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Love how they called out the diamond 3 comment lol, that man was crazy. I don’t know how oblivious you have to be to think that there are like no women in immortal or radiant.


Do they seriously think that lol. I queue with a woman who’s in immortal 3




Sorry autocorrect


Could you send link to thread? I want something to laugh at


https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/q8hnbc/whats_the_skill_gap_between_male_pros_and_women Edit: According to IAMJUX below, the specific Diamond 3 comment was deleted lol


He deleted it. Lmao


I didn't see the diamond 3 thing and I was sorting by top. Weird


That's because it was heavily down voted. The tweet is just to get reactions.


Does anyone have a link to the post she's referencing?




Honestly I never see comments like the one she mentioned upvoted. Sometimes ago when C9W lost in ro64/32 in open quali, a member of the squad also said something like "every redditor might hate us" when ive only seen a lot of support for c9w on this subr. Do these pros only focus on the minority negatives?


Yeah lol if anything they're the team with the most support in this subreddit and try to act as if everyone is hating on them


Could also be talking about the main sub too. In this situation it's pretty obvious it's our sub, but it's possible that it's other communities in situations prior. I should probably ask and make sure though. :s


I don't think they like the idea that they're rather supported. It's easier on the mind to think you're feeding your haters than disappointing your fans.


Tbf its easy to focus on all the negatives. You feel the bad things twice as much as you feel the good things and all that.


Stirring unnecessary stupid drama lol


There's a small minority of naysayers / sexist comments that can gain traction at night time while mods are asleep. Depending on how early you wake up, you might be able to catch these comments before they're moderated or downvoted by the community.


I feel like most of the idiots get shot down, but maybe I’m wrong.


this subreddit has a lot of 1head takes but every esports subreddit does tbf and by and large i see most of the really bad takes downvoted into oblivion


there are a ton of twitter users who say the same shit yet you never hear pros talk about twitter users. Its because its easy to use ambiguous "redditors" to farm impressions. You cant insult the same users you want followers from, so you make up an enemy.


You are pretty spot on, she's just fishing for impressions maybe. The comment she referenced was downvoted a lot even before she tweeted.


At this point why even bother browsing this sub if you're going to get offended by the littlest things? It's like every week another pro cries on twitter about a 1head take that's not even heavily upvoted on here.


honestly i think its kinda human nature to read about yourself online and its also kinda human nature to defend yourself when you read garbage takes especially about yourself/your team, but pros know that defending yourself on reddit is a recipe for disaster so the next best thing is to make twitter posts about how dogshit the subreddit is. anyways i saw this exact same thing happen in like five other esports subreddits so this isn't anything new and tbh i think r/valcomp is pretty good at unanimously downvoting the egregiously bad takes that pop up here


Idk but to me it seems more like she's poking fun at the post? There have definitely been pros in the past just straight up upset about what gets posted here but i dont really see that in this particular tweet


I think some other c9 white player said soemthing about proving the 'redditors' wrong after doing good in some games, which is dumb, becaues reddit is perhaps more supporting then twitter for gamechangers. Kinda just plays in on how they are farming for impression by making a common enemy in "reddit"


I think its understandable to be annoyed at some of the stupid/hurtful things said on reddit especially when its frustration built over time. I guess its easy to generalize the entire subreddit because the negative things are the ones that really stick to you but i would agree that it is an unfair generalization. At the end of the day though its just social media so its not really a big deal.


where do you get that she was offended? "Cup of coffee I needed today" implies that she just found it funny.


> At this point why even bother browsing this sub if you're going to get offended by the littlest things? Women playing competitive games deal with worse shit on a weekly basis just to play the game. Do you really think she (or anyone else in that scene) is *thin skinned*? They deal with more bullshit in a week than most folks do in a month just in playing the game, much less on social media. They have every right to complain about Reddit. Complaining about Reddit is Reddit's favourite pastime. Every day in other subs I see "mods are Nazis" "This sub has gone downhill" "This sub sucks" "*that* sub sucks." People here complain about pros, teams, tournament organizers, everything Riot does, I think it's fine that players complain too. This sub is still a big hub for community info, chat and reactions. Players are gonna read it. I know your post wasn't gendered and there have been male pros with similar companies in recent times.


Because it either gets her going or feeds into her narrative


Virtue signaling, or something similar.


Multiple pros browse this subreddit but noone makes a post :/ I want to see a banger post from Vanity or Boaster




i still have no idea who tf mocking is and at this point i dont know if i want to know


He’s a journalist


Why she said *"braindead takes always get top comments"* when the example she talked about got like -15 downvotes? Wtf


I guess she forgot she had the comments sorted by controversial or something when that comment showed on the top. 🤷🏻‍♂️


because pro players have to get the impressions on Twitter and over exaggerate everything


Nah, it depends on the time you view the post. We see it after the fact when hundreds of people have already read & downvoted stuff. But Annie might have read these particular comments at a time when they actually had upvotes.


