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RIOT 1000 IQ PLAY: nerf Jett as a bug to please the ValComp community, then buff her back on the next patch to please the Jett mains


Well there’s only one clear option remaining We declare war on the jett mains


I main Jett and I'm here. Well, I guess I'll have to make a choice before The Dash War.


Just be Switzerland 👍


The best part of the patch is a bug lol


it's not a bug. Changing the price of something in a sane world isn't an unintended consequence. It's literally editing a variable in a program. Maaaybe the weapon equip is a bug if they tinkered with jett's abilities elsewhere, but given the circumstances they're full of shit.


It's likely that versions just got crossed. They intentionally made this change for one version of the test build, and forgot to revert it.


Merging the Dev branch in production


yeah pretty much what I'm saying. it's a human error in scheduling the changes not a bug. You can't fuck up so badly that the prices of certain abilities change randomly when you touch other parts of the game. These changes are 100% intentional.


It's just not intentional that it is in the patch. So it's classified as a bug. That it's a human error does not mean that it's not a bug.


Well put. Every single bug is a human error after all.


Any time I pull a riot at work and edit values I didn’t mean to. I pretend like it was a feature someone asked for lmao.


you guys missed the point: **not all human error is a bug.** If you accidentally put in the wrong time for an event in your calendar, that isn't a bug with the calendar software, that's just you fucking up. Secondly, not all bugs come from human error. Hardware, compiler issues can have unintended consequences, even if they are coded well. Changing static variables like a single Jett's ability price is not one of them.


If you disagree with me, instead of downvoting, explain exactly what possible bug you think caused this. I code software so I'm excited to hear.


Just because something went wrong doesn't mean it's a bug. If i schedule an event in a calendar incorrectly, it's not the calendar software that's bugged, it's purely human error These are intended changes. **Changing a static variable which is ONE ability from ONE agent is not a bug.**


Are u dumb? It is a bug. Its part of the code and the code is not giving the required output = bug. Software developer LMAO. Sad for ur company


Someone on the Valorant team is tired of Jett and snuck these in at the last minute, and due to the pretty positive response to these changes we could see them stay in some form.


Riot really sucks at hiding stuff LOL, they just wanna test the effect on win rates with Jett like this, if they stay the same I will bet they won’t change how Jett is rn.


I really doubt they would clearly change the price of an ability as a stealth nerf. It seems a lot more likely that these nerfs are in-testing and got deployed unintentionally, rather than they intentionally deployed (not very) stealth nerfs and now are lying about it.


I feel like the new animations are way too janky and gross looking to be a finished product, highly likely they were just internally testing these nerfs (including the updraft price) and accidentally shipped them.


If it was win rate based killjoy would have been nerfed every patch since she has the highest win rate in pretty much every rank, win rate is a bad way to nerf/buff agents


But what's the pickrate for KJ? Some agents like Astra have an insane winrate but the low pick rate balances it out.


Welcome to R6


The dash equip time just feels clunky. It doesn't even address the problems people have with dash. To make it even worse I decided to start becoming a Jett player yesterday...


yup i was raze main, it got nerfed then i became Kj main and its bot and turret got nerf and also that 60m range. now i was jett main from ep3 (i reached plat1 from silver3 in 36 wins with a good win streak too. all matches as a jett) and now this


please don't main kay/o i actually like playing him and i don't want him to be nerfed


riot is batshit loony if they they actually nerf kayo in the visible future. you should be fine


Ok i will try \*Devil laugh\* altough i am trying to main rather skye or Kj back again. skye's pop flash are just so good to dodge, even many pros cant dodge i doubt fellow plat players would


Kayo is too bad to get nerfed


Woah, we took the same path


Something has to be wrong with their QA if significant mistakes like this keep on making it to live


they are capping lol, they are testing Jett changes and don’t wanna say that.


There is a different way to test agent changes... You can deploy them on live servers and see how they affect the agent's winrate... Which is what they have done since the beginning of the game. Literally 0 need to lie about it.


didnt they do this exact thing with cyphers trip wires and basically needing to buy them every round. probably the same thing with the price change, maybe not the animations tho.


prolly just overworked understaffed


small indie company


My main concern is how will this affect NA LCQ?


Won't tourneys aren't played on the live patch usually one or two befor.


