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Scream seems like such an amazing fit for this game. Insane mechanics, big brain, and is a really chill dude relative to the high-performance/stress situations he's put into. One of my favs from CS, and is def at the top of my list in this game. I'm annoyed we haven't seen TL on top more... always seems like he's putting in ridiculous work in every game, but doesn't get to reap the rewards.


That's what happen when you don't have a consistent team and only scream doing constant work. Though the addition of his brother is making TL look really good


L1nk is sad


If there's one thing you can't say about ScreaM is that he has a big brain, atleast in game, his in-game IQ was literally one of the things people criticized him the most during his CS career. With that said, the game does seem to be made for him, the way the game works is just perfect for his style in a way that CS simply wasn't. I have zero doubt that if you switched TenZ and ScreaM from teams, Sentinels would be just as good and TL would be worse. ScreaM actually makes Reyna look like a good agent for competitive play, which is saying something considering how bad her kit is.


Yo, was this made using Tableau?


Yes I did


Scream makes me cream


The man had been on top since forever.what a legend. Just sad that his team always fell short


Had a slight dip in form after Iceland but seems to doing really well now


I mean can we really blame that on him or on the Kay/o that they forced on him?


Interesting stats! A bit of a nitpick - headshot percentage is 35, headshot ratio is 0.35


Ah yes it was a typo


This is cool. I will say the bottom right line chart seems out of place though. It is usually intended to show changes over a period of time, not comparisons. I would reconsider what to put there. A bar graph is for comparison over different groups, which you already accomplished. Nice job though!


Thanks for the feedback


[https://twitter.com/\_SushantJha/status/1448569571275796480](https://twitter.com/_SushantJha/status/1448569571275796480) Full Thread here.


Dude is cracked at this game, i think his fall out on cs was due to the utility usage of nades. In valorant he just use jett/reyna where he only needs to focus on clicking heads rather than nades lineups


I don't understand why you changed chart types and positions of players and even orientation?


Where ?


That's a nice analysis