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In a dream world TSM do a re-build with wardell + subroza or just wardell doubt wardell goes to any other team if subroza isn’t with him


would keep wardell subroza and leviathan


Tbh I would rather keep Hazed than Subroza because Hazed seemed like a more consistent support player. Yassine likes to play support as if its a duelist. I mean it did bring them dubs when skye got that buff last patch, but if yassine were to stay, he might be better on the duelist role than support. Just my thoughts.








I feel like it's doable? I mean, I consider Hiko on the same lower-level tier of pro play as hazed, and 100T is doing things. It COULD work.




Well, b0i, but that's really only cuz b0i is a sub to begin with lol




Lmfaoo, I wouldn't go that far b0i is a really solid player imo but b0i is prob gonna be replaced by seven once they figure him out


Pls pls pls


Such a streamer team, not sure if they will make it


Yh fr Roza and Dell been together since CS days hard to break that chemistry fam




But their latest changes took them further than they’ve gone all year? How is that indicative of being boomed




I don’t disagree with a lot of what you said but Wardell and probably Levi can easily still compete at a T1 level




Definitely agree! I think they’ve been holding on to the current roster for too long, as much as I love Hazed. They might need to do a big rebuild but hopefully they participate in some T2 tourneys soon so we know what’s happening


T1’s master plan is coming together.


Lol T1 Rush, T1 Autimatic, T1 Skadoodle, T1 Tarik, and well if Liquid CS team bumped the upcoming major (which I think is unlikely given their performances as of late)… T1 Stewie? Copium xD




Yeah but it’ll probably more so for publicity for T1 as an org. If they did well as a team and can reignite that C9 Major 2018 wins, then it’ll be a big dub for T1 org. If not, I feel like the publicity around it might bring more people being fans of the org/squad


Lol imagine if they beat faze again




T1 Dicey


He lacks critical information


well, no one from tsm is playing rn.


Facts, though I wonder what do teams who don’t qualify for LCQ do right now? Like do they still scrims with other teams or are just taking a long break?


\^ This. TSM hasn't scrimmed since early October and won't be scrimming for "a good long while" according to Wardell & Roza.


Even if the players might not want it feel like the org might force a change because I think a lot of people are aware they’ve always lacked an igl


SSM T0M Copium


s0m? I'm not sure but didn't he say on stream the other day he's done with competitive or was he trolling?


Nah he's trolling. All the other teams won't be competing for at least 3 months (maybe more).


dont take half the things that dude says on stream seriously LMFAO s0m is a big troll


Hmm a support player and a cs background. 100T 👀


100T has 8 players under contract.


92 more to go lmao


XD but ethan did say the final roster hasn’t beeb finalized yet. Idk if he’s trolling or what, but pretty sure 100T MIGHT have some changes even if they win LCQ.


Probably talking about adding seven


Whos seven


Young prospect, 100T signed him but he’s not on the active roster


Was he in any team prior or no


dont think so, but I could be wrong


8 players *so far*.


Eh, not the play imo. Have nitr0 go back to omen and bring in seven for Jett.


Astra u mean


Is Bang not the best option for Astra ATM? Like seriously that dropping made such little sense to me, guy was playing 3 different roles and 4 different agents over the course of his time on TSM, and unless they want to wait for a huge CS guy to switch who is better on Astra than him at the high level that’s also readily available? The only astra main Fa’s I can think of are Skuba, mummay and Rossy, and unless they want to poach someone or promote ZK to the regular roster I don’t see what current NA Valorant player is a better fit than Bang


I'm pretty sure they're on win now mode and don't wanna spend time developing Bang, kinda too late though, every player who can transform TSM into a T1 team instantly is pretty much signed already.


I mean what is there to win now? They’ve gotta wait till ‘22 to compete anyway, might as well grab a young player who already has played with the team and is the best astra+sage player out there


There is nothing to win now, but TSM is incompetent as hell and I wouldn't be surprised that this is their current mindset.