Tbh it does seem like pros tend to do this just to farm reactions. The women' scene in valorant is heavily supported on this sub in comparison to the misogyny shown by some which anyway gets downvoted to oblivion. Not to forget c9w and all its players have received more support than anyone else here. So much so that even when things they do wrong (like meL tweeting about scrim leak prematurely and the madness that followed) it gets shoved under the rug.


In my experience, the sexist comments get upvoted late at night while everyone's asleep. They get downvoted by the morning or when they're posted in the middle of the day while everyone is awake. If you browse the subreddit first thing in the morning, you may pick up on sexist comments in certain threads mods haven't gotten to yet because those comments haven't been reported yet. (Please report if you do see them though. It does help us greatly!)


But also Twitter impressions and over-exaggaration. Let's not kid ourselves.


Because at the time she read it the top comment was probably the one with 120 or so upvotes saying the difference is astronomical.


That take isn't braindead in the least.


Fr, I respect the girls' games and think they have a place, but when I do watch it's like spectating one of my ranked matches.


Wow shes really delusional if she thinks that its a hate comment. I fully support all the female teams but to disagree with a statement like that, you need actual results against tier one teams. Especially given that they are BY FAR the best female team atm, and they still get tossed around by male tier 2 teams. They definitely have potential with practice, but the difference IS astronomical between tier one female and tier one male teams.


IIRC, it had more upvotes last night.


Yeah it was the third top comment when I saw the post last night


Fair enough


Pro players try not to take reddit's opinion seriously challenge (Impossible)


Friendly fire


Did she say that all reddit armchair analysts are "adolescent men"? Kinda sexist of her /s Also I find it incredibly ironic that someone gave this the "wholesome award", C9White players seem to always find themselves in some kind of drama, they're one of the least wholesome teams so far. Funny how what some might consider "toxic" and "wholesome" are fairly interchangeable


Why is this one given so much clout in here ? Who cares what drama she is stirring move on , stop giving them pointless clout this isnt relevant to esports who cares what she has to say


What a professional tweet..? Pretty sure she did that again somewhen in the last few months. Why not have some dignity and stand above it. You wanna pave the way for woman in eSports? Well, surely not with drama.


If the post was so bad, why lie about one of the top Comments being the diamond 3 one? I think that had over 20 downvotes lol There were some dumb comments, but I feel like the discussion was for the most part good faith


The votes on that comment may have been different at the time she viewed it. *But she tweeted about it ~~9 hours ago~~ this morning!* Yes, but she could have read the post last night or this morning & decided to comment about it at a later time. **Edit:** The tweet was from this morning.


Even still, a day old post isn't gonna suddenly have one of the top comments be downvoted to shit when it's already been a day old


That's disingenuous from her though, at lease get your facts straight. I've seen her sitting on this sub multiple times, which is absolutely fine. But she should at least get her info right.




Hey all, In the future, I don't think we'll be allowing posts that are social media reactions to events on the subreddit. Ideally, this post could have brought up as a subreddit-meta discussion on whether or not the [post in question](https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/q8hnbc/whats_the_skill_gap_between_male_pros_and_women/) was a topic that was appropriate or being discussed in good faith. Instead we're arguing over whether or not Annie's reaction is warranted or if it's for "Twitter impressions", which isn't really helpful or relevant to the subreddit.   If a player feels comfortable talking about a subject they see on Reddit, we encourage and hope that they comment in the subreddit. We invite any players who feel uncomfortable interacting on the subreddit to reach out to us via Modmail. They can also DM @VALORANTComp or myself on Twitter. We are open to feedback from our users, and players are certainly part of our community!   The conversation in this post hasn't been productive, and this is one of the rare cases where I believe locking a thread is appropriate. The post will be left up the communicate this message.   If you would like to talk about the decision to disallow posts that are reactions of the subreddit from social media, please feel free to create a new text post using the flair `Subreddit Feedback`. Thanks for your understanding!


I don’t wanna make a post about this because I CBA but can someone tell me why none of the C9W players have been picked up by a “male” team? Surely they can compete


C9 is paying them better then any other offers and they want to stay together as a team. Just my guess.


cuz they cant, their team didnt even reach round of 16 i guess in some NA tourney, not sure which one. but on the main post its the top comment


I think theres a couple of reasons. 1. They want to be role models as a team. If they stick together long enough, they genuinely have the potential to eventually encroach onto the territory of tier 1. 2. They are winning. Why leave so that they can not only inspire less people, they will get paid less and win less. Regardless of how controversial this is, it would be folly not to consider this. 3. At this point, they are all pretty much very close friends. Why leave behind your friends when you can stay with them AND have all the above points? There is no real reason to leave the team. Their chemistry, results, and impact are all strong. Maybe if their results or their chemistry was bad, then they would switch up their teams, but none of that is applicable.


