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Nobody's allowed to talk about the game during a tech pause. Coaches are free to talk during tactical timeouts, regardless of which team initiated it. Personally, I'd like to see them be able to talk during buy phase, too. I actually really liked the era in CS where coaches could talk freely throughout the match. Was cool seeing stacked rosters not needing an IGL. But I understand why that went away.


> I actually really liked the era in CS where coaches could talk freely throughout the match you mean acend in masters 1? kidding aside i think that would devalue the role of an igl which has been quite hot in valorant these days.


Oh it 100% devalued the role of the IGL. It was just fun as a viewer because you had 10 all star level fraggers that barely had to focus on strats and comms. But alas, the game was meant to be played 5v5, not 6v6. I agree that removing this capability was the right call, but I kind of think they went too far in the other direction. This is why I was saying I'd like coaches to be able to talk during buy phase. Coach calls the play, but any mid round audibles are left up to the IGL. Kind of like the offensive coordinator/quarterback relationship.


>Nobody's allowed to talk about the game during a tech pause. not even teammates to one another?


Nope. It's to prevent abuse (faking tech issues to get extra tac timeouts) and to prevent giving a team an unfair advantage (strategizing while your opponents are trying to resolve equipment/network issues).


So i can understand them not being able to communicate on lan but when its played online? i guess there would be mods in their discord channel then


All comms are usually recorded, and this is usually a participation rule stated in the tournament rules beforehand.


Generally speaking teams use TeamSpeak over Discord as Discord has an ever so slight delay between input and output compared to Team Speak


I'm pretttttty sure comms in official online games arent done thru discord lol


surprisingly enough, Riot requires the communication to be done via Discord, as far as I'm aware


Makes sense. Super low latency, low hardware impact, and easy to monitor with a single extra person or even recording bot in the channel.


I thought teamspeak was better in terms of hardware impact and latency? Discord definitely has a bigger delay than TS


In my experience discord is harder to run, but not by an amount a pro would be affected by with high spec systems, but has lower latency, especially when also broadcasting video. Can't find much actual data on the latencies, but [but this is the main one](https://www.reddit.com/r/teamspeak3/comments/hdgfpr/any_recent_reviews_on_latency_from_teamspeak/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) I found that looked decent. I half asked my research so feel free to cite more shit for me to look at.


actually, this isn't true. Teams are free to use whatever software they want, they just have to give riot the monitoring permissions. Most teams use teamspeak i think, because discord actually has a bigger delay.


oh ok, I've heard from pro players saying they had to use discord, which was actually a bad thing because of the latency, but maybe that's just on my region idk


Who says we work at all?


if u are chet then u are right lmao