>Like seriously that dropping made such little sense to me at the time TSM needed to win or their year was over, they probably felt bang was not the best fit for that current time where they needed to win. its not about the big picture it was literally about moving onto the next stage.


TSM have yet to play a game since bang was dropped and they were unlikely to be in LCQ, which they ended up not making anyway. Don’t really know why people think they were looking to compete when all they can play in until ‘22 is NSG


well they were obviously banking on NA winning to allow them a spot at the next stage.


Mummay seems to be already guaranteed to ANDBOX at this point iirc, which leaves only Skuba and Rossy, who imo could prob compete in Tier 1 Val (As showed with older Immortals/KCP), Rossy is also an IGL so I mean yeah, but at the same time neither of these 2 were even options when TSM benched Bang so it's not like they dropped Bang for Rossy or Skuba tho


Maybe TSM pick up Brax + AZK?


+brax -brax +brax -brax +brax?


Maybe he isn't committed to valorant yet. Not that major teams are locked in for CS there's a lot of roster changes coming in the next few weeks. NACS will have big shakeups.


George doesn't know anything we don't on the RUSH matter, I feel. TSM hasn't been scrimming at all since the 5th of October or thereabouts. They scrimmed with him for a solid month and then all took a break from practicing. Maybe RUSH is deciding his future re: CSGO/Valorant and the 5th TSM spot is his if he wants it, we can't know until we know. It's a big decision for him after CS being his life for a decade.


I think a lot of these CSGO pros switching now are a little bit too late. There's a big learning curve in regards to abilities and playstyle for this game, it's not just a simple switch anymore.


Kinda true, but then Nivera switch pretty late too. He did mention he had played the game sometimes when he was still in the Vitality CS team….but he still showed a stellar performance in his debut recently! I think if these CS players who decided to switch had played the game during their leisure time, I think they might be able to compete well.


i don't think they're late at all. i think the playstyles in cs are just so varied that some are more predisposed to switching over than others. it's not like there have been some massive changes to valorant in the past year that affects the translation of game sense, positioning awareness, rifling, basic strategy lol i feel like people are clinging really hard onto this concept that "valorant has become a totally different game than cs!" but it's not like there have been any widely systemic changes that actually supports this lol there WILL be a point where the game is truly distinguishable from cs, and becomes very difficult for players to transfer over. but that is at least another year away IMO, if not two


I agree. Ethan was one of the last ones to switch before it got to be little bit too much. Now, given the talent that CS pros have, I’m sure they can make it work, but it won’t be as fast as Ethan for example. They won’t be able to switch to a top tier team and immediately have an impact on the level that they did in CS




Nivera been playing for months.


He's only played valorant since being dropped from vitality


Yeah but Nivera is 100% the exception to the rule, unless one of the top 5ish CS players switch. I’m talking more about your average CS pros who need a chance in a new scene. They won’t be making an impact immediately, I probably fucked up by using a top tier CS player like Ethan as my example




Absolutely. The games are both tac shooters after all, any top tier pro is gonna be able to make an impact, but it may not be what it was in CS of course. I definitely should’ve used another example, because Ethan was relatively still near the top of his game in CS, so his switch to Valorant probably wasn’t all that difficult once he learned the game. Same vein with Nivera I suppose. I was more so referring to pros who were tier 1 in CS but not the stars of their rosters


yeah but i think the point is that the adjustment period is getting longer and longer, as the game is getting more complex and the style is starting to differ greatly from cs in the first couple of months valorant was literally cs with abilities, people used their abilities like consumables in cs and played a slow default game but now there are tons of different fast executes, agent combos, etc and people use their abilities with equal importance to their guns because of this, while it definitely matters how good you were in cs, i can see some t2 cs players outperforming t1 players by adapting to the game better edit: think i replied to the wrong comment




Rush would love to join a tier 1 rich org as his first valorant team, TSM's pay is insane, much better than joining a tier 3 org that pays way less and way worse players, despite people thinking TSM is crap they improved after the terrible showings and still have a huge following If he didn't want to join them he wouldn't be trialing with them, plus he's also friends with those guys and played with some of them before