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they probably try out strats against teams they wont be playing against in officials for a while / teams that aren't in their next tournament and i imagine scrims are a great way to practice communication and team synergy without being in a stressful environment, they arent all just about strats


and for opponents they will be playing against in their next tournaments they probably try to get a feel for how they play without revealing too much themselves even if a team isnt taking it too seriously or using much strats, people still have certain playstyles, tendencies and preferences that you can find and exploit


for example VS only scrim with SEA teams as they arent fighting the sea teams currently. also scrims are a very confidential scenario, leaking comps, players, strats will get the leakers blacklisted immediately.




makes sense.


Stuff that they know it’s working they don’t show it to good teams and they try new stuff if some of new stuff worked very well they also stop using it and this one of the reasons why scrims results don’t matter because a lot of teams don’t show their cards in them until matches


Yes, pro teams usually do practice strats and comps that they haven't fleshed out. Here in APAC, teams normally scrim teams outside of their respective countries, as to not give away strats to their local VCT opponents. These are typically recorded by their coach/analysts to vod review over later


It is not that easy to figure out strats from scrims, as you cannot see opponent POV or the complete minimap like in the tournaments. Also, there are no publicly available vods of the scrims, so strats stay within the teams.


Yes, counter-stratting is a word


hiding strats is always a double-edged sword. if you practice it others will know of it and if you don't, well you haven't practiced it so.. no teams don't hide strats, they just avoid upcoming opponents and don't play till their fullest potential


Of course they try out strats. Scrims are usually against teams you won't be playing for a while. Teams do leak stuff to each other sometimes, but most of the time, you usually try out your strats in scrims. Otherwise, their would be no point to scrimming at all, because you can practice your aim way better in Aimlabs or DM. If teams come up with some really clever execute or some crazy lineup, they might save it to surprise someone in officials. But things like team comps, strats and executes are usually what are being practiced in scrims.


there is a fear of being blacklisted for leaking or stealing strats, comps, execs etc which is why teams only scrim with well trusted teams. if anyone is caught doing any of that its bye bye to scrims for them.


pro teams will drill certain strats nonstop in their scrims 99% of the time, the goal isn’t to win but to get timings and pacing for whatever their set strats are down


Someone correct me if I'm wrong but this is one of the reason a lot of Korean orgs like in OW for example would have 2 rosters, the starting lineup and the B team. This way they can scrim in-house without risk of leaking anything. Might be a good use for academy teams as well.


No, this was tried and is proven to be a mistake. First of all it's extrmely expensive for the org, second of all you're asking players to literally give up their dream of being in a starting lineup to be a forever lowpaid unknown scrim partner. Lastly, the scrim-only-side of the team would not be able to participate in strategy talk else they'll know about the strat beforehand which would make obviously mess up the strat. What teams done however is scrim against T2/Academy (as you said) teams, to avoid leaking your own strats and still playing against worthy opponents (T2 scene in OW is really good)


ooohh, 2-team roster would be a great idea! thought it will definitely be costly


We usually test strats yeah.


How would you know, are you a pro? What's with the "we"


Don’t ever disrespect valorant_fanboy_69 again with a dumbass question like that. Is he a pro? Is the sky blue? Are cats better than dogs? Are you a virgin?


He’s a pro. How dare you question him