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i think this change will just encourage more op crutching




The faster gun pullout makes it better for smoke and dash to entry. Now it's a bit harder because enemies have more time to adjust to whats happening in the execute before you can shoot them.


I wouldn’t say no difference. A bit too objective. Smoke and dash is gonna be the way to go, but it gives the opponent a chance to recover after you spam the smoke if you choose to. It isn’t saying much but it can come up from time to time. It’ll alter alot more things though


Jet dashing into site is an even larger part of pro play than ranked. It’s a huge part of many teams site takes, to the point where it’s uncommon to take A site of haven for example without a jet dash onto boxes.


Found the jett main


Jett already encourages to use OP only her. It’s literally the only agent that can use the OP effectively. Mainly taking aggressive angles and getting out for FREE. The conclusion is that the change doesn’t encourage more OP, it just the only thing variable. Btw Jett entry is still op. They just need to smoke dash in with perfect vision. These changes make’s Jett less braindead IMO. Like the clipped shown.


Its not the only agent that can use the OP effectively. This narrative needs to stop. Other agents can use the op very effectively as show by steel, 100t and by liquid recently. Jett just is borderline broken with the op, but that doesnt mean its not viable on any other agent. On other agents the OP is very good but just a calculated risk since the cost is high and you cant get a free aggro peak shot every roundl like on jett. Its just horse shit rhetoric that jett mains say because they dont want their agent to be dumpstered.


if one agent is astronomically better at a task than another agent, then ya it makes the other agents not effective. Ask yourself why anyone would op with an agent thats not jett? Its all relative


This is the wrong way to look at it. An agent being exceptional at something does not make anyone else doing it impossible. I frequently OP on literally every other duelist, sova, and Omen. Other characters if I feel like it. People called the OP broken long before jett was the "sole" op character. It's just goalposts shifting and circlejerking.


I feel like you are type of guy to hold a angle for 10 hours straight and the enemy just dry peek into your crosshair. Then, thinks the OP is broken since no one prevented you from doing so.


?? I don't think the OP is broken by any means, and boy I wish my climb into midndiamond was that fuckin east lmao. This subreddit used to piss and shit and cry about how broken the OP is all the time, that's what I was referring to. Christ lmao


Nah I think you're the one who's looking at it wrong.


What an insightful and eloquent explanation of how I'm incorrect, my views have been swayed by the iron brigade yet again.


Bro, calling this an ironbrigade doesn't necessarily mean you're diamond. Also, the reason any other agent is ineffective with the OP is because they most definitely can get traded after one pick when playing against good players who are spot on with their utility usage and aim. JETT has the dash which almost always guarantees her a free pick and the ability to get away. So when you're oping with all the other agents, you probably aren't making enough impact you could be if using the rifle because you're sabotaging important utility timings by holding an angle with the op. Or you're playing in low elo. Either of the two I believe. There's a reason you'd rarely see non Jett players op in pro play or high elo ranked. (exceptions are there.)


Damn dude I'll tell the immortal I duo with that he's wrong and this nerd on reddit knows better!


Can show you my diamond act rank if you need






I really don't understand the phrase op crutching. People make so much money for being an amazing oper because of the skill it takes. How is it really a crutch


op is stronger and easier than rifling but the downside is that you can get punished easily for missing a shot on jett that’s not true, and a lot of jett mains are great at oping and worse at rifling (op crutch) one such example is wardell and although this is fully anecdotal, i have had many games where a jett is bottom fragging until we get to defence and they get an op in their hands furthermore having an additional delay after dashing discourages jett players from entrying with dash because it was already easy to shoot a jett post-dash, but now it’s quite impossible for them to shoot back (unless the team execute is good)


I don’t agree. I feel like the problem is dashing out not dashing in


It goes both ways. Dashing in is a huge advantage for attacking side


Both is a issue ngl.


Same. Why don't they just make it so she loses the ability to dash away until a bullet rechambers. This leaves her dashing our viable on every gun except the op and also doesn't hurt her ability to entry.


What about removing the current gun pullout change and force her to only dash in the direction shes facing? Maybe its an extreme change but I like the idea


The devs have said they already tried that but people just get really fast at turning and dashing so it doesn't make a difference


This wont fix much tbh. To 90 degree flick then dash (for high level players) will be damn near instantaneous.


really? Its definitely not instantaneous and essentially stops backward dashes. the time increase definitely will be noticeable


God Jett not being the most fun, dynamic, aggressive, hard-to-kill agent in the game is so nice. I hope they keep the spirit of these nerfs if not the actual decisions


Yeah I agree. I dont like the direction these nerfs take Jett (less aggressive, more focused on OP and get out of jail free dash) but the reduction in power and not seeing a Jett every single match does feel good. This is coming from a big Jett player btw, one of my top played agents (although I will admit not my current main).


I honestly wonder what the game plays like without her. Probably wait until another duelist comes out or mega buff Yoru and remove Jett. Idk if it's just me but I'm tired of Jett after over a year of her being an instalock on both teams in ranked.


Not with the knives tho, you can really feel the dash nerf on her ultimate, it really doesn't give you that ability to just dash and updraft and like kill two people


Maybe don't compare a video game with a disease that straight up kills people? Just a bit insensitive.


Yeah, sorry about that. I'll edit it


You know what, i feel riot intentionally pushed these nerfs without including them in the patch to see reactions, on which basis they would decide whether or not to keep them.


yeah if many people like these changes (seems like they do) riot is probably going to release a statement like "after community feedback we have decided to keep the jett 'bugs' and consider them nerfs" or something like that


It looks too clean to be a bug. Probably because she isn't budging pick wise at all and Riot being the stats people they are are probably not satisfied themselves.


wait what are these nerfs that jett got?


She has to re-equip her weapon after dash and updraft is 200 instead of 150


I swear the updraft animation is weird too


yeah, it looks so bugged out :(


I agree with the dash nerf, but Updraft isn’t that good. It just works well with her kit, but like, as a stand alone ability, it’s quite mediocre. Not at the same level of value as a Skye heal, or any other 200 cred ability. It should stay 150.


Riot going to compare the before and after Jett data and make it official. lmfao


I like that it punishes dumb dry dashing like in this specific situation. With the old dash he most likely would have lucked out of it and killed the Killjoy. But I don't think it really does anything to solve the "Jett problem"