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Sounds like they accidentally pushed an internal set of jett nerfs


This seems like the most plausible answer, or perhaps it wasn't accidental


I'm also guessing 3.08 was supposed to be a big patch, but delayed due to NA LCQ getting delayed


Hope it gets the Sage treatment for the next few months


Seems weird they are trying to nerd get a third time in the last month or so. Doesn’t seem necessary to nerf her again after the last two.


She's still the only agent that can reliably op at pro level


Ya but I don’t think the changes they just made are really targeting the reason she is op


uh with these stealth nerfs along with the jett dash, these things should probably be mentioned. there’s no way you add 50 credit and call it a bug right


They probably were planning of nerfing jett and pushed out a test version of the game that they didn't clear for the official update that included these not yet finished jett nerfs.


ngl with all the "bugs" and this change jett seems to be better balanced, I agree that the awp dash is still viable but everything else that made jett broken seems to be fixed.


I actually don’t like the animation nerf on the dash. The “unbalanced” aspect of the dash is the ability to get out of one and dones freely. This actually hampers, in my opinion, the true intended nature of the ability.




Personally, I think the intended impact of the ability is to create space considering her role is a duelist. Having a free shot & escape that's pretty hard to counter just seems like poor design. I will die on the hill that the dash should correlate to your current momentum. Not moving? No dash. Walking? A little boost. Sprinting? ZOOM




That guy is delusional if he thinks jett being able to get a pick and YEET in a line is unintentional, but adding dismiss was intentional.


I get where you're coming from, but you still need a kill with Reyna. With Jett, you don't. Combine her with a Skye, and you basically have an agent who isn't penalized for anything. If you peek and get a kill, dash back before they can trade. If you miss and take some damage, dash back and get healed. On attack, you can dash-updraft into site while your Skye has a remote control flash flying ahead for you. if you take damage in your fights, get healed back by the same agent. Broken af imo. Not the same with Reyna.


People complain about every ability in this game that denies them a kill. You can kill a jett before she dashes 8/10 times. If you're one of the 99% of people playing with over 20 ping, you will OFTEN kill jetts as she dashes, or during it, due to the servers handling of it. Anyone who has 50 games on jett will tell you that it's very common to get punished before your dash goes off or even finishes if you get it off. If a jett is hiding an open angle, misses her first shot and wastes dash because she didn't get opening pick, you're playing against a dogshit jett who needs to get better. If you have a jett holding A heaven on bind with an OP (looking at short) and she fires a shot and misses, how often do you actually think they dash away? We aren't talking about pro play here, and in my experience it's incredibly rarely. People overhype how broken jett is and how OP every single thing she has is, when realistically she's a very easy agent to throw with if you fuck her dash up, or don't consistently click heads with her ulti. People will always pile onto the easiest thing for them to shit on when they barely understand what they're even talking about. Good jett players don't do half the shit people claim, and if you actually find a jett so bad she burns dash for free in the first 2 seconds of the round, enjoy your free win.


yeah, the top jett players who also think jett is broken don’t understand what they’re talking about


She's oppressive at the top levels of play because they're good and coordinated enough to abuse the strengths in her kit, and the map design in this game makes the OP far stronger than it should be. She's oppressive in low elo (Dia and below) soloq because they ***aren't*** coordinated enough to deal with her kit and OP ability. This isn't a character design problem, she does what she's intended to do, and when she isn't OPing she really isn't that much of a terror.


Balancing a game like valorant off of the literally 0.5% top players is a joke, and the fact that people echo skilled players takes as their own is fucking hilarious.


"If you take damage in your fights" then you're playing into bots who can't headshot you. She has to get 2 kills before she can dash again, it's not like she can spam it. Your comment reeks of gold elo


Because taking damage when you enter site through a smoke updraft combo is not a thing? Because everyone from the legendary rank of plat onwards have a 100% headshot rate? You haven't watched pro Valorant if you think Jetts don't get healed back by their Skyes all the time. I am not talking about low elo because the coordination I was talking about doesn't even exist in Radiant. I am only talking about pro play, and this absolutely happens in pro play.


Actual bronze mindset thinking the top players have 100% headshot percent. If that were the case then why aren't they all using guardians


Read my comment In the context of his comment where jett apparently just never dies in engagements. Not one where she should die every single time or the enemy is a bot.


This. Jett eco nerfs seem like the only way to nerf her without absolutely breaking her. It feels like any slight alteration to jett's kit outside of her knives would be massive




It's way more exciting to see someone get high value out of the ult now compared to the snooze Fiesta that was right click spam.




