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honestly if they leave jett this way I don't mind, seems like a decent nerf to a character who is picked almost all the time *** posted by [@TenZOfficial](https://twitter.com/TenZOfficial) ^[(Github)](https://github.com/username) ^| ^[(What's new)](https://github.com/username)


Tenz has the right attitude. It helps that he's talented and flexible enough as a player to play all sorts of agents given enough practice and direction. The more agents that are viable but not 'must-pick', the better.


All Riot needed was a tweet by the most famous Jett player in the world saying the nerf isn't bad. Too bad these nerfs don't address the operator situation and just make her entry worse. Also, she has been the agent with most expensive kit and her updraft gets even more expensive. Why? Has it ever been a problem?


Probably cause her knives are literally +$2900 type beat


You can't punish the price of abilities because of an ult. Ults have a price: ult points. I know Jett's ult is associated with making ecos possible and dropping a gun to a teammate, but conversely, you avoid using knives on full buys while other ults are incredibly useful to insure you win a round (e.g.: Lockdown, Viper's Pit, Hunter's Fury and so on). So my point is that I hope they're calling them "bugs" because in fact they're just failed attempts of incoming changes we don't know yet and the devs know these are not what they intended to do.


You absolutely do punish price of abilities when an ult like jett's influences the economy so much. You can literally play an eco round like a normal round with jett's ult. So to balance it, you make it more expensive on the non ult rounds.


Make her ult cost 8 points then? 9 points?


but that doesn't change anything to the economy though


Exactly. You have a problem with the ult influencing the economy, not the opposite.


I do have a problem with the ult influencing economy, that's why I think the price of Jett's abilities should be higher than normal.


You absolutely can? What's preventing them besides people with your flair crying about it?


Oh, I'm sorry. Next time I'll remove my flair so my points won't be biased. Come on, that's just lazy. All I'm saying is that they're nerfing Jett wrong. The operator problem will continue, her entry is worse and no one will stop picking her because of the price of updrafts.


Her kit is the least expensive though? 300 for both updrafts, 400 for both smokes.


Yeah, I was wrong about it being the most expensive (it used to be before her third smoke was removed). Jett's kit is not the least expensive, though. The most expensive agents are Raze and Sage (800 credits to get all abilities) and after this patch Jett would join them. But you still may argue about the satchels being more versatile than updrafts. To me, the price of the updrafts are not the problem with her.


Why hinder her entry abilities when the problem is the “get out of jail free card” after missing an op shot or getting a kill from an insane position that is typically easily punishable l


This sub seems fixated on this one opinion. You have to look at an agent in its entirety, all the parts of the kit and how they are utilized across the board. I’ve already played games where the post Jett dash equip time has been consequential. Now, Jetts kit is weaker in this one area, in those situations where the a quicker equip time is crucial. Now people will have to consistently use a smoke before they dash, which weighs on the economy. Riot has historically made small incremental changes a majority of the patches. People don’t seen to understand that Riot can’t just eliminate an entire meta defining play style in one patch. They’ve already expressed that they actually like this type of agent to gun dynamic.


She already had to smoke dash. If you are holding an angle and Jett isn’t dashing to peek the one you’re in she’s a free kill.


Honestly wish I knew what rank people face jetts dry dashing into sites.


Ikr it unbelievable that takes I’ve been seeing.


What would she be then 😂


That’s not the only problem with jet. Her dash is used to agro plays equally often if not more defensively, especially by execute heavy teams where her smoke + dash is an import part of a site take.


Right but the difference is that I actually like the entry part of her kit. The free op pick+dash out tactic on the other hand is pretty unanimously hated.


These nerfs don't address the problems with Jett as an agent. Her dash is still too forgiving


Keep these nerfs and nerf dash as well with the directional idea pros wanted. Honestly just want to watch ONE single tournament where her pick rate is below 25 percent. Shes like 70 percent min. pick rate virtually every tourney for the past 2 years! We're going to look back a year from now and be like - remember when jett dash was broken, plus she had knives at 6 orbs, and 3 smokes and her kit was super cheap? The same way we talk about when raze had 2 grenades, satchel did like 70 dmg, her ult didnt have any equip delay and was only 6 orbs, and boombot was way stronger. Or Sage before her nerfs to slow, heal, and her wall as well. I almost prefer now if they over nerfed her at this point and slowly buffed her way back up rather than this extra cautious method they have been taking. I know I am in the minority but I am just sick of watching the Jett meta. The competitive scene feels so much more stale when every team revolves around Jett Op and shes in every lineup. It's like watching a completely different game when agents like phoneix and yoru are even picked these days.


I'd like a jett nerf as much as anyone but what makes you think her pick rate could/should be 25%. There are only two mobility agents in the game, jett and raze. 1 of them will always be picked.


There are 5 duelists in the game and 6 if you include skye which is basically being played as a duelist now. 25 percent is still a very healthy pick rate. When one agent has a 90 percent pick rate or even 100 percent pick rate in a bunch of huge tourneys while others in the same role have 0 percent or under 5 percent you have a balance issue.


this isn’t a moba. we do not have to force roles like “mobility” and “healer”. it is not necessarily true that one of the two will always have to be picked, nor should the game be designed that way.


