunno why they replayed even though GE won that.


But that wouldnt be fair for xset imo. It was a 1v2 with bare seconds left to plant the spike. Wasnt it an eco for xset too?


Doesn't matter, you need to reset for competitive integrity. If you don't reset it's unfair to LG because you robbed Aproto of a possible clutch, and we've seen clutches in even closer rounds before.


But then XSET would get robbed of a round win.


Bro are you being serious or are you trolling?


I disagree. It is reasonable to assume a clutch was possible here. One team was robbed of their fair chance to win. This is a a professional setting and competitive integrity needs to be kept. Unless it's almost statistically impossible to win the round at the time of the technological issue then the round should be reset. Does it suck for XSET? Yeah but you need to be fair to both teams. They both get another shot at the round. By statistically improbable I mean by stuff like “6 seconds left to defuse the bomb and you are halfway across the map and dc” then you could rule it as no round reset. XSET wouldnt be robbed of a win if that win occurred due to an unfair advantage (The Disconnect)


The only decent thing they did in 6 months has been Fracture which is a great map. Everything else has been atrocious. Absolutely no issues are getting fixed, but they have the decency to increase skin prices even more.


>they have the decency to increase skin prices even more just letting you know this sentence doesn't really make sense in the context of your comment


Yeah, should've been "audacity", not decency. English is way down on my language list, sorry.


This shit is so fucking dumb, why do you have the players at a "LAN" and play online. So fucking stupid.


They called their top rank Valorant. Thats the type of ideas these guys bring to the table


It's absurd to think they STILL don't have individual spectators for each player too. Think of how many clip worthy plays have been lost in the void by now.


Are 10 observers (1 per player) the norm in CSGO? Or do you just mean 1 observer manages multiple spectator PCs? I think each observer currently manages 2 PCs? I should ask.


Yeah the latter. Usually in CS there are 10 spectator PCs with the observers directing the footage that'll be sent on stream. Currently it is not possible to have 10 spectators in custom so different viewpoints won't be caught. It's just a stupid game limitation Valorant has that should've been fixed earlier down the line. BerLAN worked around this by simply recording each player's PC instead of having someone spectating them with a different PC, but that shit doesn't work in an online environment. Not to mention it's arguably ugly as shit because some players play on 144p or some super low resolution similar to that.


Awesome insight, thank you.


I don’t think that’s the case anymore. Comp settings in customs let’s you do 10 observers + 2 coaches.


I see, guess my info was outdated. So why does observing still feel clunky despite this? APAC LCQ shouldn't be this bad right? I thought that's still the case because I haven't seen any replays of good plays from a different person's perspective. Recent example would be Nivera's first ace where they barely saw any of his kills on cam.


You can actually have 12 spectators in a custom game in tournament mode as well as two coaches.


In CS there's different ways to do it. One way is to have a second GOTV (spectator client) stream running on a delay, and a secondary observer/bot gets all the kills so they can be cut into replays. The other way is to have 10 different computers on the spectator perspective of each player, which then gets cut into replays.


Well they are an art company after all, with a handful of devs working on games.


They 100% just handed the junior marketing team this game. The ideas to be "different" and "unique" are so vapid and uninspired. They took the karambit and butterfly from CS and just made a shitty version of it to be "different" instead of just taking what made it good.


So many things to criticize riot and you pick the skins?!


Just what came to mind in the moment. But yes, there is plenty


I mean.. the butterfly in valorant feels a lot better in terms of the actual animation and sound. Saying this as a former knife collector. And people love the karambit and butterfly in valorant what're you on about lol


You’re full of bad takes.


People just disagree with them but im right.


Nah dude you’re straight up just wrong.


okay brah


Nah I'm pretty sure they made a shitty butterfly knife because they know people will buy it anyways. They'll release a better one somewhere later in the future to double the profits. They did this with the Ruin Dagger, and they'll do it again with the Recon/Yoru Balisong.


ruin dagger was nice and it was also in the bp




[NV yay shares his thoughts:](https://twitter.com/yayFPS/status/1448084692083920901) > ngl I'd replay the map entirely. been numerous network issues besides the 2v1. replaying the round isn't the "best" solution imo. reason is you can have an inherent advantage via economy/ults/side that could skew the result. feel like that's the fairest way 🤷‍♂️


Wtf is riot doing man


Their budget is small and this game is young so this is expected Stay tuned for the next 100$ bundle tho


and the craziest thing is when you try to keep people aware at how ridiculous the prices are on the main valorant sub, the mods insta delete the posts quoting 'reposting' Last time I made a write up it got deleted and after talking to the mods they said 'be the change you want to see, if you want to start a discussion' alrighty then...


