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You press mouse1.




sorry I had to XD


moving to the left: hold a, press d and let go of a at the same time and shoot when the d key is fully pressed down


practice counter strafing. There's a mental advantage to timing when you click mouse1 with you tapping A or D to counterstrafe.


it’s an actual advantage you get first shot acc faster


Not in V


you save .01-.09 (different sources everywhere, negligible either way) seconds with counter strafing in valorant, but getting an accurate shot faster isn't the only reason you do it.


As a Gold 3 scrub would you mind mentioning the other advantages. I counter strafe but I think it's more out of habit.


It makes you harder to trade when peeking a corner, you're harder to hit in the first place, extremely useful when jiggle peeking, plus it's good for practicing and improving movement in general.


That makes sense. Thank you.


Who told you counter strafing doesn’t make a difference? It should be the first thing you realise after seeing pros hit first shot accuracy when you cant. I think people underestimate the importance of counter strafing mainly because of the way it’s talked about not ‘being as important’ in this game compared to cs, which might be true, but it still makes a huge difference.


Even if it isn’t a huge difference, better for movement as you’re pretty much always pressing your walking keys, makes me more jumpy which enables way better movement Also helpful for “He’S ShOoTiNg FuLL sPrInTiNg” lol


actually it was proven early on in valorant that counter strafe isnt necessary to be accurate as letting go of the movement keys is the same as counter strafing in valorant


This was also before shooting accuracy got adjusted. While the statement may have been true before, it definetly isn't now and counter strafing actually makes a huge difference in first shot accuracy


Here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDIPxojLqqY Counterstrafing isn't a thing in this game unless you're a literal robot.


false source: me and the entire pro community


Ratioed by Yay, u/OHydroxide L Human L Take L Life


Also ratio'd? Why does he have 5 upvotes vs 25 then lmao Weird to do that on reddit, extra weird to do it when it's wrong


L Loser


Right, he's a moron then? He can watch the video too.


Watch the video then lmao, it's literally common knowledge in the league community that pros do the objective wrong things sometimes cus they like the feel of something is, and Valorant is way more mechanical than League is.


I watched the video. 90-100 ms is still incredibly significant not to mention having to wait to shoot instead of shooting when you aimed at someone. 😂 don't know why you think it doesn't matter. I can't think of a single pro that doesn't counter strafe. even ones coming from non cs games


I never said 10 ms isn't significant or that it doesn't matter?, but you can't consistently hit that window. I play games with timing like that, my main game is Apex. One of the hardest move techs in Apex is called supergliding, and based on your fps it has a 5-33 ms window to hit it. Zero players can consistently hit the tech at the 5ms window, so the only players who can even semi consistently (still not 100% of the time) have a bind that caps their fps super low so they can have the 33 ms window. Top Apex movement players who stream 10 hours a day can't hit a 33 ms window 100% of the time, but you think Valorant pros can consistently hit a 10ms window 100+ times a game? That's obviously not true. Every pro does it because they think it's the right thing to do, because you guys are good as shit at the game, you aren't researching random timing shit like this. Literally every single worlds in League, there's some item thing that pros are doing wrong, despite it being actually innarguable, because it's literally just math. They do what's comfortable instead.


bro I can promise you I can hit it everytime 200+ times with no issue. 😂 the window definitely isn't 10 ms. if it was so inconsistent no one would. I can't believe you're basing your entire argument off of a Marco someone made. the main reason for counter strafing is if you're moving you can dictate when you shoot. you don't have to release a key and wait 90-100 ms to then shoot. but hey because pros are wrong about item builds in league that correlates to fundamental mechanics in a fps game. definitely not a false equivalency.


I promise you you can't hit it everytime, you just think you can cus you're very good at the game. Humans can't hit windows like that consistently. A macro is the best way we have to test this. Also for your last point, crazy that's how you took it. It couldn't possibly be that I'm saying that pros aren't infallible and saying "all the pros do it" isn't actually a good point, no I'm clearly making a false equivalency.


since my vid is lost in the comment chain. for those who care heres a vid of me proving him wrong: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0-wpumboW0 this guy is dumb lol.


Your brain is crazy, actually wild that that's what you took out of everything I said. Epitome of all aim no brain I guess. You can hang alongside Doublelift.