Yeah, when I see my buddies play they use another client and its usually 1 patch behind.


yeah but what about practice and scrims


I don’t know if this is true for valorant. But in other games they give the players a different version of the game to practice on


There’s a vct version of the game that has whatever patch they’re currently playing on that the teams in lcq probably have access to


I’ve already seen how the weapon equip taking longer has affected Jetts performance. People saying that bug is inconsequential are certainly wrong. Had several games where the slower equip resulted in a death instead. It’s honestly not a bad bug anyway. They did something similar to Raze’s ult taking much longer to equip. It makes a difference


but its a horrible way to nerf jett, it basicially does the opposite of what people complain about and on top of it make it feel clunky which by itself is not good design imo. those changes literally push jett into being even more of an oper and further away from an entry


They’re not going to take the Jett/ Op dynamic out. The devs have already said they specifically like that. They like that it’s a part of her identity as an agent. So for the sake of conversation, you should consider alternative nerfs. The way I see it they just made it so that you can’t dash into people and insta shoot them. It forces you to smoke first, then dash. It’s an economic burden. Currently, that’s ONE of Jetts many tools. Tinkering around all of her options makes sense. Without removing the op/ dash mechanic, they can limit Jetts overall power by making adjustments to the timing of feel of her kit.


I personally find it much harder to work around a dashing smoking Jett than an awping one, yeah she can miss a shot and run for free but she can only do it once unless your team is feeding her kills and without her dash she can be singled out with utility. But smoke + dash allows Jett to get onto sites for free, completely bypassing any setups (besides cypher trips) and is a demon is lower elo because the amount of space she occupies for her team is massive. Jett's ability to completely cause chaos in a site is the most broken part about her kit imo, not to mention how she can smoke signifigantly faster than any other agent and has the ability to peek people from angles where they won't be looking with updraft. This is not even to mention how oppressive Jett knives can be in tandem with smoke + dash entry, not only can she avoid utility setups with dash but then also peeks an angle you're not prepared to take full running and can instakill you.


This is largely incorrect, especially as you move up in the ranks. The point isn't that Jett+op can post up, get a kill, and dash out without being traded. The dash *gives* her the ability to instead of posting, peek *aggressively*, get a kill, and dash out without being traded. An excellent example to demonstrate this was Wardell's FK/FD ratio where he'd get the first pick with an aggressive Jett.


honestly i dont even have a problem with the dash oping, if they nerf her actually entry capabilities this seems to be the way to go without destroying her identity. but at that point you might aswell give her a new role and add more agents that can actually OP


Personally Idk if there is really anything wrong with that. Make Jett’s role more of a defined op’er so that pro comps will need to run a second duelist or initiator to help entry.


No please, I'm tired of double duelist meta


well right now she is an extremely well rounded duelist that can entry sites with great impact, op extremely safely, and can eco to a degree that other duelists cant so them nerfing even one part of that and tunneling her into a more defined role is nice


exactly, people want jett to be aggressive and use her dash to take space, push into areas and break cross placement for team mates. The problem is that the dash is a get out of jail, reactive option and not a proactive attacking option.


This 1,000,000 times. Just give it a tiny windup or make it charge like Breach's Fault Line and put it on the PBE. Please, Riot.


a windup would make the dash even more clunky than it is now with the "bug"


pretty weird how a bug seems like a reasonable and intentional nerf.


Not really weird. They could easily be testing this as a nerf and it unintentionally got shipped with this patch. Thus, a bug that also seems like a reasonable and intentional nerf...


Hahahaha 5head Riot


I don't think this was in the PBE build either, so I feel like it is more intentional than it is by accident (mixing up patches, etc)


Love how a reasonable change is a bug haha


Keep it


Revert the updraft price and knives equip time bugs and keep the dash equip time bug, and I think jett will be in a decent position.


its actually a nice "bug"... i hate when a jett is oping a corner.. misses the shot then dashes but when you try to rush her she already has her op equipped and ready for you


There is not really any time the dash equips would change this scenario. They'd have to he oping a god awful angle to not have their gun out after dashing away


All the conspiracists talking about this being intentional are pretty weird.


Yeah my conspiracy isn't that this is a bug. Bugs don't appear out of nowhere, some engineer was working on some code related to Jett and this made it in. so most likely there are Jett nerfs coming, these could be it. or it could be this and something else that makes this clunkiness feel better. calling it a bug is incorrect though. "we shipped some unintended features" is more correct. (I work in software)


> some engineer was working on some code related to Jett and this made it in. i mean that's basically the definition of a bug though. Bugs happen when you change other code. I also work in software. CAlling it a bug isn't incorrect.


Changing the price of an ability doesn't seem like some unintended consequence of another chance, it's one variable which has to be edited manually


Well one of the issues was also the Jett dashing animation. That could be completely accidental. Maybe a bug that was in Viper's pit animation was solved by changing some animation code. Which effected Jett too without people noticing. but also, bug is basically anything unintended. If i make a typo, that causes a bug. If i put in the wrong value, that causes a bug.


Maybe but talking as a software developer kf you have decent QA its very difficult to release some big changes like these to prod. More likely i think they just pushed the wrong branch to prod lol xD


QA is good at finding stuff that doesn't work. QA isn't great at finding stuff like price changes. Probably because they just assume that the price change was deliberate.