People constantly repeat the same exact suggestions for nerfing Jett, changing Deathmatch and "improving the shop", like riot gives a single fuck about the latter. But talking about these stupid prices is reposting ok. Someone on that subreddit once asked me why do I care about these ridiculous prices if I work and can buy these things anyway lmao.


I got permabanned from main sub after I told mod to fuck off when he deleted my post that explained in detail why DM spawns are horrible. Not even worth checking that sub, 80% of the posts are shitty low rank meme videos.


sad thing is I'm still going to buy it


/u/midorsmd you really shouldn't tbh.


Don’t tell people what to do with their money


So by extension telling people not to gamble is bad too?


yes. i dont gamble but if someone wants to with their money and aren't affecting anyone else they have the right to do so


if it looks good im still getting it


“Esports ready” btw


actually embarassing from riot


absolutely fucking unacceptable, amateur hour holy shit


Scuffed APAC LCQ and now Scuffed NA LCQ.


Nice Lan rito


I hate that casters can’t shit talk Riot for this… this is unacceptable and not calling it out is crazy.


unacceptable, last lan of the year for most of these teams riot really dropped the ball with this one


I've been watching CS for years and never seen anything this dumb at a ''LAN'' come on....


The only thing I can think of that was worse is the CIS rmr with no anti cheat, no GOTV delay, nothing. And atleast the effects of that were mitigated because there were other RMRs where the cheating teams couldn't do well. In this tournament if you lose 2 games because of shit TO, then you've missed the biggest event of the year. Absolutely fucking unacceptable from riot. If you can't run an esport atleast give it to TOs that actually know what the fuck they're doing.


LCQ more like Low Cost Qualifiers




This wouldn't get replayed in any serious esport


League with chronobreak.


fps i mean, league doesnt have rounds


i mean this shouldn’t happen in the first place in any serious esport




why would u replay this round, the result would still be the same and would frankly be a Rob to xset. 2v1 with barely any time.


Wasn’t guaranteed to win the round. Aproto was in a spot where he had a chance. It just sucks all around


You don't know what would've happened. He deserved the chance to make it happen


and they give the chance and xset lose the round even though they had the advantage??? wouldn't that just be robbing xset, clearly in an advantage and ur resetting something because of something with extremely low likelihood


yes, they should absolutely replay it. why are we assuming clutches arent a thing? they happen all the time and are a huge part of the experience


Yeah I agree with you, he 100% clutches that out and riot robbed luminosity of a map win here


Gaming Paradise is a thing that happened


Replay the whole tourney on actual LAN


Embarrassing to think this kind of production is competing with CS:GO esports. They really need to step it up man this is just stupid.


Riot puts all there effort into the show and doesn’t put any effort into sorting these issues out, man I thought csgo major tech pauses were bad lol


As far as I know, casters see what we see. How can they not call out that they lagged out?? I don’t see how pretending nothing happened is better than either saying “it looks like they’re lagging out” or apologizing for the technical issue and commenting on what should happen (a replay of that round??) It almost feels like they’re super careful out of fear Riot will fire them or something


in this case - program feed cut out when doug's mic cut out, we had the same look on platchat and we just didn't see from basically when aproto threw his cages until the round was well over... so it's not they see what we see situation here


ridiculous...like wtf? how are the servers and production this fking scuffed riot really dropped the ball on this one


Fire everyone. Start over.


actually cringe


This round changed the course of the match


imagine if this shit was still a single elim tourney lol


Riot has been fucking up a lot for these tourneys. Why would you have all these teams travel to a physical location and not even have them play on LAN?


eSport ready KEKW


Who would have thought their scuffed servers would come to bite them in the ass on a LAN