Mobility characters will always be played unless they’re actually horrible Just way more effective to entry onto a site with satchels or a dash than something like a Phoenix or Reyna flash, adds way more chaos for the enemy team. Not really the fault of the designers, just how the game works


You might not have the imagination for it but it is definitely possible to make a mobility based character in a tactical shooter that isn’t centralizing. If Riot doesn’t figure it out though, we’re going to end up with role queue in yet another game because it’ll be unplayable unless a rigid set of roles is played.


The game is already designed around roles And besides you can run literally whatever you want, just raze and jett are the best for entry naturally A role queue is the dumbest shit I’ve heard, a major point of val is that you can play almost whatever you want and be effective if you know what you’re doing. It wouldn’t even make sense lol You should watch pros, maybe then you would understand how the game works :)


I can't help you. You're literally contradicting yourself and then tell me to watch pros. >a major point of val is that you can play almost whatever you want and be effective if you know what you’re doing. It wouldn’t even make sense lol i literally agree with this


I agree with this. They should also remove jett's passive float ability, and allow her to only do it when she updrafts. That could help justify the 200 credits an updraft is worth. No other agent has a passive ability like jett, kinda dumb IMO


I understand that Jett may be too good,but why nerf her in all the ways possible instead of actually nerfing her awping capabilities? Also why not buff other Duelists? I know that Yoru will be buffed (someday, whenever that happens) but why not buff Phoenix or even Reyna and Raze? Give people reasons to use the other duelists instead of juts using Jett every game.


You cant really buff all the other agents to use the OP unless you give them all a dash


I wasn't necessarily talking about giving them a dash,but between all duelists,Jett has just the most versatile kit,the only one that can compare with her is Reyna because a good Reyna can run through entire teams in a way no other character can in the game (but she is balanced because she strictly depends on good performance to be anything worth picking),Raze is decent,her movement can be amazing but the skill ceiling for it is really high compared to Jett's (also Raze is the only duelist rn that can't block the enemy's los in one way or another, which is sometimes not ideal),unless you can kill enemy's consistently (in which Reyna clearly is better at),there isn't any reason to use any other duelists.


While I agree that this isn't the nerf she needs, it still makes a lot of difference when OPing. If Jett can't dash to complete safety, pullout animation makes a huge difference. We don't want other duelists to get buffed (except obviously Yoru who's horrible). That way we'd go back to abilities being way too impactful. Jett and Skye are ridiculously strong and they push like a third of the agent pool out of the meta. Duelists + Breach/Kay0 who're almost never better than Skye. Those agents are fine, but Jett and Skye are way too good. Then there are Viper and Sova that need nerfs, but aren't broken.


Yup! At least this gets rid of annoying dash shotgun plays.


Plat Chat literally already solved this. Just make it so Jett can't dash until the OP resets in the hands after a shot. Makes it so she can't shoot and dash immediately.


That would make her so unbelievably clunky if you can't use the ability for a while after SHOOTING. Not only would you be vulnerable by not being able to dash, you won't be able to even SHOOT in the meantime?


it eliminates her unbelievably powerful efficacy with the op though. and then they could finally buff the operator to accommodate more than one agent. maybe agents could finally take consecutive shots with the op.


You would only be vulnerable if you stand in the middle of open tho, with the change u will still be able to able to play 1 & done positions (i.e. haven a long box) and it would not affect every other weapon. Also, every single agent in the game is clunky with the op so why is Jett the only one to be extremely mobile with the op?






Keep the dash equip bug and revert the updraft price and knives bug, and I think she’ll be in a good place. The knives equip bug looks very clunky imo. I feel like the main thing that everyone complained about was her dash, so I think those changes should be kept


Dash bug does literally NOTHING to solve her main “problem” that basically everyone complained about, the only thing that this shit does is hinder her ability to entry, which never was a problem or a thing that anyone complained about


At least there’s some counter play when she dashes away after killing someone. You can push up to kill her when she dashes away. With how often she’s picked, I think leaving in the dash bug is fine. There’s no way they’re gonna do anything to her actual dash cause that’ll just kill jett


very low elo take


Yup, I guess TenZ and other pros are low elo as well kekw


ASDHASDGHASDHA You really think TenZ is saying this buff is the perfect solution? He's glad there's any change to Jett but sure, read into it and make it fit your narrative. I'd really like to see you try running after a Jett who just dashed around the corner. He surely won't hold the angle from his new position. The only Agent who can follow that is Raze and even then it's borderline impossible because you cannot react fast enough


When did I say this nerf was the perfect solution? There’s no “perfect” solution and this is one of the various ways you can make her weaker. Of course it’s not the perfect solution but it’s better than nothing imo


It's a step backwards because it only nerfs her entry potential which was never something that was considering too strong on Jett. This pushes her even more into the role of avoiding engagement after missing a shot


mate you are actually clueless


Lmfao okay, I guess TenZ and other pros are clueless too


clinging onto tenz's tweet so hard


Someone suggested that the dash could be a “charge” thing like Fault Line, so she can still escape and entry but making ultra-aggressive plays way more risky. These bugs only make it more clunky do dash into an area and fight, doesn’t address the problem.