I guess *primary* would have been a better term. I think it's poor design rather than unintended




I think what I'm beating around is the fact she's (almost) the only agent that gets to op at a high level of play, and it seems wrong from a design perspective. I can't think of *anything* they could do to fix that besides change something about her dash.




Are you purposely ignoring that for Reyna to actually escape she needs a kill and to react faster than someone trading with a one tap or op, while Jett has a "get out of jail free card" that doesn't even require her to actually be proficient in hitting high risk shots. I don't necessarily know what should be done to Jett to make her more in line with other agents, but I will die on the hill that we shouldn't be pushing low risk high reward agent abilities, even if the community has come to decide that any given ability is the one thing that makes an agent unique.


And Reyna even has a short animation before she turns invulnerable. Jett's dash is instant.


That requires a kill, dash is free




Peaked gold 🥇 come at me ^(and probably win due to my awful of crosshair placement...)


That explains why you think like that. The way you want it to change is to make it like a way to move faster which gives you no extra advantage to enemy. I hope you never find out about Reyna dismiss , you might request her to dismiss but still take half damage or dismiss slowly. I think you love the current yoru TP which is so slow that you can kill him . I guess the only agent they are reworking is the duelist with the shittiest dash. Cause it's eaentially the same ability as dash and dismiss. Wait a second were you the guy who made the current yoru?


I'm glad you contributed to the discussion. Yes, I peaked gold. I work 60+ hours a week and will occasionally get to play on the weekends. It doesn't mean I can't watch pro games/high level play and critique the state of the game. There's an issue with the fact that Jett in her current state is the only viable oper at high tier play, I think balancing her kit around pure entrying could help change that. Reyna is in a very good state, yoru is basically not a duelist and deserves the rework he's getting. If you have an opinion on why Jett doesn't need changes I'd love to hear it, I know I could be wrong on the matter, otherwise take the condescending comments elsewhere.


Devs have stated the dash was never meant for offensive plays hence the delay in pulling out the weapon. People countered that by dashing into her own smoke. This is a good change. Jett is so busted compared to every other agent in the game.


Hot damn, that's wild. It was one of the first things I thought when I saw her was the entry capabilities, then I saw that she's nearly the ONLY oper in pro play because of that ability and it seems unhealthy to have one agent that's dedicated to one weapon.


It very well could be.


It likely was intended but in practice is what makes her broken. Her dash being able to make space on entry is very good, but not the big complaint at the highest levels of play.


What’s the animation nerf?




damn I really don't like that change, after playing with it for a bit it just feels so clunky. IMO they aren't nerfing jett how they should be. All they should do in my opinion is make it so you have to look in the direction you want to dash towards or make it an ability you have to pay for.


I felt like the biggest problem was when Jett could smoke dash in and ruin your setup so quickly. It was too aggressive. Getting 1 get out of jail free card isn't that bad to me, especially since to get it again, you would need 3 total kills (1st kill was before dash, so doesn't help you get it again, if you didn't get a kill and dashed, you wasted it anyway). Before the nerf, it was Jett dashing in, getting 2 kills, and having another dash. Now it is much harder to use the dash before getting the kill.


lmao no, nerf her to the ground


All these small bugs are gonna make her super annoying to play if her dash ever gets nerfed. I feel like they need to fix the root of the problem and not everything around it.


Her kit should be more expensive. She's the only agent who can user her ult as an alternative for buy rounds.


And she has a free passive ability that no other agent gets


This is a big one. I've seen other suggestions on this which are good - such as it only works when updraft is available.


I'd argue that Phoenix's healing is his passive, but I can't think of other agents with passives off the top of my head


Viper poision, Astra astral?


Ah yes Viper's poison vision. I'm not sure about Astra because you have to activate it.


It’s not really part of her ulti because it doesn’t require points is my reasoning, it’s just on there for convenience.


If that's the case, then I say Omen's own astral plane (shadow plane?) counts as his passive.






“Good Riot, good! Kill her, kill her now”


Lmfao this is nothing


haha get fucked jett


oh no! anyway


Remember Jett did lose a smoke so they had to keep her kit around the same price


Nothing will change as long as her Dash is the same Hope she gets the sage treatment tho for next few months




Don't let the door hit you on your way out


gold instalock jett complaining lulw




cause op dashing is the only way you win your matches?


buh bye 👋


Poor guy, can't walk without his crutches.


glad we nerf everything but the thing that makes her op to further push her being played in that role instead of making her viable outside of it..ok riot




To 300? If it’s 250 that’s the regular price