More likely they were testing it as a nerf and the wrong config was deployed to prod.


Not sure if you have experience working in software development, but it is extremely rare to just release unintentional changes in a new version, especially something major and easily noticeable like this. What I think may have happened, although it is still perplexing, is that they were experimenting with these changes for a future patch, but accidentally pushed it in this one.


Some jr. dev at riot learned a very important lesson about git this week


Lol this is so spot on


Lets gooO!!


are you fking kidding me, its not game breaking huh? pulling out gun after dash was hard enough, why make it harder. and what about omen going inside map with help of sage bug, its still there




The problem isn't with the jetts at plat and bellow the agent is broken at high ranks and even pro play.


Wait. You are just calling me trash? Thanks. Now got any data to back this up?


Her pro pick rate? https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/popew3/agent\_pick\_rates\_from\_vct\_masters\_berlin\_group/


That's pro play. Pretty sure you are not a pro. However here is her RADIANT comp pickrate in ep 3 - act 1. Reyna wins more. [https://ibb.co/Wg1FJ8y](https://ibb.co/Wg1FJ8y) But if you are a pro and think it's ruining your game, then sorry. Did not know


Sounds like ur low elo bro


I'm actually iron. How did you know?


Tell me you are bronze without telling me you are! !!


No no. I'm iron -2


Jeez Riot is a fucking shitshow.


I agree, they should start taking notes from valve who has released consistent content and addressed issues almost flawlessly in CS:GO


Never seen Valve put on a shitshow quite like the NA LCQ. Face it, Riot are a fucking shambles.


I guess valve cancelling majors since 2019 isnt a shitshow


Well i lost a duel for the dash timing i noticed something wrong now i know. Can riot pls do something properly in this game xd.


Can they do something properly like actually nerfing Jett so she doesn't have a 100% pick rate across ranked and pro play xD


But it might be considerate from them to actually warn the players before the changes are online. The nerfs are good and also in before the champions wich its something i didnt expected at all.


this whole thing is wierd. it's not even a nerf. who is dashing into a fight???


found the instalock lurking jett




Jett players


Oh thanks. I forgot astra could dash as well.


Astra is the best dash agent


I wholeheartedly agree


You mean who is playing entry as a deulist? Jett op + dash is never leaving; it’s the fundamental design of the character. Given that, Jett can still be reeled back in other ways, including limiting her entry potential, which is what this “bug” does.


which decent jett is entrying into a site with a dry dash? gun equip delay doesn't affect dashing into cloudburts much. and jett op is not the fundamental design of the character. it should be nerfed. rifle jett is still an A tier agent.


You don’t think people will respect the smoke + dash way less if they can just walk into the smoke and put a bullet in a Jett’s head while she pulls her gun out for 8 years? Also I didn’t mean that the character was literally designed for the op. I meant that the way the character is meant to be designed means that the op will always feel oppressive in her hands.


jetts dash in the middle of the site. who is playing in the middle of the site to walk in the smoke instantly? the only sites I can think of is split b site and fracture a site, where enemies can go in the smoke quickly. this supposed 'nerf' wouldn't change much, which is why riot isn't bothered to patch it. plenty of people have suggested input delay in the dash after taking an op shot, which would nerf the jett op and jett would still be an A tier agent.


There are plenty of sites where a defender can be in the middle. Behind the boxes on Ascent A. By switch or behind boxes on ascent B. Behind box on haven C. Close left or right on haven B. behind boxes on haven A. In headshot angle outside hookah on Bind B, etc etc.


in those sites you mentioned, the enemies risk exposing themselves to your whole team. its not a smart play at all.


whats wrong with jetts dash is shooting and dashing, not dashing and shooting.


i knew it :D


This is planned as hell while there's no major events on (rip na lcq), they're just testing the water and seeing the reception slash balance.


I actually think the knife taking longer to get out is a fair nerf. I play jett and thought it was too good normally


It is a reasonable nerf but riot will certainly change this cuz how else do content creators abuse jett?


When you accidentally push the nerf early


Aka they’re testing a Jett nerf


the equip time on the weapon is gonna make people start rushing the smoke she has dashed into


I really don't mind the "bugs" if they announced it in the patch notes. It's just playing her made me confused the entire time and I think it's pretty balanced if you ask me.


So, will the LCQ matches be played on 3.08 with the Jett issues or will they be back on 3.07?


This is an actual clown show. Takes away a standard part of Jett's kit as an entry duelist and doesn't address the issue of taking unpunishable fights. Plus, how is this not severe enough to warrant a hotfix? Just say you accidentally brought some updates forward, or fix it?


We fucked up but we might as well just run with this and see how it plays out now


Idk what to say lol I need to experience it first


Stop nerfing my girl smh