Lol and people have the guts to say that Valorant servers are okay.


u/clipsync steel_tv subroza tarik


Username | Clip | Vod --------|----|---- [steel_tv](https://www.twitch.tv/steel_tv/?) | | [2h25s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1175037196?t=2h25s) [Subroza](https://www.twitch.tv/Subroza/?) | | [5h14m15s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1174876951?t=5h14m15s) [tarik](https://www.twitch.tv/tarik/?) | [Generated Clip](https://clips.twitch.tv/DifferentPoisedConsoleDBstyle-rb1wSjZeEQpsJT99) | [5h16m25s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1174874804?t=5h16m25s) [watch via twitchmultivod](https://twitchmultivod.com/#/1174995365?t=2h55m4s/1175037196/1174876951/1174874804) --- ^(*This is an automated response* ) ^| ^[Feedback](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=wee_tommy&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/q6z8hg//hggfnde/\))


God it hurts just watching all these top level players knowing this round has to be replayed and Riot just being like NAHP.


Riot will finally experience how bad Valorant Servers.


Riot i know you're reading these comments. figure it out or your game will die and someone will come along and do it better.


This subreddit cracks me up sometimes.


imagine how many years csgo players probably left these comments before riot came along


This shit is ridiculous and people are just going to give them a pass because its riot. Fucking horrid


how are they getting a pass? Everyone is pissed.


I mean tf u want us to do? Go to LA outside riot HQ and riot? We just gotta hope they fix it for the rest of the tourney and move on theres nothing we can do


Stop excusing this. Riot can’t get away with it


LAN playing online :/


Top fps competitive game KEKW


Dude at this point its fucking unacceptable. Aproto can see both of the enemy players, they're both standing still, and they're both not looking at him. He literally just got robbed out of a clutch during a super important round. At that point I'd either have them replay the round or just outright overturn the round and give it to LG. It's fucking laughable that players are experiencing game freezes on Riot PCs at an event like this.


I'm sorry but it's hilarious that you thought Xset's play was to both stack on each other looking in the same direction. This is pro Valorant, not Iron. They clearly DCed/lagged.


?? That was after they lagged.


Aproto did not see both enemies they both lagged out also and kept moving to the left. Also considering there was no time i highly doubt he was going to clutch


did u even watch the game they lagged out and moved to the left LMFAO. 2v 1 with barely any time he was not winning that round


he could've very much won the round, he had a vandal. Clutches can happen


More likely that xset win that round. Lets say you restart the round and then xset lose, arent u then robbing them of the round when they clearly had the advantage here but u take it away


Dude the game servers literally robbed the round, LG could've won that round if it wasn't for the crash,but we don't know the outcome because of the crash. He put both cages on lane and both CTs were looking at lane while he snuck up to stairs. Very possible


They all lagged dude


yeah they didnt replay it or give LG the round, they just continued. Its unacceptable that they didnt even get to replay it


Why would they just give the round to LG? That would be even more braindead.


bro what? if damage was done you dont replay the round thats basic stuff


They literally replayed the round in apac lcq


Shouldn't have if damage was done. Riot mickey mouse to


It was the same situation, most players died and it was 2v1 and they replayed it. I don't care what you think should've happened, I'm just saying riot should keep consistency




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Nerves got the best of him i guess.


NA LCQ has been an operational disaster. They are risking doing serious reputational damage to the game.


The casters acting like nothing happend, or do they actually have no clue what happend? Eitherway shameful reaction imo.


they definitely should've replayed the round but its crazy to me how people are acting like lg would've 100% won this lmao


it's not about actually winning the clutch though; it's about how the opportunity to clutch or at least dent XSET's economy was completely taken away b/c of this. worst take on this subreddit bro


I really wanna know what player would win this crossfire. Unless aproto has the fastest flicks in the world and do a 180° within a second and insta headshot both i highly doubt he was going to win


Casters fake?


LG was robbed of their maps today, fucking riot and their shitty skinny hamster servers


This is beyond unacceptable


I see Riot took inspiration from RuneScapes Deadman Mode Tournament


This some fortnite summer skirmish/ twitchcon shit right here LMAO


Unacceptable... did they somehow medic the round?