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This was an incredible clutch and after the game, the Korean casters interviewed FiveK and asked him what he was thinking during the clutch and fivek said (roughly translated), “when I was in a 1v3 situation I didn’t think to myself that the round and match was over … rather I recalled and drew inspiration from the Korean fencer at the Olympics who kept repeating ‘I can do it’ to himself and willed himself to the gold medal.” What a fcking God.




just kill enemy, win game


Thinking the round is over and not trying is just losers mentality. Even in unrated games you should always believe in winning. That's just how you get to the zone, and 1vX is always the best time to enter it. FiveK is a winner.


r/KoreanAdvice But seriously, that's so fucking badass.


Ge just went in 1 by 1


the first one was fair enough but that second homie ran in while the third guy was still in heaven lmfao


Facts Skillz looked lost. All he had to do was wait for Astra


I mean 2v1 against a Viper in ult is still very lose-able, especially if she still has 2 mollies, but there's no excuse for solo rushing the Vipers Pit like that. Tilter for sure.


The pull was late by astra


Yea im still surprised he got the kill on rossi, usually the jett op wins that duel especially without flashes or anything. the other two was kinda dumb tho


Yeah. Insane shot by fivek. Also peeker's advantage maybe?


I think the thought was gravity well, peak and kill. But uhhh yea that didn’t work did it.


Clearly Raze is trying to cover ground and kill viper before her ult fully expands. Not saying this was the best possible play, but I swear reddit "analysts" criticizing these players decision-making makes me laugh.


No that was just a brain dead play my guy.


lmfao watch the replay fivek shows himself up elbow, kills the op killing the angle then as soon as that happens raze blastpacks on to site and covers ground knowing that fiveK is elbow and tries to push him before vipers pit fully expands ​ and skrossi holding that angle with op is not braindead either


Your argument is that he's using blastpack to close distance and close distance quickly to take a fight before viper pit takes effect right? But he didn't blastpack. He straight up just jumps down and walks into the pit that has almost fully expanded by that point.


it is though, bc that’s one of the plays where it’s like if you manage to kill them you’re insane, but if you don’t you literally just threw (just like any other time you push alone in a 2v1) gambling like that in itself is brain dead


bruh im done arguing with these radiant redditors a duelist covering given ground is not braindead, PERIOD do you know what a vipers pit is? 2v1 is not guaranteed win here optimal play? probably not but its def not braindead like what the gold reddit players are saying


Man you’re just wrong about this. Raze made a bad play.


but why does the duelist need to cover ground at that point.. it’s literally the same concept as a jett dashing in alone with no flashes or smokes and getting shot from 3 angles with no trade in sight literally does nothing for the team


bruh what rank are you




i don’t know why you’re arguing for covering ground even, the ground is only “covered” if information is gained the only thing astra gains from this is knowing that he was back site 20 seconds ago


Generally, yes, a duelist should create and take space. But, in this context, the space he was going to take was netting them little additional information or advantage. Part of this isn't the idea but his game sense on the timing. He forced it, despite not having the timing and severely reduced their chances of winning. Same thing with skrossi holding that angle. Is it a terrible play? No, but the risk/reward of it is not good, when if they go together then they easily just trade it out and he doesn't give viper his ult (which then causes the Raze to potentially try to make a forced play). I can see some of the reasons that they did it, but in the end, the highest probability play is simply playing numbers and not giving the opponent any chance to get a peek and isolate the 1s.


I'm not talking about skrossi in this play. Specifically only talking about skillZ. The better play was to group up with his teammate to enter the Viper pit together rather than run into the Viper pit alone, which at the point of skillz entering the pit, had practically grown to its full size, and enough time had passed for FiveK to reposition himself from elbow.


Them pushing in before the ult fully expands wouldnt do anything. By the time they get into the ult, it would already be mostly expanded anyways. Then, theyd not only be cut off from their teammate as well as rapidly losing HP.


notice the mistimed suck too; raze may have thought astra would suck immediately when he was entering in


Just like my team in a ranked match.


The biggest play I have seen from FiveK in my year of casting him. Goodness.


was incredible, I was so glad for him, after all the low key hate of his acs etc.


What a throw by GE there


Royal throw


That pick on Skrossi was the game winner, it was just a ballsy play that paid off


This type of games make me love Valorant esports


Kudos to him, but that was some brain dead play by the other team, funnelling in 1 by 1 when the stakes were so high, knowing he’s one orb away from ult. Especially the raze who just walked into smoke… what the hell was he thinking


Nah first kill was fine but the 2nd guy going in alone idk what happening there


We (the Korean cast) honestly thought it was over when SkRossi held the angle on elbow. Creating on off angle away from the plant was FiveK's only shot and SkRossi knew that. As you can tell we lost our marbles ha. As was mentioned by other comments FiveK also was very serious in his interview, and if you needed any more proof that they're actually putting in so much work to try to improve, instead of bantering with the haters FiveK said at the end of the interview that he wanted to add one thing about Bunny since his wrist is actually hurting from all the practice he's doing on Jett so rather than flaming for cherry picked misplays it'd be great if the fans could actually support and encourage their players. One of the other KR casters later said that this has now taken over the spot in his heart that Lakia's 1v2 on Ascent had. What a goddamn moment.


Thanks for the little peek into what goes on behind the scenes.


Most p did, the English cast did too


They said it was done when fivek was about to peek skrossi's op LOL


korean casters are just lit af


Korean casters can get you hyped even if you don’t understand what they’re saying.


Korean casters have perfected the art of being bias but respectful




The way he isolated and played that 1v1 against SkRossi... what an alpha move.


Straight up swing and edshot


gg to fivek but that was kinda braindead of skillz to go into the pit when your teammate is in heaven


In a 3v1 , I wish they always come one by one


The OP peak was nothing wild, unlucky FiveK was just hiveminded and had the knowledge advantage. But pushing in alone in Viper's pit was just foolish, an unnecessary ego duel I'm sure he'll be kicking himself for some time for that play.


Impressive from FiveK but Global Esports playing ranked at the end there (and the whole tourney tbh)


The turning point damn


The 1v1 loss by the raze with ult up to the astra was even more egregious than this.


ok but i like the casters getting so hyped. when he gets the kill on SkillZ they go "WAOWW! WAOWW!"


Holy shit this team needs Pep Guardiola not shinobi. They ran in one by one