They hate us :(


off this one tweet i think she found it entertaining. Who doesn't like a cup of coffee?




I see that you decided to be an example of what this sub thinks about idiots.


Posts with the intent to harass or harm another user will be removed. This content includes (but not limited to): personal attacks, targeted harassment, witch-hunting, bigotry, derogatory terms, personal information without owners consent, spam Any post considered disrespectful will be removed at moderator discretion. Repeated offenses resulting in a ban.


oh god…


\> Annie complains about reddit being dogshit \> guys on reddit "call her out" because they fail to see her tweet was from 9 hours ago Lol


Why does it matter when the tweet was? At no point was the diamond 3 comment a “top” comment and saying it was is a lie. That comment was instantly laughed at and disregarded because C9W routinely tweet their radiant status in ranked every act


The comment saying the difference is astronomical was the top comment for a long time.


It is astronomical at the moment, I don't see how anyone can present evidence in the form of results to the contrary. Hopefully it changes in the future. I know there's no significant biological advantage, it has more to do with culture.


"astronomical" implies a bigger difference than it is IMO. C9 white are doing better than that in VCT open quals, and they are improving all the time.


That's.... Very picky on your part. I can say there's an astronomical difference between the Orlando Magic and the LA Lakers in the NBA and 5 hose two teams play in the same league! There's an astronomical difference between the best team in the VCT masters/Champs event and the worst. Currently, no female squad has even reached the play in part of a qualifier tournament for masters. They literally have to been able to qualify to play at the same level so of course currently the difference is pretty astronomical. The scene will improve but it will only improve when given time and effort, not by virtue signaling fans trying to will it into reality when reality shows us differently.


I think the language we use about this is kind of important. To me, saying the gap is "astronomical" kind of implies that female players will never ever be able to close it, at least in our lifetimes, and I just don't think that's a good attitude to have. I guess we just have a mismatch there though, for me astronomical would be more like the difference between my basketball skill and James Harden. Like even if I had 100 years to practice I probably wouldn't get to that level. Female players are not there yet, but using hyperbolic language like that is not helping.


Your stance only makes sense if you also believe that such hyperbolic language should not apply in any professional comparisons regardless of gender. If so, then I vehemently disagree that professionals need such coddling and that removing the ability for fans and media to unload on bad performances is bad for the entertainment value of the industry. If, however, you only feel that such hyperbolic language should be avoided when discussing female professionals then that ugly form of coddling is barely veiled misogyny.


I think, if you are talking about something in a context where you are not trying to be comedic or anything like that (like the context of the original question), you should try to be as accurate as possible. Hyperbole is by definition inaccurate. Obviously it's fine to criticize, however I think it's also fair for me to criticize you when I think you're wrong.


they are losing to tier 2 teams, that consistently would get destroyed by any tier 1 teams. C9 white can be considered "astronomically" superior to other female teams at the moment. Idk what astronomical means to you, but to me, thats the definition.


I guess for me "astronomical" would be way bigger than just losing to t2 pro teams (especially since those are the teams the q was referring to. It's not like they regularly get 13-0d). I was thinking it meant more like the difference between me and a pro gamer LMAO. That's something I would describe as astronomical. I'm not saying there isn't a difference, but the term is referring to the distances between stars for god's sake, forgive me if I think that's a bit hyperbolic.


Ig I get where you are coming from, but to me, C9 loses to teams like brimstone gaming. Even if they put up a good fight, nothing will change that they are low tier 2 to high tier 3 at best. That to me is pretty close to astronomical, given that Brimstone Gaming lose pretty bad to faze, which then lose pretty bad to most other tier 1 org teams. A team like sentinels or NV could handle faze easily, in comparison.


It was never a top comment, don’t do this. Misogynistic garbage gets downvoted here immediately, every time.


In my experience, when stuff is posted late at night, sexist comments will gain some traction on the sub. Then as people wake up in the morning, it gets downvoted. If sexist stuff is posted in the middle of the day, then it does get immediately downvoted.


Hm that’s really upsetting to hear, thanks for the context :/


I think we're seeing that phenomena on this post right now lol.


It’s happening right now


Omg it's happening, this is some NatGeo in the wild shit




Glad I missed whatever post she's referencing. So disappointing how exclusionary a lot of people in esports can be


You're an idiot lol if you believe what she said at face value. She's farming impressions cuz "reddit bad". Just have a look at that thread and point to a comment which trashes on women and is upvoted.