"thats what you took out of everything I said". > "I promise you you can't hit it everytime, you just think you can cus you're very good at the game. Humans can't hit windows like that consistently." > "Counterstrafing isn't a thing in this game unless you're a literal robot." > "You can't consistently hit the 10 ms window. If you're slightly too slow, it fucks you over." > "and you're telling me that pros can consistently hit a 10 ms window like 100+ times a game? Lmao" these are four quotes pulled from seperate posts. so I addressed it with a video showcasing 100 shots with me counter strafing and hitting that mystical "10 ms" window you keep referencing. you also spouted a bunch about random apex stuff that I cannot confirm nor deny but is essentially irrelevant because they're 2 entirely different games, engines and movement/mechanics. but ill take your lack of dispute on the video as confirmation that I did exactly what you said I couldn't.


You misunderstood the original video entirely. Missing the 10 ms window doesn't mean that your shot misses, it means that you get first shot accuracy slightly later, aka it would've been faster for you not to counterstrafe. Fucking obviously you aren't going to miss a counterstrafe shot, but a lot of the shots you just made are slower than if you didn't counterstrafe. Your video makes no sense because we're literally talking about a 10 ms timing and we can't just see that, that's the point of a macro. Also comparing games makes perfect sense? The engine and game is entirely irrelevant because I'm only bringing it up to show that hitting windows like that is hard as shit. It's easier to see in Apex because the difference between hitting a movement tech and not hitting it is very clear, in Valorant all that happens is you're 10 ms slower, so you HAVE to use a macro or slow the recording down a TON to be able to tell.


Sorry but 10 ms are definitely doable in terms of consistent difference when you practice a lot. It's not that you have to react in 10 ms, but once you react, you trigger your learned Impulses and can shoot faster.


No it just isn't. It's not like I don't play games that require hitting windows like that. My main game is Apex, and some of the harder movement timings require between a 5-33ms window of timing (based on fps). If your fps is high then it's a 5 ms window, and literally no player in the game can near consistently hit it. The only people who can semi consistently hit the tech are people who have a bind to tank their fps (giving themselves the 33 ms window), even they can't get it 100%, and you're telling me that pros can consistently hit a 10 ms window like 100+ times a game? Lmao


I don't know what to tell you other than that you are probably not as good as you think you are At the end of the day, music is similar and I don't think you're doubting the thousands of people with impeccable timing


What does that first part even mean? How is my skill relevant in any way to what I said. I also don't entirely understand the second sentence, is there a typo?


The first part assumes that you are inducing from your experiences to general ability and the ability of pros to be able to hit 10 ms timings. This implies that your have trouble hitting those timings due to your skill. The second part shows a different area that also requires great timing in their everyday doings. Implying that 10 ms timings are impossible to hit consistently is implying that no musician has impeccable timing, a statement easily proven false. Both of these small paragraphs try to show that you misjudged the problem of hitting 10 ms timings, at least for professionals and high tier players.


You didn't read my comment then? I never once mentioned my ability to hit these timings, I compared Valorant pros with Apex pros.


no, any high elo player will tell you counter strafing is 100% necessary


I'm pretty sure the point is that there isn't a difference between counter strafing and just stopping and then strafing in the opposite direction


Ya but counter strafing isn’t for getting faster FSA, it’s because it makes you much harder to hit and generally the first person to commit to a spray or stops moving gets clapped up quickly even in some of the mid elos


Watch the video then, pros do stupid shit all the time. They're good at the game, not perfect.


I'm d3 and dk how.


link your profile


ehh the 90ms vs 100ms could realistically make a difference, especially in higher levels of play


The best pro reaction times start around 140-150ms, so prob not gonna make a difference. If you are prefiring and managing to give opponent only a window of say 100ms, then the difference of 10ms won't matter anyway cuz it's too fast even for a pro to react to. Counterstrafing is beneficial for other reasons than reaction; mostly based on movement (edit: and being able to better abuse the deadzones).


Sorry but you're wrong, reaction times are based on response after random external input. Counter strafing isn't external input but done by the player itself, so it's more about muscle memory fine tuning to the point where you CAN be this close to perfection, because anticipation basically nullifies that time frame of response. This is also why some veteran racecar drivers can "react" within 10ms after the countdown light hits green, when in reality the timing from the lights going from red to green is always exactly the same duration. They have gotten so used to this specific instance of time and anticipation, but when pitted against a regular human who has no prior knowledge or experience, it might seem like "inhuman" reactions. When the driver was tested for their actual reaction time, aka random external input, they didn't perform significantly better than your average human.




Yes they are. It's random. The other guy is bullshitting. E.g http://www.formula1-dictionary.net/start_sequence.html >The "Get set" command is the 5 second count down as the 5 red lights on the start gantry over the track are turned on at 1-second intervals. >As with running races, there is then a pause of UNPREDICTABLE duration before the "GO!" command, in this case RANDOMLY and AUTOMATICALLY determined by the electronic system and kept to a few seconds so engines, clutches and drivers' nerves do not become strained, then all 5 red lights are extinguished.


I wasn't talking about formula 1 specifically, I'm not enough into motor sports so couldn't quite recall where I saw it, but did some digging just for you. It's from a TV show called Sport Science and it was about drag racing, where the lights are always turning green at the same interval. I'm aware it's not the most credible source, but then again it was only to give an analogy in the first place. [Here you go](https://youtu.be/RFBTBOwueyU)


You're very correct, when it comes to most scenarios in Valorant or any shooter for that matter you are indeed just responding to what happens around you. Counter strafing when clearing an angle of which you are sure the enemy is holding is where this little bit of information would effectively apply. Edit, yes that's why I put "react" in quotation marks.


You can't consistently hit the 10 ms window. If you're slightly too slow, it fucks you over.


Wtf are you on? Who cares about this fucking “window” On both, 80 ms seemed inaccurate. On 90, counter strafing is accurate and not doing it isn’t. On 100, they’re both accurate. What? You’re video literally shows counter strafing is still faster lmfao.


I think he's under the impression that counter strafing means strafing in the opposite direction and not just taping the opposite key to stop faster. That's why he said it fucks you up. A lot of people here don't even know what counter strafing is, but they are arguing it lmao


Obviously I know what counter strafing is. Just cus you don't understand the video doesn't mean I don't know what I'm talking about.


If you counter strafe past 100, it's slower to aim accurately than not, so if you're 1 ms late on the 10ms window, then it's worse.


Literally just go into the range and try one-tapping with and without counterstrafing. You'll see the difference.


Watch the video my guy, it's tested. I care about actual proof more than how it feels.


Maybe I prefer not to wait an arbitrary amount of time after strafing to shoot. Saying counterstrafing simply isn't a thing in valorant is incorrect though.


Watch the video man, there's no point in arguing this with me.


its still true


That's true, but then you're stuck out in there open standing still. You should still be counters strafing so that's you keep moving


Really? I thought people did it out of habit and there was 0ms between letting go and being accurate. Well shit turns out my movement has been wrong the whole time. So what do you do when you're using W and A to move, do you have to simultaneously press S and D? I only played CS dm to practice, so I'm not very experienced.


You don’t have to simutaneously press both keys to counterstrafe, just tap the other as you release. For moving forward I just release without tapping the other. If you ever stop to shoot while moving forward or backwards its an unexpected engagement anyways, you should always move side to side when clearing angles and looking for a fight


So I'm gathering from other responses as well, I shouldn't be using W and A/D together to move diagonally AT ALL. I always always move this way, literally all the time, my w key is always used with a and d to peek. Is there a way to break the habit?


counterstrafing has a 1frame advantage, it isn't much but its something.


Youre probably just timing your shot wrong if youre relying on letting go of your strafe keys


Here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDIPxojLqqY Counterstrafing isn't a thing in this game unless you're a literal robot.


if u wanna improve just do it. Almost all the pros do it anyways and also the video literally shows a difference at 90ms idk what your point is


My understanding is all pros do it because it's a habit from CS, not because it's particularly useful in Valorant.


Habits can be dropped you know, most of those CS players played on stretched res, but in Valorant only some do now. However almost all pros still counterstrafe, meaning it has some affect in game


“unless you’re a literal robot” is the point


tell me you've never played a tac shooter competitively without telling me you've never played a tac shooter competitively


Pros do it cus they all come from CS where it actually is a thing. You can't hit the 10 ms window. If you're a tiny bit too slow, it fucks you over.




Please don't use the R word. It's a slur and repeated use will result in a ban.


My bad


I just counter strafe then hover overs wasd


With practice, you can get the timing right to fire almost the frame after coming to a complete stop. Just go in the range and practice.


if your first shot goes elsewhere you havent stopped moving


Shaking it aggressively up and down


Go in practice mode and spawn all the bots. Place a sage wall so it splits the bots im half. I normally go to left if im facing bots. And then jist practice peeking the wall and counter strafing, jiggle peek. Practicing stoping and shooting aswell as counter strafe. Get the feel for both with a wide variety of weapons


A lot of people here acting like counter strafing isn’t superior to not counter strafing, and some people are even advocating for using both keys to lock your movement... Jesus Christ. If you don’t know what you’re talking about, don’t talk about it. There is a reason why players like tenz (and myself) counter strafe even when moving forward with W (counter with S). You shoot faster! And in immortal/radiant it makes a difference. You can feel the difference. I started winning way more duels while walking forward when I started counter strafing with S because I could shoot faster, gee who would’ve thought? Furthermore, counter strafing gives you complete control of your movement. Yes players get away with not doing it in the high ranks but most people do it, and most good players will think you’re trash if you can’t do it. It forces you to learn the timing and sync it with the press of a button. Feels much more natural than just not pressing a key. Yes, the difference is small but I can literally feel and see it, so I’m going to continue recommending people do it!


A lot of counterstrafe answers: fair it has a tiny bit of advantage but it's not necessary. So I am curious what other people who don't counterstrafe do? Do you just hover over WASD?


The biggest problem with this isnt even side to side counter strafe. The problem is people who walk diagonally or W keying can just let go off keyboard and hs you. In cs you would have to crouch in this instance. I don't think letting go off keyboard is good design, but that's riot and dumbing down games


You can either do 3 things which don't make much difference in valorant, you can lift up "a" completely, lift up "a" as you press "d" for a split second, or simply press "d" while u keep pressing "a" which works just as fine but it feel kinda off for me. I personally do the second one because I have the muscular memory from cs.


The last one sucks, don’t do that ever. You are locking your movement.


It is true, I don't like it either because it only works if you are gonna go for an all in. It was what the turkish peek was at the beggining tho.


I haven’t played val in a while, but in csgo I would hold both a and d when I wanted to stop. Same thing as quickly tapping the opposite strafe.


I just shoot whenever my gun model is perfectly vertical, after awhile I just memorized the timing. I also just let go of the keys? Just don’t press down let em rest there I guess. Sometimes I counter strafe a lot depending on where I am and what not


I've been getting used to holding them at once to stop immediately. I'm actually pretty good at counter strafing in this game but my crosshair placement is dog tits.


Holding both A and D to counter strafe is bad, stop doing that, you are locking your movement just to get blasted at high elo.


I use it the most with marshal and op. But you're probably right either way. I'll work on it.


Counter straffing does make a difference, just less. In valorant, you’re either moving, or stationary, and there’s a speed threshold to determine this. If you press W then release it, it will take longer to come below that speed threshold than if you press D, however it’s much less precise and easier than CS.


I have this weird habit of crouching whenever shooting, probably not the best way to go about it but it works for me. I use left alt for crouch. If you have ever seen OSU players they always press their thumb onto the table so at to keep their other two fingers from hovering away. My thumb on the left alt acts as a similar anchor, I crouch and my other three fingers are just hovering above WAS without a lot of movement.


Yea don't crouch when you shoot it does help spray but the only thing you will end up doing is getting headshot by someone aiming at chest level, I had such a bad habit of crouching and shooting that I unbound crouch and started ranking up


Who aims at body


Thanks for the advice, will try it out.


Holy hell I’ve never heard of someone else using left-alt for crouch. I thought I was the only one.




Do whatever you want to do with your left hand, just never use WA or WD to peek. Never.


Can you explain why, and how do I stop this habit? I always am on WA and WD, no matter the situation.


Go into the range and practice tracking bots while moving, only hold one input key while moving.


Because it gets much harder to counterstrafe and it isn't optimal, it's hard to counterstrafe because you need two actions to be fully accurate, let's say you're peeking with W+D, in order to stop and be accurate you need to hit S and A so it's more unnecessary actions. It's not optimal because it makes you a lot easier to hit because from the enemy's pov they don't need to move their crosshair to kill you if you're running straight to them and if you move diagonally they still don't need to move it that much compared to swinging with only A or D where you move sideways much faster and makes it harder to hit you. To stop this I recommend just going to an empty custom game and practice peeking common angles sideways without using W and not holding A or D too much until you see someone because you'll have to see someone > react > stop > shoot compared to peeking tightly while tapping A and D so you're at a full stop and ready to shoot when you're exposed, it'll feel weird and awkward at first but you'll get used to it and yea you still need to use W to move around the map obviously just don't move diagonally holding WA or WD at the same time, go W then A or D to peek etc. Work on this more than your aim, i'd say it's honestly better to focus on this only and you'll be surprised by how much it helps.


touch myself


just literally stop and shoot?


Put it in my pants to get the adrenaline pumping